IBM Support

Download Information: Version 10.1.6.x interim fixes for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus



This document describes how to download interim fix packages for IBM Spectrum Protect™ Plus version 10.1.6.x.

Download Description

An interim fix contains fixes on top of the last fix pack. The maintenance provided by interim fixes is cumulative.

The interim fix images available through Fix Central do not contain license enablement files. A base level package must be installed to use these images.
For information about how to download the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus package see: Download Information: Version 10.1.6.x IBM Spectrum Protect Plus


The following interim fixes of IBM Spectrum Protect Plus are available for download on Fix Central online website:

  • IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.6 interim fix 1 (ifix1): V10.1.6.1974 (spp_10.1.6.1974)

    Image name Previous delivery Description
    spp_with_os-1974.iso V10.1.6 Update IBM Spectrum Protect Plus virtual appliance.
    Product upgrade, English V10.1.6 Install a vSnap server on a physical or virtual machine.
    spp_10.1.6.1974-readme.txt - Readme file with link to download doc


  • IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.6 interim fix 2 (ifix2): V10.1.6.2014 (spp_10.1.6.2014)

    Image name Previous delivery Description
    spp_with_os-2014.iso V10.1.6
    V10.1.6 interim fix1
    Update IBM Spectrum Protect Plus virtual appliance.
    Product upgrade, English V10.1.6
    V10.1.6 interim fix1
    Install a vSnap server on a physical or virtual machine.
    spp_10.1.6.2014-readme.txt - Readme file with link to download doc
    installer-10.1.6-20200720D.tar.gz V10.1.6 Install IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Kubernetes backup support application.


  • IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.6 interim fix 3 (ifix3): V10.1.6.2040 (spp_10.1.6.2040)
    Image name Previous delivery Description
    spp_with_os-2040.iso V10.1.6
    V10.1.6 interim fix2
    Update IBM Spectrum Protect Plus virtual appliance.
    Product upgrade, English V10.1.6
    V10.1.6 interim fix2
    Install a vSnap server on a physical or virtual machine.
    spp_10.1.6.2040-readme.txt - Readme file with link to download doc


  • IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.6 interim fix 4 (ifix4): V10.1.6.2045 (spp_10.1.6.2045)
    Image name Previous delivery Description
    spp_with_os-2045.iso V10.1.6
    V10.1.6 interim fix3
    Update IBM Spectrum Protect Plus virtual appliance.
    Product upgrade, English V10.1.6
    V10.1.6 interim fix2
    Install a vSnap server on a physical or virtual machine.
    spp_10.1.6.2045-readme.txt - Readme file with link to download doc


For hardware and software requirements supported by IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, see IBM Spectrum Protect Plus - All Requirements Doc

For guidance on how to build an IBM Spectrum Protect Plus solution with a focus on how to size, build, and place storage and data movement components in a VMware vSphere virtual machine environment, see the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Blueprint
Note: The guidance can be generalized for any application protection that is available with IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.

For featured technical support documents like update history, known issues, and limitations and requirement pages, see Featured Documents for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus

Installation Instructions

Note: You can update IBM Spectrum Protect Plus directly from two previous versions (n-2) to the current version (n). If you are using an older version, you must update at least to (n-2) version and then update to the current version. For detailed instructions, how to update IBM Spectrum Protect Plus components (virtual appliance, vSnap server, VADP proxy), see Updating IBM Spectrum Protect Plus components

Follow the instructions to apply an interim fix for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus:

  • To update the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus virtual appliance, complete the following steps:

    1. From a supported web browser, access the administrative console by entering the following address:
      Where hostname is the IP address of the virtual machine where the application is deployed.
    2. In the login window, select one of the following authentication types in the Authentication Type list:
      • IBM Spectrum Protect Plus
        Note: To log in as an IBM Spectrum Protect Plus user with SYSADMIN privileges, enter your administrator username and password. If you log in by using the admin user account, you are prompted to reset the username and password. You cannot reset the username to admin, root, or test.
      • System (recommended)
        Note: To log in as a system user, enter the server admin password. The default password is sppDP758. You are prompted to change this password during the first login.
    3. Click Updates and Hotfix Management to open the updates management page.
      Note: If you have access to the FTP site,, the administrator console checks for available updates automatically and lists them.
    4. Click Run Update to install the available updates. Note: If you want to run online updates but can see only the offline mode, check your internet connectivity and reattempt to access the FTP site,
      • When the updates are installed successfully, go to Step 6.
      • If you are planning to install an update from an ISO file, click Click Here to run the offline updates. Go to Step 5.
    5. Choose the update that you want to run, as follows: Note: You can select only one update file at a time.
      When the update completes, the virtual machine where the application is deployed automatically restarts.
      Important:  After the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus update completes, you must update any external vSnap and VADP proxy servers in your environment.
      • Online mode: Updates are listed automatically in the repository when they are made available. Click Run Update.
      • Offline mode: Click Choose file to browse for the downloaded file. The file has an iso or rpm extension like this example, <filename>.iso. Click Upload Update Image (or) Hotfix.
    6. Clear the browser cache.
      HTML content from previous versions of IBM Spectrum Protect Plus might be stored in the cache.
    7. Start the updated version of IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.
    8. In the navigation pane, click Jobs and Operations, and then click the Schedule tab. Find the jobs that you paused.
    9. From the Actions menu for the paused jobs, select Release Schedule.
    See also Updating the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus virtual appliance
  • To update a vSnap server, complete the following steps:

    1. Log on to the vSnap server as the server admin user.
    2. From the directory where the *.run file is located, make the file executable and run the installer by issuing the following commands: The vSnap packages are installed.
      1. chmod +x *.run
      2. sudo ./*.run
    3. Start the updated version of IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.
    4. In the navigation pane, click Jobs and Operations, and then click the Schedule tab. Find the jobs that you paused.
    5. From the Actions menu for the paused jobs, select Release Schedule.
    See also Updating a vSnap server


Download Package

The HTTP link in the Download Options column directs you to the Fix Central online website. Fix Central is a secure website that requires you to log in using your IBM ID. You can acquire an IBM ID for free at Sign up to IBMid

The Fix Central online website contains update files for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus for download, which are and installed by using the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus administrative console.
Fix Central allows to search, select, order, and download fixes to your system with a choice of delivery options. You can locate images on the Fix Central online website by using the product name, version, and platform as the search query. For example, use the "IBM Spectrum Protect Plus".

Reminder: The images available through Fix Central do not contain license enablement files. You need a base level package installed to use these packages.

Problems Solved

For a list of fixed APARs in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus V10.1.6 level, see in website: Update History: IBM Spectrum Protect Plus V10.1.x

Known Side Effects

For known issues and limitations in this level, see website Known Issues and Limitations: IBM Spectrum Protect Plus V10.1.6.x

[{"DNLabel":"10.1.6 ifix1: V10.1.6.1974","DNDate":"18 Jun 2020","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"5.1 GB","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"10.1.6 ifix2: V10.1.6.2014","DNDate":"03 Aug 2020","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"5.23 GB","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"10.1.6 ifix3: V10.1.6.2040","DNDate":"31 Aug 2020","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"5.23 GB","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"10.1.6 ifix4: V10.1.6.2045","DNDate":"14 Sep 2020","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"5.3 GB","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null}]

Technical Support

For support, see the website on: IBM Support for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSNQFQ","label":"IBM Spectrum Protect Plus"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000L3D0AAK","label":"Planning"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"10.1.6","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Problems (APARS) fixed

Document Information

Modified date:
18 September 2020

