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IBM ESCC Red Hat Ansible Introduction Hands-on Training online



The training provides a good understanding of the basics of Red Hat® Ansible®. Students can start writing their own automation playbooks during client engagements.


Red Hat® Ansible®
Introduction Hands-on Training online
This introductory workshop gives an overview of the basic concepts and key functions of Red Hat Ansible. Students learn about the tool’s characteristics, history, IBM strategy and prerequisites for getting started. Students further have the opportunity to practice these base functions with guided hands-on exercises in a lab environment. Then, students learn about more advanced Ansible functions, including different deployment options, (re-)using external content, and best practices.
After completing the training students have a good understanding of the Ansible fundamentals and are able to start writing their own automation playbooks during client engagements.
This workshop is delivered in an online fashion through Cisco® Webex® Training that can be easily accessed by web browser.
  • Introduction: motivation, characteristics, history and strategy, use cases
  • First example: Ansible vs. Bash
  • Basic concepts: skills, requirements, getting started, terminology, more examples
  • Hands-on session 1
  • Basic functions: variables, conditionals, loops, includes, roles
  • Further concepts: deployment options, more on inventory, external content
  • Debugging and best practices: naming, debug messages, asserts, verbosity
  • Hands-on session 2
  • Optional: cloud use cases
Technical System Engineers, Lab Services Consultants, Technical Sales
Basic Linux® system administration skills required (Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® (RHEL) preferred)
Laptop or workstation running Windows®, macOS®, or Linux
Internet access
Skill level
Three days (four hours a day)
Delivery method
Remote interactive with hands-on lab
No. of participants
Six to eight
Tuition fees apply
IBM Storage Systems Competency Business Partners at Specialist or Expert level can reinvest their granted IBM Business Development Fund - Enablement (BDF-E) earnings in this specific IBM Systems ESCC Technical Training Workshop.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HW206","label":"Storage Systems"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
24 May 2022

