IBM Support

Issues related to multi-actor fields when updating the reporting schema, modifying filters or modifying security rules



The OpenPages with Watson 8.2 release introduced a change to the reporting schema where multi-actor fields are now persisted in a parsed state.  This change improves performance of multi-actor related field requests but there are some edge cases that might cause an issue in your environment.  The two scenarios are:
1) You attempt to update the reporting schema and encounter an error.  When you investigate the logs, the error details look similar to the following:
image 4016
2) An error is encountered when security rule or filter is modified or when running update reporting schema:
Example of a security rule failure:
Example of a filter failure:
Example of an update reporting schema failure:
Note - While the error indicators for the use cases in Scenario 2 are different, the root cause of these errors all map to the same underlying issue.


Multi-actor fields are defined by adding the multi-actor selector display type to the field in a profile.  When you perform this action, an internal flag is updated to mark the field as requiring reporting schema support.  If you later remove this field from all profiles, then a mismatch occurs between the profile definition and the internal flag.


All environments

Diagnosing The Problem

To diagnose the problem from scenario 1, log in to the database as the OpenPages database user and execute the following query:
select propertydefid, bundlename, name, actor_disp_type_state 
  from propertydefs p 
 where actor_disp_type_state in ('S','P','M')
   and not exists (select property_def_id 
                     from OBJ_PROF_AT_PROP_DEFS op,
                          DISPLAY_TYPES d
                    where op.property_def_id = p.propertydefid
                      and op.display_type_id = d.display_type_id
                      and CLASS_NAME = 'com.openpages.sdk.admin.displaytype.ActorSelector')
   and not exists (select base_property
                     from rps_obj_columns
                    where base_property = p.propertydefid
                      and mval_obj_id is not null);
If this query returns any rows, a mismatch scenario exists in your environment.
To diagnose the problem from scenario 2, log in to the database as the OpenPages database user and execute the following query:
select propertydefid, bundlename, name, actor_disp_type_state 
  from propertydefs p 
 where actor_disp_type_state in ('M')
   and exists (select property_def_id 
                 from OBJ_PROF_AT_PROP_DEFS op,
                      DISPLAY_TYPES d
                where op.property_def_id = p.propertydefid
                  and op.display_type_id = d.display_type_id
                  and CLASS_NAME = 'com.openpages.sdk.admin.displaytype.ActorSelector')
   and not exists (select base_property
                     from rps_obj_columns
                    where base_property = p.propertydefid
                      and mval_obj_id is not null);
If this query returns any rows, a mismatch scenario exists in your environment.

Resolving The Problem

The solution to this issue varies depending on the use case. 
For scenario 1, this issue is caused by entries from the diagnostic query showing an actor_disp_type_state of P.  To correct these entries, you can either add the field back into any profile or you can execute the anonymous PL/SQL block shown here to correct the data.  You can identify the impacted fields by checking the bundle name (field group) and name (field name) columns from the diagnostic query. 
Note - If any of one or more impacted fields contain a value of S or M, then you must instead execute the anonymous PL/SQL block to correct the data.
To run the data correction script, log in to the database as the OpenPages database user and execute the following code block:
  For rec In (select propertydefid, bundlename, name, actor_disp_type_state 
                from propertydefs p 
               where actor_disp_type_state in ('S','P','M')
                 and not exists (select property_def_id 
                                   from OBJ_PROF_AT_PROP_DEFS op,
                                        DISPLAY_TYPES d
                                  where op.property_def_id = p.propertydefid
                                    and op.display_type_id = d.display_type_id
                                    and CLASS_NAME = 'com.openpages.sdk.admin.displaytype.ActorSelector')
                 and not exists (select base_property
                                   from rps_obj_columns
                                  where base_property = p.propertydefid
                                    and mval_obj_id is not null))
    OP_OBJ_MODEL_MGR.SET_ACTOR_DISPLAY_STATE(rec.propertydefid, OP_OBJ_MODEL_MGR.gc_Actor_Disp_Not_Actor);
  End Loop;
Once the workaround is applied, you can rerun the failed operation.
For scenario 2, this issue is caused by entries from the diagnostic query showing an actor_disp_type_state of M but the corresponding reporting schema table does not exist.  To correct these entries, you must execute the anonymous PL/SQL block shown here to correct the data. 
  For rec In (select propertydefid, bundlename, name, actor_disp_type_state 
                from propertydefs p 
               where actor_disp_type_state in ('M')
                 and exists (select property_def_id 
                               from OBJ_PROF_AT_PROP_DEFS op,
                                    DISPLAY_TYPES d
                              where op.property_def_id = p.propertydefid
                                and op.display_type_id = d.display_type_id
                                and CLASS_NAME = 'com.openpages.sdk.admin.displaytype.ActorSelector')
                 and not exists (select base_property
                                   from rps_obj_columns
                                  where base_property = p.propertydefid
                                    and mval_obj_id is not null))
    Update PROPERTYDEFS p 
      Set p.ACTOR_DISP_TYPE_STATE = OP_OBJ_MODEL_MGR.gc_Actor_Disp_Multi_Pending
     Where p.PROPERTYDEFID = rec.propertydefid;
  End Loop;
Once the workaround is applied, restart the OpenPages application services and then rerun the failed operation.
Note - Running these correction scripts does not impact any customer data.  This code simply identifies fields that contain a mismatch and corrects the internal flag used to drive the corresponding process.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSFUEU","label":"IBM OpenPages with Watson"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000ClALAA0","label":"Administration and Configuration"},{"code":"a8m50000000ClB9AAK","label":"Reporting Schema"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.2.0","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
28 July 2020

