IBM Support

IBM® Tivoli® Composite Application Manager for Microsoft® Applications:

Release Notes


This release contains new features and enhancements for Microsoft Applications agent.


Download Description
You can download the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM) for Microsoft Applications Version installer from IBM Passport Advantage website by selecting the below package name and Part Number: 
-    IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Microsoft Applications V6.3.1.15
-    Advance Component Software for Multiple Platforms 
-    Part number:  CC66FML
Note: This installer is for new installs and for upgrade of an existing agent environment to
IBM(R) Tivoli(R) Composite Application Manager for Microsoft (R) Applications: ITCAMMA Version 6.3.1 Fix Pack 15
May 15, 2020
1.0 General description
2.0 Architecture and prerequisites
3.0 Problems fixed
4.0 Image directory contents
5.0 Installation instructions
6.0 Additional installation information
7.0 Known problems and workarounds
8.0 Additional product information
9.0 Copyright and trademark information
10.0 Notices
1.0 General description
This fix pack resolves the APARs and defects listed in the "Problems fixed" section.
This fix pack also includes few enhancements made in this release.
2.0 Architecture and prerequisites
For information about system requirements, refer to the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports (SPCR) and search for the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Microsoft Applications product:
2.1 Prerequisites for this fix pack

The minimum required version of IBM Tivoli Monitoring is V6.3.0, Fix Pack 2.
The default version of IBM Tivoli Monitoring is V6.3.0, Fix Pack 7.

3.0 Problems fixed
The following problems are resolved in this fix pack.
3.1 APARs
Microsoft SQL Server Agent
APAR: IJ23861
Abstract: The pdhEnumObjectsW function of the PDH library takes a long time to refresh the performance counter while collecting database detail attribute group's data. As a result, the default data is shown on the portal. In some cases, this may also result in an agent crash.
3.2 Defects
Microsoft SQL Server Agent
DEFECT: 185784
Abstract: Refresh the JAVA certification so that all JAR files and binaries get signed with the latest signature.
Additional Information: JAR files signed with the MD5withRSA signature algorithm are treated as unsigned by the latest SDKs (Java 8 and above).
DEFECT: 186210
Abstract: Negative values are displayed for Total CPU Time (Sec.) and Current CPU Time (Sec.) in Process Details.
Additional Information: Negative values are displayed for 'Total CPU Time(Sec)' and 'Current CPU Pct Used' attributes when 'Total CPU Time(Sec)' exceeds 2147483647.
DEFECT: 186417
Abstract: Changes the ITM framework version from V630 FP2 to V630 FP7.
Additional Information: Changed the ITM framework version from V630 FP2 to V630 FP7.
DEFECT: 186597
Abstract: Solving common upgrade issues
Additional Information: The agent upgrade from version 631FP08 or lower to 631FP15 and higher was not accurate for default instance in the cluster environment. Also, while upgrading the agent version, the COLL_PORT, CTIRA_SUBSYSTEMID, and COLL_ERRORLOG in the cluster environment are not preserved in the agent environment. The COLL_CLUSTERSERVER was set incorrectly by the cluster utility.
DEFECT: 186611
Abstract: The prerequisite for KOQ fails as the MSSQLServer.version is not found.
Additional Information: In the latest installer, the prerequisites for KOQ fails as the MSSQL Server version was not retrieved for the 64 bit SQL Server.
3.3 Enhancements
Microsoft SQL Server Agent
Added the tolerance support for Microsoft SQL Server 2019.
Active Directory Server Agent
  • Added the following new attribute group for the "New Last login information" feature:
  • Added the following new attribute group for the "Active directory availability status" feature:
  • Added the following new attribute group for the "Active directory federation server and active directory federation proxy server" feature:
  • Added the following new situations:
    • ADFS_Rejected_request_critical
    • ADFS_token_request_critical
    • AD_Server_Status
    • DCA_Time_Drift_Critical  
    • DCA_Time_Drift_Warning
    • DCP_Cache_Percent_Miss_Critical
    • DCP_Cache_Percent_Miss_Warning
    • LDAP_Bind_Time_Critical
    • LDAP_Bind_Time_Warning
Microsoft Exchange Server Agent
  • Added the following new workspace:
    Data Loss Prevention
  • Added the following new attribute group in the "Server" workspace:
    MAPI over HTTP
Skype for Business Server Agent
  • Updated the agent configuration panel with “Use Agent Configuration Values” checkbox for Synthetic Transactions.
  • Added the enable/disable feature for Synthetic Transaction commands.  
Microsoft .NET Data Collector
  • RFE 136662: Remove IIS6 metabase dependency
  • RFE 136663: Selective Filtering tool alphabetic sort
SharePoint Server Agent
Added the "Trace Log Details" attribute group for a new feature.
Internet Information Services Agent
  • Added the following new attribute groups for new features:
    • ASP Garbage Collection
    • System Statistics
    • Web Application
    • Work Process Details
  • Added the following new situation:
3.4 Supersede fixes
3.5 APARs and defects included from supersede fixes
3.5.1 APARs
Microsoft SQL Server Agent
APAR: IJ17445
Abstract: When the file is modified in any of the text editor, such as Notepad, Notepad++; the file is converted from UTF-8 to UTF-8 BOM format, and BOM characters are appended at the beginning of the file. Due to the presence of BOM characters, the file is parsed incorrectly. 
APAR: IJ18480
Abstract: Improper handling of input parameters in the agent code causes heap corruption that leads to a collector crash while accessing the server transactions summary workspace.
APAR: IV99415  
Abstract: Customized setting done by the customer was not preserved after the upgrade. The customer has to redo all settings after the upgrade.
3.5.2 Defects
 3.5.3 Enhancements
Microsoft SQL Server Agent
Added currency support to the following operating systems:
  • Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition
  • Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Edition
  • Windows Server 2019 Essentials Edition
Active Directory Server Agent
Added Windows 2019 support as follows:
  • Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition
  • Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Edition
  • Windows Server 2019 Essentials Edition
Microsoft Exchange Server Agent
Added the currency support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2019.
Lync or Skype for Business Server Agent
  • Added the currency support for Skype for Business Server 2015 and 2019.
  • The agent name is changed from Lync to Skype for Business Server agent.      
Microsoft Hyper-V Server Agent
Added the currency support for Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019.
Microsoft SharePoint Server Agent
Added the currency support for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019.
Internet Information Services Agent
Added the currency support for Internet Information Services (IIS) 10 on Windows 2019.
Microsoft .NET Agent
Added the new attribute group called NET_SVR_INFO.
4.0 Image directory contents
This fix contains the following folder structure:
  • WINDOWS folder
    This folder contains the binary files for installing the 32-bit and 64-bit agents. The folder also contains the Prereqchecker utility in the prereqchecker folder for the following agents:
    • Microsoft Active Directory agent
    • Microsoft BizTalk Server agent
    • Microsoft Cluster Server agent
    • Microsoft Exchange Server agent
    • Microsoft Hyper-V Server agent
    • Microsoft Internet Information Services agent
    • Microsoft .NET Framework agent
    • Microsoft SharePoint Server agent
    • Microsoft SQL Server agent
    • Microsoft Host Integration Server agent
    • Skype for Business Server agent
    • .NET Data Collector
    • Application Launch Pad and Discovery and Deployment support files
    • Network Devices agent
  • REPORTS folder
    This folder contains sub directories that includes .zip files of the agent.
    The sub directories are named according to the "K<agent code>" format.
    The .zip 
    files contain Cognos data models and reports.
  • UNIX folder
    This folder contains the non-Windows agent support files for the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, Tivoli Enterprise Desktop client, and Tivoli Enterprise Browser client. The folder contains the agent support files for the 32-bit and 64-bit agents.
5.0 Installation instructions
To install this fix, see the following publications: 
6.0 Additional installation information
6.1  Installation instructions for agents baroc file
For information about installation and configuration of the baroc files, see the "Setting up event forwarding to Tivoli Enterprise Console" section from IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
6.2 Verifying the update
1.  To verify if the agent is updated correctly, use the tacmd command to view the current version of the agent after the agent is restarted. Ensure that you log on to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server before you view the agent version. For example,
      On UNIX systems, where $CANDLEHOME is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory, the default location is /opt/IBM/ITM.
      > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd login -s <server>
                                                                        -u <itmuser>                                  
                                                                        -p <password>
      > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd listSystems -t OQ
      On Windows systems, where %CANDLE_HOME% is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation 
      directory, the default location is C:\IBM\ITM.
       > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd login -s <server>
                                                                                 -u <itmuser>                                    
                                                                                 -p <password>
      > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd listSystems -t OQ
      Note: The component (-t) for the tacmd listSystems command is specified as two characters (OQ), not three characters (KOQ).
      When the agent is updated, the agent version is changed to except for the MS SQL agent (KOQ).
      For the MS    SQL agent, the version is 
      For all other agents, the agent version is
      After you restart the agent, you can also use the GUI to verify the agent updates. 
2.  To verify whether the agent support files are updated correctly, use the kincinfo command on Windows systems or the cinfo command on Linux or UNIX systems.
      On UNIX or Linux systems:
      To validate if all components are installed, run the following command:
      $CANDLEHOME/bin/cinfo -i
      On Windows systems:
      To validate if all components are installed, run the following command:
      %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\kincinfo –i
7.0 Known problems and workarounds
BizTalk Server Agent
Abstract: When you click the "Databases" and "Log and Space Information" cross-links in these views, the target workspaces of the SQL Server agent does not open automatically.
Problem: The Databases workspace of the BizTalk Server agent contains the “Databases Information” and "Log and Space 
Information" cross-links in the following views:
  •  Management Database
  •  MessageBox Database
  •  Rule Engine Database
  •  BAM Database
  •  Tracking Database
  •  Single Sign-On Database 
Workaround: After you click the cross-links, when prompted, select the target instance manually.
Microsoft Exchange Server Agent
Abstract: On the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, the status for the two situations is displayed as a "problem”.
Problem: The Tivoli Enterprise Portal shows the status as a problem due to the incorrect formula that is specified in the Manage Situations window for the following situations:
  • EX_Replication_Failed_Warn
  • EX_Replication_Suspended_Warn
Workaround: Modify the formula or create a custom situation with the correct formula. The correct formula is as follows:
For the EX_Replication_Failed_Warn situation: Replication_Failed EQ Yes
For the EX_Replication_Suspended_Warn situation: Replication_Suspended EQ Yes
Microsoft .NET Data Collector
All the limitations that are mentioned in the "Problems and Workarounds" chapter of the .NET Data Collector Troubleshooting  Guide V7.3.2 are still applicable. In addition to these problems and workarounds, the following problems and workarounds are applicable:
Abstract: When only .NET Framework 4.0 is installed on a server that runs on a 64-bit operating system, an error that is related to the ttapi.dll is generated.
Problem: If the ISAPI or HTTPModule components of the .NET Data Collector are enabled and the .NET Framework 4.0 is installed on a server that runs on a 64-bit operating system, error messages are generated while processing a web request. 
If the ISAPI component is enabled, the following error message is displayed:
"Service Unavailable"
If the ISAPI component is disabled and the HTTPModule component is enabled, the following error message is displayed:
"Unable to load DLL ttapi.dll:
This application fails to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800736B1)"
Workaround: Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable package (x64) on the computer where the .NET Data Collector is installed. You can download this package from the following website:
Abstract: When the WCF service is processed, the application name is displayed as w3wp and the component name is displayed as Microsoft .NET in the Transactions workspace of the Transaction Reporter agent on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
Problem: This problem occurs when a WCF service is processed for which ASP.NET impersonation is not enabled.
Workaround: Enable the ASP.NET impersonation for the service that is processed. 
Abstract: When a one-way web service is processed, an asynchronous arrow from the client is displayed in the Transaction topology from where this method was initiated. In the Transactions workspace, the application name of the web service is displayed as .asmx.
Problem: One-way web services are called asynchronous and the user does not wait for a response from the server. As all the interception points of the SOAP component of the .NET data collector are not called, the asynchronous arrow is seen in the     Transaction topology.
Workaround: None
Abstract: If a SOAP request is sent from a client computer where the .NET Data Collector is not installed to a server where the .NET Data Collector is installed, the web service node is displayed as .asmx or .svc in the Transaction topology.
Problem: If all interception points for the SOAP component of the .Net Data Collector are not called, the web service nodes are displayed as .asmx or .svc. If the .NET Data Collector KD4 logging is enabled, the following message is seen in the logs:     object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Workaround: None
Abstract: Visual Studio 2008 runtime environment should be installed before you upgrade the .NET Data Collector from V7.3.1 to V7.3.2 or V7.3.2, Fix Pack 1 or V7.3.2, Fix Pack 2.
Problem: When you unregister the .NET Data Collector, the .dll files of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 redistributable package are required.
Workaround: Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package. For a 32-bit operating system, download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package (x86) from:
For a 64-bit operating system, download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1  Redistributable Package (x64) from:
Abstract: When the database calls are made by using ODBC, the component name is shown as Microsoft .NET in the Transactions workspace of the Transaction Reporter agent.
Problem: This problem occurs due to the aggregation of ODBC events.
Workaround: Disable the ADO Event Aggregation by completing the following steps:
  1. Open the file.
  2. Change the value of the ktj_ADOAggregation.Enabled property to false, for example, ktj_ADOAggregation.Enabled=false.
  3. Open the command prompt and browse to the bin directory of the .NET Data Collector.
  4. Run the configdc activate config command.
  5.  Restart all the .NET applications.
Abstract: When database calls are made from a stand-alone client, ADO.NET nodes are not generated.
Problem: This problem occurs when ADO Event Aggregation is enabled in the properties file. When a database call is made from a stand-alone client, the instance at which the user closes the application is not known to the .NET Data Collector because of which the ADO events are not aggregated.
Workaround: Disable the ADO Event Aggregation by completing the following steps: 
  1. Open the file.
  2. Change the value of the ktj_ADOAggregation.Enabled property to false, for example, ktj_ADOAggregation.Enabled=false.
  3. Open the command prompt and browse to the bin directory of the .NET Data Collector. 
  4. Run the configdc activate config command.
  5. Restart all the .NET applications.
Abstract: After remote or silent installation, the .NET Data Collector needs manual configuration by going to a particular installed instance.
Problem: The .NET Data Collector is configured using its own utilities by using “configdc” or by UI tool “KK4ConfigProperties.exe” present at “<CANDLE_HOME>\ k4\bin\PropertiesEditor”.  In the ITM architecture, there is no way to provide inputs to these configuration utilities remotely unlike any other agent using tacmd or TEP GUI.
Workaround: Currently, there is no workaround for this problem. The user needs to manually configure the .NET Data Collector using either “configdc” through command line or “KK4ConfigProperties.exe UI”.
Skype for Business Server Agent
Abstract:  Task Scheduler behavior at Daylight Saving Time transitions and other events.
Problem: The behavior of the Microsoft Task Scheduler is not specified for tasks that are scheduled to run during the transition hours of the Daylight Saving Time. Other events can also affect the actual time at which a scheduled task runs.
Workaround: None  
For Tivoli Common Reporting (TCR)
There are no changes, hence the agent package version is still 631FP2.
8.0 Additional product information
Active Directory Server Agent
  1. To run the agent as a non-administrator user, provide the following permissions to the user:
       -Read access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services\NTDS\Parameters directory
       -Read access to the C:\Windows\NTDS directory
       -Full access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Candle directory
    2. When you run the agent as a non-administrator user, the following attribute groups display the incorrect data:
       -Active Directory Database Information
       -Moved or Deleted Organizational Unit
       -Password Setting Objects
       -LDAP Attributes 
    3. To run a Take Action command, run the Active Directory agent as an administrator user.
Hyper-V Server Agent
    1. The following attribute groups are not supported on the Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system: 
       -Hyper V Task Manager Detail
       -Hyper V Task Manager Recent Time
       -Hyper V VM Association with Virtual Network
       -Hyper V Legacy Network Adapter
    2. The HV_VMMigrate_Info situation is not supported on the Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system.
    3. The following attribute groups are not supported on the Windows Server 2016 operating system: 
       -Hyper V Task Manager Detail
       -Hyper V Task Manager Recent Time
       -Hyper V VM Association with Virtual Network
       -Hyper V VM IO APIC
       -Hyper-V Virtual IDE Controller
Skype for Business Server Agent
    1. Partially supports archiving, monitoring, and CDR roles of the Lync Server for version 2013 and Skype for Business 2015.
    2. The agent does not support remote monitoring of the SQL RTC buffer manager.
    3. To get data in the Lync Topology workspace, run the agent as a domain administrator, and change the agent startup from automatic to manual.
    4. For the configuration settings for the Synthetic Transaction, if a weekly scheduling frequency is set, then the scheduler runs every Monday at the time that is configured by the user. If a monthly scheduling frequency is set, then the scheduler runs on the first day of every month at the time that is configured by the user.
    5. The configuration panel does not validate any parameters. The user must follow the guidelines that are mentioned in every field and enter the data in the correct format.
For additional documentation information, see the following websites:
    -IBM Tivoli Monitoring Knowledge Center:
    -Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Microsoft Applications Knowledge Center:
   -Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Microsoft Applications website:  
  9.0 Copyright and trademark information
A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at
10.0 Notices
{Add or remove non-IBM trademark names as appropriate. Mark the first occurrence of IBM and special non-IBM trademark names with a '(R)'. See for a complete list of non-IBM
trademark names.}
Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.
Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Server are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. 
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. 
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.
Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
Third-Party License Terms and Conditions, Notices and Information
The license agreement for this product refers you to this file for details concerning terms and conditions applicable to third party software code included in this product, and for certain notices and other information IBM must provide to you under its license to certain software code. The relevant terms and conditions, notices, and other information are provided or referenced below. Please note that any non-English version of the licenses below is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the licenses below, provided as part of the English version of this file, is the official version.
Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of any other agreement you may have with IBM or any of its related or affiliated entities (collectively "IBM"), the third-party software code identified below are "Excluded Components" and are subject to the following terms and conditions:
-The Excluded Components are provided on an "AS IS" basis
-IBM will not be liable to you or indemnify you for any claims related to the Excluded Components
-IBM will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, or consequential damages with respect to the Excluded Components.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSTFXA","label":"Tivoli Monitoring"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 September 2020

