IBM Support




List of GitHub Gists by Scott Forstie and iSee video tutorials by Scott Forstie and Tim Rowe related to IBM i Operating System Limits


GitHub Gists Topic
Out of storage.sql
The IBM i has some built-in facilities to allow you to understand that an 'out of storage' condition exists. Here are some examples of SQL techniques for managing this alert mechanism.
job queue closing in on max active jobs.sql
How do you manage your job queues? Do you have caps on the maximum active jobs? Here's a technique for studying this topic....
Active jobs
SQL Environmental Limits
Review the top consumers of SQL resources since the last IPL.
SQL resources
Sending an E-mail via SQL.sql
Sending an E-mail via SQL
System limits
Smaller Index is nearing a limit.sql
I had a client reach out this week because they encountered the maximum size for an index. (ouch) They had some indexes that were constructed to use a smaller maximum size than what's possible for SQL indexes. This query allows them to monitor when their Max 4GB sized indexes have grown to the level that they are over 60% of the max size. 
Index size
Kitchen Sink for the Admin.sql
More SQL than you want.... or so much fine SQL that you keep coming back? Time will tell.
Monitoring system limits
Alerting on high levels of jobs.sql
The request... provide a way to alert when the number of jobs is growing to a concerning level. The solution follows...
System limits
AUINTERNALS made easy with SQL.sql
The request... find an alternative to STRSST for monitoring AUINTERNALS security limits
User Profile Entries
Bringing ORDER to a VIEW.sql
The request... change Db2 for i to allow ORDER BY on CREATE VIEW. Well, we aren't going to do that because its non-standard. This gist shows a path forward using the existing support.
System limits
Decimal column checker upper.sql
The request was this... I want to see how close some internal identification columns are to maxing out their maximum value. For example a counter that’s defined as DECIMAL(7,0) has a high value of 9,995,000 would indicate that we need to intercede ASAP.
Maximum column value
iSee Video Tutorials Topic
System Limits - Don't Take It to the Limit!
System Limits is a key and widely unknown mystery of the IBM i operating system. There exists today, key limits that can help you understand system usage as well as make sure you are not about to cause yourself undue pain with a system outage!  In this session, Scott and Tim will look at a number of these system limits and look at how they can give you insight to usage on the system over time as well as watch for problems before they happen.  
System limits

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Document Information

Modified date:
03 April 2023

