IBM Support

MustGather: Collecting data to diagnose issues with IBM® Business Automation Navigator in a container

White Papers


Following is a data gathering procedure for troubleshooting problems related with IBM® Business Automation Navigator (BAN) in a container. For example, when it is used as a Cloud Pak component in the IBM® Cloud Pak for Automation Platform.


Overview of IBM® Business Automation Navigator diagnostic information

General diagnostic information

As needed diagnostic information

Detailed diagnostic collection steps

Following are the detailed steps to gather different types of data for BAN

When you run diagnostic commands, run them from an empty collection directory to make it easy to package the files

Run the commands from the project or namespace containing BAN or use the -n <namespace> flag with all kubectl commands

1: Provide a detailed description of the problem and your environment

  • Provided a detailed description of your issue. Include screen captures and re-create steps if possible.
    Is it an intermittent or recreatable issue? Is this issue an existing one or an issue caused by a change?
    What is the business impact?  Are there any deadlines impacted by the issue?
  • Provide a reference to the documentation being followed for the failing operation
  • Which platform are you using (OpenShift, managed OpenShift, other Kubernetes platform)?
  • What is the database type and version?

2: Gather the following configuration information

  • If you use Red Hat OpenShift, provide the output of this command:
    oc version > version.txt
  • Provide the output of this command:
    kubectl version >> version.txt
  • Provide the Custom Resource(CR) .yaml file used by the operator to set up the environment
    kubectl get icp4acluster -o yaml > config.yaml
  • Collection information about the nodes.
    kubectl get nodes -o wide > nodes.txt
  • Collect information about the pod statuses
    kubectl get pods > pods.txt
  • Collect information about the pod containers
    kubectl get pods -o jsonpath="{..image}" > containerInfo.txt
  • On OpenShift gather route configuration
    oc get route > routes.txt
    Note: If needed, more detailed route config information can be gotten with -o yaml option
  • Collect the defined secrets
    kubectl get secrets > secrets.txt
  • Collect the defined persistent volume claims
    kubectl get pvc > pvcs.txt
  • Collect the description and log of any pod you are having issues with:
    kubectl describe pod <pod-name> > describe-<podname>.txt
    kubectl logs <podname> > log-<podname>.log
  • Provide a copy of the IBM® Business Automation Navigator's ping page.
    https://<navigator route>/navigator/ping.jsp

3: Log data
Gather the logs from the persistent volume.
  1. Review the output of the get pods and get pvc commands to determine the location of the logs and what navigator pods are running.
  2. Provide a copy of each running navigator pod's messages.log and the FFDC logs. These logs reside under the icn-logstore PVC volume.
    They can be found under the "<icn-logstore volume>/logs/<Business Automation Navigator Pod name>" directory.

4: Collect Operator logs

If you are having issues during the deployment by the operator, then collect the operator logs described in the installation troubleshooting page.

5: Collect Browser data for UI issues

For console or web application usage issues, capture the following browser data:

What to do next

  1. Review the log files and traces at the time of the problem to try to determine the source of the problem.
  2. Check these locations for known issues:
  3. Once you completed gathering all the needed information and diagnostics, you can add them to your case. Alternatively, you can upload files to ECURep. For more information, see Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep) - Overview.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SS2JQC","label":"IBM Cloud Pak for Automation"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001evjAAA","label":"Business Automation Navigator"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 January 2021

