IBM Support

Known problems and limitations in InfoSphere Information Server, Version

Release Notes


This page contains links to technotes related to issues when running InfoSphere Information Server, Version on AIX, Linux, and Windows.


Customers installing IBM InfoSphere Information Server (11.7.1 fix pack 1) are encouraged to read all technotes and release notes before installing the suite. The tables below highlight key issues and related technical guidance for issues with The links to the known issues for 11.7.1, 11.7.1 Service Pack 1, and 11.7.1 Service Pack 2 are included below. Issues resolved at are noted in the 11.7.1, 11.7.1 Service Pack 1, and 11.7.1 Service Pack 2 known issues technotes.

InfoSphere Information Server general issues:

Description Reference Number
Known issues while installing Information Server Service Packs 0888305

The upgrade to 11.7.1.SP2 from 11.7.1 GA does not update the gov-catalog-search-index pod


If your initial installation was Information Server version or earlier, subsequent upgrades of Information Server did not update the Desktop icon for "Web console for IBM InfoSphere Information Server". The icon is updated while installing Information Server release 11.7.1 fix pack 1.
However, there might be situations where, after the installation, the old icon is still displayed even if the system is restarted.

Workaround: You can do the following steps to get the new icon displayed:

  1. Right-click the web console desktop icon
  2. Click Properties
  3. Click Change icon
  4. Select Ok
  5. Select Apply
There are a number of Known issues in the new Administration console. These are listed in the documentation for the new Administration console. 959613
When running the ISALite General Health Checker right after an upgrade, the ISALite diagnostic report might include finding heap dump and javacore files under the <IS_HOME>/ASBNode/bin folder. If the time stamps of these javacore files correspond to the time of the fix pack installation, disregard these files as they are a result of the upgrade process. N/A
During the upgrade process, there might be an out-of-memory error. This is a known issue in the Kafka code ( The resulting javacore files from that can be ignored and removed. N/A

InfoSphere DataStage Flow Designer issues:

Description Reference Number
Only the last tab can currently be closed. N/A
Horizontal layout should not be used with annotations. N/A
Live connection information is not updated when it is changes through a stage that uses it.
Canceling the update of spark configuration files in Setup server UI does not cancel the update. N/A
In Spark jobs HDFS connector without SSL is not supported.
For Spark jobs with HDFS as source and target only certificate name need to be specified in the SSL certificate property. N/A
If services tier is configured with multiple engines, use the same port number for configuring all the cognitive engines. N/A
Multiple links into a target are not supported. N/A
Remote execution of jobs from a project can only be done on a project with same name. N/A
For jobs created in DataStage Flow Designer "Allow Multiple Instances" job property is not supported. N/A
In zoom mode links are not rendered correctly. N/A
Connectors and Stages:
For a BDFS connector, the 'Generate multiple files' option is not supported. N/A
Range key expression for a primary link of a Lookup stage is not supported. N/A
For jobs created in DataStage Flow Designer Sparse lookup is not supported. N/A
For a file set connector, providing a new file name column is not supported. N/A
For CFF connector array-handling property on column is not supported. N/A
The hierarchical stage dialog must be opened and saved in order to persist column mappings for the link when the link is added. N/A
Restructuring stages that process vector data cannot work with File-based source stages. N/A
Auto generate SQL is not available for Sybase Enterprise, Informix Enterprise. N/A
Only Flat File can be generated by using Surrogate Key generator stage. N/A
Checksum stage: Custom values for properties "Output Column Name” and "Buffer Output Column Name” cannot be added. N/A
Parameters are not supported for shared containers. N/A
CFF and SCD stages are not supported within shared containers and local containers. N/A
Edit column metadata for stages within the shared containers and local containers is not supported. N/A

InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog New issues:

Description Reference Number
Workflow does not work correctly in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment multi-node cluster.
1. In the WebSphere Application Server multi-node cluster you need to perform the following steps to enable workflow
  • Add the two jvm arguments below in each WebSphere Application Server node of the cluster (
2. If InfoSphere Information Server Enterprise Search is installed (prior to Fix Pack 1, June 2020) copy '/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Kafka/ug-host-truststore.jks' file from the  WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager / IIS Services tier to each host running a WebSphere Application Server node (in the same folder structure). Note: This step is not required if Fix Pack 1, June 2020 is installed.
Unable to see draft assets created on the new IGCUI 6332931
Incomplete ETL jobs and shared containers are not properly displayed in the catalog search results list in Information Governance Catalog New 6337583

InfoSphere Information Server Connectivity issues:

Description Reference Number
Google Cloud Storage Connector - Job fails with JVM dump when there's a trailing space in bucket name. N/A
DB2 Connector - When bad records are rejected from Insert that uses external tables, then statistics in a job log are incorrect. N/A
DB2 Connector - Use of CURRENT DBPARTITIONNUM in user-defined SQL, if external tables and partition reads are enabled, does not return correct results. N/A
DB2 Connector - Job with Db2 connector that uses external tables fails when BLOB column starts with sequence of zeros. N/A
DB2 Connector - Fails to load data with CODEUNITS32 qualifier into table that uses bulk-load with External Tables. N/A
DB2 Connector - Writing millions of rows on multiple nodes that use external table can cause a job failure with error message: SQL30020N Execution of the command or SQL statement failed because of a syntax error in the communication data stream that will affect the successful execution of subsequent commands and SQL statements: Reason Code "0x124C"("011D")"". SQLSTATE=58009 N/A
Cassandra Connector - Unable to connect to using latest DSE/OSS java drivers
Workaround: Use DSE core driver v1.5.1.
Data Masking ODPP libraries corrupted after upgrade to Information Server 11.7.1 FP1 6332959

InfoSphere Information Server Enterprise Search issues:

Description Reference Number
The Microservices tier prerequisite checks do not verify needed UIDs/GIDs are available.

Workaround: Before installing the product, manually verify that UIDs/GIDs specified in the documentation are available.
Marking personally identifiable information does not work if the metadata repository database (XMETA) is in a Db2 database system. The assets having assigned a label with a PII marker are not marked with the letter "P" in the relationship graph and so the user sees them as regular non-PII assets.

For more information about PII marking refer to:
The Microservices tier uninstall fails to remove the local storage directory when the directory is a mount point. Mount points cannot be deleted.

Workaround: Avoid specifying the mount point as a local storage directory. Instead, create a local storage directory under the mount point. When uninstalling an existing product installation, unmount the directory and rerun the uninstallation.

InfoSphere FastTrack issues:

Description Reference Number
BG Term creation in FastTrack fails with "org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file" exception. N/A
Search in FastTrack browser fails with "org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file" exception. N/A

InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog issues:

Description Reference Number
Corrupt Lineage Report Template after upgrade to 1171FP1 if it contained suggested term assignments N/A
Import fails with AssetObjectsNotReachableException when parentCategory is not directly included in the import file. N/A
Reimport of XML exported with assigned assets option might fail with error message: "The identity of link point involves reference to object, which is not present in the import data." if there are investigated model assets assigned to Terms.

Governance Monitor icon in the launchpad on microservices tier is present and leads to nonexisting application, which results in 503 Service Unavailable error being displayed.

Perform the following operations on the services tier: -unset -key ...

Information Governance Catalog: ETL server jobs are not properly synchronized to IBM InfoSphere Information Server Enterprise Search graph 6337501

InfoSphere Business Glossary for Eclipse plug-in issues:

Description Reference Number
Error in InfoSphere Data Architect BGE update glossary "An internal error occurred during: "Business Glossary Update". com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.CannotResolveClassException"
Incorrect version of xstream.jar in MANIFEST file.

InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager issues:

Description Reference Number
After upgrading from 11.7.1 to, reimporting assets will sometimes delete those assets. N/A
Edit troubleshooting metadata asset manager import fails due to duplicates in valid enumeration for custom attribute 6335159

InfoSphere Information Server Parallel Engine issues:

Description Reference Number
The DataStage Designer Performance Analysis and Resource Estimation features do not work on Windows 2012 or Windows 2016. (This issue was also present in IS 11.7.1) N/A

InfoSphere Information Analyzer issues:

Description Reference Number
Error dialogs appear while viewing the execution details of a rule in Data Quality Exception Console (DQEC) UI when SQLServer is set up as the XMETA repository.
User sees an exception/error dialog.
Users will not be able to view Auto Discovery results when SQLServer is set up as XMETA repository.
User sees an exception dialog with SQLException.
Users has to open workspace to view column analysis and data quality analysis results
Users with Project Administrator role would be able to see projects created by other users.
Run the following command in iis services environment/pod, disconnect, and connect back to the UI:
/opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/bin/ -set -key -value false
'Discovery error' is observed as status while viewing Discovered tables when QuickScan is performed for the Oracle source table containing more than 1000 columns. N/A
Enabling a workflow in Information Governance Administration fails in some scenarios
Data Quality Analysis Fails with 'java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException' on InfoSphere Information Server version 11.7.1.x installed with WebSphere Liberty on SQL Server Repository 6335173
Known issue after upgrading to version SP2 6465861
When a data source is connected that use JDBC connector, Information Analyzer adds certain attributes to the jdbc url. Some DataDirect(JDBC) drivers might not support these attributes and causes the exception as 'jdbc' url is invalid.

Set the iisAdmin property, '' to 'false' by using the following command:
./ -set -key -value false
Note: After setting the property wait for at least 2 minutes before retrying the scenario.

Side effects:
From technical perspective, there are no side effects but the property is targeted to fix the JDBC data direct driver regression. There might be a connection failure at DB2 data source. If that occurs, reset the mentioned 'iisadmin' property to 'true'.
Exceptions related to Information Analyzer on Spark:
  • You might see that some jobs fail randomly as 'session' not found with the following exception:
[10/20/21 9:37:27:590 PDT] 00000cf4 LivySessionPo E An exception occurred while getting session state Not Found: "Session '707' not found."
It occurs when the spark sessions become stale. IIS services recover after an unspecified time but you can see continuous job failures for a while.

Restart server or wait for a while (about 10 minutes) before scheduling next set of jobs.
  • Data rule execution fails if an output column named 'Function' exists.
'Function' appears to be a reserved keyword in Hive database and SQL query is not admitting it.
Rename 'Function' with a different name.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSZJPZ","label":"IBM InfoSphere Information Server"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000ClDUAA0","label":"Information Server Administration-\u003EUpgrade and Migration Topics"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"11.7.1","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 October 2021

