IBM Support

Fix list for IBM z/OS Dynamic Test Runner

General Page

This document contains a list of fixes for IBM z/OS Dynamic Test Runner.
Currently z/OS Dynamic Test Runner is included in the following products:
Ensure that you are applying the correct APARs that match your installed version of z/OS Dynamic Test Runner. If you are applying a PTF, ensure to apply the latest PTF because it contains all the historical fixes. Visit IBM Software Shopz to download available PTFs.
Note: The PTF (UI82790) is a prerequisite for all later PTFs, and it must be installed first or at the same time as any later PTF.
z/OS Dynamic Test Runner 2.0.8 (Host PTF UI96762) fixes 
APAR Date released Description
PH55465 9 May 2024

Dynamic Test Runner internal defects and enhancements.

z/OS Dynamic Test Runner 2.0.7 (Host PTF UI96055) fixes 
APAR Date released Description
PH58571 13 December 2023

Abend S0C8 occurs in BZUAGPGM during recording in Dynamic Test Runner 2.0.2.

PH58577 5 December 2023 When attempting to record test data for a CICS zUnit test case by using Dynamic Test Runner 2.0.4, the recorder service throws an intermittent abend 0C4 in BZUCIDRS, CSECT BZUAPARM, offset X'1D62'.
PH58741 12 December 2023 Running BZUPPLAY for a CICS Db2 transaction playback file by using Dynamic Test Runner 2.0.2 results in error BZUP223S and finishes with RC=16.
PH59977 22 February 2024 In IDz 15.0.7, using BLOCK CONTAINS 0 RECORDS causes zUnit test cases to fail for COBOL 4 and earlier versions.
z/OS Dynamic Test Runner 2.0.6 (Host PTF UI94781) fixes 
APAR Date released Description
PH57367 7 December 2023

zUnit test case generation hits SC04 error in ZVTP 2.0.

PH57907 7 December 2023 Abend S0C4 occurs during recording of IMS test case when BZUFILE is an RLS VSAM data set.
z/OS Dynamic Test Runner 2.0.5 (Host PTF UI94049) fixes 
APAR Date released Description
PH55306 17 October 2023

Dynamic Test Runner does not properly process IMS INQY calls that have the new subFunction ENVIRON2 specified.

PH55848 17 October 2023 Abend S0C4 in IMS message region after any previous message region abend when ZVTP is installed.
PH56201 17 October 2023 zUnit replay fails with abend S0C4 in program BZURUN.
PH57490 17 October 2023 zUnit CICS recording fails with abend 4082 caused by a storage violation.
z/OS Dynamic Test Runner 2.0.4 (Host PTF UI92203) fixes 
APAR Date released Description
PH53476 16 June 2023
This update enhances IBM Dynamic Test Runner with features used by ZUnit of IBM Developer for z/OS. The following service levels are required to utilize the new DTR features:
* IDz host 16.0.1 - FMID HHOPG00 PTF UI90947 or higher or
   IDz host 15.0.7 - FMID HHOPF00 PTF UI91665 or higher
* IDz client 16.0.2 or higher
* DTR 2.0.4 - FMID HAL6100 PTF UI92203 or higher (this update)
z/OS Dynamic Test Runner 2.0.3 (Host PTF UI90974) fixes 
APAR Date released Description
PH50594 15 March 2023
Dynamic Test Runner internal defects and enhancements.
z/OS Dynamic Test Runner 2.0.2 (Host PTF UI83339) fixes 
APAR Date released Description
PH50462 17 November 2022
zUnit recording does not record GSAM reads for AIBTDLI.
z/OS Dynamic Test Runner (Host PTF UI83081) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH50444 1 November 2022
Dynamic Test Runner causes S0C4 abend in IMS for any BMP program execution.
z/OS Dynamic Test Runner (Host PTF UI82791) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH49300 14 October 2022
  • Dynamic Test Runner load module move.
  • Incorrect program recorded for QSAM with EXTERNAL file declaration.
  • PL/I, Db2, or Batch - record/import fails with SQL INSERT with FOR statement.
z/OS Dynamic Test Runner (Host PTF UI82790) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH39768 14 October 2022 Abend S0C4 during IMS BMP restart processing.
PH43982 14 October 2022 Fixes and enhancements.
PH44572 14 October 2022 CICS, SQL, and DL/I commands issued by sub-programs that are called dynamically will be recorded as having been issued by a different program.
PH44756 14 October 2022 Tests after the first do not pick up the proper data from the recording.
PH45096 14 October 2022 Data is not imported by Dynamic Test Runner for test cases.
PH45115 14 October 2022 Duplicated test uses records from a different test case during test case execution.
PH45578 14 October 2022 With ALL31(OFF) in effect, Dynamic Test Runner might identify recorded data with the wrong program name. For example, if a file OPEN request is processed in MAINPGM, DTR might identify it as having occurred in program UBPGM1.
PH45726 14 October 2022 Abend 0C4 in a 24-bit application program during replay.
PH46236 14 October 2022 Abends 0C1/0C4 in recording and playback of amode24 program's file I/O.
PH46624 14 October 2022 Allow specifying a token returned by STRT API in LIST API.
PH46782 14 October 2022 Abend 0C4 in a 24-bit application program during recording.
PH47663 14 October 2022 Dynamic Test Runner S0C4 when running a test case for EXEC CICS LINK.
PH47894 14 October 2022 Fixes and enhancements.
PH48354 14 October 2022 Record with IMS BMP calling API returns S0C6 abend.
------------- The following fixes were superseded. The information is for reference only. -------------
(Superseded) z/OS Dynamic Test Runner 2.0.1 (Host PTF UI79491) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH40695 25 February 2022
  • ZVTP will attempt to route transactions by using SYNCONRETURN first. If this fails, ZVTP will route the transactions without the SYNCONRETURN keyword.
  • Dynamic Test Runner was updated to properly handle PL/I callers of the PCB DLI call.
  • Dynamic Test Runner was updated to properly identify non-LE assembler programs during replay.
PH44254 25 February 2022 Dynamic Test Runner was updated to properly interpret the argument passed to the IMS language interface module.
(Superseded) z/OS Dynamic Test Runner (Host PTF UI77906) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH40984 2 November 2021
The product registration code does not properly check for product ID 5755-AC5; therefore, if that is the only entry in PARMLIB (IFAPRDxx) for the Dynamic Test Runner capability, the component is disabled. The code has been updated to check for the proper PID.
(Superseded) z/OS Dynamic Test Runner (Host PTF UI77848) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH34931 28 October 2021
To eliminate S0C1 abends occurring in AMODE(24) applications during the recording of program-to-program (P2P) intercepts, the incoming AMODE 24 is now switched back to 31-bit (if required) after the P2P arguments are captured.
PH41623 28 October 2021
The QSAM file I/O recording logic is now changed to more accurately determine whether a data set contains fixed-length or variable-length records.
(Superseded) z/OS Dynamic Test Runner 1.2.1 (Host PTF UI75928) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH37212 18 June 2021
Fixes and enhancements
  • Users had to manually specify the length and location of each argument in subsystem calls. This release introduces a configuration property that offers flexibility in specifying the argument location and length.
  • The arguments in subsystem calls were named with a prefix and an ordinal number. This releases properly names arguments that come from common control blocks in CICS, Db2, IMS, MQ and file systems.
  • Users that wanted to collect a large number of CICS transaction in one recording were advised not to. This release introduces a new transaction (BZUX) which limits the number of instances of each transaction, allowing large number of CICS transactions to be recorded.
  • The parsing of PCB metadata would not always correctly identify DB vs GSAM data store access. This release corrects the issue allow correct return code handling on the IMS subsystem calls.
  • Users had to manually specify all program-to-program interception in configuration files. This release automates the program-to-program interception for COBOL.
  • The output from collection and replay runs has two formats: SYSOUT report and binary recording data set. Users sometimes had a difficult time interpreting the results. This release adds an optional feature which presents the results in an easy-to-consume web browser interface.
(Superseded) z/OS Dynamic Test Runner (Host PTF UI75368) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH37212 13 May 2021
This PTF (UI75368) removes the following obsolete samples from SBZUSAMP.
(Superseded) z/OS Dynamic Test Runner 1.2.0 (Host PTF UI74265) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH32782 19 March 2021
Fixes and enhancements
  • IMS/TM support for MQ added for recording IMS transactions.
  • EXEC DLI support for the DLIDIB control block is now handled correctly.
  • Support for checking and ensuring that SQL-PLIST memory chains has been added. If the test runner detects in invalid SQL variable type or corresponding length, it resets the length for the recording to 0 and stores the incorrect type or length in the SQLDA prefix area in the recording.
  • Support for the recording and playback of Db2 CAF programs is provided.
  • A user can record their cross-section of transactions without the possibility of overflowing the VSAM file data collection file.
  • To help a user identify programming mistakes, the test runner is able to detect un-initialized memory and report on it. This requires an LE and runner option to be set.
  • A user no longer has to keep the recording configuration data with their recorded file. It is not stored within the file, to keep this data together.
(Superseded) z/OS Dynamic Test Runner V1.1.0 (Host PTF UI72911) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH30702 11 December 2020
Fixes and enhancements
  • IMS/TM support added for recording IMS transactions.
  • IMS/BMP support added for recording IMS batch message programs.
  • IMS/DB support added for recording IMS batch programs.
  • Db2 interception now enabled for DSNAPRH usage.
  • PL/I program-program interceptions have been improved.
  • Sample jobs update to reflect discontinuation
  • Sample allocation job BZU3ALOC updated
PH30129 11 December 2020 The code to determine the language type for the exit point was not processing the older COBOL LE control block properly and this caused the abend. The software has been fixed to detect these older LE control blocks.
(Superseded) z/OS Dynamic Test Runner V1.0.4 (Host PTF UI71306) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH27776 30 October 2020
Fixes and enhancements
  • CICSPlex support added for recorded transactions.
  • Specific transactions can now be recorded using the 3270 interface.
  • The software will now match the program name for the record being returned, unless there are no possibilities.
  • The software will now collect file I/O for QSAM for COBOL.
  • The software will now collect file I/O for VSAM for COBOL.
  • The software will now collect and replay dynamic programs that are called before the first Db2 call.
  • The software will now collect MQ calls for batch programs.
z/OS Dynamic Test Runner V1.0.2.1 supersedes V1.0.2 and V1.0.1. After you install V1.0.2.1, you must install V1.0.3 to ensure full functionality, fixes, and enhancements for the test runner.
(Superseded) z/OS Dynamic Test Runner V1.0.3 (Host PTF UI70393) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH27048 3 July 2020 Fixes and enhancements
(Superseded) z/OS Dynamic Test Runner V1.0.2.1 (Host PTF UI70367) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH26910 3 July 2020 Remove misplaced load modules
(Superseded) z/OS Dynamic Test Runner V1.0.2 (Host PTF UI69576) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH25372 12 June 2020 IBM Dynamic Test Runner internal defects and enhancements
PH25563 12 June  2020 ASRA (0C4) ABEND in BZUCOxx0 on capture of EXEC CICS READ statement
(Superseded) z/OS Dynamic Test Runner V1.0.1 (Host PTF UI68284) fixes
APAR Date released Description
PH22685 13 March 2020 IBM Dynamic Test Runner internal defects and enhancements

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSTRMM","label":"IBM Developer for z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000PCQHAA4","label":"IDz-\u003EzUnit-\u003EDynamic Test Runer"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"14.2.0;and future releases"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
09 May 2024

