IBM Support

What's new in IBM InfoSphere Data Architect 9.1

Product Documentation


This document describes the improvements that have been made in InfoSphere Data Architect 9.1.


The following enhancements were made for the 9.1 release of InfoSphere Data Architect:

Rational Team Concert support:

You can now integrate InfoSphere Data Architect with Rational Team Concert version 4.0. Shell-share the two products, using a single environment to make use of Rational Team Concert's source control, work item, and team sharing capabilities.

DB2 BLU support:

Create and modify physical data models to leverage DB2's BLU acceleration features.

Netezza 7.x support:

Create, model, and reverse-engineer Netezza version 7.x data servers, including the new VARBINARY and ST_GEOMETRY data types.

Enhanced support for iSeries 6.1 / 7.1:

  • Specify the HIDDEN property for columns.
  • Create index expressions.
  • Specify row change timestamps for TIMESTAMP data types.
  • Create, model, and reverse-engineer from these iSeries data servers, including the NCHAR, NVARCHAR, NCLOB, and XML data types.

Enhanced import and export and mapping model support:

Specify whether to include the transformation expression when you import or export a mapping model.

Compare and sync enhancements:

  • Building upon the functionality built into previous releases of InfoSphere Data Architect, you can now save and share the comparison filters that you create in the workbench.
  • Select multiple objects, then create a new comparison filter from those objects.

Indexing enhancements:
  • Create indexes on DB2 general expressions.
  • Specify that entries for each index should be sorted in a random order by the column.
  • Specify whether null keys should be excluded from an index.

Quickly apply aliases (DB2 only) or synonyms to tables:

Apply an alias or a synonym to a table when you are working with a physical data model.

Index on expression support:

Create indexes on DB2 general expressions.

Sort indexes randomly:

You can now specify that the entries for each index should be sorted in a random order by the column.

Enhanced diagramming support:

Physical data model diagrams are transformed and included in the resulting logical data model.

Enhanced XML modeling support:

  • When transforming from a logical data model into an XML schema, you can now select an entity (transitive closure) as the transformation source and generate an XML schema with the entity (and its subtype entities) as the root element.
  • You can now associate XML schemas with XML attributes in a logical data model, and with XML columns in a physical data model.
  • You can now specify an entity in a logical data model to be transformed to XML column instead of a table in the physical data model. The transformation will automatically generate the XML schema that is associated with the XML column, using the entity and its transitive closure.
  • You can now specify an XML column in a physical data model to be transformed to entities instead of XML attributes in the logical data model. The transformation will automatically generate the entities and their relationships, using the XML schema associated with the XML column.

Teradata 14 support:

Create, model, and reverse-engineer Teradata version 14 data servers.

Enhanced SQL Server support:

You can now create primary keys that are not clustered.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9UM9","label":"IBM InfoSphere Data Architect"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
07 January 2021

