IBM Support

Why I can't see any transaction monitoring results in ITM TEP GUI after a robotic RFT test script playback on RRTA agent?

Question & Answer


Why I can't see any monitoring data displayed in IBM Tivoli Monitoring Tivoli Enterprise Portal GUI console, after a robotic Rational Functional Tester  test script has been played back successfully on a Robotic Response Time (t6) agent?


Possible cause is that RFT 32-bit architecture was not installed on the RRTA t6 agent.


There are several possible origins of such issue.

1) Refer to this tech note:

Possible cause (no ARM <ITM_HOME>\TMAITM6\arm\log\kt6\*ARM_xxxx.dat file created, no data in TEP GUI) is that the T6 and/or RFT were not installed as Local Administrator account, so RFT hasn't enough privilege to create

C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\SDP\FunctionalTester\bin\RFTArmEnable.config file.


Best practice is to install the RRTA (T6 agent) and RFT NOT in C:\Program Files (x86)\ directory.


3) ITCAM for Transactions V7.4 robotic response time environment (RRT T6 robotic agent) and also the Rational Integration Support v7.4 (RIS / Tivoli Rational Plug-in used to export RFT scripts to the ITCAM for Tx AMC/T3 agent's kt1depot) only support RFT 32-bit architecture.

Check which flavor and architecture of RFT was installed on the RRTA agent.

By default, on a Windows OS 64-bit system, during RFT installation, the 64-bit architecture is selected. Change such selection and select the 32-bit architecture when RFT is used with ITCAM for Transactions v7.4 product.


Example, during RFT installation, step “Install Packages”:

image 8758


If RFT is already installed, launch IBM Installation Manager -> File -> View Installed packages, select RFT, and verify, under “Details”, the architecture currently in use.

If you see Architecture: 64-bit, then you need to uninstall RFT, and reinstall it again, and select Architecture Selection = 32-bit during installation.

image 8759

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SS5MD2","label":"Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000L24CAAS","label":"ITCAM-for-Transactions->Robotic Response Time RRT->RFT"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS005199014","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Historical Number


Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
15 March 2021

