Setting Up Your Development Environment

Setting Up Your Development Environment


Your development environment must use Python 3.6.

You may use an IDE of your choice, such as Visual StudioCode (

Use the following steps to configure and test your developer environment.

  1. Install Python 3.6
    • Visit downloads and installation instructions.
  2. Verify Python 3.6 is installed
    • Open a terminal window and type: python -version
  3. Fork the stix-shifter project from
  4. Clone the repo and create a new working branch:
    • Copy the repo URL from the Clone menu in Github
    • In the same terminal you cloned the repo, CD into the newly created repo directory.
  5. Create a virtual environment where you will run stix-shifter CLI commands. This will install all the python packages required by stix-shifter.
    • Run the following in the terminal: virtualenv -p python3.6 --no-site-packages --distribute virtualenv && source virtualenv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  6. Test your setup.
    • Run the following in the terminal python translate dummy query '{}' "[ipv4-addr:value = '']"
    • If everything is set up correctly you should see a translated query: {'queries': ["SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE (SourceIpV4 = '' OR DestinationIpV4 = '')"]}

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