IBM Support

How to edit Model / Graphical Properties with the Rational Rhapsody API

Question & Answer


Author: Chris Sutton
How do you edit Graphical Properties with the IBM Rational Rhapsody application programming interface (API)?


You want to programmatically modify the contents of a Rhapsody diagram.


Accessing and Editing model properties with the Rhapsody API

  • Rhapsody diagrams consist of graphic representations of model elements: graphic elements. Diagram graphic elements consist of just three types: IRPGraphNode, IRPGraphEdge and IRPGraphElement.
  • The attributes of graphical elements are determined by their graphic properties. They are not accessible in the user interface, but can be read and modified with the API methods: getGraphicalProperty() and setGraphicalProperty().
  • The getGraphicalElements() method returns an IRPCollection containing these elements.
  • You can retrieve the model element from any corresponding graphic element using the getModelElement() method. However, not all graphic elements have a matching UML model element. For example, Notes and Swimlane Frames do not represent a model element in the browser. In this case getModelElement() will return a null pointer, so you must be careful when processing their properties. In the example below, you can see how a try/catch statement can be used to handle graphic elements with and without a matching model element.

    As always, check the API reference guide in the <RhapsodyInstallation>\Doc\java_api directory.

    import com.telelogic.rhapsody.core.*;
    public class ReadGraphicProperties {
        public static main(String[] args) {
            IRPApplication app = RhapsodyAppServer.getActiveRhapsodyApplication();
            IRPModelElement el = app.getSelectedElement();
            if (el instanceof IRPDiagram) {
                IRPDiagram diagram = (IRPDiagram)el;
                List<IRPGraphElement> diagramElements = diagram.getGraphicalElements().toList();
                for (IRPGraphElement graphElement : diagramElements) {
                    List<IRPGraphicalProperty> graphicalPropeties = null;
                    try { /// in case the diagram graphic has no corresponding model element
                        graphicalPropeties = graphElement.getAllGraphicalProperties().toList();
                        for (IRPGraphicalProperty graphProp : graphicalPropeties) {
                            System.out.println(graphProp.getKey() + "\t" + graphProp.getValue());
                    catch (Exception e) {	// diagram graphic has no corresponding model element.
                        // graphic element may contain a "Type" graphical property
                        System.out.println("<Unknown> Model Element");
                        IRPCollection gps = graphElement.getAllGraphicalProperties();
                        for (int i=0; i < gps.getCount(); i++) {
                            IRPGraphicalProperty gp = (IRPGraphicalProperty) gps.getItem(i);
                            if (gp != null) // Null graphical properties may exist
                                System.out.println(gp.getKey() + "\t" + gp.getValue());

List of Graphical Properties

Note: All property values must be set as strings.
Attribute Name Applicable to Possible Values Notes
AttributesDisplay Class None or All or Public or Explicit
BackgroundColor All Int,int,Int
ForegroundColor All Int,int,Int
GUID All Standard Rhapsody GUID
Height Class, Object, State Int
LineStyle Association, Port Straight or Spline or u dRectilinear
LineWidth All Integer
OperationsDisplay Class None or All or Public or Explicit
Position All Int, Int
ShowName All Full_Path or Relative or Name_Only or Label
ShowStereotypeLabel All TRUE or FALSE
SourcePosition Association, Port Int, int
TargetPosition Association, Port Int, Int
StructureView Class, Object, State True or False
Text All String
TextColor All Int, Int, Int
TextFontBold All 700 or 400 (True or False)
TextFontItalic All 1 or 0 (True or False)
TextFontName All Check font list
TextFontSize All Int
TextPosition All Int, Int Read only
Type All String
Width Class, Object, State Int

Related Information

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSB2MU","label":"IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CjZTAA0","label":"Rhapsody->Tools->Java API"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS005962709","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Product Synonym

Rational Rhapsody

Document Information

Modified date:
27 May 2022

