IBM Support

How to install the IBM Cloud Application Performance Management reports in an IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x environment

How To


This document provides the procedure for installing the IBM Cloud Application Performance Management (APM) Response Time Monitoring agent reports, Synthetic Playback agent reports and WebSphere Application agent reports into an IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x environment.

Because IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x does not support the Tivoli Common Reporting command line interface, you cannot use the and scripts provided by IBM Cloud APM to perform the installation and configuration.


After installing the IBM Cloud APM reports, you can run the reports from the IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x user interface.  You cannot launch the reports from the IBM Cloud APM console like you can when Tivoli Common Reporting is used for the reporting server.


The procedure assumes that you already  installed IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x.   The Additional Information section of this document contains links to IBM Cognos Analytics documentation and installation technotes. 
If you want to use the IBM Cloud APM WebSphere Application agent reports,  install IBM Cloud APM server interim fix 10 or later. 


1) If your IBM Cloud APM Db2 server is not installed on the same host as your IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x server then the APM databases need to be cataloged on the IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x server host by performing these steps: 

    1a) Install the IBM Db2 client on the same host where IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x is installed.
    1b) As the Db2 instance user on your IBM Cognos server, enter the following commands: 

              db2 catalog tcpip node APMNODE remote your-db2-server-hostname server your-db2-instance-port

                                  -  you replace your-db2-server-hostname with the hostname of the IBM Cloud APM Db2 server and
                                 -  you replace your-db2-instance-port with the port number for your Db2 instance.   If your IBM Cloud APM server is configured for a local Db2 server then the Db2 instance port number is 50000 by default.

                  db2 catalog db WAREHOUS as WAREHOUS at node APMNODE
                  db2 catalog db DATAMART as DATAMART at node APMNODE
       Note: see the Additional Information section of this document for links to the Db2 11.1 topics with the full syntax for the db2 catalog tcpip node and db2 catalog database commands. 
2) Ensure the IBM Cognos Analytics install_location/drivers directory contains the Db2 driver jar file (db2jcc4.jar).     The jar file is available from the java directory of your IBM Db2 server.  

3) Create 2 Cognos data sources for the IBM Cloud APM databases using the data source creation instructions at this link: rce.html
Note:   do not use the IBM Cognos Analytics Manage -> Data server connections user interface to create the data sources. 

3a) The first data source connection must be named TDW

- When creating the data source, select IBM Db2 for the type  and select the check box to Configure JDBC  

- On the  "Specify the database connection string" page, enter WAREHOUS as the database name and create a signon for itmuser and its password. Test the connection before proceeding to the next page of the wizard. 

- On the "Specify the IBM Db2 JDBC (Connection String)" page, specify the hostname where your IBM Cloud APM Db2 server is installed, specify the port number for your IBM Cloud APM Db2 instance, and WAREHOUS for the database name.  If your IBM Cloud APM server is configured for a local Db2 server then the Db2 instance port number is 50000 by default.  Test the connection before proceeding to the next page of the wizard.

3b) The second data source connection must be named APPMART

- When creating the data source, select IBM Db2 for the type  and select the check box to Configure JDBC  

- On the  "Specify the database connection string" page, enter DATAMART as the database name and create a signon for itmuser and its password.

- On the "Specify the IBM Db2 JDBC (Connection String)" page, specify the hostname where your IBM Cloud APM Db2 server is installed, specify the port number for your IBM Cloud APM Db2 instance, and DATAMART for the database name. If your IBM Cloud APM server is configured for a local Db2 server then the Db2 instance port number is 50000 by default.
4)  Download the IBM Cloud APM reports package from Passport Advantage.   The part number is listed in the IBM Cloud APM Knowledge Center topic at this location:
5) Copy the IBM Cloud APM reports package zip file to your IBM Cognos Analytics server. Then extract the report_packages\ file, report_packages\ file, and report_packages\ file from the IBM Cloud APM reports package zip file.  Copy the 3 .zip files to the install_location/deployment directory of your Cognos Analytics server.
6) Open the IBM Cognos Analytics user interface and navigate to the Administration Console by selecting Manage -> Administration console 
7) Select the Configuration tab and from the side menu, select Content Administration
8) Click the New Import icon to display the New Import Wizard and choose a report package to import: 
8a) Select KSN_reports if you want to install the IBM Cloud APM Synthetic Playback agent reports and click Next.  Accept the defaults as you navigate through the wizard.  On the Public folders, directory, and library content page, select the check box for APM Synthetic.
8b) Select KT5_reports if you want to install the IBM Cloud APM  Response Time Monitoring agent reports and click Next.  Accept the defaults as you navigate through the wizard.  On the Public folders, directory, and library content page, select  the check box for Application Performance. 
8c) Select KYN_reports if you want to IBM Cloud APM  WebSphere Application agent reports and click Next.  Accept the defaults as you navigate through the wizard.  On the Public folders, directory, and library content page, select the check box for IBM Monitoring 8.1.2 WebSphere Reports. 
9) When you save the imported package, choose the  Save and run once option. Then select the option to run the reports now and click Run
10) Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each IBM Cloud APM agent report package that you want to install. 
11) After the IBM Cloud APM agent report packages are imported, the reports appear in the Team content  folder of the IBM Cognos Analytics user interface.  You can choose reports to run from that folder.  
Note:  you cannot launch the reports from the IBM Cloud APM console like you can when Tivoli Common Reporting is used for the reporting server.

Additional Information

1) For more information on the Cloud APM predefined reports, see this link: 
2)  IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x related references:
    2a) IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1.x IBM Knowledge Center: 
    2b) Technotes for IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x installation:
        --- Install IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x on a Windows system:
        --- Install IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x on a Linux system as a non-root user:
        --- Upgrade previous versions of IBM Cognos Analytics to IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x:
3) Instructions to migrate Tivoli Common Reporting 3.1.* to Cognos 11 are available at this link:
4) Db2 Knowledge Center topics with the syntax for the catalog tcpip node and catalog database commands: 
5) If you create IBM Cognos Analytics reports to view historical data from other IBM Cloud APM agents besides the WebSphere Application agent, Response Tim agent, and Synthetic Playback agent  then you perform these steps:
  5a) You install IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) with the Tivoli Data Warehouse (TDW) and configure your APM agents to send historical data to the ITM TDW.  See this link for more details:
   5b) In your Cognos Analytics 11.x server,  catalog your ITM TDW Db2 database using the commands below if the ITM TDW database is not on the same server as your Cognos  11.x server: 
             As the Db2 instance user on your IBM Cognos server, enter the following commands: 

              db2 catalog tcpip node ITMNODE remote your-itm-db2-server-hostname server your-itm-db2-instance-port

                                  -  you replace your-itm-db2-server-hostname with the hostname of the ITM TDW database server and
                                 -  you replace your-itm-db2-instance-port with the port number for the ITM TDW Db2 instance.  

                db2 catalog db WAREHOUS as ITMTDW at node ITMNODE
                                  WAREHOUS is the name of the ITM TDW database and
                                  ITMTDW is an alias for your ITM TDW database
5c) In the IBM Cognos Analytics 11.x user interface,  select Manage -> Administration Console.
5d) In the Cognos Administration Console, select the Configuration tab and then select Data Source Connection
5e) If the report package uses the TDW data source name then continue with steps 5f through 5i
Otherwise, create a new data source that matches the name used by the report package and import the report package. 
5f)  Select the TDW data source and then click on the icon to add a new connection.
5g) In the New Connection Wizard, 
            - Specify a unique connection name, for example ITMTDW. 
             - Select  the IBM Db2 as the database type.
             - Select the option to configure a JDBC connection.
            - On the "Specify the IBM Db2 connection string" page, specify the ITM TDW database alias name from step 5b, for example ITMTDW.   Also create a signon for the  itmuser database user and its password. 
            - On the "Specify the IBM Db2 (JDBC) connection string" page, specify the hostname of the ITM TDW database server, its port number, and the database name (WAREHOUS).       
5h) Import the report package
5i) When you run a report that uses the TDW data source,  you are prompted to select the connection for the Cloud APM server WAREHOUS database or the connection for the ITM TDW database.   If you are running one of the IBM Cloud APM  WebSphere Application agent reports then select the data source connection for the Cloud APM server database.  Otherwise, select the data source connection for the ITM TDW database.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSVJUL","label":"IBM Application Performance Management"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001gyfAAA","label":"APM Server Integrations->INTEGRATION IBM APM AND TCR"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.1.4","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 July 2021

