IBM Support

IBM InfoSphere Information Server 11.7.1 Fix Pack 1 and Fix Pack 2 Fix List

Fix Readme


IBM InfoSphere Information Server 11.7.1 Fix Pack 1 ( contains cumulative service for multiple Information Server 11.7.1 components. 11.7.1 Fix Pack 2 ( only support Red Hat 8 on Linux x86 and is functionally equivalent to There are no new fixes at Fix Pack 2.


The following section list APARs included in Fix Pack 1/Fix Pack 2 for InfoSphere Information Server 11.7.1.

Information Server 11.7.1 is a prerequisite for fix pack 1 or 2.  

Note that Fix Pack 1 is cumulative service, which contains fixes available after the release of Information Server 11.7.1, including those fixes contained in service packs 1 and 2.  Fix Pack 2 has the same content as Fix Pack 1. Use the link below to view the list of APARs included from those 2 service packs: 
IBM InfoSphere Information Server 11.7.1 Service Packs 1 & 2 Fix List

*Fixes that have an asterisk by the Fix ID might require post-install steps to activate. Refer to the following document for details on how to activate those fixes:
InfoSphere Information Server Version 11.7 fixes that require postinstallation steps

Fix Pack 1/Fix Pack 2 Fixes:


NOTE: The following 3 APARs were added to the June 2020 refresh of Fix Pack 1. If you obtained FP1 before that date, it does not contain the following 3 fixes. To determine which version of Fix Pack 1 you installed, check the /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Version.xml file and in fix history section see whether the entry for FP1 contains the word RESPIN, i.e.:  fixpack_FP1_Respin1_IS1171_linux64_11710.

APAR Description
JR62323 Workflow actions are very slow if the connected user repository has many entries.
JR62386 The Workflow capability does not work on an IBM WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment cluster with multiple nodes.
JR62488 Information Analyzer jobs fail after upgrading to 11.7.1 FP1 on a multi-tier environment or when installed to nondefault location


Connectivity IBM

APAR Description
JR58698 Support DTS in MQ client mode in non-XA environment MQ connector targets
JR59692 Hive Connector fails to parse query when parallel read is enabled and keywords are part of the column name
JR59696 HBase Connector: Password logged in clear text during metadata import
JR60055 IGC displays HBase Namespace as Schema
JR60352 MDM Connector configuration UI fails with NullPointerException
JR60567 Cannot import Hive metadata if a description contains XML special characters like "&"
JR60698 DB2 Connector logs SQL0204N warning for temporary table referenced in SQL
JR60707 DB2 Connector fails to write ASCII control characters to CHAR and VARCHAR columns when using external tables
JR60788 DB2 Connector fails while parsing 3-part table name
JR60794 DB2 Connector does not provide operational metadata for User-defined SQL
JR60809 DB2 Connector fails to load data using external tables and named pipes
JR60811 DB2 Connector server job aborts when Direct insert is disabled
JR60814 DB2 Connector returns incorrect results selecting from partitions created prior to Db2 z/OS version 8
JR60833 DB2 Connector does not assign data processing evenly when writing to random-distributed tables
JR60881 Cognos TM1 Connector fails on whitespace characters in column name when using Runtime Column Propagation
JR60903 Kafka Connector is not closing producer thread in target mode
JR60925 DB2 Connector does not read all rows when Modulus partitioned read method is used on column with negative values
JR60966 DB2 Connector does not support BOOLEAN data type
JR61070 DB2 Connector fails to parse user-defined SQL with DISTINCT FROM keywords
JR61073 DB2 Connector fails to read XML columns using runtime column propagation
JR61201 SASL and Kerberos with SSL support missing in Kafka Connector
JR61212 DB2 Connector long startup time due to slow DB2 server hostname query execution
JR61256 DB2 Connector load to DB2 for z/OS using SFTP fails because of missing SYSUT1 and SORTOUT DD
JR61257 DataDirect JDBC Driver for Hive update to version
JR61260 DB2 Connector takes long time to parse user-defined SQL with many UNION clauses
JR61313 DB2 Connector does not drop unmatched columns when Direct insert is disabled
JR61325 Cassandra connector does not work with Azure Cosmos DB
JR61337 Netezza Connector reports negative number of rows in job log
JR61338 Netezza Connector logger does not log numbers greater than 2147483647
JR61341 In DB2 Connector log, one DB2 error message is missing from the list of diagnostic messages
JR61389 DB2 Connector creates TWT with VARCHAR(OCTET) columns instead of VARCHAR(CODEUNITS32) type
JR61437 DB2 Connector fails to load data when VARGRAPHIC columns are used as partitioning key
JR61439 MDM Connector Member write interaction with Put type InsertUpdate fails
JR61462 DB2 Connector aborts when Direct insert is off and the first column in target table is string datatype
JR61508 MDM Connector does not allow to return entity ID in entRecno field for AsMember get type
JR61510 DB2 Connector support for external tables in read and write modes
JR61669 DB2 Connector fails to import table metadata in IMAM when column has DB2SECURITYLABEL type
JR61765 DB2 Connector fails to parse User-defined SQL with table name in double quotes
JR61809 DB2 Connector jobs on AIX fail with error loading connector library
JR61827 DB2 Connector truncates data when running bulk load into CODEUNITS32 character columns
JR61829 DB2 Connector is not able to create character column with CODEUNITS32 qualifier
JR61854 DB2 Connector does not support DTS local transactions (non-XA mode)
JR61869 Cognos TM1 Connector job fails with Array index out of range exception
JR61875 DB2 Connector job fails when Before/After SQL statements include comments with quotation marks
JR61878 DB2 Connector with parameterized Alternate conductor settings fails to query database configuration
JR61892 Netezza Connector reports table not found error in optimized jobs
JR61902 DB2 Connector fails on schema reconciliation when diverse tables with the same name exist in various schemas
JR61935 DB2 Connector support for external tables in User-defined SQL write mode
JR62046 DB2 Connector fails with 'CLI0125E Function sequence error' message
JR62133 Hive Connector cannot find resource bundle for key CC_JDBC_MSG_ERROR


Connectivity Non-IBM

APAR Description
JR51143 XML job failing with XML parsing issue. 
JR56604 JDE, PeopleSoft, and OracleApps metadata browser functionality is missing in IS 11.7 Windows Client
JR59699 Teradata connector changes to handle invalid xml characters.
JR60699 Add support for including the view expression when importing Snowflake table views
JR60724 Inaccurate NLS setting detection for accentuated character processing on Server canvas in non-NLS environment
JR60771 Oracle connector jobs on server canvas hang in a target context if source data of CHAR(X) gets mapped to VARCHAR(Y) where X>Y
JR60772 Generate SQL button in Teradata connector throws java exception and crash ASB Agent
JR60779 File Connector gives NPE while writing null ORC data using ORC 2.1 jar
JR60783 Provide certain file format options to create the staging area for Load from file
JR60793 Unable to load Query Band Expression from file
JR60805 Upgrade of DataDirect OpenSSL libraries to version 1.0.2r
JR60806 Oracle connector jobs on server jobs are not padding space when mapping from CHAR(X) to CHAR(Y) where X < Y
JR60834 Oracle CC Generate SQL Tool: OCIHandleAlloc:OCI_HTYPE_STMT returned status -2: OCI_INVALID_HANDLE
JR60857 Charset in the file formatting options getting set incorrectly during inference
JR60858 "Implement Merge statements in Snowflake connector to execute Update, Delete and dual-mode queries"
JR60868 Implement Azure Datalake Storage Connector
JR60904 Teradata connector to handle invalid xml characters during IMAM import
JR60929 After performing in-place upgrade from IIS v11.5.0.2 to v11.7.1 design time operations such as View Data and Test Connection no longer work
JR60935 FileCC reads fail with error - File contained insufficient data
JR60940 Handle identity columns when using LOAD functionality in Snowflake connector.
JR60941 Connectors on server canvas fail with abnormal termination in case of data size > design column size for character columns
JR60993 PX Oracle CC in Update Mode and no reject link fails to commit records when array has an error
JR61009 Salesforce Connector gives OOM error during extract design time operations
JR61046 Support tinyint range: 0-255 in remote sybase IQ read
JR61048 The duplicate columns are seen when importing a metadata from IMAM-Oracle connector
JR61065 Target Snowflake Connector fails to run Merge statement if the job has source stage also as snowflake connector
JR61107 Oracle connector jobs on server canvas fail with 'Attempt to convert String value "" to Long type unsuccessful'
*JR61112 Support customizable temporary directory for FTP Enterprise Stage (instead of Local /tmp)
*JR61117 SQL Server EE Operator in WRITE mode (bulk load) to BCP causes heap corruption when processing DECIMAL data
*JR61141 Amazon RedShift Driver returns non-nullable column as NULLABILITY UNKNOWN
JR61142 Escapes character is not working correctly for last column in File Connector
JR61160 Fix for Null pointer exception is being seen using IMAM-File Connector when importing a huge folder
JR61167 File Connector job using Keytab option failing when KRB5CCNAME variable is set
JR61168 Opening of assembly editor fails with error: object reference not set to an instance of an object followed with SaxParserException
JR61202 CMT must set FailOnError to TRUE as default for Truncate-Table when migrating Oracle EE to Oracle CC
JR61217 Oracle connector should honor NLS_LANG when RCP is set.
JR61229 Delete Operation with Bulk Delete of existing job fails if the property value is not defined
JR61231 Teradata connector is creating incorrect reject file.
JR61242 Salesforce Connector in Bulk Mode does not support QueryAll Operation
JR61309 Allow Oracle Connector to behave like Oracle EE Operator for UPSERT when arraysize=1 and reject link exists
JR61322 ORA-01461 is being seen when inserting a decimal value more than column size
JR61338 Connector logger does not log numbers greater than 2147483647
JR61346 ODBC Connector does not fetch view expression from PostgreSQL
JR61349 Teradata Connector Performance degradation with Timestamp datatype.
JR61367 The files in staging area are not purged when Snowflake connector job aborts.
JR61390 Snowflake Connector load job aborts when using Snowflake driver version 3.8.1 or above
*JR61419 On connector UI if the property value contains '>' followed by newline then the newline is stripped
JR61453 Handle multiple single line comments in where clause when running Partitioned reads in Oracle connector.
*JR61501 MongoDB ODBC Driver returns NULL key values of second collection of a left join
JR61521 Multiple Vulnerabilities in jackson-databind affect IBM Information Server
JR61543 Extend SCAPI Bridge to add Redshift connector support
*JR61567 Performance of ODBC-Connector is significantly low, when ODBC-Connector is performing insert/update statements
*JR61569 Salesforce Connector does not extract or load the timestamp field type in local timezone
JR61574 Duplicate assets are created when importing chained aliases from Oracle connector
JR61587 Upgrade of DataDirect OpenSSL libraries to version 1.1.1d
JR61601 JDBC Connector throws a NPE during the drill down operation against Cassandra database from Information Analyzer
JR61615 Unable to save changes to the hierarchical stage in datastage designer
JR61634 Synonyms created for Views are being described as view objects using IMAM - any database connector
*JR61636 FTP Enterprise support of OpenSFTP in the SFTP mode for windows platform
JR61638 Salesforce Connector support for Salesforce API version 47
JR61709 Expose Relations between entities to enable joined extracts in SAP ODATA Connector
JR61723 Hierarchical stage: In rest step, exception is thrown when receiving content is of type "application/"
JR61759 Hierarchical stage: XML schema does not show types under substitutiongroups after @@choicediscriminator.
JR61763 Oracle Connector jobs on parallel canvas fail due to invalid column binding
JR61796 ODBC Connector fails to insert datetime field to Sybase ASE table
JR61811 File connector does not read longvarbinary or varbinary columns correctly with multi-node configuration
JR61815 Oracle Connector Sparse Lookup mode Disconnect/Reconnect results in SIGSEGV or SIGTERM
JR61816 File connector does not reject records, which have incorrect data for date
JR61840 Azure Storage Connector job fails during parallel write of data in GBs
JR61860 Classify SQL Anywhere Error as fatal in sybase operator when using remote iq
JR61865 Connectors on server canvas produce incorrect value for negative numbers while handling tinyint datatype
JR61885 Generate unique file names when running LOAD in Snowflake connector.
JR61956 Foreign-key references are failing to import from MySQL database using IMAM-ODBC connector
JR61958 Support metadata import for Parquet, ORC and Avro file format in S3 connector
*JR61964 Add support for INT96 parquet types in File Connector
JR61971 SCAPI Bridge patch to support select statement in BigQuery connector.
JR61985 Disable querying for table metadata when running LOAD in Snowflake connector.
JR61996 Enable the Connector Migration Tool (CMT) to correctly migrate ORAOCI9 plugin jobs doing UPSERT, INDATE, and DELSERT
JR62029 Add support for Decimal and Numeric data types in Parquet file format in the File Connector
JR62089 Oracle Connector in bulk load mode does not correctly reject records for partitioning errors


Data Flow Designer (DFD)

APAR Description
JR61814 Customer is unable to export DataStage Jobs from Data Flow Designer.
JR61966 DFD-compile of Transformer-jobs & sequence jobs hanging, when Jetty-server is running as "non-root".
JR61969 Run option not visible in DataStage Flow Designer after a successful run of a job.
JR62101 Issue with "timeout" in Jetty start/stop batch-files on windows platform.
JR62156 With "Developer" role User not able to access certain calls of the DFD REST API, such as restRunDSJob and getDSJobStatus.
JR62188 Compile is failing for Lookup for column with long name.
JR62290 In a default suite installation of the service tier of Information Server, the rc.d scripts will allow the DataStage Flow Designer service process to start automatically. However, the same scripts will attempt to start the process during a server shutdown, preventing the shutdown.
JR62304 Sequence Job->Execute command Activity: Compile is failing when compile options on job is enabled and command has * outside the quote


DataStage Core & DataStage Engine

APAR Description
JR60739 Remove the localised formatting for numbers in OpsConsole
JR60943 Support for new Japanese era
JR61020 After in-place upgrade from is 11.3 to is, "log report messages after each job run" option is always unchecked
JR61121 DSD_OshMonitor does not properly handle very large messages
JR61127 Operations Console hangs when selecting all projects within the project filters
JR61205 DataStage unable to open the job due to short REST timeout
JR61549 Sendmail fails on Windows if mail has no body text but does have attachments
JR61907 Incorrect job status shown on Hadoop
JR61926 Designer cannot import DSX file with read-only attribute
JR62012 New C++ msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll to replace vulnerable files in Information Server v11.7.1 Client


DataStage Parallel Engine

APAR Description
JR60586 Parallel job throws a warning when using Cluster key Change Column in a Sort stage on a sorted data.
JR60633 Allow users to define the number of retries and the interval of retry for getaddrinfo
JR60652 Ops Console displays wrong Windows OS version when the version in newer than Windows 2012
JR60898 Parallel Engine YARN job with APT_TSORT_HDFS_SCRATCH set will fail in sort stage when the number of records is large.
JR61109 Parallel transformer function SETFROMTIMET64() gives INCORRECT RESULT on dates before 01-01-1970
JR61174 Long running jobs can fail if the customer has a firewall setting that terminates connection that is idle for more than an hour.
JR61328 Stage variables with expressions using if condition with setNull
JR61479 Parallel jobs using Greenplum connector have random hangs.
JR61563 Parallel engine Oracle operator fails to load and surrogate key operator fails.
JR61626 Ops console displays wrong available memory in Linux from DSResource Tracker.
JR61640 Fixing issues related to YARN communication port read from file.
JR61726 Transformer stage variable retains the value from previous record when current record having NULL value.


Exception Management

APAR Description
JR61781 Improve exception istool set deletion performance
JR61941 Improve ESDBAdmin exception set database purging code


Information Analyzer / Auto Quality

APAR Description
JR61480 Information Analyzer Data Rule Fails when converting a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulting in an out-of-range value.
JR61578 Data Rules fail when joining with virtual tables
JR61738 Downloading exception records in the Data Rule Execution History view results in out of memory error.
JR61746 Saving a data rule definition hangs and subsequently retrieving data rules also hangs in the new quality ui for Information Analyzer.
JR61768 Not all users in the "Users and groups" setting for Quality workspaces are listed even though they are listed in IA thick client
JR61804 When customer edits Exceptions in BPM. The preview and traversal of exceptions are failing root cause is when the Global and Project level IADB settings are varying
JR61843 Unable to save the changes of Column analysis Threshold in Global level Settings in Quality UI
JR61886 IGC NEW - Support pagination in User/Group selection in Project settings
JR61890 IGC New - Data rule Output column name must not allow parenthesis
JR61908 User should not be allowed to make a literal binding for the in reference column variable
JR61909 Analysis status is inconsistent in Quality UI of the new IGC UI in IS11.7.1.0SP2
JR61914 IGC New - Provide ability to choose "Include Columns with length over 512 characters"
JR61938 Handle the truncation exceptions for clob data in Information Analyzer while using JDBC Connector.
JR61992 [IGC New] Datasets grid: Sorting doesn't work for last data analysis string values
JR62003 [IGC New] - Rule Run Status does not show all rules
JR62004 Data Quality REST API returns wrong Schema name
JR62018 Information Analyzer Relationship Analysis does not find known joins
JR62031 [IGC New] - Data Rule Output Results shown in scientific notation
JR62038 Improve Data Quality Analysis performance when there are a large number of data classifications.
JR62051 Column Analysis remains in progress when profiling is run with the option 'Update Exisiting Tables = Yes'
JR62054 IA Workbench - Data rule execution history is slow when there are a lot rules and rule sets in an IA project
JR62056 Data Classification from previous analysis are not cleared during a new analysis
JR62057 Duplication of primary keys or foreign keys in case a data set with keys defined on the source
JR62123 [IGC NEW] - Elapsed time is incorrect when data rule execution time exceeds 59 mins and 59 seconds
JR62136 Data Quality Analysis fails against column names which are reserved keywords in SQL Server.
JR62138 Limit number of sandbox connections to xmeta during post processing of Information Analyzer Jobs
JR62157 [IGC NEW] - Short description shows up as ?null? in projects landing page and details when oracle is the repository
JR62161 Provide ability to set Hive Parameters for Auto Discovery and Information Analyzer jobs
JR62216 Getting the output table of a data rule or rule set using REST API fails on an install with IA Microservices
JR62218 Regenerate jwt token before expiration to add enough buffer time to let iaLight operations happen with valid token
JR62254 Data rule jobs fail against ADLS G2 when source column contains invalid values
JR62269 Information Analyzer Data Quality: Found data classes are not always stored in frequency distribution.
JR62278 Data Rule Execution Status should be set properly when the rule aborts for any reason
JR62297 Information Analyzer Work Spaces cannot be accessed without Information Analyzer Project Administrator Role.
JR62313 Modifying the data rule definition logic erases the output columns in the new quality ui of Information Analyzer.


Information Governance Catalog (IGC)

APAR Description
JR61529 Steward custom attributes cannot be edited in REST when workflow is enabled
JR61530 Performance problems when detecting lineage for DataStage Jobs when many Shared Containers are defined
JR61548 IGC UI - Disable edit button for labels that have glossary assets assigned to them
JR61561 Running lineage fails on MS SQL with error 'the incoming request has too many parameters'
JR61562 Cannot fetch glossary development log using IGC REST GET /asset/[id]/development_log endpoint
JR61581 Hung threads when running IGC queries
JR61589 Allow usage of 'serviceName' or 'SID' for JDBC connection to Oracle database.
JR61633 "View all results" in Query Results in Glossary Dev returns no results
JR61642 Paging for database_table incorrectly returns number of assets
JR61670 Missing property in REST /search query response with UnsupportedOperationException
JR61676 Parsing Netezza SQL fails for INTO TEMP clause or if no top level FROM clause
JR61719 Cannot assign workflow roles for LDAP users
JR61727 Optimize VRQL when criteria is OR on custom attributes
JR61734 Inefficient xmql during data class "selected classifications" update
JR61788 Removal of value for single-valued custom attribute does not propagate to Catalog upon publish
JR61790 IGC lineage queries in Usage section do not leverage flow levels correctly
JR61792 Notifications for OpenIGC asset actions have invalid eventType
JR61799 Removal of multiple values of Relationship Custom Attribute does not fully propagate to Catalog upon batch publish
JR61858 IGC Search automatically re-applies Name property after it was removed by the user
JR61861 Improvement of the performance of the delete operation on glossary assets with a lot of related assets
JR61867 Data classes that contain many classifications load slowly in IGC
JR61884 IGC Query fails when too many assets processed at once in lineage tree
JR61895 IGC Rest API fails to export flows when multiple assets with same name in a hierarchy
JR61929 Edit button does not work for Data Connection Mappings view in Lineage Administration
JR61931 Updating data class valid values takes long for long lists
JR61939 Improve the performance of the post-processing of published data analysis results
JR61944 Lineage fails with error when starting asset is defined in context of other assets
JR61977 SQL parser error where GROUP BY is replaced with ORDER BY
JR61994 Failing parser for SQL with aliases and pivot function
JR62008 Deleting manual classification from information object side reported to be slow
JR62106 Cannot delete XML Schema Library assets due to IncompatiblePropertyException: Tried creating an invalid PropertyPathStep error
JR62164 OpenIGC export creates incorrect reference names
JR62189 IGC Rest API Assets short description editing is blocked for none OMRS synchronized assets when user enabled show all properties
JR62191 Improve IGC Rest API performance when updating multi-value reference properties
JR62276 Foreign Key parent/child database columns properties have invalid display names
JR62303 OpenIGC hierarchies are visible even after being unselected in the Information Asset Type Display settings


Information Services Director (ISD)

APAR Description
JR62174 ISD Console UI: Option to download the ISD Service EJB Client jar is missing from the IS client console


Information Server Framework (ISF)

APAR Description
JR60950 Limiting the maximum sessions per user is also applicable to Suite Administrator user
JR61140 Administration console is vulnerable to Cross-site Request Forgery
JR61276 Remove usage of Struts in Information Server
JR61527 Upgrade Jackson components for security vulnerabilities
JR61635 Unable to save user information in Administration console when the first or last name is empty
JR61685 Information Server is vulnerable due to a missing or misconfigured Content Security policy
JR61706 Upgrade Dojo toolkit for security vulnerability
JR61754 Security vulnerability in Apache Commons BeanUtils affects Information Server
JR61887 Unable to open IA reports in some cases due to URL encoding
JR61915 Deploy Liberty WebSphere version during suite installation
JR61920 Upgrade Oracle & SQLServer JDBC drivers
JR61937 Information Server is vulnerable to a Cross-site request forgery vulnerability
JR62039 Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in Information Server



APAR Description
JR60956 Secure communication among Kafka, Zookeeper and Solr components on the Microservices tier
JR61466 Uninstall program does not delete IBM_DataStage_Flow_Designer entry from Windows registry.
JR61498 Number Format Exception while navigating Microservices tier related panels


Metadata Asset Manager (IMAM)

APAR Description
JR61706 Upgrade Dojo Toolkit version to address security vulnerabilities CVE-2018-15494
JR61749 Upgrade Dojo Toolkit version to address security vulnerabilities
JR61933 Incremental import in IMAM fails during reimport for assets referencing system tables
JR61942 Missing or inappropriate Content Security policy



APAR Description
JR61330 Add support for Oracle connection via ServiceName for pod gov-insigths-service
JR61331 Add support for Oracle connection via ServiceName for pod gov-catalog-search-index


New UI

APAR Description
JR61370 Duplicate entries in IGC New assets search when workflow is enabled
JR61412 User with Business Analyst role cannot edit analysis results in IGC New Quality UI.
JR61445 When Workflow is enabled in IGC New, the homepage card shows incorrect number of terms with most assets assigned
JR61447 IGC New homepage and search display steward names incorrectly when LDAP authentication is used.
JR61846 Usability issues around authoring and workflow in IGC New
JR61909 Analysis Status is inconsistence in Quality UI of the new IGCUI in IS11.7.1.0SP2
JR61981 Avoid long running script on most violated dimensions chart with large data
JR61988 Unable to edit stewards in IGC New
JR62088 Not able to display more than 100 top level assets in hierarchy
JR62130 Disable delete of stewards in IGC New
JR62150 Don't show Back button when there is no page to go back to



APAR Description
JR62185 Reflected XSS in QualityStage SRD


Solr Index

APAR Description
JR62342 New IA workspaces are not visible in New UI


UG Platform

APAR Description
JR61753 Out Of Memory errors in elasticsearch-0 pod
JR61915 Address WebSphere Liberty HTTP/2 security vulnerabilities
JR61943 Solr upgrade to 8.4.1 is required
JR62147 Address Kubernetes 1.13.0 security vulnerabilities
JR62148 Address OpenJDK 8u212 security vulnerabilities



APAR Description
JR61781 Istool "dqec deleteExceptionSets" command performance improvement
JR61894 No possibility to use custom user groups to assign workflow roles in IGC new


The following APARs from service packs 1 and 2 are included in Fix Pack 1:

JR60005, JR60139, JR60299, JR60451, JR60579, JR60610, JR60695, JR60700, JR60782, JR60785, JR60826, JR60831, JR60832, JR60835, JR60857, JR60860, JR60861, JR60895, JR60895, JR60902, JR60924, JR60932, JR60938, JR60939, JR60961, JR60963, JR60963, JR60965, JR60970, JR61006, JR61010, JR61031, JR61033, JR61034, JR61036, JR61045, JR61057, JR61058, JR61059, JR61092, JR61096, JR61118, JR61131, JR61134, JR61135, JR61139, JR61140, JR61172, JR61178, JR61181, JR61187, JR61219, JR61224, JR61226, JR61239, JR61241, JR61241, JR61244, JR61246, JR61259, JR61261, JR61277, JR61290, JR61308, JR61312, JR61333, JR61335, JR61347, JR61348, JR61370, JR61377, JR61408, JR61412, JR61414, JR61429, JR61435, JR61448, JR61455, JR61468, JR61496, JR61517, JR61518, JR61519, JR61520, JR61531, JR61542, JR61548, JR61551, JR61596, JR61603

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSZJPZ","label":"IBM InfoSphere Information Server"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000ClDUAA0","label":"Information Server Administration-\u003EUpgrade and Migration Topics"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"11.7.1","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
09 June 2022

