IBM Support

IBM Datacap Version 9.1.7, Interim Fix 005 Readme

Fix Readme


This readme file contains information about installation of the interim fix and about enhancements, known problems, restrictions, and solutions in support of IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.7.


Readme file for: IBM® Datacap
Product or component release: IBM® Datacap
Update name: Interim Fix 005
Fix ID:
Publication date: 8 April 2021
Last modified date: 8 April 2021

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IBM® Datacap Windows

Known problems, restrictions, and solutions

Known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect administration and usage of interim fixes are documented as techdocs in the product support knowledge base. To review all known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect Datacap, see the support knowledge base.  

To review all known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect Version 9.1.7, see  IBM Datacap Version 9.1.7 Release Notes .

To view IBM Datacap 9.1.7 documentation, see  IBM Datacap 9.1.7 Knowledge Center .

Prerequisites for IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.7, interim fix 005

The official statements for hardware and software support for IBM® Datacap are provided as part of the hardware and software requirements for IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.7. Before you install this fix, ensure that you installed IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.7. For more information about installing IBM® Datacap, see  Installing IBM Datacap . For complete details about the hardware and software requirements for IBM® Datacap, see  System requirements .

Installing IBM® Datacap 9.1.7, interim fix 005

The installation steps for Datacap 9.1.7 interim fix 005 differ depending upon the existing version of Datacap installed on your system.

Note: Refer “datacap version.txt” to know your existing Datacap version.

  •  If your existing version is v., v., or v9.1.7.01001, first install Datacap 9.1.7 base version (
  • If your existing version is v., follow the procedure given below.


  1. Download the 917 iFix 005 package from  Fix Central .
  2. Extract the 917 iFix 005 package, and run the Update.exe file.

Access the IBM Content Navigator administration tool and update the JAR file path to use the latest DatacapWebPlugin JAR file. For more information, refer to documentation.

Fixed APARs:

The following table displays a list of APARs that are fixed in IBM Datacap V9.1.7, interim fix 005.

RTC ID APAR Number Component Summary
191797 IO27434  Actions DocumentAnalytics.ExtractText () fails to extract field positions returned in the Layout XML file when document layouts are merged using MergeLayoutsByType ().
194320 IO27867 Rulesets IBMCM.IBMCM_SearchAndDownload () changes the file extension of the downloaded file from .pdf to .tiff preventing the file from opening in Adobe Reader.
194560 IO27105  Actions Locate.RegExFind_InZone () returns different results after smart parameter feature was added to the action in newer releases
194965 IO27612 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator Verify panel displays a validation failed error message for the wrong field when validation fails for one of the fields.
195082 IO26904  Actions If the ingested attachment has too many spaces in the name of the file then intermittently im_scan () ingests the attachment name with a space in it. Example. " . pdf"
195084 IO28048  Development Tools Datacap Application Copy tool fails to include "Microsoft SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL)" database provider in the drop-down "select database" window.
195242 IO28107 Actions Barcode.GetAllBarcodes () fails to read (QR) barcode on the page to return the value in a delimited string.
195333 Actions NENU: Nenu action ProcessDeleteBatchesEX throws error in the logs when trying to delete the batches which are present in database but not present in batch directory folder.
195482 IO28137 Development Tools NENU logs returns "Root element missing error for large number of records" when attempting to process/retrieve over 30,000 records from back-end database server.
195590 IO28153 Actions ExportToXML () generates the XMl file with incorrect DCO data such as document, page and field details.
195629 IO28155  Desktop Clients Datacap Desktop application fails to display the right set of batches when task is queued by StationID and stationID entered is "001" instead of "1"
195646 IO28231 Actions Barcode.GetAllBarcodes action throws an exception error in all Datacap applications when Datacap Studio is configured to process GS1 DataBar barcodes in zones tab.
195673 IO28204 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator fails to persist settings against the Image Viewer, Field Details and Batch Structure in the "Change the layout by dragging and dropping widgets" settings window.
195675 IO28324 Datacap Web Client wTM CreateBatch request returns a 201 instead of a 400 error code when failing to create a batch even when wTM returns a success response during a file upload.
195689 IO28194 Desktop Clients QueueBy settings for 2 different tasks at a time are not working for pending batches
195709 IO28257 Actions User unable to open PDF Images (Gray Scale) when using RecognitionOCRA.RecognizeToPDFOCR_A() to generate PDF's.
195716 IO28221 FileNet FNP8_SearchAndDownload ()action fails when the search clause in FNP8_SetSearchWhereClause() action has 'This INSUBFOLDER'
195727 IO28224 Actions Convert.OutlookKeepEmbeddedImages () used with OutlookMessageToImageAndAttachment () ingests multiple copies of the email and then creates multiple copies of extracted attachments.
195746 IO28232 Recognition Datacap OCR_SR.RecognizePageOCR_S () inserts unwanted spaces in between extracted words as seen in the actual after running recognition on the image.
195812 IO28251 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator application Job Monitor hangs when it is refreshed with the "Show Saved Filter" functionality disabled.
195815 IO28263 Datacap Web Client In Datacap web client application displays their textbox custom columns as a drop-down column in their verify panel misleading users that need to enter data into fields.
195816 IO27365 Recognition/Recog OCRS Scansoft OCR_SR.RecognizeToPDFOCR_S () creates poor quality, blurry images affecting the quality of search PDF on extracted images.
195819 IO28194 Datacap Desktop Clients Datacap Desktop displays jobs queued by StationID only for the logged-on user that created the batch when Verify Shortcut is configured for (Manual Mode).
195892 IO28306 Datacap Navigator Reordering images in a batch in Datacap Navigator application fails to update the batch variables into the page file when running a custom action.
195950 Development Tools AppDeploy WebService:Vulnerability:AppScan found that an encrypted session (SSL) is using a cookie without the "secure" attribute.

The following table displays a list of APARs that are fixed in IBM Datacap V9.1.7, interim fix 004.

RTC ID APAR Number Component Summary
185996 IO27433 Recognition OCRA  OCR_A's Recognize() recognizes zero 0 as symbol ◯ when processing images in a Datacap application.
191421 IO28064 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator Main UI panel shows distorted images that prevent users from gracefully closing out validation notifications and processing unsuccessful batches.
191867 Datacap Web Client Release all the running batches during logoff.
192193 IO27280  Datacap Desktop  In DcDesktop Application, when an image is inserted using Insert button in Vscan panel, images are not highlighted in batch treeview making it difficult for users to detect the inserted pages.
192542 IO27542 Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator SELECT manage variable is returning empty results, when the respective field has status "-2"
193957 IO27746  Datacap Desktop  In Datacap Desktop users have to process other users' batches that are on hold in job monitor view before they can view and process their batches on hold.
194111 IO27801  Datacap Navigator In Start Panel of Datacap Navigator application, when a processed batch is placed on hold and then reopened in Scan task, the value of the date field is off by a day.
194562 IO27029  Miscellenous In Datacap Studio, when updating the DCO field, "Add_New_Fingerprint" under PreExport rueleset using @F\ instead of @P\ always returns False instead of returning True when it is successful.
194788 IO27984 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator Login issue after user logouts in same browser tab when ICN settings "Automatically populate user names" are DISABLED
194806 IO27980 Recognition OCRA  OCR_A.Recognize () fails to recognize a few Japanese shape or symbols such as triangle characters and instead replace them with an "A" which is an inaccurate output.
194835 IO27990 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator application, user is unable to scan when the "Show manufacturer scanner properties" setting is enabled.
194847 IO28003 Datacap Navigator Default order of Queue ID is not sorted in either ascending or descending order.
194918 IO28000 Datacap Web Client Datacap Navigator when a session times out, users receive an HTTP 500 error instead of directing user to a logon page.
194928 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator under Define Filter section, in the value it has a dropdown when it clicks it send multiple calls to server to fetch the data, it has some performance impact
194936 IO28002 Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator Job Monitor freezes after it is refreshed by a user and if the currently selected job is no longer available in filtered list
194966 IO26726  Datacap Services Configure TMServer to allow a different attribute other than distinguishedName in UserDistringuishedNameAttr in LLLDAP Group Authentication
194975 IO28010 Filenet CM8 actions fail to connect to a compatible jvm.dll installed by JRE when DB2 client is installed on Datacap system.
194999 IO26121  Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator, Date Picker field fails to persist the date format entered into the field when they are from different country locales.
195028 IO28164 Datacap Services Batch ID's are reset back to start at zero when a new month in the year is encountered instead of continuing with the next batch ID number when batch naming template is configured to use [Y].[n:6] in taskmaster server.
195037 IO27613  Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator application a Checkbox continues to remain selected even when the user deselects it.
195038 IO28030 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator Local Rendering Viewer fails to display images as thumbnails only on the secondary monitor in a dual monitor Datacap system while it renders it correctly on the first monitor.
195044 IO28080 Actions Barcode.GetBarcodeBP () reads vertically oriented barcodes instead of only reading horizontally oriented barcodes even though it is specifically configured to only read horizontal orientation barcodes.
195067 IO28050 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator Verify panel fails to display images or fields in the Viewer when either Mozilla Firefox or Chrome browsers are configured against an Italian locale.
195069 IO28047  Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator fails to upload scanned images when the operating system goes into hibernation mode.
195074 IO28060 Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator when the OMR field does not have any selection and if any of the value boxes is not checked then during verification, the value is shown as "000" even though any value is not assigned.
195108 IO28064  Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator application has vertical scrollbars missing in the batch tree in Verify task preventing users from scrolling through several images.
195139 IO27889  Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator application, using keyboard shortcut keys "Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow" to "Move Page Down" fails to work.
195162 IO28079 Datacap Desktop DcDesktop scan panel only exposes .bmp as the only file format option in the drop-down list when configuring default panel to TWAIN panel instead of the ISIS panel.
195172 IO28081 Datacap Navigator Datacap navigator scan task viewer fails to display password protected pdf documents and instead returns error, "Error message: Unable to display the document. Failed to load the document."
195188 Datacap Web Updated Datacap 9.1.7 ifix 004 with latest Dynamic Web TWAIN 15.x to resolve known issues.
195190 IO27981  Actions PDFDocumentToImage () drops data from the image when it removes Watermark word from the extracted pdf to image.
195202 IO27653  Actions DCO.IsFirstPageInBatch () returns true even when the first object in the batch is not a page and could be any other object like a field.
195223 Rulerunner Rulerunner services fail to split/jump/route a batch to the expected task while running the same test with DcDesktop application routes the task accordingly.
195263 IO27811  Actions DocumentAnalytics.ExtractText fails to identify entity position when extractor name, its extracted value is present in multiple instances within the same row.
195270 IO28099 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator scan panel fails to load when "Allow Rescan" is configured in Classify task and then alternating between launching Scan and Classify task
195309 Actions ContentAnalyzerCreateLayout action fails to convert the JSON output file generated by Content Analyzer to a layout xml file when a DocumentClass is specified while submitting the document for processing.
195315 IO28104 Actions OCR_A.Recognize () inserts unexpected characters such as "OBJ" in between words that are extracted when recognizing text from images.
195365 IO28108 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator fails to display the Viewer when saving a scanned document using the option, "Document from scanner" listed under the "Add Document" tab.
195472 IO28135 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator verify panel displays truncated field values when the data in them are lengthy.
195480 Applications Traveldocs application doesn't capture the line items for Meal_Grid and Other_Charges_Grid
195500 IO26830  Datacap Navigator Taskmaster logs displays "DB ERROR code [14107]: Couldn't open recordset" error when running MyList feature that fails to build correct SQL scripts for the filter against both DB2 and Oracle.
195512 IO28136 Datacap Navigator Datacap Dashboard Page fails to displays the "Team Activity: Graph" for 7-Day activity even though the option is enabled under Team Statistic tab.
195537 Datacap Navigator SQL Injection Vulnerability and Cross Site Scripting(XSS) Vulnerability in Datacap Navigator
195543 IO27742  Datacap Web Client In Datacap web client application displays their textbox custom columns as a drop-down column in their verify panel misleading users that need to enter data into fields.
195545 IO28140 Actions Convert.PdfFRE.PDFFREDocumentToImage () creates all blank tiff images when it converts a PDF file to TIFF format and action returns true which is misleading since the images do not contain any data.
195561 IO28156  Actions RecognizeToPDFOCR_A() has been updated to enable the configuring of JPEG instead of JPEG2000 compression when extracting colored images from PDF files.
195609 IO28150 Rulesets IBMCM_SetAttributeValue() action uses the actual smart parameter literal when the smart parameter is not valid, when it should use an empty value
195626 IO28151 Actions SharedRecognitionTools.Actions.DetermineOMRThreshold () takes time to perform OMR detection compared to using RecogOMRThreshold () in previous versions.
195650 IO28167 Actions RecognizePageOCR_A () fails to return valid recognition results when attempting to run recognition on an image with an Indian Rupee Symbol (₹).
195652 IO28168 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator Viewer fails to display scanned images when "Show manufacturer scanner properties" setting is enabled.

The following table displays a list of APARs that are fixed in IBM Datacap V9.1.7, interim fix 003.

RTC ID APAR Number Component Summary
189181 IO27189  Actions imail.im_scan () fails to poll the specified mail server for incoming emails with image attachments when it is polling against multiple inboxes and instead returns a "NullReference" exception error.
191714 IO27454  Actions In Datacap Studio application Color Depth setting under Ruleset Image Enhancement fails to disable once it is enabled when processing 32-bit images.
191792 IO27415  RuleRunner Batches are left in running state by the Rulerunner services when an application exception occurs inside the calling action. 
191799 IO27444  Datacap Desktop Clients FastDoc application hangs when attempting to scan multi-page PDF documents.
192002 IO26301  Actions Click-n-key established zones are being overwritten in Fingerprints when scanning other similar images.
193116 IO27611 Actions Datacap Studio shuts down without warnings with no errors in the task RRS logs when calling action Zones.FindDataBlocks ().
193252 IO27629  Datacap Desktop Clients Datacap Desktop application 'Run Pending' button fails to pick up batches that are only in pending status and instead attempts to also pick up batches in hold status.
193290 IO27671 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator Scan/Verify task fails to display an image icon next to the image node in batch treeview and instead displays a text icon.
193306 IO27634  Actions In Datacap Desktop application station ID entered in the login UI screen fails to persist when the user logs off and logs back in.
193386 IO27640 Datacap Report Viewer The Datacap Report Viewer web application fails to display real-time reports of Batches and Problem Batches activity related to configured Datacap applications.
193453 IO27643  Datacap Desktop Clients
Datacap Desktop application page selection in batch tree view does not reflect correct page when switching fields between main page and trailing page.
193662 IO27659  Datacap Desktop Clients Datacap Desktop Verify - Clicking the Insert or Append button to add new a line sometimes fails to assign focus on the newly created line.
193665 IO27660  Actions Locate.FindLastWord () fails to find the last occurrence of a word or phrase matching the parameter.
193751 IO27945 Fingerprints  Fingerprint Maintenance Tool throws error, "This application requires a Settings.ini file in the same directory as the application resides" when the application name is different from the dco_<app name>.
193754 IO27672  Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator Scan Quick launch task cannot be set while using speedscan.js program.
193817 IO27748  Actions DocumentAnalytics.FindPatterns () fails to match the pattern if Layout xml file has matched text wrapped within a paragraph.
193873 IO27727  Datacap Desktop Clients Datacap Desktop application fails to allow users to type data into fields that have focus when the batch is first launched in Verify panel because it lacks cursor focus.
193924 IO27732  Datacap Desktop Clients In Datacap Desktop, in view batch details, the columns and headers are not translated after changing the language.
193949 IO27744  Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator fixup task, when the last document in the batch is split, batch treeview collapses and fails to display the newly split document.
193955 IO27745  Datacap Desktop Clients In Datacap Desktop custom panel, when the user is verifying line items, the large line item image snippet is rendered from a different image in the batch.
193969 IO27753 Datacap Web Client Datacap Web Client Verifine panel throws an error, "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client " when submitting a page that has a text field value containing "#3&#4".
193982 IO27683  Actions VisualRecognitionActions.VisualRecogClassify () returns "Error parsing 'parameters' as a float;" if the list separator under region and language settings uses comma (,) as its decimal separator.
194020 IO27797 Datacap Navigator In Datacap Admin Console verify panel, under advanced tab, when DCO tree view box is enabled for read-only view, and a user uses the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M, a comment pop-up window is displayed instead of being grayed out.
194053 IO27956 Datacap Desktop Clients Datacap DcDesktop application throws error, "System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException" when a user switches between pages in verify panel batchview using a Turkish locale.
194080 IO27793  Actions ValidationsAndTextAdjustments.IsRegularExpressionPatternInValue () returns false and returns the error, "The value of "" does not match the pattern that is defined by the regular expression " when the Regular Expression characters contain a space(Null value).
194139 IO27811 Actions DocumentAnalytics.ExtractText fails to identify entity position when extractor name, its extracted value is present in multiple instances within the same row.
194202 IO27828 Actions Uppercase letters are recognized as lowercase by OCR_A engine when the size of first letter is bigger than the rest of the letters in a word.
194244 IO26856 Datacap Services LLLDAP plug-in fails with error, "Authenticator couldn't validate user" to find the distinguished name value when user logs into their Datacap application.
194249 IO27852  Datacap Desktop Clients In Datacap Desktop application when a batch launches up in verify panel, the viewer displays a blank screen in the viewer failing to display the first image in batch treeview.
194250 IO27827  RuleRunner Datacap Application Manager setting "Batch RRS Log Folder" fails to create task RRS logs into the batch folder when the same application resides in multiple locations and running one taskmaster server service and one Rulerunner services.
194252 IO27847  Datacap Desktop Clients Datacap Desktop fails to allow users to process batches that are placed on HOLD status by other users in verify task.
194280 IO27853  Actions Barcode_P.IdentifyByBarcodesBP () fails to update the current page type because the QR code barcodes are not recognized.
194286 IO27692  Actions Rulerunner Processes (RRProcessor.exe) terminate, leaving the batch in running state when using CreateCCOFromLayout () to create a CCO file from the current page's XML layout file.
194288 IO27759  Datacap Server IBM Datacap Taskmaster Server fails to write usage information to Software License Metric Tag (SLMTag) files when Datacap product is not installed on the C drive.
194358 IO27934 Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator Admin Console, users are unable to create or update job task settings.
194383 IO27930  Actions NENU not able to clear RRS Logs when kept in separate folder using Batch RRS Log feature from Application Manager.
194399 IO27935 Actions DocumentAnalytics.VisualRecogClassify () fails with "Exception Response: code: 401 Unauthorized" error in task logs when chaning url and login credentials from one region to another.
194453 IO27937 Actions Convert.OutlookMessageToImageAndAttachment () truncates information in the tiff images if the incoming *.msg or *.eml files have embedded borders in the email.
194455 IO27590  Actions Locate.RegExFind_InBlock () fails to find the coordinates provided by the block because the Left position is switched with the Right position when the hr_bidi variable is set to RTL.
194484 IO2793 Datacap Desktop Clients In DcDestop application, using OnTaskProfile in DotScan panel to run a task profile works only for the first batch and fails for subsequent batches in the session.
194553 IO27229  Actions If the file name of the copy folder contains a date or it has a lengthy size number and if this same file was previously ingested by mvscan.scan () then file is not ingested as expected.
194558 IO27099  Actions If the copy folder contains a file name that is a number greater than 1,000 and if it was previously ingested by mvscan.scan (), then file is not ingested.
194593 IO27392  Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator application fails to return a dialog popup in job monitor view history window when processing a batch in Japanese locale.
194690 Filenet FNP8.FNP8_UploadDir fails to only upload images from the specified source folder when used with FNP8_MultiPageDoc (True) and instead uploads also images in images folder.
194740 IO27968 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator application fails to tab in the correct order between fields when using EDS plugin code.
194784 IO27929  Rulerunner Rulerunner services update the status of all previously inserted records by all tasks from 'pending' to 'finished' in Eng db Taskstats table when it should only update the last record to reflect the current status.
194810 IO27568  FileNet FNP8.FNP8_UploadDir (, True) does not delete the images from the source folder as documented.
194947 IO28008 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator application, when processing images in verify panel, the page status fails to get updated in batch tree view even after page status is changed by using the additional task profile.

The following table displays a list of APARs that are fixed in IBM Datacap V9.1.7, interim fix 002.
RTC ID APAR Number Component Summary
191652 IO27422  Datacap Desktop In Datacap Desktop when an application is launched, batches in job monitor are not sorted by priority + QID as documented in our documentation and instead are sorted by priority, start time and QID.
191729 IO27034  Datacap Desktop In Desktop job monitor sorting of custom column values results in first upper case A - Z format and then lower case a - z format instead of sorting alphabetically by letter.
191769 IO27337  Actions Webservice.WsGetValues fails to process Dutch language characters returned by webservice calls when using the default character set is ASCII encoding.
191780 IO27319  Datacap Navigator Deploying lookup button in Datacap Navigator custom panel fails when mapping to return zero results or returning either single row or return multiple row results.
191782 IO27354  Actions ewsmail.ex_scan () polls the specified mail server for incoming email and ingested an email whose attachment types were not specified in ex_types ().
191783 IO27364  Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator when user double-clicks Verify shortcut, the action spawns two verify tabs with the option of selecting two different batches to process.
191912 IO27661  Actions Barcode coordinates can be incorrect when image enhancement and smooth zoom are enabled
191923 IO27448  Datacap Navigator Database lookup fails to return database query result when deploying MSSQL lookup in Datacap Navigator application
192118 IO27485  Datacapr Navigator In Datacap Navigator when applying save filter in Job monitor an error, "Http Response Code: 404 Response Message" is displayed.
192291 IO27604  Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator verify panel, when user selects an image and then clicks Next/Previous page button action, they notice images are not refreshed and or displayed accordingly in the viewer.
192304 IO27525  Datacap Web Client In Datacap Web client application, and files fail to extract into SysWow64 folder and instead return error, "The TIFF Viewer control is required to run tasks."
192365 IO27536  Datacap Desktop In Datacap Desktop application after user clicks on the viewer's zoom in or zoom option, the viewer fails to refresh to "whole image' when selected.
192689 IO27372  Rulerunner Datacap Central Rulerunner Manager fails to install on drives other than C:\ drive and also forces logs to be created on c:\ drive
192807 IO27566 Datacap Web services wTM - User is not able to execute Global ruleset via Transaction\execute API
193023 IO27375  Datacap Web Client Datacap Web Client application in Verify panel when configured to use Verifine.aspx the font size of the text in the field values are not changed consistently to the same size as fields in the panel.
193027 IO27610  Datacap Navigator Scan page is refreshed on clicking the F5 shortcut twice in Local Viewer
193029 IO27407 Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator when a document is configured as "Marked for Delete" and contains pages that are NOT all configured for marked as delete then Submit button will not submit the batch.
193097 IO27616 Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator application when fields in the Details section are updated and the batch is submitted, previously updated field values are then displayed in subsequent pending batches.
193143 IO27617  Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator viewer if the zoom feature is applied to any PDF file, the image displays the characters in the image as blurred and out of focus.
193157 IO27571  Recognition Running action Recognize () returns error, "Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program" when performing OCR on images.
193163 IO27635  Recognition Customer-specific images do not rotate correctly.
193178 IO27674 Rulerunner Threads on remote rulerunner host do not sync up with CRRM when the settings file path is not locally accessible on Central rulerunner host machine.
193197 IO27628 Actions Locate.UpdateDCOField () fails to return the string value of the target field's name as a Field object of the Document Hierarchy when using smart parameters.
193278 IO27632  Actions SplitBatch.SplitBatch () retains all the document and page information that was present before the batch split and after the batch split in the parent batch xml file.
193405 IO27641 Actions SplitBatch.SplitBatch () returns a blank value for TYPE variable in the child batch field value instead of returning the Type. Example: "Type : "
193493 IO27654 Datacap Navigator Login issue after user logouts in Datacap Navigator in same browser tab
193677 IO27666 Datacap Desktop  Datacap Desktop crashes with an error, "System.NullReferenceException: Object not set to an instance of an object" when executing POLR.
193680 IO27667 Datacap Navigator In Datacap Navigator Scan and Verify task, disabling and enabling the "Copy" option and the 'Comment' does not work as expected.
193711 IO27675 Actions If a blank extension is supplied, EWSMail.ex_scan fails to import messages with no attachments and instead emails are moved to the problem folder.
193723 IO27385  Actions ewsmail.ex_login fails when the password is passed as advance value in Datacap Applicaton Manager (@APPVAR(values/adv/Email_Password))
193764 IO27691  DatacapDesktop  In Datacap Desktop, clicking Quarter View button under Image Display tab in Verify task fails to change display the image to quarter view and instead the image is displayed as a whole image in the viewer.
193770 IO27693  Datacap Desktop  In Datacap Desktop, scanning a batch using ISIS panel fails if the batch was previously aborted when processed in Datacap web client application or Datacap Navigator application.
193772 IO27312 Datacap Desktop  Datacap Desktop job monitor fails to correctly display dates in the right format in Job Start column and Task Start column when running in non-English locale.
193798 IO27708 Datacap FastDoc In FastDoc application if field names are single digit numbers, positions of the field zone are stored as 0,0,0,0 instead of actual zone coordinates.
193802 IO27726  Recognition RecognizeToPDFOCR_A () returns "ConfigureSynthsisParams exception: Internal program error" and fails to convert certain scanned Images (.tif) to an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file.
193853 IO27713  Actions ValidationsAndTextAdjustment.ReplaceCharacter() and ValidationsAndTextAdjustment.DeleteSelectedCharacter() fails to replace a character in the current field object's captured value when the parameter to replace with is an asterisk '*'.
193859 IO27654 Datacap Navigator Relogin to Datacap Navigator doesn't work or the screen gets freeze in IE and Mozilla Firefox Browser after entering the Correct credentials.
193876 NA Datacap Navigator Unnecessary blank line\space can be seen after ViewONE's in both the Scan and Verify Panel in Datacap Navigator
193916 IO27725 Datacap Navigator Datacap Navigator under Define Filter section, there is no values displayed under 'Value' field when running a filter against Task even though there is a down arrow option.
193936 IO27737  Actions Imprint.AnnotateImage () is intermittently for removing tiff images from the batch folder when the text's font size irregular x and y dpi resolution.
193950 IO27741  Actions IBMCMExtended.IBMCM_Logon fails to log into IBM Content Manager when it tries to encrypt and decrypt parameter values stored in Advanced Values section of Datacap Application Manager.
194035 IO27743  Datacap Desktop  Delete functionality in Datacap Desktop application fails to allow the user to mark the page for deletion and instead physically removes the page from batch treeview preventing the option to restore the page later.
194107 IO27702  FileNet Datacap P8 Connector needs to display detailed information in task rrs logs when a P8 action call fails.
194136 IO27809  Actions Convert.TxtToImage () fails to process some embedded Unicode characters in the ingested image when it converts TEXT to image.
194188 IO27415   Rulerunner Rulerunner service should provide the ability to restart an RRProcessor.exe after every execution.
194107 IO27011 Datacap Desktop Fingerprints are not loaded in Datacap Studio when connecting to SQL DB using TLS 1.2

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSZRWV","label":"IBM Datacap"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000008Zs3AAE","label":"APARS"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
13 April 2021

