IBM Support

HMC Version 7 and later: How to Access the HMC GUI Remotely



This document describes how to configure the HMC for remote Web access and access the HMC remotely using a Web browser.


Version 7 and later of the HMC. For V8R8.3 and later this document applies to the "classic" logon view.

Resolving The Problem

Version 7 and later of the HMC allow remote access using a Web browser. The Web-based System Manager (WebSM) client is no longer supported. This document assumes that the HMC has at least one Ethernet adapter that has been configured for network access.

1. Enable remote operation
In the navigation panel, click HMC Management, then click Remote Operation. Check the box to enable remote operation and click OK.

Remote operation panel

2. Enable remote Web access in the firewall
In the navigation panel, select HMC Management, and then click Change Network Settings. Click the LAN Adapter tab, select the adapter configured for remote access (normally eth1), and then click the Details button. On the LAN Adapter Details dialog, click the Firewall tab. In the upper list box, select Secure Remote Web Access 443:tcp 9960:tcp. Click Allow Incoming. Click OK to save the change.

Firewall panel

3. Ensure each user is enabled for remote access
Newly created user profiles must be enabled for remote access. In the navigation panel, select HMC Management, and then click Manage User Profiles and Access. Select the desired user profile and click the menu option User, Modify. On the Modify User dialog, click the User Properties... button. Check the box for Allow remote access via the web. Click OK, OK to save the change. Repeat for each user profile that requires remote Web access. Note: Early versions of the HMC (7.3.2 and earlier) do not support this property. All users are allowed to access the HMC remotely.

User properties panel

Remote Web Access

To access the HMC remotely, open the supported browser and enter the URL of https://<hmc host name or ip address>.
Note that you must specify secure http (https). If your HMC host name is not in the DNS, you should specify the IP address assigned to the HMC for remote access. You may receive an certificate warning. Accept the certificate warning to continue.

Web Browser Requirements

The list of supported browser versions can be found in the HMC release readme files, available in IBM Fix Central.

Remote access requires ports 443 and 9960. 9960 is required for remote access using Internet Explorer and for java applets such as remote vterm in all browsers. In V7R7.8 and later, a new port, 12443, is opened in the HMC firewall when "remote access" is enabled. For remote web browser connectivity to HMC V7R7.8.0 and later, this port must also be opened in any firewall that is between a remote client and the HMC.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSB6AA","label":"Power System Hardware Management Console Physical Appliance"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Component":"HMC","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB08","label":"Cognitive Systems"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

More support for:
Power System Hardware Management Console Physical Appliance

Software version:
Version Independent

Document number:

Modified date:
22 September 2021

