IBM Support

Must gather: Use PAWDockerWinChecker tool on Windows to gather information for IBM Support



For any kind of issues experienced with Planning Analytics Workspace, often numerous information is needed to investigate and find the cause. Gathering all the required information can require many various requests and communication between system administrators, network administrators, application administrators, and IBM support. It can lead to delays in providing a solution.

Resolving The Problem

The following Powershell script is created to accelerate Support case resolution by gathering all information that might be required for initial analysis.
Download this Powershell script, replace ".TXT" by ".PS1", place it in a folder of your choice on the Windows machine where Planning Analytics Workspace is installed (note: the folder name must not contain any space characters).
Check that Docker service is started, then use Powershell to run the script with elevated admin rights:
-From the Window Start menu, right-click Powershell and select "Run as Administrator".
-Once the Powershell window is opened, drag the PAWDockerWinChecker.ps1 file into the Powershell window, and type 'Enter' key to run the script.
(Note: unless your PATH environment variable contains the current directory, Powershell might not find the file if you don't use some path. So, even if you are already in the correct folder, you still need to type ".\PAWDockerWinChecker.ps1" rather than "PAWDockerWinChecker.ps1")
Ignore any warnings or errors that can happen, they are often benign.
On some systems, the following error message might occur when the script is running:
"File PAWdockerWinChecker.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file PAWdockerWinChecker.ps1 is not digitally signed."
"You cannot run this script on the current system."
"The script will not execute on the system"
In that case, in the Powershell window, run this command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Then, still in that same window, type the path to the script to run it.
If not sufficient, try one or both of these other commands:
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
Unblock-File -Path C:\<your_download_path>\PAWdockerWinChecker.ps1

When finished, send the resulting "Audit_file_for_IBM_Support_<DateTime>.txt" file to IBM Support.

The script does not modify anything in the environment.
It gathers the following information:
- Computer information (OS version, free space on disks, free physical memory, free virtual memory, processors, regional settings, Microsoft KB updates)
- Network information, including network adapter priority order, listening ports, and docker NAT information
- Proxy settings
- Top memory consuming processes
- Any name resolution entries in /etc/Hosts file (note: docker uses the server's DNS list but does not use the server's Hosts file. Nevertheless it might contain valuable information)
- Data Execution Prevention (DEP) configuration
- VMWare Tools version (for known incompatibilities between Docker and some versions of VMWare tools)
- Other IBM services installed on this machine
- Information about Planning Analytics Administration Agent
- Information about TM1 Web / Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services
- Docker version
- Docker-compose version
- Docker "daemon.json" configuration file
- Docker service information (state and service account)
- List of VHD (virtual hard disks, mounted when containers are up)
- Workspace version
- Workspace configuration file (/config/paw.ps1)
- Workspace containers state (/scripts/paw.ps1 ps)
- Workspace images
- Permissions on Workspace directory and files
- pmhub.html configuration is retrieved: only if "CAM" security is used by Workspace, and Cognos Analytics is installed on the same machine
- Run "<Workspace_path>/scripts/Debug-ContainerHost.ps1"
- SSL/TLS configuration information
- Test all URIs from /config/paw.ps1, from the Workspace host machine, and from inside a Workspace container (tm1proxy)

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSCTEW","label":"IBM Planning Analytics Local"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000KzIzAAK","label":"Planning Analytics Workspace"},{"code":"a8m50000000KzKqAAK","label":"Planning Analytics Workspace-\u003EDocker"},{"code":"a8m50000000KzKvAAK","label":"Planning Analytics Workspace-\u003EInstallation and Configuration"},{"code":"a8m0z000000blfjAAA","label":"Troubleshooting"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 March 2023

