IBM Support

Known Issues and Limitations: IBM Spectrum Protect Plus V10.1.6.x

Preventive Service Planning


This document details the known Issues & limitations for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus V10.1.6 and later patches.


This document is divided into linked sections for ease of navigation. Use the following links to navigate to the section of the document that you require:

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus common

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server can fail when file indexing database exceeds maximum size (internal reference #SPPSUP-1685)
Problem: When file indexing is running by IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, entries are created in an internal database, which are used for file level restores. If this database grows beyond the maximum size (~2.1 billion entries), it might cause the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server to fail and not be able to be restarted. This limitation can be identified in the Virgo log by:
"Too many documents, composite IndexReaders cannot exceed 2147483647"
Workaround: Complete the following procedure:
Important: File restore for all completed backups do not work after running this procedure. VMDK and full VM restores continue to work. Backup jobs begin file indexing and future file level restores will work based on the new backup jobs.

  1. Open an SSH session to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus appliance with the serveradmin account. At the command line, enter:
    $ sudo rm /data3/lucene/lucidx/*
  2. After the removal process completes, start Virgo:
    $ sudo systemctl start virgo
  3. Exclude VMs that have file catalog enabled, which are not required to have file level restores, so that the maximum limit is not reached.

Limitation: Since V10.1.6.

Incorrect transfer size in job log while replication or copy is in progress (internal reference #SPP365-181)
Problem: While a replication or copy job is in progress, the job log displays progress messages at 5-minute intervals. The progress messages report the current size transferred and the total estimated size to be transferred. In some cases the total estimated size may be incorrect, resulting in cases where the transferred size exceeds the total estimated size. The problem is limited to messages that are displayed while the job is in progress. When the job is complete, the total transferred size recorded at the end is accurate.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.6.

Backup to cloud object storage failure due to checksum mismatch (internal reference #SPP-14808)
Problem: At the end of running condense on cloud object storage, the metadata fails to be properly uploaded to the cloud. Normally there is a local copy so there is no visible effect. However, if a customer manually deletes the local data cache under /opt/vsnap-data, the next incremental offload will fail if and only if a condense operation has been run more recently than a backup operation.
Problem Verification:

  • Do an incremental backup to cloud object storage via a one time job
  • Delete the previous cloud snapshot
  • Manually delete the local data cache under /opt/vsnap-data before another backup to cloud object storage has been run
  • Do another incremental backup to cloud object storage and verify that it fails

Workaround: Do a new full backup to cloud offload storage by resetting the relationship on the vsnap command line:

vsnap cloud relationship reset –id <relationship_id>

Limitation: Since V10.1.5.

Protected and Unprotected VMs report does not show individual tags for selection as an RBAC user. (internal reference #SPP-14334)
Problem: As an RBAC user, the Protected and Unprotected VMs report only allows "(All)" option for the "Tags" parameter.
Workaround: Defined Resource group with a higher level selection.  For example, datacenter level or category level.
Limitation: Since V10.1.5.

VMs hidden in the GUI due to permission settings aren't properly hidden in API responses (internal reference #SPP-14334)
Problem: VMs that should not be visible to an user based on assigned permissions are returned by API calls, and by extension of that show up in SPP reports.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.5.

Available Software updates button remains active after the user has already selected and started the update process. (internal reference #SPP-10088)
Problem: When the user logs into the administrative console, the update remains active and clickable even when the update is already in process. If clicked, this can interfere with the ongoing update process.
Workaround: Do not click the button again until the update process fully completes.
Limitation: Since 10.1.5.

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus does not use TLS encryption for SMTP (internal reference #SPPSUP-1514)
Problem: The IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server can be set to send email notification for reports. IBM Spectrum Protect Plus does not use TLS encryption for SMTP. As a result, when IBM Spectrum Protect Plus sends a report notification email, it might fail to be sent if the email provider requires TLS encryption.
Workaround: None.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.5.

"Offload" terminology appears after upgrading from IBM Spectrum Protect Plus V10.1.4 to V10.1.5 (internal reference #SPP-10526)
Problem: IBM Spectrum Protect Plus underwent a terminology change in version 10.1.5 where the word "offload" was changed to "copy." When upgrading from an IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.4 appliance to version 10.1.5, the incorrect term "offload" appears in the Start Job Options drop down menu.
Since this is related to the old data in catalog, this problem can happen if customer had data prior to V10.1.5. Any new installation from 10.1.5 and later will not see this problem.
Workaround: None.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.5. Permanent restriction.

Restore type cannot be selected in the restore wizard in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus when using Firefox 60.9.0esr (64 Bit) on Windows (internal reference #SPP-10211)
Problem: When using Mozilla Firefox 60.9.0esr (64 Bit) on Microsoft Windows, the restore type cannot be selected in the restore wizard for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.  Previous and more recent versions of Mozilla Firefox do not exhibit this behavior.
Workaround: Use a more recent version of Mozilla Firefox or another supported web-browser.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.5.

Creating new job with the restore wizard results in a missing submit button (internal reference #SPP-14627)
Problem: Double click of the source type step of the wizard can result in a missing submit button on the final review step.
Workaround: Single click source type step of the wizard.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.4.

New user creation results in error when password length is less than 8 characters. (internal reference #SPP-10640)
Problem: If the global preferences minimum password length is set to less than 8, the UI will accept shorter than 8 character passwords during user creation. However, submittal of the request to create the user will end with an error indicating the password must have a minimum length.
Workaround: Users must use passwords that are 8 characters or longer.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.4.

SQL and Exchange log backups fail due to vSnap with multiple network interface cards (NICs) (internal reference #SPPSUP-1253)
Problem: IBM Spectrum Protect Plus mail fail during Exchange and SQL log backups if the backup destination is a vSnap server that has multiple network interface cards (NICs) configured.
Workaround: To resolve this issue, the server message block (SMB) service needs to be disabled on the NICs on which Exchange or SQL server has no connection by issuing the following command on the vSnap server:

$ sudo vsnap network update –id --services “mgmt,repl,nfs,iscsi”

Re-attempt the failed backup job.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.4.

Jobs cannot be saved when scheduling a report with a frequency less than 5 minutes when using Microsoft Edge (internal reference #SPP-9353)
Problem: By default, a warning message displays in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus when attempting to schedule a report with a frequency that is less than 5 minutes. However, when defining a report schedule with a frequency that is less than 5 minutes with Microsoft Edge, the warning message does not display, and the job cannot be saved.
Workaround: Select frequencies that are 5 minutes or higher, or use a different supported browser when creating schedules.
Limitation: Since V10.1.4. Solved with Microsoft Edge 41 or Microsoft EdgeHTML 16.16299 and later. Permanent restriction for earlier Microsoft Edge and Microsoft EdgeHTML browsers.

In IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, after upgrading to version 10.1.4 and attempting to log in, the user might receive the message, "Username has expired and must be changed" (internal reference #SPP-9339 & SPP-6327)
Problem:  When upgrading to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.4, the browser might attempt to re-use previously cached credentials.  Upon the first log in for version 10.1.4, the user might receive the message "Username has expired and must be changed."
Workaround:  After upgrade to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.4 and before logging in for the first time, clear the browser cache.  For Chrome, Edge, or Firefox, press SHIFT+CTRL+DELETE to open the appropriate screen for clearing the browser cache.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.4. Permanent restriction.

Pointing an IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to another IBM Spectrum Protect object client node without unregistering and reregeristing the IBM Spectrum Protect endpoint can produce errors when running backup jobs (internal reference #SPP-8747)
Problem: In IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, when a IBM Spectrum Protect (SP) server is registered, it is recognized based on hostname and port as a unique endpoint, and the credentials are associated with that endpoint. If a new object client node is created on the same IBM Spectrum Protect server, and the credentials previously registered in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus are updated to point to the new node, then IBM Spectrum Protect Plus does not recognize that the object client node has changed. IBM Spectrum Protect Plus continues to treat it as the same endpoint as before. As a result, IBM Spectrum Protect Plus might try to refer to data that existed in the older node that is no longer present in the new node.
Workaround:  When a IBM Spectrum Protect repository server has been registered in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus using a particular object client node, the registration cannot be updated to point to another node. If the access key / secret key registered into IBM Spectrum Protect Plus are updated, the new keys must continue to be associated with the same node as before. To stop using the existing node and start using another node on the same IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server, remove any SLAs that point to the repository server and then unregister the repository server from IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.  Next, re-register the repository server using the keys associated with the new node and re-create the necessary SLAs to point to the new server.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.4.

The IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Administrator Console list of time zones is not translated to reflect local language selection (internal reference #SPP-7982 & SPP-8631)
Problem: If a user (administrator) of the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus enters the Admin Console and attempts to set the time zone, the list of time zones presented in the menu is not translated and not reflect that user's local language choice.  The time zone is not translated because it uses the timedatectl utility on the appliance to obtain this information.
Workaround: None.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.4. Permanent restriction.

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus uses third-party libraries that might not reflect language selection (internal reference #SPP-8301 & SPP-8633 & SPP-8517)
Problem: The IBM Spectrum Protect Plus product uses third-party libraries that might not reflect the user’s local language selection.  Therefore, errors or exceptions from these libraries might not adhere to the language selection.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.4. Permanent restriction, see APAR IT34544.

The IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Administrator Console doesn’t display the time and date in cultural format (internal reference #SPP-7984 & SPP-8632)
Problem: If a user (administrator) of the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus enters the Admin Console and that user has the web-browser configured to use a region setting other than that of the United States, the time and date might not be displayed in the proper cultural format. The time and date uses the timedatectl utility on the appliance to obtain this information.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.4. Permanent restriction, see APAR IT34545.

When a report is downloaded to PDF format, some non-English characters might not be displayed properly (internal reference #SPP-1634)
Problem: IBM Spectrum Protect Plus provides a mechanism whereby job history can be downloaded in PDF format.  If elements in the report contain non-English characters, it might be the case that these strings are not displayed in the PDF correctly.  This occurs due to the version of a third-party framework that is used by IBM Spectrum Protect Plus for PDF rendering.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.4. Permanent Restriction, see APAR IT34526.

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus does not support Unicode normalization (internal reference #SPP-6852 & SPP-8705)
Problem: When using the search fields in the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus product, glyphs that are visually equivalent but created with different code point representation might not be returned in the search results.
For example, a user from France might create a backup: sauvegarde_incrémentielle_220419. Depending on the “é” used in the string, the results might not be returned when searching because IBM Spectrum Protect Plus does not support Unicode normalization.
That is, (U+0065 U+0301) versus é (U+00E9) are two different representations of the same character in the string. Depending on the one being used in search, results might not be returned because the target of the search contained a character that was created using an alternate code point representation.
Workaround: When using any search box in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, if it is suspected that characters such as the one above was used, always remember to include different variations of the code point representation in the search.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Permanent restriction, see APAR IT34542.

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus sorting order is not in ICU collation order (internal reference #SPP-6851 & SPP-8634)
Problem: The IBM Spectrum Protect Plus product does not follow ICU collation sorting for menus, therefore, the ordering of menus will appear in code point order.  For example, some languages sort letters differently from code point order. As such, the sorted order of characters and words as they appear in menus when using these languages will appear out of expected order.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Permanent restriction, see APAR IT34456.

vSnap hangs due to connectivity failure
Problem:  Offload to the Cloud or a Repository server might fail due to network connectivity issues. This might prevent success in further offloading for the same volume.
Workaround:  Restart the vSnap to discard the suspended pool and resume routine operations.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.3.

Admin Console user interface still displays trial license after updating to perpetual license (internal reference #SPP-7043)
Problem: The Admin Console user interface displays the trial license information after updating to the perpetual license.
Workaround: Clear your browser cache and reload the Admin console to show the correct information.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.3.

Application Server can be deleted even during an active restore job (internal reference #SPP-6796)
Problem: Application servers defined within IBM Spectrum Protect Plus can be deleted by a user even during an active restore job. This might result in subsequent cleanup failures.
Workaround: Check for active restore jobs pointing to the Application Server before deletion.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.3.

Backups of a failover cluster with SQL DBs residing on Cluster Shared Volume always runs as base backup (internal reference #SPP-6580)
Problem: SQL database backups residing on Cluster Shared Volume (CSV) always runs as base backup since change block tracking is not supported on CSV file system.
Workaround: Failover clusters with DBs running on CSV file system is not supported.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.3. . Permanent restriction.

SLA policy and backup option selections for a folder are not retained if the folder is moved (internal reference #SPP-4388)
Problem: If a folder is moved through the vCenter interface after SLA policies or backup options are assigned to the folder and an Inventory job is run, the selections are not retained in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus. Any virtual machines within this folder that were previously backed up is no longer backed up.
Workaround: After a folder is moved and its new location is logged by the Inventory job, re-associate the folder with the SLA policy and reassign the backup options.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.2.

If the latest restore point of a resource is manually expired, older versions of the restore point do not display on Restore screens (internal reference #SPP-4220)
Problem: If the latest restore point of a resource is manually expired through the Restore Point Retention screen, older versions of the restore point do not display on associated Restore screens.
Workaround: Run the backup job again to capture the latest restore point. When complete, older versions of the restore point do display on associated Restore screens.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.2.

Recurring VM restore fails at second restore time (internal reference #SPP-10076)
Problem: Configure a reoccurring restore in clone mode can't be combined with specifying a dedicated VM name. The second and all following restore operations fail due to naming and UUID conflicts in the vCenter.
Workaround: Do not specify a dedicated VM name when configuring a reoccurring restore in clone mode. If a name is specified, delete or rename the previously created VM, and re-run the job.
Limitation: Since V10.1.2, Permanent restriction, see APAR IT34519.

After a catalog restore completes on a target appliance, the associated catalog backup job returns an ABORT state on the destination appliance (internal reference #SPP-994)
Problem: After a catalog restore completes on a target IBM Spectrum Protect Plus appliance, the catalog backup job that is carried over to the new appliance initially shows that the job last ran in an ABORT state.
Workaround: This is expected due to the snapshot transition. When the catalog backup is run on the source, the snapshot is taken while the catalog backup is running.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Permanent restriction, see APAR IT34548.

vSnap Storage Utilization Report column truncation in PDF export. (internal reference #SPP-14899)
Problem: Some coulmns in vSnap Storage Utilization report are cut off slightly in certain resolutions.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0.

vSnap installation on physical RHEL system fails due to dependency conflicts (internal reference #SPP-14901)
Problem: vSnap installer consists of the core vSnap software as well as third-party dependency packages. When installed on physical RHEL systems where the operating system was pre-installed by the user, the existing set of third-party packages present in the operating system may have minor version differences that cause dependency conflicts with the packages provided by vSnap. As a result the vSnap installation can fail due to the failure to install or update third-party packages.
Problem Verification: Refer to the on-screen messages reported by the failed installation, or refer to the installation log file located at /opt/vsnap/log/install.log. The failure messages indicate yum dependency conflicts. The exact packages listed may differ, but some common packages that cause failure are samba or cryptsetup.
Workaround: Manually install or update some packages using yum commands to resolve the conflicts. The exact command that needs to be run differs depending on which package(s) caused the failure. Contact IBM Support for assistance.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0.

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Admin Console reports login error when trial license is expired (internal reference #SPP-12827)
Problem: When the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus trial license is expired, login to the Admin Console fails with "login error" message. There is no indication that the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus trial license has expired.
Workaround: Update the trial license. Alternatively, login to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Admin Console using the system, serveradmin, password.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0.

Assigning SLAs to multiple resources does not maintain originally assigned SLAs (internal reference #SPP-13436)
Problem: When assigning SLAs to multiple resources that have existing SLAs assigned, the presented panel of SLAs has no SLAs checked. Saving will apply the checked SLAs to all selected resources overriding the original SLA assignments.
Workaround: Assign SLAs to a single resource at a time. When a single resource is selected, the presented panel of SLAs have the existing assigned SLAs checked.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0.

Restored VMware VM does not have local permissions set (internal reference #SPPSUP-1772)
Problem: After doing a production restore of a VMware VM, the local user permissions are not set.
Workaround: Manually set the permissions through vCenter.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Permanent restriction.

Certificates in the .p12 format cannot be imported through the administrative console (internal reference #SPP-9355)
Problem: The administrative console supports importing external public key certificates, which allows the appliance to make outbound connections to resources, such as secured LDAP and secured HTTPS servers. The certificate import feature supports .cer and .crt certificate types. Note that .p12 certificates can only be imported into the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus keystore.
Workaround: To import the .p12 certificates into the keystore, follow the procedure:
Log in as root user on the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus appliance and at the command line execute the following command:

“/usr/java/latest/bin/keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass ecx-beta -destkeystore /opt/virgo/configuration/keystore -srckeystore cs.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12"

Then restart the appliance.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Permanent restriction.

In IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, permission groups specify the ability to edit a certificate, but no edit button is displayed on the Keys and Certificates screen (internal reference #SPP-8611)
Problem: Certain pre-defined roles have assigned permission groups that allow for creating, viewing, editing, or removing certain features of IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.  In particular, the Application Admin, Backup Only, Restore Only and SYSADMIN groups have the Edit ability for Certificates.  However, if a user that is assigned to one of these groups views certifications on the Keys and Certificates screen, there is no Edit button.  Currently, there is no way to edit a certificate from the Keys and Certificates screen.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Permanent restriction, see APAR IT34549.

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus system log sizes grow in some situations (internal reference #SPPSUP-374)
Problem:  IBM Spectrum Protect Plus does not offer a mechanism to limit log sizes to a specific size. If the system log file is too large the file system might be filled and the download of this log file is difficult. Logs that contribute to large deviations are however regularly reviewed for its usefulness to troubleshooting.
Workaround: Make sure that logs are reviewed and removed regularly.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Permanent restriction, see APAR IT26590.


Hypervisor VMware related

Independent disks are not contained in VM snapshots (internal reference #SPPSUP-1980)
Problem: IBM Spectrum Protect Plus does not back up independent disks in VM snapshots for backup jobs. Independent mode virtual disks do not support snapshot operations. See also Change Disk Mode to Exclude Virtual Disks from Snapshots
Workaround: None
Limitation: Since v10.1.1. Permanent restriction.

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus backup of Windows Server 2019 fails with error: “Error: com.vmware.vim25.ApplicationQuiesceFault” (internal reference #SPP-9873)
Problem: Running a backup job of Windows Server 2019 without enabling the option “Fall back to unquiesced snapshot if quiesced snapshot fails” can fail with the error message:
“Error: com.vmware.vim25.ApplicationQuiesceFault An error occurred while quiescing the virtual machine.”
Workaround: Disable the VMware Snapshot Provider service in the guest operating system and allow the Microsoft Volume Shadow Service to run automatically.  When this has been done, re-attempt the backup job that failed with the error.
Disable the VMware Snapshot Provider service in the guest operating system:

  1. Log in to the guest operating system using administrator credentials.
  2. On the keyboard, click the Windows key +R to open the Run dialog box.
  3. Type services.msc and press the Enter key.
  4. Locate and right-click on the VMware Snapshot Provider entry and left-click on Properties.
  5. Set Startup type to Disabled and click Apply and then OK.

Ensure that the Microsoft Volume Shadow Service is set to automatic in the guest operating system:

  1. Log in to the guest operating system using administrator credentials.
  2. On the keyboard, click the Windows key +R to open the Run dialog box.
  3. Type services.msc and press the Enter key.
  4. Locate and right-click on the Volume Shadow Service entry and left-click on Properties.
  5. Set Startup type to Automatic and click Apply and then OK.

Re-attempt any backup jobs that failed as a result of the error. For more information see
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. This issue is resolved in Windows Server version 1809 and all versions of Windows Server 2019 OS Build 17763.1012. For more information, see January 23, 2020—KB4534321 (OS Build 17763.1012) Permanent restriction, see APAR IT34555.

An RBAC user assigned a VMWare Tag and Categories along with either Hosts and Clusters or VMs and Templates results in data not being displayed (internal reference #SPP-8913)
Problem: Users that have been assigned to the Tag and Categories resource group and either Hosts and Clusters or virtual machines and Templates will result in data not being displayed for the Hosts and Clusters view or virtual machines and Templates view.  Only information for Tags and Categories will be displayed when that is selected as a view when running backup operations.
Workaround: Do not assign a user to more than one VMware resource group.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.4. Permanent restriction, see APAR IT30103.


Hypervisor Hyper-V related

Backup and restore operations for Hyper-V shared virtual hard disks fails (internal reference #SPP-1108)
Problem: When attempting to run a backup of a Hyper-V shared virtual hard disk (shared VHDX), the backup fails with the following error:
“Failed to create Snapshot .ava.lang.NullPointerException.”
Shared virtual hard disks in a Hyper-V environment are not supported in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Permanent restriction, see APAR IT34557.


SQL application server related

Incorrect Alert and Joblog messages when a SQL Database is in SIMPLE recovery mode (internal reference #SPP-12989)
Problem: Alerts are generated in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus when a SQL database has log backup enabled, the SQL database recovery model is currently SIMPLE, and the vSnap with the log volumes is either off or has a different IP address.
Workaround: Don't put database into SIMPLE recovery mode and then change the vSnap for the SLA policy
Limitation: Since V10.1.2.

Log storage volume is removed when last backup snapshot is removed (internal reference #SPP-14160)
Problem: During maintenance, if there are no backup snapshots for a database, the log volume will be removed. Normally this will also disable the log backups on that server, but if log backups cannot be disabled then the log backup task will create alerts on IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.
Workaround: Increase retention or backup frequency to have at least one retained backup snapshot for each database with log backup enabled.
Limitation: Since V10.1.2

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus limits the log backup of a database from only one SLA (internal reference #SPPSUP-703)
Problem: The log backup of a database is limited to only one SLA. If there are two SLAs, one to protect an SQL Server Always-On availability groups (AG) and another to protect databases on a stand-alone instance, if a database is moved from AG to stand-alone, or stand-alone to AG, log backup for that database might fail from the SLA that protects the target of the move.
Workaround: After moving the database from the stand-alone to AG or from AG  to stand-alone, run the SLA that was protecting the database before the move once more. Doing this will remove the log backup for that database. When that is completed, run the second SLA that will protect the database at the new location. That will create the log backup for that database.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Permanent restriction, see APAR IT28420.


ORACLE application server related

An entry in ‘srvctl’ is not created after a successful Oracle Database restore to a RAC destination (internal reference #SPP-843)
Problem: After successfully restoring an Oracle Database to a RAC destination, IBM Spectrum Protect Plus does not automatically create an entry in 'srvctl' for the restored database.
Workaround: An entry in ‘srvctl’ must be manually created if wanted.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.1.

Log Backup: Race condition when scheduled run collides with on-demand run (internal reference #SPP-10286)
Problem: When the scheduled run of the log backup coincides with the on-demand log backup of the main backup job for an Oracle database, errors occur in one of the jobs.
Workaround: Adjust schedules of log backup and SLA backup to avoid simultaneous runs.
Workaround: None.
Limitation:  Since 10.1.0.


Db2 application server related

Two progress update rows will be displayed for non-partitioned db2 databases. (internal reference #SPP-13066)
Problem: For non partitioned db2 databases, two progress rows will be displayed.
Problem Verification: Progress update displays two rows for the same db2 database.
Workaround: None.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.6.

In IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, the log backup volume is not unmounted when log backup enablement fails (internal reference #SPP-8833)
Problem:  When log backup is not enabled in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus and then it gets enabled, the log backup enablement command is executed so that IBM Spectrum Protect Plus will mount a log backup volume.  Should the agent fail in enabling the log backup, even though it gets reported, the host agent does not unmount the log backup volume and it remains in a mounted state. The mounted volume will continue to be used for future log backup attempts.
Workaround: None
Limitation:  Since V10.1.4.

Application cataloging fails when using fully qualified hostnames in db2nodes.cfg (internal reference #SPP-7173)
Problem:  When hosts in db2nodes.cfg are specified by its fully qualified names (including dots), cataloging of the database instance fails on inventory with the following error message:
Cataloging failed for server <servername> Map key <hostname> contains dots but no replacement was configured! Make sure map keys don't contain dots in the first place or configure an appropriate replacement!
Workaround: Ensure to have only short hostnames in db2nodes.cfg
Limitation:  Since V10.1.4.

Archive log backups are limited to a single SLA policy per database (internal reference #SPP-db2-175439)
Problem: When archive log backups are enabled on the Db2 backup options panel, it applies to all SLA policies the database is associated with.
For each SLA policy, an extra archive log backup target is created on the vSnap repository. However, Db2 can only handle a maximum of two log archive paths in parallel, provided there are no other archive log destinations in use (e.g. Tivoli Storage Manager). While there might be two SLA policies associated were applicable, it is highly recommended to stay limited to a single SLA policy per database when log backup is enabled. Otherwise, disabling log backup or disassociating SLA policies can lead to situations requiring manual intervention. See below for details.   
Workaround: When the log backup option is enabled for a distinct database, ensure that this database is only associated with a single SLA policy.
If two SLA policies have been associated nonetheless, you will encounter issues when either the log backup is disabled or when one of the SLA policies is disassociated. The result is the Db2 configuration parameters logarchmeth1/2 cannot be reset to its original values leading to the following error message:
"Log backup for database <DB name> is not disabled because otherwise the database will no more be configured for rollforward recovery. As a consequence, a restart of the Db2 database would be required."
If you encounter this situation, reset the logarchmeth1/2 parameters manually to its original settings or to LOGRETAIN.

db2 UPDATE DB CFG USING logarchmeth1 LOGRETAIN logarchmeth2 OFF

Limitation:  Since V10.1.4.

Redirected restore operations to alternative locations, require path names to include the instance and database names (internal reference #SPP-db2-175655)
Problem: When a database is restored to an alternate instance name or database name, the disk paths must include the instance name and the database name.
This detail is required so that the path names can be altered during the relocation procedure. The condition applies to all types of paths: Database paths, container paths, storage paths, log and mirror log paths.
It is best to include both the instance name and the database name in all path names to enable the full set of restore capabilities, including restoring the same database to the same machine multiple times with different names and instances. If the path names do not include the instance name and database name, the following restrictions apply:

  1. If one or more of the path names includes the database name but not the database instance name.
    Restriction: To restore multiple copies of the database to a single target machine at the same time, each copy needs an individual database name assigned even when each restore operation targets another database instance.

  2. If one or more of the relevant path names includes the database instance name but not the database name.
    Restriction: To restore multiple copies of the database to a single target machine at the same time, each copy needs to be restored to a separate database instance even when an individual database name has been assigned to each copy.

  3. If one or more of the path names does not include either the database name or the database instance name.
    Restriction: Only a single copy of the database can be restored to a single target machine at the same time. Both database and instance name need to match the original names.

Workaround: Use a dedicated target machine for each restore.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.3.

Database is subtly excluded from scheduled backup when volume group is running out of free space (internal reference #SPP-db2-179999 & #SPP-9108)
Problem: During inventory, volume groups holding data of databases is checked for free space to ensure that temporary snapshots can be successfully created during the backup operation. In case of there is not sufficient free space available, the database is declared to be ineligible for backup with the according reason message. However, the free space can be sufficient initially and the database has been added to a SLA policy. When the free space declines successively it might fall below the minimum limit. A warning message will indicate the situation, however, it is not rated as a failed backup - the database will just be silently skipped. The summary of the scheduled backup run will just show a decreased number of protected databases.
Workaround: Create backup reports frequently and verify that all important databases have recent backups. Monitor the free space of volume groups and ensure to expand it timely when necessary.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.2.


MongoDB application server related

In rare cases the arbiter node in a distributed MongoDB Replica Set crash during IBM Spectrum Protect Plus inventory (internal reference #SPP-mongo-182265)
Problem: If a MongoDB Replica Set is distributed across multiple hosts and contains an arbiter node that resides on a SLES 12 server, the arbiter node can crash during the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus inventory operation. This problem is caused by the external Python library pymongo that is leveraged by the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus MongoDB agent. The arbiter node can be restarted manually.

Limitation:  Since V10.1.4.

Exchange application server related

Log backups fails when Exchange administrator password begins with "$" (internal reference #SPP-exchange 1229)
Problem: As registering an Exchange application server to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server, if the input password begins with "$", it causes the enabling log backup operation fails.
Workaround: Change to a password not beginning with "$".
Limitation:  Since V10.1.6.

Exchange Mailbox Restore Configuration Wizard display the Media Check entry. (internal reference #SPP-exchange-1168)
Problem: As running IBM Spectrum Protect Plus - Exchange Mailbox Restore Configuration Wizard to check the requirements items, the Media Check entry is displayed as failed. The media check is obsolete for SPP Exchange thus creating a file 'SetupFCM.exe' is needed to get past the check.
Workaround: Find any valid Windows executable file(.exe ) and rename it to SetupFCM.exe. After Media Check failed, Click the “Failed” link on the configuration wizard panel. Specify the SetupFCM.exe above in popped up window. The media check succeeds.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.6.

The ExchSchd directory and Windows Scheduler do not sync after enablelogbakup or disablelogbackup commands (internal reference #SPP-exchange-1137)
Problem: In normal runtime condition, the C:\ProgramData\SPP\ExchScheds directory entries keep synchronized with Windows Scheduler entries. They are all required by IBM Spectrum Protect Plus for Exchange agent to run log back up correctly.
In some rare conditions, such as the user removes or modify them partially (this should never be done manually by user, they should do it on Spectrum Protect Plus console GUI). Some invalid ExchScheds directory or Windows Scheduler entries are left. This might cause confusion to the user.
Workaround: There is no workaround. But it's safe to leave all the entries there. There is no data lose and extra system resource consumption.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.6.

During log backup on the exchange machine, if the log backup scheduler is trying to be updated, then the scheduler might be corrupted. (internal reference #SPP-exchange-1162)
Problem: Logbackpup process will open and hold log files under logbackup scheduler folder. If an disablelogbackup command comes when logbackpup running at backend (same scheduler), and if IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Exchange agent try to delete the scheduler folder in handling the disablelogbackup command, the disablelogbackup will fail by the reason of "failed to delete the scheduler folder".

This problem might happen in this condition:

  • Launch the scheduled task at agent machine to run logbackup of DB1
  • Disable logbackpup of DB1 and run related SLA to trigger the disablelogbackup command.
    If DB1 is the last DB in the logbackpup scheduler, then Exchange agent will try to delete the scheduler folder.
    If the logbackpup of this scheduler is still running at backend, the disablelogbackup fails.

When this problem happens, the disablelogbackup command will fail and the overall status of backup job will be PARTIAL.
Workaround: Since the disablelogbackup command failed, IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server will send another disablelogbackup command in next backup job. So if the logbackpup is not running at that time, the next disablelogbackup will remove the folder successfully.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.6.

Deploy granular restore package to a remote server that has Microsoft Outlook installed does not work as described in readme file (internal reference ##SPP-exchange-1170)
Problem: It is not possible to deploy granular restore by following the deployment steps in the readme file. The reason is that the SetupFCM.exe does not exist in the granular restore deployment package.
Workaround:  to be able to deploy granular restore follow the instructions:

  1. Copy granular restore package from Exchange Application Server
    C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM Spectrum Protect Plus\tools\exchange\imr
  2. Paste to remote server where you will manage the granular restore operation from.
  3. On the remote server, create deployment diagnostics folder.
    mkdir C:\temp\diag
  4. On the remote server, run the following to deploy MMC GUI and granular restore components.
    c:\temp\imr\install_imr.bat <version_nr>-TIV-TSMEXC-Win.exe 10.1.6 c:\temp

Limitation:  Since V10.1.6.

The granular restore remote package readme contains syntax error in a command (internal reference #SPP-exchange-1205)
Problem: In granular restore remote package README, the following command example misses the quotation, and fails with exception.

Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value $remote_server_host_name,$app_server_host_name -Force

Problem Verification: Run the command provided from readme file, most of time, by copy and paste. The "Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.String'" error is reported as following.

Set-Item : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.String' required by the parameter. Specified method is not supported.
At line:1 char:1
+ Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value $remote_server_h ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-Item], InvalidOperationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetItemCommand

Workaround: Enclose the -Value parameter with quotation mark as the following:

Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value "$remote_server_host_name,$app_server_host_name" -Force

Limitation:  Since V10.1.3.

Unsupported characters are displayed as '?' in MMC GUI mailbox restore browser (internal reference #SPP-6054)
Problem: If mailbox is created without specifying mailbox alias, Exchange server uses the value of 'DisplayName' parameter for the 'Alias' property value. If 'DisplayName' contains characters outside of Unicode range from U+00A1 to U+00FF, then Alias will contain unsupported characters.
Exchange removes unsupported characters from 'Alias' by converting them to question marks. As a result, MMC GUI mailbox restore browser shows mailboxes with some characters displayed as '?' question marks.
For more information, see Microsoft documentation:
Workaround: When creating public folder mailbox or user mailbox, explicitly set mailbox alias value and use supported characters in mailbox alias.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Permanent restriction, see APAR IT34558.


Office 365 application server related

IBM has tested Office 365 support in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus with 1000 Exchange Online & OneDrive users.

The pie chart in the running jobs view is not updated dynamically (internal reference #SPP365-149)
Problem: The pie chart, in the running jobs view is not updated dynamically for the Microsoft365 jobs. The chart is updated after the whole job is completed.
Workaround: None.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.5.

Restoring the calendar event will fail if the event doesn't have correct time zone (internal reference #SPP365-100)
Problem: When creating a calendar event using e.g. PowerShell, it is possible to create an event without a correct time zone. Such an event can be protected but cannot be restored.
Workaround: None.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.5.

The backup job will hang until all data to be protected are processed if there is no free space left at the backup destination (internal reference #SPP365-68)
Problem: When there is no free space left on the backup destination, the agent will anyway try to process all objects that should be protected.
Workaround: Add additional space to the backup destination.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.5.

Office 365 data size is not included in a license report  (SPP365-20)
Problem: When protecting Office 365 data, the amount of protected data is not included in a license report.
Workaround: None.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.5.


Kubernetes application server related

No limitations for Kubernetes application server.


File System application server related

After deployment of the File System Restore Service a local installed Python version cannot be used anymore (internal reference #SPP-13033)
Problem: The File System Restore Service changes the global settings for all users. After that, an installed Python version cannot be found anymore. That is happening for all user on the system. All Python using programs on the System will fail to run properly.
Workaround: To solve this behavior:

  • Uninstall the global Python version and install for all user that needs Python a personal version, or
  • Change for every user that needs Python the local path settings.
    Make sure that you do not change the global path settings. If the global path settings are changed a restore is not possible anymore.
    Also make sure not to change the settings of the administrative user that is used for the File System Agent.

Limitation:  Since V10.1.6.

File system restore job might remain in state 'running' (internal reference #SPP-13032)
Problem: Running restore it might happen that a restore task remains in state 'Running' although it has finished successfully. This is a display error only.
Workaround: Check the file system if the files and folders subject to restore have been restored successfully. Then cancel the restore operation in the GUI.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.6.

First cancelled restore job makes the second job on the same system unusable (internal reference #SPP-13071)
Problem: When two or more file system restore jobs are created for the same system and one of the jobs is canceled, then the restore GUI for the other jobs might no longer be usable.
Workaround: Cancel **restore jobs not before all objects subject to restore from all file systems are finished.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.6.

Protection of stub files is not supported (internal reference #SPP-13082)
Problem: Stub files (e.g. IBM Spectrum Protect HSM for Windows migrated files) are not supported for backup and restore. When trying to restore such a file, the operation will fail. 
Workaround: Do not backup volumes, which include stub files or exclude all folders containing such files.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.6. Permanent restriction, see APAR IT34908.

Inventory not detecting all file systems when VM was cloned or created from a template (internal reference #SPP-13143)
Problem: The Windows Filesystem inventory in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus is affected by a commonly known issue when the file server instance was created from a template or cloned from other VMs. In this case the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for the Virtual Machine Disks (VMDK) could be the same for original and the cloned VMs. Since the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus UI is using the VMDK UUID to relate the volume to a File Server instance, it only displays one instance of the volume in the UI. All other volumes with identical UUID are not displayed even though the inventory detected these.
Workaround: None.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.6.


Limitations solved with V10.1.6

Restore multiple DBs failed to mount the databases due to files removed (internal reference #SPP-10523)
Problem: Normally Exchange will replay the log files after restore completed. But with the “No Recovery” option selected, we don’t want Exchange to replay the logs after restore. So we must call VSS SetAdditionalRestores() method. The SetAdditionalRestores() will prevent the log files to be replayed. With a wrong logic, the SetAdditionalRestores() will only be called in the “restore to alternate location” case. So in the “restore to original location” case, the log files will always be replayed even the “No Recovery” selected.
Problem Verification: Restore to original location (with empty “New Database Name” or “New Database Name” is same as original database name) and select the “No Recovery” option. After restore, the restored log files will still be replayed and deleted.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.5. Solved with V10.1.6.

Granular restore operation fails with missing required Exchange Roles for the current user (internal reference #SPP-exchange-946)
Problem: During granular restore, in the granular restore UI, a configuration error message pops up. If the user does not have the user rights listed, the protection operations fail. The user will not have the ability to run granular restore until the user rights are updated.
1. Verify that the user domain used to register the server
2. Click OK and add the indicated Exchange roles for the specified user
Limitation: Since V10.1.4. Solved with V10.1.6.

The organization name used for the registration of a Microsoft Office 365 tenant must not include dots (internal reference #SPP365-59)
Problem: When the organization name used for the registration of a Microsoft Office 365 tenant includes dots in the name, the restore will not work.
Example: Using the full organization name "" the backup will work, but the restore will fail.
Workaround: Use an organization name that has no dots in it.
Example: Using the organization name "my_name".
Limitation: Since V10.1.5. Solved with V10.1.6.

Not able to restore an on-demand backup immediately. (internal reference #SPP-Kubernetes-597)
Problem: "kubectl describe" of an on-demand backup shows the backup is done but it is not restorable until the backup is reflected in the schedule backup request.
Workaround: Wait until the on-demand backup is reflected in the schedule backup request before trying to restore the on-demand backup.
Limitation: Since V10.1.5. Solved with V10.1.6.

Temporary files can be found in some of the restored directories  (internal reference #SPP365-25)
Problem: After the restore job is completed, temporary files can be found in some of the restored directories. The temporary files names start with "~tmp"
Workaround: These temporary files will be automatically removed after some time.
Limitation: Since V10.1.5. Solved with V10.1.6.

SQL backup failed with a confusing error message when backup LUN was disconnected at the end of the backup. (internal reference #SPP-10623)
Problem: The volume mount status was not validated before access the backup LUN.
Workaround: No workaround, job failed.
Limitation: Since V10.1.5. Solved with V10.1.6.

The "Unregister" option for a VADP Proxy appears as an empty string (internal reference #SPP-10802)
Problem: In the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus GUI the VAPD proxy page under the system configuration, select a VADP proxy from the list and then chose the 3 dots in the right top corner to bring up the action for VADP proxy. The Unregister option for a VADP Proxy appears as an empty string.
Workaround: Clicking on the empty string in the drop down of options initiates the unregister action.
Limitation: Since V10.1.5. Solved with V10.1.6.

Backup target LUNs on vSnap storage do not automatically expand for Hyper-V backups (internal reference #SPP-2719)
Problem: For Hyper-V backups, if the source data store is expanded, the backup target LUN on vSnap storage does not automatically expand.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.6.


Limitations solved with V10.1.5

User Interface allows cross-platform restore operations (internal reference #SPP-7292)
Problem: In environments with machines of different OS platforms (e.g. AIX and Linux x86) the user interface allows the target instance to be of a different OS platform. Hence, you can trigger the restore of a Linux database to a database instance on AIX and vice versa. Even though the user interface does not prevent you from doing so it will lead to unexpected results.
Workaround: Ensure that the selected target instance matches the original OS platform.
Limitation: Since V10.1.4. Solved with V10.1.5.

Data Protection for Exchange 8.1.8 and IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.4 Granular Restore GUI cannot coexist on the same application server (internal reference #SPP-exchange-978)
Problem: When IBM Spectrum Protect Plus is used to protect a Microsoft Exchange Server where 8.1.8 Data Protection for Exchange is already installed, if the user attempts to run a granular restore operation, the operation will have unexpected behavior. The job log will not log a failure. When the user remotely connects to the application server, the granular restore UI will not display correctly and some functions will not work.
1. Cancel the granular restore operation, if it is in the Resource Active state
2. On the Exchange server, close the granular restore or MMC UI
3. Completely uninstall 8.1.8 Data Protection for Exchange
4. Rerun granular restore
Limitation: Since V10.1.4. Solved with V10.1.5.

When upgrading from IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.3 to version 10.1.4, manually running a previously created policy (10.1.3) that has an associated sub-policy added will result in a null-pointer exception (internal reference #SPPSUP-1115)
Problem: In IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, after upgrading from version 10.1.3 to version 10.1.4, manually running a previously created SLA policy that also has an associated sub-policy will result in a null-pointer exception. The automatic running of the SLA policy will work correctly.
Workaround: Edit the original SLA policy, but do not change anything with the policy and then click Save. Next, manually start the policy. The user will then be prompted to select the sub-policy.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.5, see APAR IT30380.

Inventory fails for Db2 databases using non-ASCII characters in path or file names (internal reference #SPP-5965)
Problem: Databases with non-ASCII characters in path or file names (Database paths, container paths, storage paths, log and mirror log paths) cannot be inventoried due to the following error:

Command line '/usr/bin/python /tmp/tmpWzEDYB' has ended with exit code 1. stdout: ===SPPAgent-output===
stderr: File "/tmp/tmpWzEDYB", line 2 SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc7' in file /tmp/tmpWzEDYB on line 2, but no encoding declared; see for details

Workaround: Ensure that all path and file names of the database are built from ASCII characters only.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.5.

Redirected restore operations to alternative locations will change ownership and permissions for all database paths up to the root file system (internal reference #SPP-db2-179927)
Problem: When a database is restored to an alternate instance name or database name, all disk paths of the database will be altered to the new names during the relocation procedure that is running on the target machine following the actual restore and recovery.
To ensure the database management system has access to the relocated paths, the ownership and permissions of the paths are also updated. This applies to the complete path chain up to but not including the root file system ("/"). When the operation is completed, only the database instance user and other members of its group still have write access to the full chain of these paths. These conditions can lead to issues given that the top-level directories of the altered paths are representing directories that other users need to have write access to, too.
The condition applies to all types of paths: Database paths, container paths, storage paths, log and mirror log paths.
Workaround: Ensure that all database paths of the database are dedicated to the database the full chain up to the root file system so that exclusive write permissions is acceptable.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.5.

Unused objects are not all being deleted after cloud offload (internal reference #SPP-5849)
Problem: When an SLA policy is deleted and all the recovery points are purged out from vSnap, some of the objects that are not being used might still exist in cloud buckets.
Workaround: None
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.5.

Error messages returned from Oracle servers running non-English languages might not be displayed correctly (internal reference #SPP-6193)
Problem: When IBM Spectrum Protect Plus experiences errors while attempting to backup or restore an Oracle Database, it attempts to capture the error messages returned by Oracle and display them in the backup/restore job log. If the Oracle Database runs with the NLS_LANGUAGE set to a non-English language by default, then the error messages might contain characters that cannot be formatted or displayed correctly in the job log. As a result, those specific error messages might not be readable when the job log is viewed or downloaded.
Workaround: While the message itself might not be readable, the message prefix will contain a standard error code starting with "ORA" or "RMAN". Use Oracle support/documentation resources to look up the message associated with the error code.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.5.

Restore of a Db2 database with renaming might break ssh communication (internal reference #SPP-db2-185334)
Problem: When a database is restored to an alternate instance name and / or database name, all disk paths of the database will be altered to the new names during the relocation procedure that is running on the target machine following the actual restore and recovery. To ensure the database management system has access to the relocated paths, the ownership and permissions of the paths are also updated. This applies to the complete path chain up to but not including the root file system ("/"). The permission mask being used for this operation is 0775.  
For the case that data or log paths are subdirectories of the Db2 instance user home directory those permissions are updated, too. This can cause issues with key based ssh authentication given that ssh is configured in strict mode. In strict mode key files and the directories that they are stored in must not be writable by anyone but the owner so the mask must be 0755 or even less for group and others.  The broken ssh connectivity will cause the database instance to be nonoperational given that it is multi-partitioned (DPF) and configured for ssh.
Set "StrictModes" to "no" in sshd_config and restart sshd service.
2. Correct permissions on Db2 instance user home directory after the restore operation is completed.
Limitation: Since V10.1.2. Solved with V10.1.5.

vSnap password fails when attempting to access CIFS share with the associated account credentials (internal reference #SPPSUP-561)
Problem: The vSnap credentials registered with IBM Spectrum Protect Plus do not work when trying to access the CIFS share when using the same account credentials. The credentials will need to be re-synchronized to ensure continued access.
Workaround: The vSnap password should be changed to the same value to manually force synchronization. In this example, the username is vsnapuser Credentials can be manually synchronized by entering the following commands on the vSnap Server:

  • Update the operating system credentials, which are used for management communication through the vSnap API:
    sudo passwd vsnapuser 
  • Update the CIFS credentials, which are used for communication between the application server and vSnap:
    sudo smbpasswd vsnapuser 
    Finally, update the vSnap registration in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to ensure that the updated password is entered into the system. At this time, you might re-run the job that failed as a result of the problem.

Limitation: Since V10.1.2. Added in IBM Knowledge Center, see IT27300.

First entries in lists automatically display in menus when using Microsoft Edge (internal reference #SPP-9354)
Problem: When selecting options from drop-down menus in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, the first entry in a list automatically displays in the menu when using the Microsoft Edge browser; however, the item is not selected. In addition, if there is one entry in a drop-down menu, the item cannot be selected when using the Microsoft Edge browser.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.4. Solved with V10.1.5.


Limitations solved with V10.1.4

In IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, when a data center is associated with an SLA, the number of backed up VMs might be more than the number of VMs in the data center (internal reference #SPP-8509)
Problem: An NFS volume can be mounted to any number of data centers in the same vCenter. When an NFS volume is mounted on more than one data center on a vCenter, even though vCenter treats the same volume as two different data stores, IBM Spectrum Protect Plus treats this single data store and combines all the VMs and VMDKs residing on this data store from all the data centers this data store is mounted on. Therefore, any SLA selection/resolution against this data store will cause all the VMs from the different data centers to be backed up.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.4, see APAR IT30102.

Automatic VADP proxy update fails when upgrading IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.2 to version 10.1.3 or version 10.1.3 to version 10.1.4. (internal reference #SPPSUP-1129)
Problem: When upgrading IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, the VADP proxy will be automatically upgraded. If upgrading from V10.1.2 to V10.1.3 or V10.1.3 to V10.1.4, this upgrade will fail with an error message in the Virgo log stating:
"Cannot automatically update VADP with the name <server name>. Manual update required. [Error => No identity stored for VADP instance with ID <ID number>".
Workaround:  Manually update the VADP proxy to resolve the issue. For more information on manually updating VADP proxies, see Updating VADP proxies.
Limitation: Since 10.1.2. Solved with V10.1.4

The EULA can not be displayed when upgrading vSnap (internal reference #SPPSUP-707)
Problem: When upgrading vSnap, the EULA is reported as being a binary file which results in the agreement not being displayed
Workaround: Install the upgrade to vSnap by executing the following commands:

chmod +x<filename> .run     
sudo bash 

 where <filename> is the name of the vSnap upgrade file.
In the new terminal that opens, execute the following command:


where is the name of the vSnap upgrade file that was made executable in the step above.
Limitation: Since V10.1.2. Solved with V10.1.4, see APAR IT28244.

SLA filter drop-down only appears after searching on backup selection screen.(internal reference #SPP-6571 & #SPP-5913)
Problem: The SLA filter drop-down under the VMware backup screen does not appear until you perform a search in the backup selection.
Workaround: Search * in the search bar and the SLA filter drop-down will appear.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.4.

Failure to access vSnap server for catalog restore after upgrading from 10.1.2.(internal reference #SPP-6690)
Problem: On Physical vSnap servers, after upgrading from 10.1.2, IBM Spectrum Protect Plus fails when trying to access the vSnap server for catalog restore.
Workaround: User must manually create the /opt/vsnap-data cache area expected in 10.1.3. Refer to procedure documented in Cloud object storage offload configuration
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.4, see APAR IT30071.

Web user interface stuck with the message “Server is being brought up”. (internal reference #SPP-6698)
Problem: Under rare circumstances, when trying to connect to the Web user interface to deploy an IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server, the Web user interface doesn’t progress past the “Server is being brought up. Please wait…” message.
Workaround: Reboot the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Server Appliance.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.4, see APAR IT30104.

Granular resource counts for Replication and offload do not display correct counts when new VMs are added to SLA and results in partial failure.(internal reference #SPP-6718)
Problem: When VMs or DBs are added to an SLA after backup has completed but before replication and offload, the counts displayed for successful and failed VMs and DBs are inaccurate.
Workaround: none
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.4.

Test Restore Jobs disappear after a vSnap upgrade (internal reference #SPP-6052)
Problem: Restore Jobs in test mode disappear when upgrading the vSnap server to the latest version. Test Restore jobs are not persisted when vSnap server is restarted.
Workaround: To avoid the issue, Defer Upgrade until all test restore jobs can be canceled. Rerun Test Restore jobs if the issue is encountered.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.4.

When creating a custom Resource Group, there is no option to add resources through the Tags & Categories view type (internal reference #SPP-1874)
Problem: When creating a custom Resource Group and adding VMware resources, there is no option to filter selections based on the Tags & Categories view type.
Workaround: none
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.4.

SQL server databases with non-ASCII characters are not available for Backup Selection. (internal reference # SPP-6059)
Problem: If a SQL server have databases with non ASCII character names, the inventory job for that SQL server will complete but the job log will have the following error "Failed to merge SQL application discovery output c:\ProgramData\SPP\<uuid>\output_sql.json". The Database is not available for Backup Selection.
Workaround: Rename the Database with ASCII characters.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.4.

Restoring IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Db2 data to an alternative instance on the original host (internal reference #SPP-6709)
Problem: When you are restoring a Db2 resource to an alternate location, the user interface allows you to select another instance on the original host that has a different name. When you select this instance as the target for the restore operation, the Db2 data on the original instance is compromised because all restore operations restore to the original instance name first.
Workaround: Avoid selecting target instances on the original host when using the restore to alternate instance option.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.4.

The backup job option Force full backup is not implemented in the MongoDB application agent. (internal reference #Mongo,179504)
Problem: The Spectrum Protect Plus GUI provides an option to force a full backup of a specified database. This option is available in the backup job definition options panel. The MongoDB application agent does not support this option in current implementation. You can select this option in the GUI and specify a database name but it will not be respect it. Only the initial backup for a database is a full backup and the subsequent backups are always incremental.
Problem Verification: There is an incremental backup created even though you have specified the correct database name in the Force full backup resources field. 
Workaround: There is no workaround for this limitation. Currently only incremental backups for MongoDB databases are possible.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.4.

Offloading to IBM Spectrum Protect fails if FlashCopy Manager is installed on the data mover machine (internal reference #SPP-1812)
Problem: When performing an offload job from IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to IBM Spectrum Protect, the job fails if Flash Copy Manager is installed on the associated data mover machine.
Workaround: Uninstall the Flash Copy Manager component from the data mover machine.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.4.

Exchange application server configured in a DAG environment failed to resolve cluster host (internal reference #SPP-6455)
Problem: When registering an exchange application server configured in a DAG environment with the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Appliance it is recommended to register all Microsoft Exchange servers in the DAG. During the registration process (or if not all servers are registered) the discovery process will log warning messages as below:
"Failed to resolve cluster host xxxxxx to an application server"
The warnings will occur for each appplication server in the DAG that are not registered at the time that the discovery process is ran.
Workaround: Register all Microsoft Exchange servers in the DAG or you may ignore the warnings if you do not plan to use IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to protect the the not registered Microsoft Exchange servers.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.4.

Exchange application server configured in a DAG environment job log contain warnings (internal reference #SPP-6539)
Problem: In a Microsoft Exchange DAG environment, during the application discovery process the job log will contain warning messages as seen below:
"Warning: No valid primary instance key for db group xxxxxx"
Workaround: Ignore the warning messages. No feature\function is affected
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.4.

Full base backups occur after storage vMotion operation (internal reference #SPPSUP-237)
Problem: Incremental backups are not performed after a storage vMotion operation occurs to a new datastore. Backups that occur after the storage vMotion operation will run as full base backups.
Workaround: none
Limitation: Since v10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.4

No error message to indicate that restore failed due to "out of space" (internal reference #Exchange,798)
Problem: During restore operations (Production Restore or Test Restore), if a out of space condition occurs IBM Spectrum Protect Plus with report a message like below:
Failed to restore databases (aaaa bbbbb) on server (
The job logs will not report that a out of space condition occured.

Workaround:  Ensure you have adequate space, prior to a restore operation
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.4.

Readme file for installation procedure on remote server should be updated (internal reference #Exchange, 806)
Problem: Granular Restore MMC GUI package must be manually installed on remote to Exchange 2016/2019 machine that has Microsoft Outlook installed. This is done per Microsoft recommendation to have Outlook installed on a different machine than Exchange 2016/2019 server. There is no Help information available on how to install Granular Restore package and how to configure it to connect to Exchange 2016/2019 server.
Problem Verification:

  •  For Exchange 2019: Mailbox restore from MMC GUI Mailbox restore browser fails if Granular restore MMC GUI is not installed on the same machine as Microsoft Outlook and Outlook is not installed on remote to Exchange server machine.
  • For Exchange 2016: Mailbox restore from MMC GUI Mailbox restore browser might fail if Granular restore MMC GUI is not installed on the same machine as Microsoft Outlook and Outlook is not installed on remote to Exchange server machine.

Workaround: until the correct readme is packaged with the product, we provide here the correct readme:

  1. Before you begin:
    To use the remote management features, you must install and enable Windows PowerShell 3.0, or later, on all IBM Spectrum Protect Plus protected Exchange servers and the server you will run the MMC GUI from. To download, install, and enable the software, follow the instructions in Microsoft Windows Management Framework 3.0 Downloads. The remote machine and Application Server must be in the same domain.

  2. Deploy the granular restore package to a remote server that has Microsoft Outlook installed
    These steps are only performed once. Once the granular restore package is installed you may continue to use it to perform later granular restore operations.

    1. Copy granular restore package from the Application Server to the remote server where you will manage the granular restore operation from.
      C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM Spectrum Protect Plus\tools\exchange\imr*TIV-TSMEXC-Win.exe
      * See HW/SW requirements for prerequisites for the remote server.

    2. On the remote server, run the following to install the package.
      a. Execute the self-extracting binary: C:\temp*TIV-TSMEXC-Win.exe, assuming you copied to the c:\temp directory.
      b. Run C:\temp*TIV-TSMEXC-Win\SetupFCM.exe to install MMC GUI
      c. Run C:*-TIV-TSMEXC-Win\fcm\x64\exc*\enu\spinstall.exe to install SP Exchange components

  3. Running the MMC GUI on the remote server to perform granular restore operations
    1. Run the MMC GUI application by executing C:\Program Files\Tivoli\FlashCopyManager\FlashCopyManager.exe
    2. Add the Application Server in MMC GUI:
    Click Actions > Manage Computers to open Manage Computers window. Click the plus-sign icon in Computers pane and enter Application Server name. Click Set Account icon and enter user credentials for the Application Server. Use the same credentials as used by Spectrum Protect Plus GUI -> Manage Protection > Applications > Exchange > Backup > Manage Application Servers > Add Application Server.
    3. Test connection to the Application Server: select Application Server node > Click Test Connection. Verify connection status "Connected successfully" is shown in Message column. Click OK to close Manage Computers window.

  4. Configure remote connection between the remote server and Application server

    1. Enable remote management for the MMC GUI deployed with IBM Spectrum Protect Plus entering the following Windows PowerShell command. Enable-PSRemoting -force.
      Depending on your environment you may need to add trusted hosts to the Exchange Server and server where the MMC GUI will be deployed.
      a. Add the Application Server and remote server to the trusted hosts list by entering the following command on each system: Set-Item WSMan:\locahost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value remote_server_host_name,app_server_host_name -Force where remote_server_host_name specifies the remote server.
      b. Restart the winrm service by entering the following command: Restart-Service winrm

    2. Enable the Windows PowerShell Remoting feature with Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) authentication. Complete the following steps:
      a. On the remote server, enter the following command to enable the Windows PowerShell Remoting feature with CredSSP: enable-wsmancredssp -role client -delegatecomputer app_server_host_name where app_server_host_name specifies the Application Server
      b. On the Application Server that will run the granular restore operation, enter the following command to enable the Windows PowerShell Remoting feature with CredSSP: enable-wsmancredssp -role server

    3. Verify that the Windows PowerShell Remoting feature is configured by using one of the following methods: - Use the "Test-WSMan" cmdlet to test whether the WinRM service is running on the remote computer.
      a. On the remote server, enter the following cmdlet to verify that the Windows PowerShell Remoting feature is configured correctly: Test-WSMan app_server_host_name where app_server_host_name specifies the Application Server.
      b. On the Application Server, enter the following cmdlet to verify that the Windows PowerShell Remoting feature is configured correctly: Test-WSMan remote_server_host_name where remote_server_host_name specifies the remote server.

[Optional] For additional remote configuration verification.

  • On the Application Server and remote server, to verify basic remote connection, enter the following cmdlet: invoke-command -computername remote_server_host_name -scriptblock {pwd} -Credential $creds where remote_server_host_name specifies the remote server.
    invoke-command -computername app_server_host_name -scriptblock {pwd} -Credential $creds where app_server_host_name specifies the Application Server.

  • On the Application Server and remote server, to verify (CredSSP) authentication is enabled, enter the following cmdlet: invoke-command -computername remote_server_host_name -scriptblock {pwd} -Credential $creds -Authentication Credssp where remote_server_host_name specifies the remote server.
    invoke-command -computername app_server_host_name -scriptblock {pwd} -Credential $creds -Authentication Credssp where app_server_host_name specifies the Application Server.

Continue with Step 11 from the granular restore topic under the Exchange Server section in the user guide to complete the granular restore operation.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.4.


Limitations solved with V10.1.3 and V10.1.3_patch1

Backup and restore operations in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.2 fail after performing a catalog restore of a 10.1.1-based snapshot (internal reference #SPP-4560)
Problem: If an IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.1 catalog snapshot is used in a catalog restore job in an IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.2 environment, all backup and restore jobs following the restore operation fail.
Workaround: A script that is available on the virtual appliance must be run if an IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.1 catalog snapshot was used to restore an IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.2 appliance. After the catalog restore job is completed, perform the following procedure on the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.2 virtual appliance on which the restore was performed.

  1. Log in to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.2 virtual appliance and open a command line interface.
  2. Enter the following command: sudo bash
  3. Enter the following command: rpm -q --scripts spp-db| grep -A7 -P '# safe to run on every update' | sed 's#\$RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX#/opt/ECX#g' > /tmp/; bash -x /tmp/

After the script is run, backup and restore operations will be functional in the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.2 environment.
Limitation: Since V10.1.2. Solved with V10.1.3.

Upgrading to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.2 fails when upgrading from version 10.1.1 (internal reference #SPP-4699)
Problem: Upgrading to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.2 fails when upgrading from IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.1 if the appliance is not manually rebooted.
Workaround: To upgrade to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.2 from version 10.1.1, you must apply the necessary ISO update files as described in the user documentation, then manually reboot the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus appliance.
Limitation: Since V10.1.2. Solved with V10.1.3.

Upgrading to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.2 fails if an emergency fix (efix) was applied to version 10.1.1 (internal reference #SPP-4750)
Problem: If an emergency fix (efix) was applied to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.1, the following error displays in the Administrative Console when upgrading to version 10.1.2: "Subscription Errors Encountered: Errors encountered while updating IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 500 - Internal Server Error".
This issue only applies if fixes in the .rpm format were installed directly on the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus virtual appliance using the yum or rpm command, and contain "efix" in the file name. Fixes that were applied through the Administrative Console are not impacted by this issue.
Workaround: To verify that an IBM Spectrum Protect Plus efix was installed in your 10.1.1 environment, enter the following command from the command-line interface of the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.1 virtual appliance:  rpm -qa | grep spp
If an efix is installed on the system, it will be displayed in the following format: spp-efix-10.1.1-xx.noarch. To uninstall the efix, enter the following command from the command-line interface of the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.1 virtual appliance:  rpm -e spp-efix
Once complete, perform the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus version 10.1.2 upgrade procedure.
Limitation: Since V10.1.2. Solved with V10.1.3.

Large vSnap replication operations taking longer than 24 hours time out and abort (internal reference #SPPSUP-367)
Problem: By default, a vSnap replication operation aborts if the session does not complete within 24 hours. In cases where a large amount of backup data is being replicated between vSnap servers, a replication operation could be aborted before the operation is completed. Data that is transferred before the timeout threshold is met is saved.
Workaround: Increase the replication timeout threshold to a value larger than 24 hours. The parameter is measured in seconds; by default, the value is set to 86,400 seconds, or 24 hours. Increase the value to 48 hours (172,800 seconds) by entering the following command in the command-line interface of the primary vSnap server that is the source of the replication:
vsnap system pref set --name replTransferTimeout --value 172800
The parameter takes effect when the next replication operation starts.
Limitation: Since V10.1.2. Solved with V10.1.3, see APAR IT26536.

After a Catalog restore, jobs that were utilizing local vSnap fail (internal reference #SPP-1000)
Problem: When a Catalog is restored from a backup, jobs that were utilizing local vSnap storage will fail on the recovered IBM Spectrum Protect Plus appliance with the following error:
“vSnap Storage Volume not found”.
Workaround: A Catalog backup does not include local vSnap pools or volumes. Only the Catalog itself is backed up and will be restored to the same or new IBM Spectrum Protect Plus appliance. External vSnap servers can be re-registered to the new IBM Spectrum Protect Plus appliance, so it is recommended to use external vSnap servers for backup operations.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.3.

During a VMware File Restore of a large file in a Linux environment, the restore may fail with a timeout error (internal reference #SPP-1274)
Problem: In a Linux environment, performing a VMware-based file restore on files larger than 2 GB may fail with the following error:
"Timed out (300 seconds) waiting for command to complete."
In some cases, larger file restores complete successfully, however the chances of failure increase for files larger than 2 GB.
Workaround: A hot fix will be provided to increase the timeout threshold to accommodate larger files.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.3.

Expired jobs remain on the Catalog Retention pane after removal(internal reference #SPPL3-775, #SPP-1734)
Problem: A job session can remain on the Catalog Retention pane after the recovery point has been expired and removed through the Maintenance job.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.3.

Virtual machines deleted from a Hyper-V or VMware server continue to be displayed as backup sources (internal reference #ECC-11836)
Problem: If a virtual machine is deleted from a Hyper-V or VMware server after an Inventory job completes, the VM continues to be displayed as a backup source in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus after the Inventory job runs again. This scenario occurs if the Inventory job of one or multiple servers that are part of the job does not complete successfully, which in turn does not trigger a cleanup job.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.3.

Backup jobs can save only virtual machines selected within a single page(internal reference #ECC-10924)
Problem: Backup jobs can save only virtual machines selected on a single page. The virtual machines selected on further pages are not saved.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.3.

The Maintenance job cannot be rescheduled (internal reference #ECC-11937)
Problem: The Maintenance job, which removes resources and associated objects created by IBM Spectrum Protect Plus when a job in a pending state is deleted, cannot be rescheduled.
Workaround: Ensure that scheduled jobs do not run at the same time as the Maintenance job.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.3.

Ability to edit Backup Storage is disabled if IBM Spectrum Protect Plus fails to authenticate with vSnap server (internal reference #ECC-12118)
Problem: If IBM Spectrum Protect Plus fails to authenticate with a vSnap server (that is, if the vSnap user's password is changed, access is revoked, or if the associated user with access to the vSnap server is deleted) the server will appear in the Backup Storage list with its status listed as "Not Connected". However, the ability to edit the Backup Storage registration will be disabled.
Workaround: In the case of a user being deleted or having their access revoked, edit the Backup Storage registration in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus and specify the new credentials before deleting the original user or revoking access.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.3.

Backup and offload of a virtual machine template fails(internal reference #ECC-12337)
Problem: A backup of a virtual machine template fails with the following error:
“Full VM backup of VMware Virtual Machine ‘<template_name>’ failed with RC=4379”
Workaround: To enable backup and offloading of virtual machine templates, you must specify VMENABLETEMPLATEBACKUPS in the data mover option file. Note that a backup of a template can only be performed as a Full backup. For more information about configuring your environment for backing up virtual machine templates, see
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.3.

A file restore in a Linux environment might use the wrong source if guest network settings were not configured correctly (internal reference #SPPL3-285, #SPP-1820)
Problem: When backing up a Linux virtual machine with the file indexing option enabled, if the guest operating system has a fully qualified domain name, it must be resolvable from the guest. If the resolution fails, the file index might be associated with the wrong source virtual machine. Subsequent file restores may lead to files being restored (or attempted to be restored) from the wrong backup.
Workaround: If the Linux virtual machine being backed up has a fully qualified domain name, run the commands "hostname" and "hostname --fqdn" inside the guest OS and verify that both commands return valid output. If there are resolution errors, update the Linux network settings either by specifying the correct DNS information or by adding appropriate entries in the /etc/hosts file. Note that each virtual machine must have a unique host name.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.3.

A Hyper-V Linux VM fails file indexing (internal reference #ECC-11708)
Problem: A Hyper-V Linux VM fails file indexing with the following error:
"Could not establish an SSH session with server on host(null) at port(22). Error (host must not be null)"
Workaround: A guest should use a specific kernel for Ubuntu Linux. For more information, see
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.3.

SQL Restore jobs cannot be canceled (internal reference #SPP-2471)
Problem: When a SQL Restore job is in progress and the user clicks Cancel, data and log files will continue to be restored. Canceling a SQL Restore job through the IBM Spectrum Protect plus interface is not supported.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1_patch1. Solved with V10.1.3.

If an Exchange server is running on a SQL server, Inventory jobs associated with the SQL server fail (internal reference #SPPL3-804, #SPP-2107)
Problem: Running an Inventory job on a SQL resource in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus fails if an Exchange server is running on the same machine.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.3.

A SQL database backup with log backup enabled fails when performed against a restored SQL database with an underscore in its name (internal reference #SPPL3-806, #SPP-1499)
Problem: When an SLA policy with log backup enabled is created for a database that was restored through IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, and the database has an underscore in its name, the backup fails.
Workaround: If the restored database must have log backup enabled in future backup jobs, ensure the name of the database does not include an underscore.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.3.

Oracle 12c multi-threaded configurations
Oracle 12c multi-threaded configurations are not supported in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.3.

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus operations fail when using default Russian Windows administrator accounts (internal reference #SPPL3-330, #SPP-1695)
Problem: IBM Spectrum Protect Plus operations such as backup up a virtual machine or performing file cataloging fail when using the default Russian Windows administrator account,
Workaround: The account used for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus operations must use English characters.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.3.

The latest incremental backup data is not purged after running the Maintenance job to expire the data (internal reference #SPP-1121)
Problem: When an SLA Policy is defined with vSnap replication, the latest incremental backup data is not purged after removing backup job instances and running the Maintenance job to expire the backup data.
Workaround: This occurs when SLA Policy settings are such that the primary backup retention is smaller than the replication frequency. The snapshot is locked and cannot be expired because it is needed for the next incremental replication sync. Once the replication sync occurs, the old snapshot will be unlocked and will be expired.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.3.

Report categories display when a user does not have access to the reports within the category (internal reference #SPPL3-821, #SPP-1605)
Problem: When no reports from a category are available to a user through their assigned resource group, the category still displays in the Report pane. The category can be expanded, though there are no reports available.
Workaround:  None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.3.

Filenames that contain the “|” character are not returned when performing a file search in a Linux environment  (internal reference #SPPL3-393, #SPP-1751)
Problem: In a Linux environment, when searching for a file that contains the “|” character in its filename, the file either does not display in the search results, or the filename is split between the Filename and Path fields.
Workaround: Searching for a file that contains the “|” character in its filename is not supported in a Linux environment.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.3.

When updating IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to 10.1.1, the unzip RPM is not updated (internal reference #SPP-1300)
Problem: When updating IBM Spectrum Protect Plus from version 10.1.0 to 10.1.1, the unzip RPM, which is included in the update ISO, is not updated to the latest version.
Workaround: To resolve, perform the following procedure:

  1. Update the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus appliance through the Administrative Console using spp-10.1.1.iso. See the Installation and User's Guide for more information about updating your appliance.
  2. Once complete, transfer the spp-10.1.1.iso file to the /tmp directory on the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus appliance.
  3. Through the command line interface, create a new directory for the ISO mount through the following command: mkdir /mnt/update
  4. Mount the ISO through the following command: mount -o loop /tmp/spp-10.1.1.iso /mnt/update
  5. Run the following command to update the unzip RPM: yum localupdate /mnt/update/Packages/unzip*
  6. Unmount the ISO through the following command: umount /mnt/update
Workaround:  None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1_patch1. Solved with V10.1.3.


After offloading completes, the offloaded snapshot does not display on the System > Catalog > Retention page (internal reference #SPP-2447)
Problem: When an SLA Policy is defined to include offloading to IBM Spectrum Protect, the offloaded snapshot does not display in the IBM Spectrum Protect plus interface under System > Catalog > Retention. Retention for offloaded snapshots is not handled through IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, but by the associated VE server. Offloaded snapshots will not display in the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus retention interface.
Workaround:  None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1_patch1. Solved with V10.1.3.

Restores to an alternate instance are restricted to a single copy per source machine and database instance combination (internal reference #SPP-db2-168387)
Problem: When a database is restored to an alternate instance, a database instance with the same name as the original database instance must exist on the target machine. Even if you are changing the database or instance name where the target database is located, the data is first restored with its original name and its original instance name before it is relocated to the final destination with its new name. The actual data is not moved so when the restore operation completes successfully, the alternative instance is always linked to the original instance. When you run another restore operation of the same database or instance to the same target machine, the process overwrites the previously restored data.
Workaround: To avoid issues when you are restoring to an alternate instance, use multiple target machines for each copy you want to create from the original database.
Limitation: Since V10.1.2. Solved with V10.1.3.

Backup Speed value reported in VM Backup History report does not match the one reported in job log. (internal reference #SPP-6156)
Problem: Customer runs VM Backup History report and looks at “Backup Speed” value which is found different than what’s reported in job log for that backup job instance. Backup calculation of throughput assumes 1KB = 1024 Bytes differs from reports’ assumption that 1KB = 1000 bytes.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.3_patch1, see APAR IT28093.

Cloud catalog restore points are not displayed if they are from an IBM Spectrum Protect server. (internal reference #SPP-6893)
Problem: The IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server cannot enumerate the recovery points of the catalog that are offloaded to an IBM Spectrum Protect server.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.3_patch1, see APAR IT28124.

Protected and unprotected VMs report failing to report unprotected VMs.   (internal reference #SPP-6913)
Problem: On setups with several hundreds of unprotected VMs, Protected and Unprotected VMs report shows errors at the very bottom of the report fails to report any VMs under the Unprotected VMs table.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.3_patch1, see APAR IT28094.

vSnap is not cleaned up after object expiration  (internal reference #SPP-6855)
Problem: Some vSnap volume/snapshots are not purged after expiration or SLA deletion.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.3_patch1

Hyper-V Restore Advanced Options not getting replayed. (internal reference #SPP-7166)
Problem: After setting up a Hyper-V Restore Job and saving it with the desired Advanced Options selected, the option selections are not preserved when editing the Restore Jobs.
Workaround: Make your option selections again before rerunning the restore jobs for Hyper-V.
Limitation: Since V10.1.3. Solved with V10.1.3_patch1, see APAR IT28009.


Limitations solved with V10.1.2

VMware backups through a VADP Proxy utilizing NBDSSL and LIBZ compression fails (internal reference #SPP-2634)
Problem: When performing a VMware Backup through a VADP Proxy, selecting the NBDSSL transport mode with LIBZ compression enabled might cause the backup to fail.
Workaround: This issue only affects LIBZ compression under certain conditions. Select a different compression type, or disable compression for the NBDSSL transport mode.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1_patch1. Solved with V10.1.2.

The Provide Feedback pop-up window displays in environments without an internet connection (internal reference #SPP-1156)
Problem: The Provide Feedback pop-up window displays after a period of time when using IBM Spectrum Protect Plus. The feedback form requires an internet connection to capture feedback, but the pop-up window will display if no internet connection is available.
Workaround: To provide feedback, use the feedback form on a machine with internet access.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.2.

File restores might fail if another operation is occurring on the same virtual machine during the time of the attempted file restore (internal reference #SPPL3-113, #SPP-1533)
Problem: File restores might fail if another operation, such as a scheduled backup, is occurring on the same virtual machine during the time of the attempted file restore. A similar issue might occur if you are attempting to run multiple file restore jobs simultaneously.
Workaround: Ensure that no other operations are occurring on a virtual machine while restoring a file from the same virtual machine.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.2.

Transaction logs are not purged from SQL Server in SQL Always On environments (internal reference #SPP-3190)
Problem: When SQL backup jobs successfully complete with log backups enabled, all transaction logs up to the point of the job completing are automatically purged from the SQL server. In SQL Always On environments, the logs are not automatically purged.
Workaround: Transaction logs older than 1 day should be manually deleted from the log target volume in SQL Always On environments.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1_patch1. Solved with V10.1.2.

SQL Always On Availability Group backup jobs display error messages about disabling log backups of associated Availability Groups (internal reference #SPP-3191)
Problem: If a standalone SQL database and a database that is part of a SQL Always On Availability Group are protected through the same SLA policy, and  the databases are located on the same server, the following error message displays during incremental backup jobs:
"Disabling log backup failed on instance:<SQL INSTANCE> e=...xsb.commons.XSBException".
Workaround: Create separate SLA policies for standalone SQL databases and databases that are part of SQL Always On Availability Groups.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1_patch1. Solved with V10.1.2.

SQL servers display on the Oracle Manage Application pane (internal reference #SPP-1088)
Problem: If a pair of nodes that are part of a failover cluster are registered in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, the inactive node will display on all application screens, including differing application database types.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.2.

When an SLA Policy is deleted, some artifacts are not removed from the SQL server internal reference #SPPL3-721, #SPP-1987)
Problem: In some conditions, when an SLA Policy is deleted and the Maintenance job is run, some artifacts such as log backups associated with the deleted SLA Policy are not removed from the SQL server. If a new SLA Policy is created and assigned to the same database, future log backups fail because they are still associated with the deleted SLA Policy.
Workaround: If artifacts are not removed through a Maintenance job after an SLA Policy is deleted, manually delete the artifacts, then re-assign the database to a new SLA Policy.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.2.

An entry in /etc/oratab is not created after a successful Oracle database restore (internal reference # SPP-836)
Problem: After successfully restoring an Oracle database, IBM Spectrum Protect Plus does not automatically create an entry in /etc/oratab for the restored database.
Workaround: An entry in /etc/oratab must be manually created if desired.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.2.

Backup of Hyper-V virtual machines that are on NTFS and CSVFS file systems fail with a target volume error (internal reference #SPP-1165)
Problem: If a job definition is created that includes Hyper-V virtual machines that utilize both NTFS and CSVFS formatted drives, the job will fail with an error indicating that the mountpoint is inaccessible.
Workaround: Ensure Hyper-V backup jobs do not include drives that utilize both NTFS and CSVFS formats.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.2.

A Hyper-V restore running in Production mode fails if the original source is not overwritten (internal reference #ECC-12235, #SPP-48)
Problem: In a Hyper-V environment, if an attempted restore running in Production mode fails to overwrite the original source, the restore will fail with a HypervisorVMDeleteException error.
Workaround: You must manually delete the source VM through Hyper-V Manager, then manually resume the restore job in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.2.


Limitations solved with V10.1.1 and V10.1.1_patch1

Virtual machine backup jobs fail after performing a Catalog Restore (internal reference #SPPL3-724, #SPP-2166)
Problem: After restoring the catalog through a Catalog Restore job, certain virtual machine backup jobs fail.
Workaround: For releases prior to the patch1, the workaround is to create new SLA policies for each backup job that fails following a Catalog Restore. This procedure is only required for failed jobs; backup jobs that complete successfully following a Catalog Restore do not need to be associated with new SLA policies.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.1_patch1.

When updating IBM Spectrum Protect Plus using Firefox, the Clean Process appears to fail (internal reference #SPPL3-833, #SPP-1808)
Problem: When updating IBM Spectrum Protect Plus through the Administrative Console using Firefox, a Clean Process Failure message displays during the update process. The message indicates that the update has been applied successfully, but the update cleanup process failed.
Workaround: This message appears consistently when performing an update to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus with Firefox, regardless of whether the Clean Process failed or was successful. This behavior is specific to Firefox only.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.1_patch1.

The predefined Self Service role can create and run jobs (internal reference #SPP-1160)
Problem: The Self Service role allows a user to monitor existing backup and restore operations delegated by an Administrator. Though only the View permission is assigned to the appropriate resources, a Self Service user can also create and run jobs.
Workaround: For releases prior to the patch1, the workaround is to create a custom role that assigns the View permission to SLA Policy, Backup Storage, Job, Report, and necessary hypervisor or application resources.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.1_patch1.

Backup and restore operations for SQL Server system databases are not supported (internal reference #SPP-1332)
Problem: Backup and restore operations for SQL Server system databases such as the primary database are not supported in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.1. 
Workaround: For releases prior to the patch1, SQL Server system databases can be backed up to vSnap and restored by using the Instant Access restore type.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.1_patch1

SQL incremental backup jobs perform a base backup despite the first incremental backup job reporting that write range tracking is enabled (internal reference #SPP-1246)
Problem: On systems where the source volume is less than 1 GB, the Update Sequence Number (USN) size may cause the backup to continually run as a base backup. The USN change journal provides write range tracking for a volume when the file size is increased to a specific threshold.
Workaround: For releases prior to the patch1, resize the source volume to be larger than 1 GB to enable incremental backups.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.1_patch1.

A SQL restore of data/log files that are in the same path to an alternate location restores to the data file location (internal reference #SPP-970)
Problem: If the source database’s data and log files are located in the same directory, a SQL restore of data and log files to an alternate location restores the files to the data file location.
Workaround: For releases prior to the patch1, if the source data and logs are stored in a single location, then the source data and logs must be restored to the same single location.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.1_patch1.

A database or point-in-time restore of a SQL Failover Cluster Instance fails with a writer error (internal reference #SPP-1270)
Problem: A database or point-in-time restore of a SQL Failover Cluster fails with the following error:
"Writer [SQLServerWriter] report error status ([VSS_WSS_FAILED_AT_PRE_RESTORE])"
Workaround: For releases prior to the patch1, when the automount option is disabled on a SQL Failover Cluster Instance restore target destination, the "Available Storage" group must be on the same owner node as the target SQL cluster instance during restore.
Limitation: Since V10.1.1. Solved with V10.1.1_patch1

Backups fail when selecting sources at the datastore cluster level (internal reference #ECC-12266)
Problem: When creating a backup job definition, the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus interface supports selecting sources to back up at the datastore cluster level; however, the backups will fail when selected at this level. The following error displays:
"Failed to find virtual machine under path: <path>. There are no virtual machines to backup."
Workaround: The workaround is to select datastores under the cluster level.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.1.

vSnap servers remain on the Backup Storage page after deletion (internal reference #ECC-12307)
Problem: After deleting a primary or secondary vSnap server through the Backup Storage page, the server remains in the list of available servers.
Workaround: Navigate to a different page in the user interface, then return to the Backup Storage page. The deleted vSnap server is removed from the list.
Limitation:  Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.1.

The IBM Spectrum Protect Plus appliance time zone must be set through a command line interface (internal reference #ECC-12434, #SPP-244),
Problem: The IBM Spectrum Protect Plus appliance time zone cannot be set through the user interface or Administrative Console. An incorrect time zone might impact job scheduling. Set the time zone through the appliance’s command line interface.
Workaround: To set the time zone, log in to the appliance as root and enter the following command: "ls -l /etc/localtime".
Make a backup of the existing localtime file by entering the following command: "sudo mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.bak".
Create a link (here, America/Chicago is used as an example) through the following command: "sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago /etc/localtime".
Execute "ls -l /etc/localtime" to see the time zone change.
Restart Virgo through the following command: "service virgo restart".
Limitation: Since V10.1.0_patch1. Solved with V10.1.1.

For VMware backups, HotAdd Transport mode is not supported (internal reference #ECC-11021)
Problem: The VMware HotAdd Transport feature is not supported in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus operations.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.1.

A Hyper-V restore using the Production restore type does not preserve the path of the original volume (internal reference #SPPL3-190, #SPP-2205)
Problem: When restoring a Hyper-V virtual machine to the original host using the Production restore type, the directory path is not preserved on the original volume.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0_patch1. Solved with V10.1.1.


Limitations solved with V10.1.0_patch1

If the automount parameter is not enabled on Hyper-V hosts, backups might fail (internal reference #SPPL3-207, #SPP-1870)
Problem: If the automount parameter is not enabled on a Hyper-V host, backups might fail with the following errors:
Unprotected vm: XXXXX [Destination volume creation failed for soure volume C]
Unprotected vm: YYYYY [Failed to format volume. Disk: 39, partition: 2]

Workaround: For releases prior to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.0_patch1, you must enable the DiskPart automount parameter on Hyper-V hosts. For more information about enabling the automount parameter, see
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.0_patch1.

SQL log truncation might fail for Windows virtual machines running on a Hyper-V server (internal reference #SPPL3-238, #SPP-1931)
Problem: Log truncation might fail for a backup job which has the SQL log truncation option selected. This impacts Windows Virtual Machines on Hyper-V. The backup task completes successfully, but when SQL log truncation is attempted, the log returns the following message:
"Truncating application logs of vm <vm_name>”.
The job then ends abruptly with a "failed" status. The message "Successfully truncated logs for <vm_name>” does not appear.
Workaround: For releases prior to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.0_patch1, this issue does not affect the recoverability of the VM, only the truncation of SQL logs. As a result, the logs keep growing, and out-of-space issues might ensue. Therefore, if you encounter this issue, the workaround is to perform a SQL log truncation independently. For more information see
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.0_patch1.

A VM protection job with file-level indexing completes with the following message: “Cataloging task for search in 0 seconds. Files Indexed : 0 , Files Skipped : 0” (internal reference #SPPL3-224, #SPP-2123)
Problem: A Windows VM protection job with file-level indexing completes with the following message:
“Cataloging task for search in 0 seconds. Files Indexed : 0 , Files Skipped : 0”.
But the job log indicates that files were found via file discovery. Consequently, the files for this virtual machine are not available for search and recovery. This issue does not impact Linux virtual machines.
Workaround: None.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.0_patch1.

A file restore in a Linux environment fails if the file name or path to the file contains spaces (internal reference #SPPL3-264, #SPP-1748)
Problem: When performing a file restore in a Linux environment, the file restore fails if the file name or path to the file contain spaces.
Workaround: For releases prior to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.0_patch1, a file can be restored from a higher-level directory that does not contain spaces. For example, restoring a file from the “path” directory in the following example would be successful: /path/a path/file name.txt. Note that the file must be restored to an alternate location in this instance, then copied to the desired location. Alternatively, remove spaces from the file name or path to the file, back up the associated virtual machine, then run the file restore again.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.0_patch1.

Attempts to access the Administrative Console on port 8090 fail (internal reference #SPPL3-263/252, #SPP-1643, #SPP-1825)
Problem: A user is unable to access the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Administrative Console through port 8090 after installation.
Workaround: For releases prior to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.0_patch1, the workaround is to first log in to the IBM Spectrum Protect appliance as a root user and execute the following command: systemctl start adminconsole.
Once complete, reboot the appliance.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.0_patch1.

Virtual machines support only one offload job type at a time (internal reference #ECC-12346)
Problem: A virtual machine can support only one type of offload job (that is, vSnap offload or direct offload). If a virtual machine is a part of two different offload types, the job that runs last will remove the previous recovery points from IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.
Workaround: For releases prior to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.0_patch1, ensure virtual machines are assigned to one offload job type, either vSnap offload or direct offload.
Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.0_patch1.

UUIDs remain the same after a Test/Clone mode restore (internal reference #SPPL3-270, #SPP-1882)
Problem: When restoring a virtual machine through a Test/Clone mode restore, the UUID of the cloned virtual machine remains the same as the UUID of the source virtual machine. The lack of a unique UUID introduces issues when attempting to perform file cataloging.
For releases prior to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.0_patch1, there are several workarounds for this issue as described in the following VMware article:

  • Migrate the cloned virtual machine to a different vCenter ESX host.
  • Change the UUID of the cloned virtual machine by logging in to the ESX host where the cloned virtual machine resides and entering the following command: vmkfstools -J setuuid <vmname>.vmdk
  • Create a vSphere clone of the virtual machine clone created through IBM Spectrum Protect Plus. Once complete, the VM Guest OS will boot up with a unique UUID, and the virtual machine clone created through IBM Spectrum Protect Plus can be deleted.

Limitation: Since V10.1.0. Solved with V10.1.0_patch1.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSNQFQ","label":"IBM Spectrum Protect Plus"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 July 2021

