IBM Support

What to do if capturing a Planning Analytics "tm1sd.exe" crash dump file has failed?



In the case of a TM1 server process crash, you may want to understand why this happened so that it can be avoided in the future. For IBM support to find a guaranteed answer, you must provide a crash dump file. The recommended method for enabling crash dump capturing is using the Windows Error Reporting (WER) tool built into Windows. This can be enabled for the TM1 process by following this document:
Sometimes, even after setting this up, you may notice no crash dump file was created. This is a serious concern, as there may be no means to understand why the process shut down in this situation.

Resolving The Problem

The first thing you can try is reproducing the crash using the same steps that caused it the first time. If this is reproducible, then the crash dump can still be gathered on any subsequent crash.
If the crash is not reproducible on demand, then you will not be able to generate a dump unless it happens again by chance. However, you can mitigate the concern by investigating why the dump was not captured. The most common reasons are as follows:
1. The system does not have enough disk space to save the dump file. Note that the dump file size is almost always "roughly equal" to the size of the memory used by the "tm1sd.exe" process at the time of the crash. So, if your server was using 500GB of memory, the dump file may also be as large as 500GB on disk. You would need to ensure the drive specified for WER has enough space to accommodate this.
2. The process was not allowed to shut down gracefully. When a process crashes that has WER enabled, you will notice the process will stick around in Task Manager for some time. This is because Windows is holding it to write all the memory in use by the process to disk in the form of the dump file. If you kill the process early by any means, you will interrupt WER from saving the dump file, and either corrupt or stop the capture entirely.
3. WER was not set up properly. Double check your WER settings in the registry, particularly the path where you expect it to be saved, and match these settings:
4. The WER service is disabled. In your Windows Services, there is a service called "Windows Error Reporting Service". The expected setting for "Startup Type" is "Manual (Trigger Start)". This means the process will NOT be started by default, but will automatically start when a process it is set to watch crashes. This triggers it to start capturing the dump file. You do not need to set it to always enabled, however if it is disabled it will never trigger.
If all of the above methods were verified to not be causing the failed dump capture, and you are still experiencing the issue, you may need to contact Microsoft for further assistance with investigating the problem.

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSCTEW","label":"IBM Planning Analytics Local"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000blfjAAA","label":"Troubleshooting"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 March 2021

