IBM Support

Core Features of IBM HACP Extended Edition v2.0

General Page

This document contains a detailed description of the new and enhanced features in the IBM HACP Extended Edition v2.0 release.

Table of Contents: 

Custom UI

The purpose of this feature is to provide options to customize the UI in HACP EE.

·       User can customize the UI design of the HACP EE web page by specifying a custom template.

·       Need to specify the templateURL (parameter name) and value is the full specified path of the custom template in file

For example:


·       If the file is not available, then default HACP EE page will be shown.

·       By using this sample custom template, user can customize the logo bar, about panel, background color, and image of the login page. The user can also change the images of 3270 and 5250 icons and can disable the properties under the settings panel.

Admin Console


The Admin Console is a web-based solution for managing various user and session configurations. Administrators can manage and configure the User and Session Properties.

Admin Console is deployed along with HACP EE EAR file. Adding ‘/adminconsole’ to the HACPEE URL will launch the Admin Console Login page.

Note: Only Admin users can log in to the Admin Console.

Sample Path: http://<IPAddress>:<port>/<contextpath>/adminconsole

Below are the Admin Console Properties:

1.     USERS:


This Tab contains information about Groups and Users. All the groups and user configurations can be done here.

Following are the operations:

·       Create, Update, Delete Group

·       Create, Update, Delete User

·       Copy/Cut & Paste a User from one Group to other.

·       Manage Disable Functions of Group/User.

·       Trace Facility option is available for User.

·       Create, Update, Delete Sessions for User/Group.


2.     SESSIONS:

·       Create a Session or Import Session. (Supports Only 3270 and 5250 Display)

·       Start Session, opens a popup with session launched.

·       Delete will delete the selected session.

·       Click on Properties will open Window to modify Session Properties.

·       Export will download session properties file with ‘. hod’ extension.

·       Keyboard mapping can be done by clicking on keyboard icon.

·       Copy Session from once User/Group to other User/Group by clicking on Copy Session option on Session and paste Session option on User/Group.

·    Session name and Destination address are mandatory.


3.     SERVICES:

 This Tab allows to manage services like os400 and redirector.

·       Start/Stop the Service

·       Start/Stop Trace

·       Configure Service

·       Update Service Trace Manager Properties (Common for all services)

·       Server Log (Common for all services)


Redirector: creating, updating, deleting of a redirector can done by clicking on configure icon.

OS400: configuration like port and connections information can be updated on clicking of configure icon.



This tab allows to Configure LDAP information and have option to migrate from files to LDAP and vice versa.


If LDAP is configured, all the User information will be populated from LDAP Directory. there will be changes in User Tab as well.

Following are the changes.

·       Groups will be shown in Hierarchy manner. One group can be created under Existing Group.

·       Until delete of all subgroups parent group will not be deleted.



This tab allows to manage all host connections or sessions which are connected to host.

Admin can disconnect and toggle display terminal by selecting particular session. Also, provides filer options to filter host connections.



Displays all the logs of session. History of log files can be selected and view the logs of selected file.

Download Selected log file by clicking on download. and selected Log file can be cleared by clicking on clear Log button.

Log Settings like file name, max size, no: of history files, can be updated by clicking on log Settings Icon.



Trace settings can be updated in this Tab. Download & clearing the Trace buttons are available here.

Trace Settings Options:

·       Server Tracing

·       User Macro Tracing

·       Display Terminal

·       Trace Output

All above Tracing related properties can be modified in this Tab. 

8.     Preferences (Control): 

It enables admin to set preferences values.  

Once Changes happen, The HOD command server restarts the web application service. file should be present in HOD private directory (previously it was in HOD public directory from this release moving into HOD private directory).  


List of Properties used in the Admin Console:


1)     Webpage Properties (


·       Status Bar Visible for all - Boolean (True or False). Lock Required. 

·       Status bar editable by admin - Boolean (True or False). 

·       Client Refresh Interval – Integer  

·       Quick Connect – Boolean 

·       Default Locale – Select Option  

·       Preferred Locale – Multiple Select Option 

·       Template URL – file path (C:\\Users\\test\\custom UI\\UI.jsp) 

Note: If file doesn’t exist, it will be created at the backend and saves properties with default values. 


Default Values for

o   templateURL – blank 

o   QuickConnectByAdmin – false (disabled) 

o   enableStatusBarForAll – false (disabled) 

o   clientRefreshInterval – false (disabled) 

o   defaultLocale- en 

o   isStatusBarEditableByAdmin – false (disabled) 



2)      Web Server Properties (


·       Server Port - Number  

·       Secure Port - Number 

·       Publish Context Path - Text 

·       Licence Manger Context Path – Text 

·       Amcms Context Path - Text 

NOTE: If the file is not present under the HOD private directory, then launch the HACPEE admin console and click on Preferences tab to create the default values under private directory. 


Default values for 

AllowBlankPassword – YES 

enableChannelConnection – true 

publishDirContextPath – hod 

WebAppServerPort - 8080 

WebAppServerSecurePort –  8443 

lmContextPath – lm 

zfpClientContextPath – hex 

Web app service port is displayed under services -web app service user can change the service port and restart the service to reflect the change. 



1)     Currently Web Based Admin Console only allows to create and manage 3270 & 5250 Display.

2)     Web Express Logon Configuration is not implemented.

3)     Creating admin user cannot be done through Admin Console.



1.     TLS Client Authentication:

·       Client authentication is carried out as part of the TLS handshake before the actual data is transmitted in the TLS session.

·       Client presents its certificate to authenticate itself during TLS handshake. This is to determine if the valid client is connecting to the server.

·       It provides additional security to avoid any possible security breach while establishing connection with server.

·       The path to the client certificate is provided while configuring the session properties in Deployment wizard or while establishing connection to the session.


The following options are used to specify the handling of Client Authentication:


o   Send Certificate: Enables Client Authentication. If you click No and the server requests a client certificate, the server is told that no client certificate is available, and the user is not prompted.

o   Enable Key Usage: A key requirement for any solution is that the client be able to automatically recognize and utilize the correct authentication certificate.

o   Key Usage: This button opens popup to display all the defined Object ID (OID) key usages. The following tabs are available:

1.     Key Usage: User can choose which bits must be set in the Key Usage certificate extension, for a client certificate to be eligible for use in a client authentication session.

2.     Extended Key Usage: User can choose which bits must be set in the Extended Key Usage certificate extension, for a client certificate to be eligible for use in a client authentication session.

3.     Custom Key Usage: User can add/delete more description and OID pairs.

o   How often to prompt: his drop-down box allows you to control the frequency of prompts for client certificates.

1.     First time: Prompts client the first time a connection is made for that session.

2.     On each connection: Prompts client each time a connection is made to the server.

3.     Only once for each certificate: Prompts client the first time a connection is made. A client with multiple sessions set to this option receives only one prompt despite the number of sessions started, if the same certificate applies to those sessions. (If a connection attempt fails, however, the client receives another prompt.)

2.     FIPS:

·       During an SSL handshake, the client and server agree on an algorithm to use to encrypt data during the session. The client offers a list of cipher suites and the server selects one from the list.

·       To be FIPS 140-2 compliant, the selected cipher suite must be FIPS 140-2 compliant.

·       FIPS mode is enabled by default in the application and uses FIPS 140-2 compliant cipher suites to establish a secure connection while using JSSE.

·       FIPS mode can be enabled or disabled to use FIPS 140-2 compliant ciphers.

·       This feature is applicable for both IBM and Oracle Java for any type of secure connection.



1.     Record Macro:


User will be able to record two kinds of macros.

a)     Current Session Macro:

Macro content will be saved in the corresponding ‘cfg’ file at HOD server location (in case of Config based model).

Macro content will be added to the browser cache (in case of HTML & Combined based model).


b)     Local Macro:


Macro file i.e. ‘mac’ file will be generated at the browser download location.

After clicking the RECORD button, the RECORD button will be disabled, and the STOP button will be enabled.          


2.     Pause Macro:


User can click on PAUSE button to pause the recording of the macro.

No events will be recorded unless and until the user again clicks PAUSE button to resume     recording.


3.     Stop Macro:


User can click on STOP button to stop the recording of the macro.

The STOP button will be disabled, and the RECORD button will be again enabled to record a new macro.


4.     Prompt Macro:


User can click the PROMPT button to record a prompt.

Row and Column will be auto-populated from the host screen. User can still modify the values.


Prompt Name: It is a mandatory field for the user to enter.


Default Value: 

In the Default Response field, which is optional, user can type the text of a default response that the user wants to appear in the input field of the prompt window when the prompt window is displayed. If the user does not type any keyboard input into the input field of the prompt window, but rather just clicks OK to indicate that the input is complete, then the macro runtime processes the default response that is contained in the input field.


Prompt Title: It is optional for the user to enter.


Value required:

If user selects true in the Value Required checkbox (the default

is false) then:

The macro runtime displays the text string (required), to indicate to the end user that, input is required for this input field.


Clear Host Field: You can have the macro runtime clear the contents of the input field before typing begins, by setting the Clear Host Field checkbox to true.


5.     Record an extract:


User can click on EXTRACT button to record an extract.

Name: User needs to provide the name of the extract.


Row and Column will be auto populated from the host screen and can be modified.


In the Row (Bottom Corner) input field, user can enter -1 to signify the last row of

the data area on the session window. This feature is helpful if users work

with session windows of different heights (such as 25, 43, 50) and want to

capture data down to the last row. Similarly, for the Column (Bottom Corner) input

field user can enter -1 to signify the last column of the data on the session window.


Data Plane: User can select from the Data Plane list.


·       TEXT_PLANE (Default data plane)

The text plane contains the text on the screen. When user adds a new extract action, TEXT_PLANE is selected as the default data plane.

·       COLOR_PLANE (This feature will come in later release)

The colour plane contains colour information for each character of the presentation space.

·       FIELD_PLANE (This feature will come in later release)

The field plane represents the field positions and their attributes in the presentation space.

·       EXFIELD_PLANE (This feature will come in later release)

The extended field plane contains extended character attribute data.

·       DBCS_PLANE (This feature will come in later release)

The DBCS plane contains double-byte character set attribute data for each character and field attribute in the presentation space. You can only select DBCS_PLANE when you are running a DBCS session.

·       GRID_PLANE (This feature will come in later release)

The grid plane contains information for displaying the grid.



6.     Edit Macro:


While recording, user might have forgot to add any of the actions or user might feel to remove some of the actions which is not needed. It is tough for user to create again a new macro so we have a feature called macro Editor.


·       For editing of macro,

o   If user selects macro location as current session,

                                                         I.          For html based and combined based model, macro which is present in the browser cache will be listed in the drop down. User can select the macro which needs to be edited.

                                                       II.          For config based, macro which is present at the HOD private directory will get listed.


After selecting the macro, the selected macro’s corresponding xml file will be opened on the editor.

After editing a macro, there is a verify button which verifies the xml correctness. If any error is found, then it will throw an error message.


·       For Deletion of macro,

user need to select the macro which needs to be deleted.

The selected macro will be deleted.

Host File Transfer

Host File Transfer is one of the Ribbon bar components.

Introduction and host requirements:

Host File Transfer allows you to transfer files between your workstation and a zSeries or iSeries host.

The zSeries host must be running MVS/TSO, VM/CMS or MVS/CICS. File transfer uses the IND$FILE (SBCS).

The iSeries host must be running the Integrated File System (IFS) on OS/400 V3R7 or later. No additional software is required.

For 3270 host, the user should log in to the session and host should be in ready state for transferring files and for 5250 host, the user should have established a successful session.


The File Transfer icon to transfer the files will be available under the ribbon bar, which is enabled when the ‘File transfer type’ is chosen as ‘Host File transfer’ by Admin under the Properties panel (HOD). If ‘File transfer type’ is chosen as ‘FTP’ by the Admin, then the file transfer icon is disabled at the HACP EE client page.

Send File to Host:

            The user can send a single file either Text or Binary (.doc,.docx,.pdf,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif) files to the zSeries/iSeries host.


1.     Local File Name:

The user can browse the local file from the workstation and input it.


2.     Host File name:

·       For 3270 host, the user can input the file name that resides in the host or new file name. The host file name can be modified with a length of “8 only characters”. The First character must be alphabetic (A to Z) or #, @, $, the remaining characters must be alphabetic, #, $ and -.

·       For 5250 host, the user can either input the file name or can browse the IFS file from the Directory panel provided with the list of directories and respective Files. The host file name should be named in the IFS naming convention. 


For example,

o   If the local file name is “demo.txt” and the defined host file resides inside ‘QGPL.LIB’ then, the host filename path would be “/QSYS.LIB/QGPL.LIB/TEXT.File/Demo.MBR” for the member file.

o   If the file should be as a text file, then “/demo.txt” in a directory.


3.     Transfer Mode:


By default, the Transfer mode will be ‘Text’ which can be modified. The transfer mode must be chosen “Text” for .txt files and “Binary” mode for files other than text files.


4.     Transfer option:

The default transfer option for “Text” mode is “( ASCII SRC CRLF LRECL(80)” and “Binary” mode is “( DTA LRECL(80)” as an input box which can be modified.

For VM/CMS, remember to type an open parenthesis '(' before the first option.


Use this option for only text files and for files that you want to be converted from ASCII to EBCDIC. This is valid for SBCS languages.


Carriage Return and Line Feed. CRLF (x'0D0A') is removed from the end of each line. EOF (x'1A') is removed from the end of a file.


 Use either one of the following:

·                  Fixed - Specifies the number of bytes in each host record.

·                  Variable - The logical record length is the length of the longest record in the file; the maximum value is 32767.

The record length of a file sent from the local workstation to the host system might not exceed the logical record length specified here.




Record Format. This option is not valid when APPEND is specified. Otherwise, user can choose one of the following options:

·                  Default - The record format is automatically selected by the host system.

·                  Fixed - Specifies the number of bytes in each host record.

·                  Variable - When sending a file to VM/CMS, you can conserve host disk space by
             specifying a record format of the variable.

·                  Undefined - This option is available for MVS/TSO only.



This option specifies the i5/OS or OS/400 file type to be used for the transfer. If the host file does not exist, then a new file is created with the file type "Source physical file". This option is applicable only for the files in the QSYS library file system.



This option specifies the OS/400 file type to be used for the transfer. If the host file does not exist, then a new file is created with the file type "Physical data file". This option is applicable only for the files in the QSYS library file system.



This option specifies the logical record length when creating a file on the i5/OS or OS/400 operating system. It can have the following values:

·                  An integer from 1 through 32766 when Host File Type is set to Source physical file.

·                  An integer from 1 through 32754 when Host File Type is set to Physical data file.

·                  It is ignored when Host File Type is set to Save file.



This option specifies the i5/OS or OS/400 file (binary files) type to be used for the file sent. If the host file does not exist, a new file is created with the file type "save file". If this option is specified, then the transfer mode must be binary. Also, this option is applicable only for files under the QSYS library file system.



Receive File from Host:

The user can receive a single file either Text or Binary (.doc,.docx,.pdf,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif) files from the zSeries/iSeries host.


1.     Host File name:

For 3270 host, the user can input the file name that resides in the host or the new file name.

The host file name can be modified with a length of “8 only characters”. The First character must be alphabetic (A to Z) or #, @, $, the remaining characters must be alphabetic, #, $ and -.

For 5250 host, the user can either input the file name or can browse the IFS file from the

Directory panel provided with the list of directories and respective Files. The host file name should be named in the IFS naming convention QSYS naming is not supported for now.  For example, if the local file name is “demo.txt” and the defined host file resides inside ‘QGPL.LIB’ then, the host filename path would be “/QSYS.LIB/QGPL.LIB/TEXT.File/Demo.MBR” for the member file. If the file should be as a text file, then “/demo.txt” in a directory.

Logon to Host (5250):


For 5250 host, the logon panel appears when the “browse file” is clicked on the host file name or when send/ receive button is clicked if the file path is manually entered.

The panel has a Username field with the value set by Admin under HOD properties panel ->Host file transfer defaults- “File-Transfer User ID”, if the property is undefined, then on the client side it is updated as “QUSER”. This can be modified at the client end which will be saved and existed till the session is closed.

And the panel has a password field which can be edited, by default no values are mentioned.

Once the fields are filled, to initiate logon, click “OK”.

When the logon is unsuccessful, few error messages will be provided like ‘User ID is disabled’,’ User ID is not known’,’ Password is *NONE’ and ‘Incorrect Logon credentials’.

By default,’ QGPL.LIB’ directory appears with IFS files listed when logon is successful. To traverse to other directories “Back arrow button” is present. When the desired directory is chosen the respective files that belong to the directory are listed on the right side of the panel.

To open the chosen file, click the ‘Open’ button.


2.     Transfer Mode:

By default, the Transfer mode will be ‘Text’ which can be modified. The transfer mode must be chosen “Text” for .txt files and “Binary” mode for files other than text files.

Transfer option:

The default transfer option for “Text” mode is” (ASCII CRLF” and “Binary” mode is “ (” as an input box which can be modified.



Use this option for only text files and for files that you want to be converted from ASCII to EBCDIC. This is valid for SBCS languages


Carriage Return and Line Feed. CRLF (x'0D0A') is removed from the end of each line. EOF (x'1A') is removed from the end of a file.



Introduction and requirements:

Host Access Client Package Extended Edition provides multiple languages support. The HACPEE users can view the UI elements in all supported 23 languages based on their locales. The property panel, settings panel, alerts, OIA messages. etc., have been globalized throughout the product. As a pre-requisite, the desired language should be added to the browser.

The HACPEE supported languages are listed below with respective locale:


Language suffix

Simplified Chinese


Traditional Chinese






























Brazilian Portuguese

















This can be achieved in two ways:

At first the HACP EE page can be viewed based on the browser preferred language order to view web pages set at the client side. If multiple supported language is added, based on the preference order the default browser language will be considered. If an unsupported language is detected at browser level, then the HACP EE page will be viewed in the default language of the product i.e English.

The second option would be for the Admin to have a control over the browser preference language (display Locale). This can be done by setting two parameters in ‘’ file that resides under HOD publish directory.

The path of the directory:

C:\Program Files\ibm\HostOnDemand\HOD\

The parameters that can be defined by Admin are ‘preferredLocale=en, cs’ and ‘defaultLocale=ja’ to have a control over the browser locale.

If the browser locale / language is one of the locale defined in the ‘preferredLocale’ parameter, then the page is viewed in that language else the web page will be viewed in locale defined in ‘defaultLocale’ parameter.

If ‘defaultLocale’ is not defined and unsupported language is detected in browser, then the page will be viewed in ‘English’.

[{"Type":"SW","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSS9FA","label":"IBM Host On-Demand"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CCjAAM","label":"HOD-\u003EHACPEE"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"14.0.3"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 June 2024

