IBM Support

IBM InfoSphere Information Server Service Pack 1 & Service Pack 2

Fix Readme


IBM InfoSphere Information Server Service Packs 1 & 2 contain APAR fixes for components of InfoSphere Information Server released after 11.7.1 Fix Pack 1. This document lists the fixes contained in service packs 1 & 2.


The following sections list APARs added new in Service Packs 1 & 2 for InfoSphere Information Server  Information Server 11.7.1 fix pack 1 is a prerequisite for these service packs. 
Note that Service packs are cumulative, thus you do not need to install SP1 before installing SP2.   Although the APAR list below distinguishes which APARs were first added to SP1 versus those new in SP2, service pack 2 does contain all fixes from both SP1 and SP2.

*Fixes that have an asterisk by the Fix ID might require post-install steps to activate.  Refer to the following document for details on how to activate those fixes:
InfoSphere Information Server Version 11.7 fixes that require postinstallation steps

Fixes added in IBM InfoSphere Information Server Service Pack 2

Connectivity IBM/BigData

APAR Description
JR63493 Netezza Connector fails to write data due to row size limit in the Netezza database
JR63552 DB2 Connector executing custom SELECT statement without aliases fails when used by DRS Connector
JR63621 Netezza Connector with custom SQL containing database keyword causes SIGPIPE signal warning in job log
JR63678 Kafka Connector incorrectly generates Avro schema when column is nullable

Connectivity Non-IBM

APAR Description
JR62534 XML Transformer Plug-in stage output contains junk characters with the default operator combining feature
JR63103 Oracle connector is not discovering all the available schemas in a database
JR63232 Teradata Connector in DataStage summary log shows negative number of processed rows
JR63303 Incorrect value reported for BIGINT datatype in Oracle-CC.
JR63328 ODBC Connector jobs abort while using a single character ODBC DSN name
JR63350 DataDirect JDBC Driver for Hive update to build level
JR63389 To query ALL_SYNONYMS table only for synonym objects during Oracle connector job run.
JR63394 Metadata import from Oracle using JDBC Connector fails in some scenarios
JR63406 Hierarchical Stage : Intermittent failures in REST Step with NoHttpResponseException
JR63432 JDBC Connector fails to import metadata when there are special characters in multiline comment
JR63433 JDBC Driver for PostgresSQL returns empty result set with getColumns() driver api call
JR63563 Fix char, varchar precision and timezone in orc file format.
JR63602 Teradata views greater than 12500 characters are missing in IMAM import.
JR63615 Teradata Connector performance issue after application of patch JR62236
JR63632 Oracle CC jobs migrated from OCI jobs fail on server canvas for input date format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
JR63633 1. Oracle CC is not able to read SYS.GUID() value from the table. 2. Oracle CC fails when decimal(X) column is mapped to decimal(Y) and X>Y.
JR63655 Read decimal of size more than 20 as varchar from parquet file.
JR63660 SCAPI Bridge patch to support parallel read when using select statement in BigQueryCC
JR63661 Support parallel read when using select statement in BigQueryCC


APAR Description
JR62657 DataStage dsjob command line allows invalid character in Invocation Id
JR63560 DataStage Operations Console is affected by a SQL injection Vulnerability

Information Analyzer / Auto Quality

APAR Description
JR62837 Data Quality Analysis Fails on IIS version 11.7.1.x installed with WebSphere Liberty on SQL Server Repository
JR63239 Information Analyzer Quality UI - Bindings and Joins Screens do not show DB schema
JR63423 Unable to Drill Down Data Quality Analysis results when number of columns in the data set are greater than 100
JR63470 Data Quality Analysis Fails after upgrading from 11.7.x to
JR63472 Information Analyzer - SQL Statement disappears in the virtual table definition
JR63476 A Denial of service vulnerability in the moment package used by Angular affects IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer
JR63486 Vulnerability reported Information Analyzer Thin Client (Classic) URL https://XXXXXXXXXXX:XXXX/ibm/iis/dq/da/index.html
JR63533 Download ruleset results by selecting individual rule definition is retrieving incorrect results
JR63557 Information Analyzer Column Analysis Results are garbled and appear in a different language/encrypted
JR63564 Styling Issues with pages having a scrollable checkbox list on the Information Analyzer Data Quality UI
JR63576 Unable to edit and save a data ruleset when preferred bindings are modified
JR63643 Error scheduling Information Analyzer analysis jobs within IA thin Client and IGC One UI?
JR63688 Data Quality Score is rounded off in IA Thin (Classical) Client

Information Governance Catalog (IGC)

APAR Description
JR62927 Ignore stopwords in Catalog Search
JR62988 OpenIGC asset import with related stewards creates invalid relationships on target system
JR63014 Opening term details on IGC NewUI takes long when term has a large amount of assigned assets
JR63166 OpenIGC assets export do not encode line breaks for text properties in the XML marshalling
JR63220 IGC does not display SQL statement for Snowflake Connector
JR63338 Failing parser for Netezza SQL expression GROOM TABLE
JR63438 Multiple Vulnerabilities in XStream used by IS
JR63449 Asset names may differ from the names given during the creation/import
JR63453 Some IGC events translate values of "ASSET_TYPE" into client current language
JR63462 Cannot save changes applied on referenced categories and custom attribute on steward for term asset
JR63517 Lineage diagram missing in exported PDF
JR63556 Saved valid values are not visible for new data classes created in classic IGC UI
JR63618 Custom attribute orphans cleaning may result with bad performance of bundle asset import
JR63634 Large amount of database schemas and tables for database may cause long loading of database details page
JR63635 Custom attribute relationships not synchronized in draft assets after bundle asset import
JR63682 Deleting OpenIGC assets only by Information Asset Administrator should be a configurable option
JR63695 No possible to assign view through IDA plug-in
JR63413 IGC Queries improperly align rows between dependent columns in the result table
JR62927 Ignore stopwords in Catalog Search

Information Server Framework

APAR Description
JR63078 Add support for OpenID Connect usage with select Information Server web applications
JR63438 Upgrade version of XStream used in Information Server
JR63574 Upgrade version of Apache Commons IO used in Information Server

Metadata Asset Manager (IMAM)

APAR Description
JR63330 Metadata import using ERwin bridge fails when data validation used for columns and the same column having different name qualifier
JR63459 Failed to perform test connection for data connection in InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager for French installation
JR63505 AppScan security vulnerability for InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager
JR63839 Enhance Table filter to support the regular expression

PX Engine

APAR Description
JR63340 No resource monitor information such as RAM/CPU usage is displayed in Operational Console after system port scan.  ResTrack App / DSResourceTracker no longer terminates after port scan.
JR63597 Memory corruption in packed decimal import

Shared Open Source on services tier

APAR Description
JR63834 SOLR vulnerability fix.

Unified Governance (UG)

APAR Description
JR63832 Vulnerability fix.


Fixes added in IBM InfoSphere Information Server Service Pack 1

Connectivity IBM/BigData

APAR Description
JR61706 Cognos TM1 Connector Dojo Toolkit upgrade for CVE-2018-15494
JR62113 Db2 Connector Bulk load with LOB or XML reports incorrect statistics for partitioned database
JR62263 Db2 Connector reports 'Write failed with error' and load utility error in bulk load to Db2 for z/OS
JR62264 Hive Connector error messages for partitioning methods mention wrong placeholder names
JR62265 Hive Connector range partitioning does not divide the rows evenly between the nodes
JR62266 Hive Connector modulus and range partitioning supports only integer column type
JR62280 Kafka Connector does not allow to specify Kerberos Service Principal Name
JR62322 Surrogate Key Generator and DB2 Enterprise stage fail to connect to DB2 database when password exceeds 20 characters
JR62351 Invalid character encoding of user-defined SQL when querying Informix UTF-8 database
JR62362 Db2 Connector in Bulk load to Db2 for z/OS write mode fails to transfer data by using SFTP when SSH proxy is used
JR62390 Db2 Connector fails to LOAD to Db2 for z/OS when forcing single load utility usage
JR62393 JRules Connector does not provide debug or trace logs even though CC_MSG_LEVEL is set
JR62394 JRules Connector performance degradation in 11.7.1 compared to 9.1
JR62408 Db2 Connector external table statement fails when upstream Transformer stage modifies some columns
JR62421 Db2 Connector enhancements for bulk load to Db2 for z/OS - SHRLEVEL, RESUME, and BINARY support
JR62422 Kafka Connector support for Avro serializer and key-value message format
JR62458 Db2 Connector fails to connect to DB2 secured with SSL when used in DTS non-XA mode
JR62490 Db2 Connector fails to perform load to Db2 for z/OS with SFTP enabled due to missing parameter
JR62504 Db2 Connector job hangs on FTP transfer step when bulk loading data to Db2 for z/OS by using FTP Transfer type
JR62509 Db2 Connector does not log the load utility output when loading to Db2 for z/OS
JR62512 Hive Connector reports a ParseException when Hive partitioned read method is used with a multi-line SELECT statement
JR62530 Netezza Connector metadata import truncates view definition to 64000 characters
JR62565 Db2 Connector external table statement fails when unmatched columns are dropped
JR62664 Netezza Connector fails to find the table after upgrading IIS to 11.7 or later release
JR62696 Db2 Connector support for parallel data transfer and single load from multiple files to Db2 for z/OS
JR62753 Db2 Connector bulk load aborts with SQLCODE -6044 when multiple distribution columns with null values are used
JR62762 Kafka Connector support for SASL SSL with SCRAM-SHA-256 and Avro serializer for message key
JR62777 Kafka Connector fails when offset column datatype is set to BigInt
JR62778 Kafka Connector does not allow to set Java heap size
JR62782 Kafka Connector support for SASL SSL with SCRAM-SHA-512
JR62797 Hive Connector fails to parse SELECT statement containing alias for source table
JR62798 Kafka Connector reads fewer messages when starting offsets are provided
JR62846 Db2 Connector aborts with table not found error when writing to a table that uses a public alias
JR62926 Kafka Connector fails with JAAS configuration not found
JR62946 Data Masking stage ignores SHA-256 option in Hash Lookup policy
JR62976 DataDirect JDBC Driver for Hive update to version
JR63033 Hive Connector metadata import imports views without the view expression
JR63051 Db2 Connector provides incorrect default value for the Load records into non-empty table space option
JR63096 Kafka Connector incorrectly handles Avro message with null value
JR63183 Db2 Connector fails to create temporary work table when external tables and quoted identifiers are used
JR63187 Db2 Connector reports truncate table action error despite successful execution of the fallback ALTER TABLE or DELETE statements
JR63223 HBase Connector support for numeric column families
JR63335 Db2 Connector reports error: db2CfgGet returned reason code 0, SQLCODE -1,013
JR63443 Db2 Connector Generate SQL statement tool fails with an error

Connectivity Non-IBM

APAR Description
JR59834 Hierarchical Stage: Turn off creation of the log file when the logging is disabled
JR61345 JSON parser fails to parse correctly, when data contains an unknown element (not defined in schema) after a null object
JR61850 Hierarchical Stage Unable to open Assembly Editor when username has backslash
JR61917 Teradata Enterprise Job report shows duplicates on AIX
JR61936 ODBC Connector certification with MS SQL Server 2019 database
JR62042 Hierarchical Stage: Server Error Status Code 409 when editing view, happens on environments where XMETA is on Oracle DB
JR62055 Hierarchical Stage: Unable to receive content type binary/octet-stream when using REST step.
JR62076 ODBC Connector fails to import table metadata from PostgreSQL v12 server
JR62097 Update SupportedVariants property when running CMT variant update command
JR62118 To improve LOAD performance in Snowflake Connector
JR62146 Oracle Connector read partitioning might return incorrect number of rows
JR62149 View expression is incorrect for same view name in multiple schemas using ODBC Connector
*JR62155 Teradata connector to truncate string data that includes the string 0x00
JR62162 Error in schema file for sequential file stage upstream from Oracle CC can cause corruption
JR62175 Set the Logical type for the Date / Time and Timestamp in Parquet format
JR62182 In File Connector, set additional connection parameters in the Hive URL when Kerberos authentication is enabled
JR62200 Invalid date value is written to orc file while using File Connector or AmazonS3 Connector with orc-2.1.jar as target stage
JR62201 Handle issues related to binary data type in ORC-2.1 format
JR62213 Bigint Unsigned datatype column not loading to Snowflake
JR62215 Support providing key column name in Snowflake connector UI
JR62233 Enhance schema negotiation for decimal datatype in Teradata Connector
JR62234 DTS stage - WebSphere MQ client-mode connection type needs to support SSL/TLS connectivity
JR62236 Add 'Fail on Row Error' option in Teradata connector for Server canvas
JR62249 Salesforce Connector cannot extract records in Bulk Mode when the alias is 'c' in the query
*JR62256 Performance of ODBC-Connector is significantly low, when ODBC-Connector is performing insert/update statements and char datatype as primary-key.
JR62259 Scope of environment variable CC_TERA_USE_ISO88591_ASCII_MAP is not unset when set to 0
JR62283 Populate all the metadata attributes as part of view data request
JR62302 Expose all the metadata attributes as part of view data request
JR62310 Oracle connector is not setting the view type correctly for materialized views
JR62326 Oracle connector fails with ORA-01821 while loading the timestamp data into string.
JR62384 Snowflake connector fails when connecting to us-west-2 region
JR62391 Memory leak is being seen when handling empty strings in target context for connectors on server canvas
JR62397 File Connector writes duplicate data when writing huge file with Native HDFS
JR62398 FTP Plug-in aborts while reading large xml file
JR62399 File Connector does not delete manifest files when the job terminates abnormally
JR62402 BigQuery Connector to support update, delete, and upsert modes
JR62403 SCAPI Bridge patch to support new write modes of BigQueryCC
JR62404 Vulnerabilities in jackson-databind affect IBM Information Server
JR62420 GreenPlum CC IMAM import browse / preview aborts when comments are present for table and one or more of its columns
*JR62437 File Connector NoSuchMethodError error while reading ORC date and timestamp in IS 11.7.1
JR62438 ODBC CC updates records twice when table has duplicate records.
JR62446 GreenPlum CC Unmatched table column action ignore all doesn't work with float8 type
JR62456 Salesforce Connector Support for Salesforce API version 48.0
JR62460 Hierarchical Stage: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1 when importing an XSD in schema library manager
*JR62461 Add support for session token in amazon s3 connector
JR62466 Added 'Key Columns' Field in Teradata connector
JR62474 ODBC Connector PostgreSQL read jobs hang when the select statement returns warnings
JR62475 ODBC Connector PostgreSQL jobs to create / replace table with decimal field abort
JR62506 Support cross project operations in BigQuery connector
JR62507 SCAPI Bridge patch to support cross project operations in BigQuery connector
JR62511 Log before/after SQL statements in the director log in Oracle Connector
JR62518 JDBC Connector fails to import table definitions from MySQL into the DFD (Data Flow Designer)
JR62590 PX Oracle Connector fails to insert or delete data if any of the records within the array size has an error.
JR62591 ODBC Connector certification with Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse also known as Microsoft Synapse Analytics
JR62644 SCAPI Bridge patch to support user-defined SQL statement in BigQuery connector
JR62645 Support user-defined SQL statement in BigQuery connector
JR62654 Teradata Connector Bulk Load Job fails with START mode set to AUTO.
JR62659 Salesforce Connector Support for Salesforce API version 49.0
JR62670 Azure Storage Connector fails with Null pointer exception during parallel write for 0 rows
JR62674 Exception parsing dates with time zone offsets with Apache POI 3.14
JR62675 Charset is getting corrupted when CC_ORA_NLS_LANG_ENV is defined
JR62676 File Connector that uses HA is failing when Kerberos authentication is used
JR62692 SCAPI Bridge patch to support select queries containing Joins in BigQuery connector.
JR62704 SCAPI Bridge patch for OData Connector Load/Write Support
JR62788 Upgrade of DataDirect OpenSSL libraries to version 1.1.1g
JR62815 Improve performance of LOAD/Merge functionality in Snowflake Connector
JR62844 GreenPlum Connector incorrectly populates comments on metadata import under special circumstances
JR62847 Support Before and After SQL in BigQuery Connector
JR62850 SCAPI Bridge patch to support Before and After SQL operations
JR62886 Timestamp to set as native string in reject mode for utf8 charset
JR62900 Hierarchical Data Stage: Job aborts with SAXParseException when job parameter value contains XML characters
*JR62905 Provide an option in File Connector to write temp files in a user specified location
JR62910 SCAPI Bridge patch to support BigQueryCC write mode operations using job design schema
JR62916 Oracle connector on parallel canvas fails when partition reads are enabled & CC_ORA_NLS_LANG_ENV is set
*JR62941 Hierarchical Stage: REST Step, unable to post or get data of size more than 10MB
JR62978 GreenPlum Connector - Support for carriage return (CR) and line feeds (LF) in string fields
JR62980 Migrated connector jobs on server canvas fail when transaction grouping is enabled
JR63058 Oracle CC is updating wrong data when batch errors mode is disabled
JR63059 Salesforce Connector support for Salesforce API version 50.0
JR63080 Support HTTPS proxy properties in BigQuery connector
JR63081 SCAPI Bridge patch to support HTTPS proxy properties
JR63181 JDBC Connector aborts with error "Data truncated for column c1 at row 1" while writing unsigned bigint to MySQL Database
JR63194 Reject link gives empty string for upsert operations in Salesforce Connector
JR63231 Address NPE when writing large volume of records to BigQuery table
JR63256 File Connector jobs reading parquet files with schema having decimal fields are failing
JR63263 CAS API is not honoring the proxyOptions(depth) while querying the HostSystem
JR63298 Allow non-DBA user to execute jobs with Sybase enterprise stage.
JR63349 Add support for parquetstream and orcstream in AmazonS3 Connector

Data Flow Designer

APAR Description
JR63327 GetSharedContainerList api request from UI should not have 'modifiedByUser' parameter.
JR63348 Job parameter validation has bug to set its JSON
JR63369 DFD API throws null pointer exception in opening Hierarchical Stage
JR63424 Opening Hierarchical stage takes a long time



APAR Description
JR61757 smat and list_readu display negative inode values
JR62084 DataStage "older than (days)" job log purging issues
JR62098 dsadmin fails when -server includes port number
JR62173 Under rare condition, DataStage might finish abnormally during job execution
JR62184 Update for revised jar versions
JR62198 Call DSLogToController(value) is not posting to parent .
JR62229 dsreportschema.xsd missing root element
JR62284 SyncProject -Backup fails on long file names
JR62305 Intermittent timing issue can cause zero row counts from parallel job monitoring
JR62325 Incorrect behavior of "dsjob -purge" command executed without [-runs nn | -days nn] options
JR62349 Removing Message Handler from Job Properties is not taken into account after recompilation
JR62379 Parallel job fails with error setting up internal communications
JR62493 DataStage job interim status not cleared following reset
JR62566 Program that uses dsapi might terminate abnormally after callingdssetserverparams function
JR62635 Unable to launch suite administrator from administrator client
JR62658 DataStage Administrator Client aborts with "Run-time error '6': Overflow"
JR62817 Improve performance of DStageWrapper updateXmlCD command
JR62826 Sequence might report status = 99 from a Job Activity
JR62834 Set ATCommand to use the universal DATETIMEFORMAT on switching ATCOMMAND_DATETIMEFORMAT
JR63188 The "dsjob -purge -days" command does not run if the job log has already been purged that day


Information Analyzer / Auto Quality

APAR Description
JR62302 Incorrect precision and scale values defined for an SQL Virtual Table created for a table imported by using DB2 connector.
JR62443 Information Analyzer Data Rules report success but output table is empty
JR62476 Data Rule that uses a variable is not producing correct output
JR62500 When an IA workspace is exported, the properties of the data rule details and output settings are not exported.
JR62559 Column Analysis Fails against Netezza Data Sources when Random Sampling is used on 11.7.1 FP1
JR62560 Unable to edit the variable name in a data rule definition when blockly elements are detached
JR62562 Datarule output results are exported in incorrect format.
JR62616 Information Analyzer Quality UI - very slow screen loading times
JR62626 Incorrect base table name is displayed in IA thick client when virtual tables are imported
JR62652 IAAdmin -updateProject Fails for rulesets exported with "separate variables with same name" checked.
JR62672 Cannot delete an Information Analyzer workspace that contains large number of data sets
JR62673 Column Analysis and Data Quality Analysis fail on columns, which have numeric custom attributes associated
JR62689 Data rule sets should not be displayed in the quality controls tab while creating/editing a data rule set definition.
JR62705 Column analysis - Clicking refresh in data set column view doesn't refresh the "Analysis status"
JR62745 Information Analyzer Data Rules fail on columns binded with NVARCHAR(4000) data types.
JR62746 Cannot view data rule run results or execution history on 11.7.1 FP1
JR62747 Duplicate table names seen in "Joins" screen when creating data rules in the quality ui
JR62749 Column Analysis fails when triggered on large number on columns with ObjectNotTrackedException
JR62750 Add an option to push down sampling when the source is DB2
JR62756 Data Rule execution fails when there is large execution history
JR62760 Data Quality Analysis fails on virtual columns when their names exceed maximum supported length by the database in which iadb resides
JR62820 Data Rule Test Results are misleading
JR62830 Arabic Values are shown as Junk Characters in Information Analyzer Thick & Thin Clients
JR62843 Information Analyzer User Named Tables Registration Fails when user migrates assets between 2 environments by using istool
JR62969 Information Analyzer Thin Client (Classic) is referencing AngularJS 1.5.5, which is an older version.
JR62970 Information Analyzer Thin Client (Classic) is using an older version of "jquery"
JR63016 "Test" datarule fails for is_numeric against int64 columns and also "exists" for strings.
JR63028 Migration of data rule execution history from xmeta to microservice fails when the creator of the project is not present in the repository
JR63049 Frequency distribution chart does not work in the Data Quality UI
JR63098 'Test' datarule on a flatfile is throwing ''
JR63235 "Manage exceptions in IBM Stewardship Center" property is cleared in the "Quality UI" if rule is saved by using IA thick client
JR63302 Auto Discovery Job - Project selection throws a parsing error when cn of the user has a comma escaped by a backslash.
JR63359 Data rule execution history migration from xmeta to microservice fails when the parent category of the category to migrate was not migrated before


Information Governance Catalog (IGC)

APAR Description
JR58360 Query and REST API search results are not consistent with the UI search when condition includes multiple labels
JR60680 Inefficient SQL query when running lineage
JR62167 Incorrect error message while login into IGC for a user that has no roles assigned
JR62189 IGC Rest API Assets short description editing is blocked for none OMRS synchronized assets when user enabled show all properties
JR62303 OpenIGC hierarchies are visible even after being unselected in the Information Asset Type Display settings
JR62335 Lineage detection performance optimization when calculating member flows
JR62377 Cannot delete Lineage flow when no externalId is set
JR62389 Extended Data Source CSV import fails for languages other than English
JR62406 Get flows for OpenIGC assets fails
JR62409 Failing parser for sql with WHERE statement with <>ALL operator
JR62442 CA restrictions removed during glossary XML import with option Overwrite
JR62447 Failing parser for sql with !! operator used to concatenate
JR62448 Undefined property displays in Term Relationship
JR62467 Csv query export contains unnecessary header
JR62527 Term History and Modified On timestamp modified by InformationAnalyzerSystemUser
JR62533 In OpenIGC Bundle assets export missing custom attributes inherited from asset supertype
JR62535 Istool export fails due to insufficient user role
JR62540 Cannot reimport bundle assets with custom attribute to database_column
JR62548 Failing lineage parser for sql with ^ and ** exponentiation operator
JR62573 Istool workbench purgeomd - not able to purge OMD
JR62574 IGC Query batch update considering classifications might cause OutOfMemory error
JR62575 Business Term dossier view in IGC NewUI loads slowly for terms with huge change history
JR62577 OpenIGC does not support multiple entries in rootClassRefs attribute of tree xml element
JR62579 IGC Lineage Processor cannot correctly process the NETEZZA tables coded in SQL on DataStage side in format:DATABASE.SCHEMA.TABLE
JR62639 IGC Query for DS job does not show Before/After SQL of Netezza Connector
JR62641 IGC forces to use case-sensitive param name in the OMD while DataStage does not.
JR62647 Failing parser for SQL with USING operator
JR62648 Failing parser for sql with REGEXP_LIKE extensive syntax
JR62679 BI Report does not show usage information section
JR62680 Column lineage does not work with column with double quotation marks on lowercase of column name
JR62709 Failing lineage parser for SQL with bitwise shift operators
JR62735 IGC Query fails when criteria on lineage property is analyzing top-level asset
JR62748 Failing lineage parser for SQL with Netezza history tables
JR62757 Export of OpenIGC Bundle Assets incorrectly orders path of categories
JR62763 Search data element with double quoted name in IGC returned unwanted results
JR62770 Glossary import allows to perform unsupported modifications of Custom Attribute definition properties
JR62793 workbench purgeOMD not working for SERVERENGINE (HOST ENGINE)
JR62904 Failing parser for SQL with Oracle flashback that uses AS OF TIMESTAMP TO TIMESTAMP
JR62935 Performance issue when adding database columns as assigned assets to terms
JR63011 Creating new Steward is slow if already many Stewards exist
JR63041 Failing lineage parser for SQL with CROSS JOIN with aliases
JR63042 Failing lineage parser for SQL with Netezza REPLACE
JR63043 Failing lineage parser for SQL with an asterisk in alias name
JR63061 Result of IGC Query for Stewards is not working for batch edit
JR63071 Vulnerabilities fix.
JR63084 Search users or groups in IGC Classic Workflow Role Assignment fails with NullPointerException
JR63118 OutOfMemory problem when running lineage
JR63123 Parsing SQL from Netezza fails for lineage when SQL contains IS FALSE syntax
JR63132 IGC does not display Before/After SQLs for Netezza Connector
JR63134 Unable to export IGC query result into XLSX with full result through UI
JR63142 Glossary import fails when Custom Attribute of type Relationship to Stewards is included
JR63159 Lineage calculation can take long for assets with complex flows between lower levels assets
JR63168 Error occurs when trying to browse huge hierarchy (~40 000+) in IGC NEW UI
JR63214 Failing parser for SQL with Oracle KEEP keyword
JR63220 IGC does not display SQL statement for Snowflake Connector
JR63759 Assets short description editing is blocked in IGC UI for none OMRS synchronized assets when user enabled show all properties


Information Server Framework

APAR Description
JR61980 Information Server is vulnerable to a Remote Command Execution via JavaHTTP vulnerability
JR62184 Information Server is affected by a vulnerability in Apache httpclient
JR62248 Information Server is affected by a vulnerability in Apache Commons Codec
JR62404 Upgrade Jackson databind and java-jwt
JR62405 Upgrade Oracle JDBC driver version for ORA-00936 errors
JR62502 Unable to login to the new Information Server Administration Console after applying 11.7.1 Fix Pack 1
JR62691 Cross-frame scripting vulnerability in Administration console
JR62755 New Administration console cannot list users/groups while clicking users/groups link when LDAP user registry is large. The behavior of the Users and Groups panel in the Administration console is changed by this fix.  
For details, see technote
JR62767 New Administration console Engine credentials panel is duplicating engine tiers in Engine credentials panel
JR62814 Enhanced configuration is needed to allow the Microservices tier Launchpad to be accessed with short host name, alias name, or IP address.
JR62831 Information Server is vulnerable to an Information disclosure vulnerability
JR62880 Various issues related to handling of Project roles in the Administration console
JR62945 In Domain management->User registry configuration->Open provider configuration of the Administration console, the list of attributes is determined by the user registry in use
JR63021 Information Server launchpad reports a NullPointerException
JR63036 Cross-site scripting (XSS) in Administration console
JR63071 Upgrade XStream
JR63088 Updated setting for is not honored in one of the ISF Asset exporter bean methods
JR63385 Admin console should list all project roles of all components with project name
JR63465 Login to the administration console fails with Chrome and EDGE browsers


Metadata Asset Manager (IMAM)

APAR Description
JR61760 Duplicate database imported with import of metadata for Tableau server bridge.
JR61770 SAP BO repository import report file names with quotes in them are not being imported even after escaping.
JR62694 Incomplete data lineage for Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services metadata.
JR62698 IMAM security
JR62711 NullPointerException issue
JR63025 Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition bridge is improved to exclude SQL based reports during import.
JR63052 IMAM support for identifiers that contain Cyrillic symbols with QLIK View Bridge.
JR63178 IMAM MITI DTSX bridge connection mapping patch.



APAR Description
JR62426 Microservices tier prechecks fail on systems with network interfaces that use netmask
JR62498 Microservices tier prechecks fail when IPv6 is disabled
JR62561 MS tier disk prerequisite checks do not resolve symlinks
JR62822 Prepare patch for MS tier backup/restore
JR62940 Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 from Docker Registry process


New UI

APAR Description
JR61447 IGC New home page and search display steward names incorrectly when LDAP authentication is used
JR61989 Selecting More than one item in results page causes page reload when Download to CSV clicked
JR62331 Restrict running discovery only to admin user
JR62432 Differences between user names in Dossier View and Advanced Filters in IGC New UI
JR62661 IGC New UI Advanced filter does not work
JR62813 IGC New "My Recently Viewed Assets" panel must show only the latest version of the asset
JR62894 Deleting an Asset in IGC, which has huge number of children assets is unable to delete corresponding assets in Enterprise Search
JR62908 Unknown error occurred when creating a customized card in IGC New UI
JR62927 Ignore stopwords in Catalog Search and improve loading time for Tables, data files, and BI reports card in New UI
JR63017 When creating a Term in IGC New, the default language is German and the drop down to select another language does not work.
JR63037 Open IGC asset attributes of type enumeration displayed with the id and not the display name property in IGC New.
JR63038 Show Usage Information Section in Asset Details page of IGC New
JR63126 IGC New Incorrectly disables deletion of assets with empty Native_id value ""
JR63144 No data when classic workflow is on
JR63145 Steward-assets top query fix
JR63153 IGC New field in dossier displays numeric value as date
JR63205 Type-ahead search does not work for data rule definition in IGC New
JR63238 IGC New displays in English even though the web browser language set to French


PX Engine

APAR Description
JR62519 Setting transformer stage variables always nullable
JR62885 Invalid OSH script generated if job parameter value includes space and number sign.
JR62902 Fix JobMonApp record count issues under load
JR62925 Add [dnt-entire] to TFOR0114 and TFOR0119
JR63179 WLM - On Linux WLM reports memory cap reached when memory is available
JR63340 No resource monitor information such as RAM/CPU usage is displayed anymore when they login to the Operational Console



APAR Description
JR63172 Business Glossary XML import fails with ObjectInDeleteSetException



APAR Description
JR63071 Information Server is affected by multiple vulnerabilities in XStream

Unified Governance (UG)

APAR Description
JR63310 Vulnerabilities fix.
JR63311 Vulnerabilities fix.
JR63312 Vulnerabilities fix.
JR63313 Vulnerabilities fix.
JR63314 Vulnerabilities fix.

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSZJPZ","label":"IBM InfoSphere Information Server"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000L32vAAC","label":"Patch Installer-\u003ECumulative Service - Fix Packs and Service Packs"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"11.7.1"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
03 February 2022

