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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

    If an internal PO creates a reservation for a Condition Enabled
    item, and the item is then transferred from the vending
    Storeroom on an Inventory Usage record, the cost does not
    reflect the correct Condition Enabled item cost if the quantity
    being transferred is greater than 1.
    If no PO/reservation is used on the Inventory Usage, then there
    is no issue and any quantity can be entered without issue
    1. Log in to maxdemo instance
    2. Go To Inventory | Condition Codes
    3. In the row for the "USED" Condition Code, update the
    Condition Rate field to 0
    4. Update the Description field to "Used-Zero Cost"
    5. Save the record
    6. Go To Inventory | Item Master
    7. Common Actions | New Item
    8. In the Item field enter "CE-01"
    9. In the Description field enter "Condition Enabled Item 01"
    10. Click the checkbox for "Condition Enabled?"
    11. In the Order Unit field enter "each" and tab out
    12. In the Issue Unit field enter "each" and tab out
    13. In the Condition Codes section click the New Row button
    14. In the Condition Code field | Select Value | click NEW (or
    whichever value has a Condition Rate of 100)
    15. Click the New Row button again
    16. In the Condition Code field | Select Value | click USED
    17. Save the record
    18. More Actions | Add Items to Storeroom
    19. In the Storeroom field enter "central" and tab out
    20. Click OK
    21. In the Unit Cost field enter 25 and tab out
    22. In the Current Balance field enter 0
    23. Click OK
    24. Repeat the steps to add the item to the GARAGE Storeroom
    25. Common Actions | Change Status
    26. In the New Status field click the drop-down arrow, then
    click Active
    27. Click the checkbox for "Roll New Status to Organizations
    and Inventory?"
    28. Click OK
    29. Go To Inventory | Inventory
    30. In the Item field enter "ce-01" and press Enter
    31. Click CE-01, where the Storeroom is CENTRAL, to open the
    32. In the Inventory Costs section click the New Row
    33. In the Condition Code field | Select Value | click USED
    34. In the Inventory Balances section click the New Row button
    35. In the Condition Code field | Select Value | click USED
    36. Save the record
    37. On the Reorder Details tab | Reorder Point field | enter 25
    38. In the Primary Vendor field enter "almar" and tab out
    39. Save the record
    40. On the List View tab click CE-01, where the Storeroom is
    GARAGE, to open the record
    41. In the Inventory Costs section click the New Row
    42. In the Condition Code field | Select Value | click USED
    43. In the Inventory Balances section click the New Row button
    44. In the Condition Code field | Select Value | click USED
    45. Save the record
    46. On the Reorder Details tab | Reorder Point field | enter 5
    47. In the Vendors section delete the row for ALMAR
    48. Save the record
    49. On the List View tab click the Refresh button, then click
    CE-01, where the Storeroom is CENTRAL, to open the record
    50. More Actions | Reorder | Reorder Items
    51. In the E-mail Address Notification field enter a value,
    such as ""
    52. Click OK at the System Message
    53. Go To Purchasing | Purchase Requisitions
    54. In the Company field enter "almar" and press Enter
    55. Click the record for the PR that was just created to open it
    56. Common Actions | Change Status
    57. In the New Status field click the drop-down arrow, then
    click Approved
    58. Click OK
    59. More Actions | Create PO
    60. Click the Autonumber button
    61. Note the PO number that was generated, then click OK
    62. Go To Purchasing | Purchase Orders
    63. In the PO field enter the number of the PO that was created
    and press Enter
    64. Click the record to open it
    65. Common Actions | Approve Purchase Order
    66. Click OK
    67. Go To Purchasing | Receiving
    68. In the PO field enter the number of the PO that was
    approved and press Enter
    69. Click the record to open it
    70. Click the Select Ordered Items button
    71. Click the checkbox to select the row, then click OK
    72. Save the record
    73. Go To Inventory | Inventory
    74. In the Item field enter "ce-01" and press Enter
    75. Click CE-01 where the Storeroom is CENTRAL to open the
    76. In the Inventory Balances section click the New Row button
    77. In the Bin field enter "B-01"
    78. In the Condition Code field | Select Value | click USED
    79. Save the record
    80. More Actions | Inventory Adjustments | Current Balance
    81. In the row for the USED Condition Code, enter 6 in the New
    Balance field
    82. In the row for the NEW Condition Code, enter 20 in the New
    Balance field (or 6 less than the current value in the Current
    Balance field)
    83. Click OK
    84. More Actions | Inventory Adjustments | Current Balances
    85. Click OK
    86. In the Inventory Balances section verify that the Current
    Balance in Bin B-01 (for USED Condition Code) is now 6.00
    87. Go To Purchasing | Purchase Orders
    88. Common Actions | New Purchase Order
    89. In the Vendor section click the checkbox for "Internal?"
    90. In the Storeroom field | Select Value | click CENTRAL
    91. On the PO Lines tab click the New Row button
    92. In the Item field enter "ce-01" and tab out
    93. In the Condition Code field | Select Value | click NEW
    94. In the Quantity field enter 3
    95. In the Conversion Factor field enter 1
    96. In the Storeroom field | Detail Menu | Select Value | click
    97. Save the record
    98. Common Actions | Approve Purchase Order
    99. Click OK
    100. Note the PO number and Go To Inventory | Inventory Usage
    101. Common Actions | Inventory Usage
    102. In the Usage Type field | Select Value | click TRANSFER
    103. In the From Storeroom field | Detail Menu | click CENTRAL
    104. Click the Select Reserved Items button
    105. Click the checkbox for the row (where Item is CE-01)
    106. Expand the details for the Usage Line
    107. Observe that the Line Cost is 75.00 (Condition Code is NEW
    from the PO)
    108. In the Condition Code field | Select Value | click USED
    109. Observe that the From Bin updates to B-01 and the Line
    Cost is updated to 0.00 (per USED Condition Code)
    110. Save the record
    111. Common Actions | Change Status to Complete
    112. Click OK
    113. Go To Inventory | Inventory
    114. In the Item field enter "ce=01" and press Enter
    115. Click the row for CE-01 where the Storeroom is CENTRAL to
    open the record
    116. More Actions | View Inventory Transactions
    The Transfer transaction incurred a Line Cost of 75.00 for the
    item which had no cost; if the same procedure is used, but the
    transferred quantity is 1, then the Line Cost correctly displays
    0.00 for the USED item that was transferred
    The Loaded Cost for the transfer should be 0.00 because the
    item that was transferred had a cost of 0.00
    Tivoli's process automation engine
    Build 20200715-0100 DB Build V7612-284 HFDB Build HF7612-14

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
    * Maximo users                                                 *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
    * The condition enabled item cost is incorrect when the        *
    * condition code is changed in the Inventory Usage application *
    * before transferring the item.                                *

Problem conclusion

  • The fix for this APAR will be included in a future Release

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"Maximo Asset Management"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"761","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 January 2023