IBM Support

OMNIbus insight pack generator tool

General Page

The OMNIbus insight pack generator tool allows you to alter the columns used in an existing OMNIbus insight pack data in Log Analysis, without deleting the existing ingested data. Dashboards and templates from the existing version of the installed insight pack are also ported over.
  1. Download the attached OMNIbus insight pack generator tool,
  2. Unzip the zip file and give the jar file executable permissions with the following command:
    chmod +x omniUpgrader.jar
  3. Copy the OMNIbus insight pack generator tool and the OMNIbusInsightPack configuration file to a new directory.
    mkdir /tmp/omniupdate
    cp omniUpgrader.jar /tmp/omniupdate
    cp <LA_HOME>/unity/content/OMNIbusInsightPack_v1.3.1.0/docs/ /tmp/omniupdate/
    Warning: Do not run the tool from <LA_HOME>/unity_content/OMNIbusInsightPack_v<version_no>/docs. This directory is deleted during the upgrade.
  4. Edit /tmp/
    - Backup this file before you make any changes.
    - Add, remove, or modify an entry as required. If you are adding an entry then append it to the end of the file, and follow the format of the other entries, naming the entry field<field_number>_indexConfig where <field_number> increments the number in the previous entry by 1.
    - Update the scalaHome directory with the location of the Log Analysis installation.
    - Update the totalColumns entry - increment this if you have added an entry, and decrement it if you have removed an entry.
  5. Run the tool to generate the next version of the OMNIbus insight pack. The output from the tool will show the current insight pack version and its columns, and the new insight pack version and its columns for easy comparison. Use the following command:   
    java -jar omniUpgrader.jar
  6. Upgrade the OMNIbus insight pack used by Log Analysis to the newly generated version by using the command that was output in the results of the previous step. For example:
    <LA_HOME>/utilities/ -upgrade /tmp/omniupdate/build/OMNIbusInsightPack_v<new_version>.zip
    where <new_version> is the version that was generated in the previous step. This command uninstalls the current OMNIbus insight pack and installs the latest generated version.
  7. On the Omnibus Gateway server append any new fields to the CREATE MAPPING StatusMap section of the XML Gateway mapping file, (for example, in the same order as they are listed in the file, and then restart the XML gateway.
Perform an OMNIbus search from Log Analysis and verify that the column updates are seen in the search results.
Note: If you install a newer version of the OMNIbus Insight pack than your customized one, then it will overwrite the custom fields, and you will need to re-run steps 3-7 again to implement the custom fields.

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSG247","label":"IBM SmartCloud Analytics"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CcHNAA0","label":"Log Analysis->Insight Packs->OMNIbusPack"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 September 2020

