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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • In Workflow several problems have been discovered when using a
    Person Group for a non-broadcast Role:
    1. the Group Default person should get the Workflow (WF)
    Assignment but it goes to the Person with the lowest Sequence
    number in the Person Group instead.
    2. If some people do not have Calendar and others do have a
    Calendar the people on shift never get considered to receive
    the assignment
    3. Alternates are never used but they should be used if the
    primary person is not available.
    The sequence number (persongroupteam.resppartygroupseq) should
    only be used for a person who has a calendar and who has
    availability in that calendar. If all persons in a
    persongroupteam have a non-null resppartygroupseq BUT none of
    them have a calendar or they have a calendar but no
    availability, the code should move on to consider the defaults.
    This is not happening.
    Additionally, alternates are not considered at all.
    1. Make a Person Group of 3 People who do not have Calendars
    or Shifts assigned to them in the People application.
    2. Make one of them the Group Default and give that Person a
    Sequence of 2.
    3. Give one Person a Sequence of 1 and the other a Sequence of
    4. Save the Person Group
    5. Go to the Roles application and create a Role:
    TYPE: Persongroup
    VALUE: the person group created in Step 1
    BROADCAST: leave unchecked
    6. Save
    7. Go to Workflow Designer and create a WF process for any
    Object, such as PR, with just one Task node:
    Start ---> Task ---> Stop
    8. Assign the Task node to the Role created in Step 5.
    9. Save the WF process, Enable and Activate it.
    (if you have to add support to your Object click OK and when it
    is finished. logout and log back in so you can now use WF)
    10. Go to the Application you created the WF Process for, in
    this case PR
    11.Pick any PR (or create a new one) and start it in WF.
    12. Usie Select Actions - Workflow - View Assignments to see
    who got the assignment.
    It should have gone to the Person checked as Group Default but
    instead it went to the one with the lower Sequence number,
    number 1. It should go to Group Default.
    13. Now go to the Person Group and use Go To People to add a
    Calendar and Shift to the Person with Sequence 3 (the one is is
    not the lowest sequence or the Group Default). Choose a
    Calendar and Shift that is working at this time. If it is 2pm
    on a Monday use Calendar Day Shift Day as Calendar Day works on
    Mondays and Shift Day ends at 3pm.
    14. Start a new PR into WF and you will see the assignment
    still goes to the person with Sequence 1. Since there was a
    person who was on Calendar/Shift the assignment should have
    gone to that person.
    15. Go back to Person Groups and change the Calendar/Shift on
    the person you gave it to to be a shift that is not working at
    this time.
    16, Then add an Alternate for that person. Us a person who
    has a calendar/shift that is presently in the shift's working
    17. Start a new PR into WF and you will see the assignment
    still goes to the person with Sequence 1.
    Since there was an
    alternate person who was on Calendar/Shift the assignment
    should have gone to that person but it did not.
    In each case the assignment went to the
    person with the lowest sequence but that is not the way it
    should be.
    7612 IFix 005

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
    * Maximo workflow users                                        *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
    * Person Group alternates and defaults are not considered for  *
    * workflow assignments.                                        *
     1. Make a Person Group of 3 People who do not have Calendars or
    Shifts assigned to them in the People application.
     2. Make one of them the Group Default and give that Person a
     Sequence of 2.
     3. Give one Person a Sequence of 1 and the other a Sequence of
     4. Save the Person Group
     5. Go to the Roles application and create a Role:
     TYPE: Persongroup
     VALUE: the person group created in Step 1
     BROADCAST: leave unchecked
     6. Save
     7. Go to Workflow Designer and create a WF process for any
     Object, such as PR, with just one Task node:
     Start ---> Task ---> Stop
     8. Assign the Task node to the Role created in Step 5.
     9. Save the WF process, Enable and Activate it.
     (if you have to add support to your Object click OK and when
     is finished. logout and log back in so you can now use WF)
     10. Go to the Application you created the WF Process for, in
     this case PR
     11.Pick any PR (or create a new one) and start it in WF.
     12. Usie Select Actions - Workflow - View Assignments to see
     who got the assignment. It should have gone to the Person
    checked as Group Default but instead it went to the one with the
    lower Sequence number, number 1. It should go to Group Default.
     13. Now go to the Person Group and use Go To People to add a
     Calendar and Shift to the Person with Sequence 3 (the one is
     not the lowest sequence or the Group Default). Choose a
     Calendar and Shift that is working at this time. If it is 2pm
     on a Monday use Calendar Day Shift Day as Calendar Day works on
    Mondays and Shift Day ends at 3pm.
     14. Start a new PR into WF and you will see the assignment
     still goes to the person with Sequence 1. Since there was a
     person who was on Calendar/Shift the assignment should have
     gone to that person.
     15. Go back to Person Groups and change the Calendar/Shift on
     the person you gave it to to be a shift that is not working at
     this time.
     16, Then add an Alternate for that person. Us a person who
     has a calendar/shift that is presently in the shift's working
     17. Start a new PR into WF and you will see the assignment
     still goes to the person with Sequence 1.
     The following are the rules to obtain the first available
    person by checking the calendars of Person Group members in this
     1. primary members by sequence number
     2. alternates by the same primary member order and the
    alternate sequence number
     If a primary or alternate Person Group does not have calendar
    availability, defaults are considered in this order:
     1. site default equal to input site
     2. org default equal to input org
     3. group default
     These rules were not being enforced. Alternates were never
    considered even if they had calendar availability. Defaults were
    only considered if all primary members had calendars but no
    availability according to those calendars. The problem was that
    primary members of the Person Group who did not have calendars
    were considered to be available regardless of whether or not
    they were a default member of the group. As soon as a person
    without a calendar was found (if an available person with a
    calendar had not yet been found and returned), that person was
    returned as available. APAR IJ31129 is specific to the
    assignment of a workflow.

Problem conclusion

  • _The fix for this APAR is contained in the following maintenance
    package: Release

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:



Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"761"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 May 2021