IBM Support

Content Migration Policies

Product Documentation


Content Platform Engine 5.2 feature pack 2 introduces the ability to manage the lifecycle of document and annotation content through a content migration policy.


A content migration policy offers the same functionality as a bulk-move-content job with the sole exception that the content migration policy operates continuously, periodically sweeping over documents or annotations, identifying those objects whose content should be moved. (In contrast, a bulk-move-content job makes a single pass over instances of the target class). This behavior allows content migration policies to be used, for example, to implement a hierarchical storage management mechanism, where content is moved progressively to lower cost, higher latency storage as it ages, or to distribute content to different storage areas based on a changing property value.

A content migration policy establishes a policy-controlled sweep and offers the same capabilities, such as scheduling and recording of results, as other types of sweep policies.

When you create a content migration policy, you define:

  • The class of the objects that you want to move, called the target class. The target class must be either a document or annotation class. You can specify whether the policy applies only to the instances of the target class or to instances of that class and all subclasses.
  • Under what conditions instances should be moved. The conditions are specified as a filter expression that is evaluated against the properties of a candidate instance to determine whether the object should be moved. This evaluation is repeated each time that the sweep passes over the object; by repeating the evaluation, the policy is able to react to changes in property values and the passage of time.

    The syntax for a filter expression is a subset of the Content Engine SQL query syntax for the SQL WHERE clause. Some examples follow:

    • All approved documents:


    • Documents created more than a year ago:

      DateCreated < Now() – TimeSpan(365,’Days’)

    • All approved documents created more than a year ago:

      Status=’Approved’ AND DateCreated < Now() – TimeSpan(365,’Days’)

    Where the content should be moved to when an object meets the filter condition. The destination is specified in terms of a storage policy that selects one or more storage areas. If only one storage area is defined for the storage policy, then the content is moved to that area; if more than one area is defined, then content is moved to a randomly chosen area from the storage policy.

    For content that is federated from Image Services, whether the replication relationship between the Image Services and FileNet P8 document should be severed at the completion of the move. Ordinarily, property updates continue to be synchronized between the two documents even after the content is moved into FileNet P8 native storage, but if that is no longer required (for example, if the Image Services system is due to be decommissioned), property updates can be discontinued after the content is moved. This behavior is controlled by the End Replication After Move property of the migration policy.

    Creating a content migration policy

    1. In the Content Platform Engine administration console, copy the object reference of the document or annotation class that is intended to be the target class of the policy:
      1. In the domain navigation pane, select the object store in which the policy is to be created.
      2. In the object store navigation pane, select Data Design > Classes.
      3. Select the document or annotation class.
      4. Click Action > Copy Object Reference.
    2. Start the New content migration policy wizard:
      1. In the object store navigation pane, select Sweep Management > Sweep Policies > Content Migration Policies.
      2. On the Content Migration Policies tab, click New.
    3. Complete the wizard:
      1. On the first pane, enter a name and description for the policy and select the sweep mode and initial enablement state for the policy. Click Next.
      2. On the next pane, click Paste Object to insert a reference to the target class that you selected in the first step. Enter the filter expression, choose the storage policy, and define other settings.
      3. Complete the remaining panes and click Finish to create the policy.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSNVNV","label":"FileNet Content Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Content Engine","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"5.2.0","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
06 May 2021

