IBM Support

How to order and install a z/VSE RSL

How To


Upgrade z/VSE to the "Recommended Service Level" as a step by step procedure


z/VSE with TCP/IP


To keep your z/VSE 6.2 system current and to avoid running into problems, which were already solved, we recommend updating your z/VSE system once or twice a year. The most convenient way is to order the latest "Recommended Service Level" (RSL) from shopz and install the PTFs.
Prepare the PTF numbers for order
  1. Open a new web browser window for z/VSE Support Preventive Service- "Recommended Service Level"
  2. Click PTF Order List "PTFs 620B"
  3. Select and copy text + PTF numbers between "z/VSE Base Products - 6.2" and "Back to top"
Order the PTFs from shopz
  1. Open another browser window for shopz
  2. Login with your IBMid
  3. Select "My orders" tab
  4. Press on "Create Orders"
  5. Click radio button "z/VSE Service" with selection "Individual PTFs" from the drop-down list next to it and press "Continue"
  6. On Step 1 of 5 Specify Order basics click radio button "Individual PTFs by PTF number" and press "Continue"
  7. On Step 2 of 5 click radio button "Do not use a report for this order" and press "Continue"
  8. On Step 3 of 5 Paste text with PTF numbers copied from RSL page into input box and turn off check-box for "Include requisite service from service level" (not required for RSL) and press "Continue"
    Formatting removes text and duplicate PTF numbers with a warning message, press "Continue" again
  9. On Step 4 of 5 select Preferred media Internet for fast delivery, control your shipping address and select radio button "I am placing this order for myself. ..." and press "Continue"
  10. On Step 5 of 5 press Submit and confirm by pressing "OK" on pop-up window.
Check for PTF delivery and download PTFs
You receive two emails, the first email confirms your order, the second email from efactory with subject "IBM Order Bnnnnnnn is ready for download"  arrives when the PTFs are available for download
  1. In the shopz browser window in the "My orders" tab select "Processing"
  2. If your order is not yet shown or does not show Status "Download", press "Refresh order status" .
  3. Click "Download" opens Download page
  4. Download "Readme", "Service Overview" and "VSE PTF Envelope"
  5. Extract the packed z/VSE PTFs and check the size
Prepare your z/VSE system for PTF installation
z/VSE recommends PTF installation from disk. This uses the VSAM file  PTF.FILE in catalog VSESPUC.  The file  is defined with a record length of 80 byte and 20,000 records per extent. Each extent will hold 1.6 MB and  with a maximum of 32 extents the file can hold approximately 64 MB.
For larger amounts of  PTFs like the RSL, the file must be enlarged.
  1. Copy skeleton SKPTFILE from ICCF library 59 to your private ICCF library
  2. Edit the skeleton in your private ICCF library
  3. After reading the comments, run macro "@DTRSEXIT" to remove them
  4. Change the RECORDS count from 20,000 to for example 50,000
  5. Submit the job.
excerpt from SKPTFILE

// EXEC IDCAMS,SIZE=AUTO                                             
   DELETE (PTF.FILE) PURGE CL -                                      
   DEFINE CLUSTER(NAME(PTF.FILE)                 -                   
          VOLUMES(DOSRES,SYSWK1)                 -                   
          RECORDS(50000,50000)                   -     <<<< changed from 20000 to 50000             
          RECORDSIZE (80,10320)                  -                   
          RECORDFORMAT(FIXBLK(80))               -                   
          REUSE                                  -                   
          NONINDEXED                             -                   
          SHAREOPTIONS(1)                        -                   
          FREESPACE(15,7))                       -                   
          DATA (NAME (PTF.FILE.@D@))             -                   
    IF LASTCC NE 0 THEN CANCEL JOB                                   
If you plan to use 3270 IND$FILE transfer instead of FTP, an intermediate medium is required, which can be a VSE library member, or the Host Transfer File (HTF).
For larger amounts of PTFs like the RSL, the HTF file must be enlarged too.
  1. Copy skeleton SKIWSTF from ICCF library 59 to your private ICCF library
  2. Edit the skeleton in your private ICCF library
  3. After reading the comments, run macro "@DTRSEXIT" to remove them
  4. Change the RECORDS count from 4,000 to for example 50,000
  5. Supply the volume names, for example DOSRES SYSWK1
  6. Submit the job.
excerpt from SKIWSTF

// EXEC IDCAMS,SIZE=AUTO                                            
   DELETE (PC.HOST.TRANSFER.FILE) PURGE CL          -                        
   DEFINE CLUSTER (NAME(PC.HOST.TRANSFER.FILE)      -                    
          RECORDS (50000 50000)                     -   <<<<<  changed from 4000 to 50000         
          TO (99365)                                -                                              
          FREESPACE (0 50)                          -                                        
          SHAREOPTIONS (2)                          -                                        
          INDEXED                                   -                                                 
          KEYS (16 0)                               -                                             
          RECORDSIZE (100 32758)                    -                                  
          USECLASS (0)                              -                                            
          VOLUMES (DOSRES SYSWK1))                  -   <<<<<  changed from -V001- to DOSRES SYSWK1                 
          DATA (NAME(PC.HOST.TRANSFER.FILE.DATA)    -                  
          SPANNED                                   -                                                 
          CISZ (2048))                              -                                            
          INDEX (NAME(PC.HOST.TRANSFER.FILE.INDEX)) -               
          CATALOG (VSESP.USER.CATALOG)                              
Install the PTFs
If the FTP to PTF.FILE fails, check whether the file is too small
  1. If the file reached 32 extents, increase the RECORDS count
  2. Or if the file could not extend, add space to the VSAM catalog 

Document Location


Operating System

z/VSE:All operating systems listed

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSB27H","label":"z\/VSE"},"Component":"Interactive Interface","Platform":[{"code":"PF038","label":"z\/VSE"}],"Version":"z\/VSE","Edition":"5.1;5.2;6.1;6.2","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB56","label":"Z HW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 February 2022

