IBM Support

Fix list for DOORS and DOORS Web Access

Product Documentation


This document contains a complete listing of releases, refreshes, fix packs and interim fixes sorted by version for IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS (formerly IBM Rational DOORS) and IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS - Web Access (DWA) (formerly IBM Rational DOORS Web Access).


Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 9 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
OSLC DT277111 DOORS QM test report and traceability report do not return any data if the requirements URL in test cases contain a repository ID
Create Links DT276337 DXL error when creating multiple collaboration links in a filter view
Module Explorer DT269358 Opening the DOORS module tools menu and the module properties context menu are taking a long time (>5 minutes) to load for the first time
Filtering DT123438 Deleted object which don't match filter settings can be          displayed in the module explorer when filtering is applied
Security -- Security Bulletin: The IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS/DWA vulnerabilities fixes for
DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
Attributes DT366200 Cannot Edit Enumeration type attribute value in DOORS Web Access
Security -- Security Bulletin: The IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS/DWA vulnerabilities fixes for
Fix Pack 8 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
DOORS Client PH59110 DOORS Client may abnormally terminate when configured to use some versions of Oracle ESSO-LM
Installation PH54741 Setup prompts to install Visual Studio redistributable again even if latest version is installed.
Edit modes PH54171 IBM DOORS client crash following an edit mode change using a view that contains a filter
Migration PH50574 Missing attribute values after importing migration package
Baselines PH49714 DOORS reproducible scenario where baseline set links are lost
ReqIf PH39061 DNG-DOORS-DNG ReqIf exchange fails if attribute URLs are modified
OSLC PH31961 DOORS: Hard-coded 15 seconds link discovery time out
Security -- Security Bulletin: The IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS/DWA vulnerabilities fixes for
DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
Edit modes PH51986 Editing object text in DWA results in an unexpected heading number being assigned
Link pane PH49533 DWA 9.7.2.X - CRCRW5074E An unrecognized error has occurred when selecting a folder with the link section opened on the right panel
Installation PI33826 DOORS WEB ACCESS 9.6.1 Installation fails with InvocationTargetExeption error on Windows 2012 server
Security -- Security Bulletin: The IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS/DWA vulnerabilities fixes for
Fix Pack 7 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Import Word PH41886 Run-time error '4605' when importing word files into DOORS
Email notification PH46557 Password reset email contains sender address in an incomplete format
Export Rational Publishing Engine PH45223 Conditions specified in RPE templates are never met in
ReqIF PH00496 ReqIF : DNG > DOORS 9 : After ReqIF import from DNG the description attribute definition (in DOORS) is scoped only to objects, resulting in DXL errors
OSLC PH17764 DOORS client crashes during Architecture Management (AM) link discovery if the user is not a member of any AM PA
Import Word PH48710 Make sure that the Word macro has been signed using the latest available certificate
Baselines PH35492 Baseline copying does not include the ID column in copied views
Views PH39493 Users can change access rights to a view without administrator rights
Export Rational Publishing Engine PH46079 Empty new lines in DOORS module are skipped in RPE export
ReqIF PH43807 Severe Performance issue when selecting folders and projects in ReqIF definition dialog
DXL PH16833 DXL error when using the not equals comparison operator between an int variable and a referenced int variable
OSLC PH42642 OSLC trace empty value for rm:primaryText using DOORS to DOORS integration
Migration PH42471 Links to baseline objects are migrated to the current version objects
Views PH38622 Filter is lost from view when edit modes are switched
Attributes PH22302 It is possible to enter invalid URI in a enumeration value
Suspect Links PH36495 Suspect links not cleared when using clients on two different locales
Export Rational Publishing Engine PH38784 Combination of unordered and nested lists causes RPE export to fail
Performance  PH42372 Poor performance when selecting or deselecting multiple modules in explorer window
Filter PH54171 IBM DOORS Client Crash following an edit mode change using a view that contains a filter. See, Defect fix for APAR PH54171.
Security -- Security Bulletin: The IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS/DWA vulnerabilities fixes for
DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
Help Files PH46089 DOORS help can not parse the content from the IBM documentation
Administration PH51199 JVMs in DWA is facing frequent Out-Of-Memory scenarios
OLE PH45186 RTF Webdings symbols are not preserved after DWA object Edit and Save
Global Configurations PH40219 GC - paste URL feature in DWA does not work for objects in opted-in modules
Security --

Security Bulletin: The IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS/DWA vulnerabilities fixes for

Fix Pack 6 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: The IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS/DWA fixes for Log4j vulnerabilities CVE-2021-4104
DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: The IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS/DWA fixes for Log4j vulnerabilities CVE-2021-4104
Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
ReqIF PH39391 ReqIF, line breaks at the end of a text attribute value are lost after export
Export Rational Publishing Engine PH42278 RPE exports fail when left-to-right and right-to-left text are combined
Filtering PH24254 Filter dialog does not highlight the selected field as expected
History PH34417 Object and module history exports don't respect the active history display
Shareable Edit/Groups PH41238 DOORS client exits unexpectedly in a specific scenario when switching from shareable edit to read only mode
Export Excel PH40519 Export to Excel generates a DXL error when module contains a table cell with a module level attribute
ReqIF PH40589 Blank lines are stripped from text attributes during ReqIF export conversion to XHTML
History PH41912 Objects which have been cut, but not pasted or restored, can vanish without any record in history
OSLC PH36317 ClearQuest integration - impossible to add collaboration links
Predicate Mapping PH41864 DOORS RDFS vocabulary: The enumeration attribute values are being displayed as URI values in report builder
Link Discovery PH26014 Link is not removed when using the "Discover links and refresh" button
Copy Attributes PH27628 The "Copy Objects" tool does not copy DOORS tables to other modules" button
DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
Reporting PH40130 LQE Reporting - service provider triple is malformed in the reportable shapes
Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Linking/Link Module PH36772 Various problems with the DXL link perm and new link indicator functionality
Toolbars PH37297 Baseline toolbar missing icon for "Manage baselines" option
ReqIF PH20396 ReqIF package that contains baselines does not include links when imported
Migration PH32776 Migration package export might hang if module contains RTF attributes
Manage Users/Groups PH22007 Inconsistency with "Last changed" date under manage users > security tab
ReqIF PH23408 Texts garbled under image icon after importing ReqIF file
Manage Passwords PH37385 Remove the database URI from the password reset email
DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
Authentication PH36581 DWA does not follow the same password policy as for the DOORS client
Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Export Rational Publishing Engine PH29028 The documentation for the Document Generation doesn't include details of the export options
Module Properties PH36173 module/project properties window blocks focus when pushed to background after applying any changes
DXL PH31064 Subject field in emails wrongly encoded, which are sent with DXL function sendEMailMessage
Security PH32962 Fix for "Password Reset" feature is not compatible with an earlier version
Column PH28222 Inserting columns doesn't always refresh to show the full value
Data Connection PH32943 Add documentation for the "Connection timeout" on the database properties dialog
ReqIF PH30972 Documentation discrepancy in the ReqIF versions
Migration PH03685 External links are not migrated from DOORS to DNG when DOORS object contains both external and DOORS links in it
Performance PH32693 Following a DOORS link is slower in
Baselines PH32017 Module attribute value not copied when baseline is copied
OSLC PH21536 LQE fetcher TRS for DOORS 9 emits warning org.apache.jena.riot for dates
Discussions/Comments PH33119 Client disconnects from the server if a discussion text ends with '/'
Installation PH32775 Database Server will not upgrade from to
DXL PH33302 Errors in DXL code are not displayed in 9.7.2.x clients
Trace/Impact wizard PH27474 Analysis wizard produces no output when tracing open modules
Database Server PH32266 Database server crashes when executing DXL, which loops over conf area files
Migration PH33948 Migration from DOORS to DNG fails with "No ReqIF packages found"
DXL PH31413 DXL should detect that the parameter type is incorrect for the DXL function "richTextWithOle"
Stability PH37996 DOORS client sometimes hangs when opening or creating a module
RDS Configuration PH03334 Cannot login in DWA (except with Administrator account) when connecting DOORS to RDS server in corporate mode
DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
TRS PH21313 DWA shows warning "Message: Unsafe URI: unexpected call to getUri in user class" when processing LQE TRS
Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Edit Modes PH31722 Update the documentation for in-place edit that uses the Autosave feature
DXL PH30156 The documentation for the diff() perm is incorrect in the DXL reference manual
Module Properties PH28395 Update the documentation for the perm setGlobalVarsForAutosave in the DXL reference manual
OSLC PH15180 Not a valid resource link with OSLC trace to ClearQuest or Rational Change
Security PH28906 Update the documentation for configuring DWA to use SSL or TLS
ReqIF PH30972 Documentation discrepancy in the ReqIF versions
Discussions/Comments PH29023 DWA unable to access the discussions database, which prevents DWA from opening modules and ELM links
Archive/Restore PH28902 DOORS fails to archive module with UNC temp folder
Global Configurations PH29711 The New Collaboration Link menu option is not available when modules are reloaded
Discussion/Comments PH32120 Client disconnects from server if certain characters are used in discussions
Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
DXL PH28747 The edit perm bypasses share lock
Security PH19178 Improve the documentation for NIST SP 800-131A
ReqIF PH28335 Documentation should state that moved objects will not be included in the merge when attributes are locked
Smart Card PH28559 Add documentation for the timeout command-line switch for the server
Baselines PH28454 "Copy URL" of a baseline's object does not return a baseline URL
Export Word PH20715 Export to Word gives error 'OLE problem: Command failed, OLE error code: -2146824090'
Configuration PH09351 Update the documentation relating to Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE)
Performance PH27778 Performance issues / slowness opening modules in DOORS 9.7.2
Security PH25999 A plain text password reset token is issued via SMTP when using the password reset feature
Migration PH19995 DOORS migration package documentation update for behavior on OLE objects
Migration PH26224 OLE objects missing in migration package
DXL PH25615 DXL perms GetResourceURL(module / module version) returns opposite output compared to 9.6.x
DXL PH25559 DXL perms getURL(module) and getLegacyURL(object) are returning the wrong results
ReqIF PH00854 DOORS documentation should include some information about the use of ReqIF IDs
Database Explorer PH27899 Unable to copy items with "." in the name
9.7.2 Initial Release (9.7.2)
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
DXL PH25457 DXL perm decodeURL behavior has changed
Administration PH25438 DOORS Help "Network help unavailable" error
Migration PH25802 Migration package import fails if DOORS module name contains two or more consecutive hyphens
Stability PH22604 Linux interop 9.7 crash scenario
Baselines PH20327 URLs for baselines no longer include a baseline component
URLs PH07051 Unable to start a DOORS client that uses Windows authenticated by clicking a DOORS URL
Cut, Copy, Paste PH21079 Documentation correction: Paste special does not copy access rights
Migration PH20340 DOORS crashes when you create a migration package with a large .png file
Smart Card PH04560 MCNG support for smart card configuration with SHA-2 certificates
Migration PH24071 DOORS with external links containing "space" in their path are not encoded correctly in exported ReqIF and migration packages
ReqIF PH23392 ReqIF imports from files that uses upper ASCII characters don't include modules
Secure Connections PH20272 TLS and cipher suite documentation
Miscellaneous PH24291 Certain words in DOORS dictionary can cause crash in client
DOORS Web Access (DWA)
Component APAR Description
ReqIF PH21835 Invalid URI causes issues for viewing attributes

Table of Contents:

9.7.1 Initial Release (9.7.1)
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Migration PH22397 DOORS to DNG migration links not being created on DNG side
OSLC PH21808 DOORS modules configured for Content Management take 6 seconds to load object properties menu
Export Rational Publishing Engine PH19882 Rational Publishing Engine  crashes during report generation
Export HTML PH21991 HTML export adds line breaks for empty attribute values
Export Excel PH21570 RTF formatting in Excel export corrupted by empty lines
OSLC PH11935 ETM test report does not show the overall verdict as expected
Export General PH22209 History export does not export the history as displayed in the dialog
Migration PH22351 DOORS Migration package with specific formatting will not import into DOORS Next.
OSLC PH18784 Leading spaces in table cell marked incorrectly as "Red" in DOORS review view DXL column
Import Spreadsheet PH20895 A large CSV import can cause DOORS to hang if the module has many objects and the top object is selected for import
OSLC PH03902 When there is repositoryId in the database, object URIs contains it in the response of a request without it in the URI
Migration PH21744 The XML migration package is malformed for some specific RTF data
Cut, Copy, Paste PH05231 Error returned if you copy/paste special a module created on different locale
OSLC PI97424 DOORS to DOORS integration, deleting an OSLC link in database 1 does not delete the backlink in database 2
OSLC PH19524 When applying RCR results, fails with "no write permission for the link module" error
OSLC PH06541 Creating OSLC links from RTC to DOORS does not work for multiple selections taken from a filtered DOORS view
Edit Modes PH17281 The "switch module to read-only feature" feature can persist even when disabled
Export Word PI47763 Export to Microsoft Word fails on modules with large number of OLEs, with error code CRCRD5312E
Pictures PI29326 Cannot insert screenshots directly into text attributes when DOORS client 9.6.x is installed on Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
Linking/Link Module PH19652 User-specific default link module applies to a username, not the user
Module Comparison wizard PH17751 DXL Error in Analysis wizard when using the "All Open Modules" option
OSLC PH03688 Deleting multiple links from RTC to DOORS failed with error "Precondition Failed"
OSLC PH10973 ETM Test report can show wrong data when test execution records have been modified after their execution
Export Rational Publishing Engine PH16229 Exporting OLEs using document generation leaks large amounts of memory
DXL PI95595 Access to system attributes can be removed using DXL
Tables PH17119 Copy object tool produces DXL errors when table object is selected
Export Rational Publishing Engine PH07310 Add configurable Java heap size for the call to the Rational Publishing Engine light component shipped with DOORS
Migration PH16957 Migration package missing enumerated attribute values
Tables PH18846 Specific RTF table data causes crash in the DOORS client
Discussions/Comments PH14900 Discussion column can cause DXL error
ReqIF PH01339 Performance problems when large volumes of ReqIF definitions are present
Archive/Restore PH16207 When copy/pasting large projects the project list is locked and produces errors in other clients
Database Integrity PI97764 "Unexpected token" corruption report doesn't include the name and path of the problematic file.
DXL PH14701 Client crashes when looping in empty Rich text for RichTextParagraph
OLE PH10139 Module contains OLE from Word 2016 export to Word shows empty preview for OLE
OLE PH09028 Activating Excel 2016 OLE in DOORS makes Excel table lose formatting
Colors PI94708 Unable to see display color text on custom scheme for a multi-valued attribute on Windows 10 and 2012 server
PH02237 Performance degradation when scrolling through heading objects on Windows 10
OSLC PH03336 Back link not deleted in DOORS when removing a collaboration link in ETM with DWA
Find/Replace/Go To PH14580 Document search is slow with a view with many OLE objects
Export Rational Publishing Engine PH08016 RRDG (also known as Rational Publishing Engine light) does not work if the target directory contains an ampersand (&)
PH10563 Error importing RIF file containing URL in object text
ReqIF PH11571 DXL error if a standard user tries to export a ReqIF package
Security PH07255 Create technote to configure the Apache ActiveMQ JMX Connector Java
Module Explorer PH17467 Missing documentation for module auto save and module auto read-only mode switch
Triggers PH13565 DXL reference manual should not say that module save triggers are supported
DXL PH06449 Document the attribute Uri properties in the DXL reference manual
Localisation PH16652 DOORS documentation needs to give precise details on what settings need to be changed to alter locale
Help Files PH17977 DOORS 9.7 client launches the help from DOORS 9.6.1
PH17991 The DOORS 9.7 support page links to the wrong system requirements
Administration PH16203 DOORS documentation incorrectly lists Oracle JRE as a prerequisite
PH10485 Update the documentation on how to install the DOORS database server on 64-bit Linux
Discussions/Comments PH15906 DOORS documentation: Access controls to discussions
DOORS Web Access (DWA)
Component APAR Description
Performance PH20903 Performance issue with DWA 9.7
OSLC PH08811 DWA OSLC configuration fails on items with 9 characters ID
Attributes PH12737 View name or description that contains a letter with an accent breaks DCC jobs

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Migration PH18553 DOORS is sending out non-compliant ReqIF packages
Localization PH16986 DOORS 9.6.x and 9.7.x crashes when username contains umlauts and accents
Export to Rational Publishing Engine PH15916 Rational Publishing Engine causes DXL error with DOORS 9.7 when attempting to generate reports
OLE PH15919 The Rational Publishing Engine document generated from DOORS prompts the error "DXL halted with runtime error"
OSLC PH09778
ReqIF PH14839 OLE objects, such as PDF files, are not exported properly from Doors 9, through migration packages
Database explorer PH14223 Attribute window goes to back of module window when mouse hovers over module explorer
Views PH03573 DWA does not apply standard view if specified view is not available.
Export PH09267 Default Export directory and encoding are not remembered using spreadsheet exporter
DXL PH12170 Layout DXL triggers EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error when a NULL parameter is passed to the "display" perm
9.7 Initial Release (9.7)
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
OSLC PH11611 Triggers saved in a formal module are deleted when ETM uses any DOORS collection
Administration PH10025 User defined password length shorter than the database setting
DXL PH10756 Write to DXL stream causes exception access violation
DXL PH10582 DXL password change throws exception
Attributes PH07267 Client crashes with a '%' character in an integer attribute
Baselines PH05718 Baseline version of module is incorrectly closed after using the load previous/next functionality
OSLC PH06212 Link discovery is not triggered if the module is opened when following a DOORS link
Rich Text PH03064 Bullets in object text removed when creating a link from ETM
Server-Side Security PH05911 ServerSideSecurity enabled archive restore crashes DOORS client
Server-Side Security PH05910 ServerSideSecurity enabled new users cannot log in
Filtering PH07403 Filter dialog closes automatically when object properties window is closed
DXL PI97269 The DXL perms that hide or show a formal module crash the DOORS client
Migration PH05906 Problem with links causes migration export to crash
Data Connection PH04509 When the connection is lost to the server, the DOORS client does not exit
Module Display PI97187 Japanese OS only DOORS module checkbox overlapped by text
OLE PH01395 Editing OLE activated by DXL doesn't work
Toolbars PI89840 Toolbar selection not remembered after logout
Partition/Rejoin PI96001 Partition Synchronize creates duplicate attribute type
Linking/Link Module PH02286 Drag and drop copy/link objects not working correctly if a child object is soft deleted.
Database Integrity PH06158 Using the downgradeShare perm when you are in share mode leads to session corruption
Views PI98713 Clients 9.6.1.x will crash if a view ends with a % and "warn view changes will be lost" option is checked
Export Excel PH04402 Excel export of boolean attributes creates test values in Excel
Filtering PI98767 The error message "Invalid enum value" appears when filtering on an enumeration value that contains a line break character
Baselines PH06107 Access violation when loading baseline history in object properties dialog (data specific)
DXL PI98637 Link module creation with the create perm can be problematic if the name has a forward slash at the end
OSLC PH04643 Unable to save unmanaged link changes made to sections when working with Rational Change
Access Controls PH01220 Access rights on database items
OAuth PI88384 Users with upper ASCII characters (accented characters) in their DN can't log in when using OS authentication
Linking/Link Module PH05344 Link module URLs are not shown when the modules are open
Export HTML PI98504 DXL error exporting to HTML a module containing an inlink from a module that the user has no access to
History PH04946 Following a link from baseline history results in a DXL error
Copy Objects PH03188 DXL error when using the copy objects tool
Administration PH03398 DXL error returned when changing the Login Property "maximum attempts per username" to an invalid value
OSLC PI92134 In a few environments 'Run Test Report" results in Bad response error using the ETM integration
Export Rational Publishing Engine PI84792 Document generation pdf export using table template doesn't show correct columns
Linking/Link Module PI94998 If a user does not have read access to the link module, any update in the source module deletes the links
Migration PH03117 DOORS default columns are not included in view definitions so do not get displayed in DNG
PH03001 The layout DXL column generated by the analysis wizard is inefficient to process links to purged objects
ReqIF PH00167 DNG duplicates artifact attribute every time a migration package (*.migiz) is imported (D9 is adding duplicate enum values at the time of export)
Access Controls PH01844 Multiple migrations leading to multiple tdsDOORSUserId values breaks ACLs
OSLC PI91923 Chinese characters not displaying properly when added to enumeration in unmanaged change mode in Content Management integration
PH01628 Update DOORS with GSKit version and remove the Microsoft VS 2008 redistributables from the installers
Attributes PH01485 The characters "<" AND ">" in enumeration values break DCC jobs
DXL PH01974 Error using the DXL perm Module module(Trigger t, int unused)
Migration PI99690 Links containing square brackets are invalid but are included in migration export
OSLC PI98631 The DOORS link popup information for ETM test script is not consistent with DWA
Database Server PH01236 Clearing string pointer required to prevent database server crash
DXL PH01156 The stack size available to DXL scripts is significantly reduced since
Usability PI87606 500 Character limitation to DXL addins paths
PI76242 oleActivate and oleDelete functions does not work when column containing OLE is not visible
Configuration PI89444 Update DOORS with GSKit version to fix smart card authentication and security vulnerability
Database Server
PH05785 Dbsadmin ignores the switches -certdb and -keydb
DXL PH04307 The DXL perm getResourceURL() is the preferred choice and getURL() is legacy
Server-Side Security PH04358 Update documentation on Server-Side Security
DXL PH05413 Add a note to the DXL reference manual about dates being relative to the clients system time zone
RDS Configuration PH03834 Update the documentation about enabling logging for the RDS server cleanup and sync utilities
OSLC PI92392 Change Integration doesn't support renaming/upgrading servers
Smart Card PH01909 Supported Encryption for smart cards
RDS Configuration PI25266 Rational directory server migration tool documentation contains an invalid example
Database Integrity PI98692 Section file issue with Linux database server
DOORS Web Access (DWA)
Component APAR Description
Performance PI94389 Creating link from ETM to a DWA module with lots of text attributes is very slow since
Performance PH11474 Performance issue with DWA
Manage Locks PI74225 Folder or project remains locked after you open linked object
User Login PH02117 DWA does not support Windows user authentication
OSLC PH08960 Creation of a collaboration link by an OSLC partial update should not modify the value of attributes

Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Rational DOORS is affected by multiple vulnerabilities
Smart card PI96686 List MCS Authentication certificate types
Configuration PI89444 Update DOORS with version GSKit version to fix smart card authentication and security vulnerability
Installation PI95759 Installer JAVA_HOME warning message
Discussions/Comments PI97545 Make clear in the documentation that discussions are not included in the archives or ReqIF exports
Database Integrity PI97764 "Unexpected token" corruption report doesn't include the name and path of the problematic file.
Migration PI96906 Unable to open OLE object and crashing Excel application
Accessibility PI90549 DOORS client accessibility lacks support for large (DPI) fonts
Copy Objects PI94147 Soft deleted objects are only copied correctly if they are not level 1 objects
ReqIF PI92915 DXL errors returned with certain operations on specific ReqIF data imported from DNG
DXL PI95558 DXL error is shown when enforcing attribute on a change proposal with specific values
OLE PI93317 Gracefully handle the GDI limit in Windows
Archive/Restore PI93996 Archives over 4 GB cannot be restored on certain configurations
OSLC PI94397 OSLC trace column is not populated
Migration PI95926 TableType attribute definition not included in migration package
Synchronization Task PI91547 QCI documentation should state that users should not delete elements in ALM when they are part of a secondary QCI synch
Triggers PI91239  Update the section on triggers in the DXL reference manual for link creation and deletion
ReqIF PI94148 ReqIF import package will lose link information
OSLC PI88938 DOORS/RTC OSLC backlink creation failed
ReqIF PI94072 Importing a ReqIF package from DOORS NG results in a missing character
Export Word PI81594 Text not exported correctly when AutoFormatting is selected for Word export
DXL PI90120 Overloading operators can produce inconsistent results
ReqIF PI94045 Enumerated values that differ by case only can be lost in a ReqIF package
Secure Connetions PI93258 Missing certname details for encypting communication
Manage Locks PI93041 Update the documentation on the Manage Locks window
DXL PI91564 XFLAGS_ &=~AutoDeclare_ generates errors in
Database Server PI90208 Database server crashes when receiving an initial packet longer that 1024 bytes
OSLC PI89539 XML parsing error if ampersand character is included in an enumeration value when querying a module via OSLC
DXL PI93049 Ungraceful failure when using the HttpRequest perm with HttpPost / HttpPut and without a header
Installation PI91364 Remove the software tag from the installers
Filtering PI89599 Issue when creating links to multiple objects in a filtered view
Linking/ Link Module PI90342 Unable to add linkset pairing when target module and / or link module don't yet exist
Module Explorer PI92512 Combination of folder depth and long folder names causes DOORS to crash
OSLC PI90495 OSLC trace column content issues
Usability PI78479 Windows focus issue with insert column dialog using dual monitors
DXL PI83889 Incorrect focus when closing custom user dialogs
DXL PI91090 The getXML DXL perm produces a diagnostic log
Delete Objects PI91349 Undeleting objects can take a very long time when the module explorer is displayed
ReqIF PI91749 Unable to specify a versioned link module in a baseline set for export
OSLC PI89406 Creating RCR report causes document generation error
OSLC PI90944 No access to link module with changes in an RCR problematic
Access Control PI73923 If "User may change password" is not selected, even the administrator can't change the password
Module Display PI39893 "Replace All" does not work to replace a bullet symbol, which was imported from RTF
Printing PI78220 Data misaligned and data is missing when printing to PDF on Win 2012 configuration
Attributes PI84249 Color coding multi-value enumerations not working on Windows 2012 Server or Windows 10
Performance PI57026 There seem to be too many requests for "repositoryID" during each client session
DOORS Web Access (DWA)
Component APAR Description
Administration PI98501 DWA version compatibility page needs to be updated
External Links PI91758 DWA fails to show links from other applications
Configuration PI96372 Improve DWA documentation on changing default ports during configuration
Views PI92744 DWA "Open Printable View" does not load data
Fix Pack 10 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Rational DOORS is affected by multiple vulnerabilities
OSLC PI83575 DOORS backlink in CQ not deleted from DWA
Baselines PI90153 Removing baseline set definitions still shows the baseline set information in the baseline.
DXL PI90018 The DXL perm progressStartDisableCancel is not included in the DXL reference manual.
Administration PI89728 Invalid Doc link for system requirements.
Suspect Links PI89412 Can't clear suspect link when source object is locked in shareable edit mode.
DXL PI83424 Negating referenced integer parameters produces NULL parameter.
Filtering PI83976 The filter dialog is now modal in version
DXL PI80002 Should be possible to modify the access rights of the "Name" system attribute using DXL.
Module Comparison wizard PI85641 The module comparison wizard creates links between objects when the option "Always treat OLE objects and pictures as different" is selected.
Redirector Service PI81651 Protocol handler times out earlier than expected when DOORS is configured with RDS.
Baselines PI84389 Performance issue with loading module properties on modules with lots of baselines.
Export Excel PI81940 Bold and underline text not exported correctly to Excel.
DXL PI88207 Document the DXL perms for enabling and disabling layout column automatic refresh
Export Word PI88073 Using French regional settings Word export to DOORS returns error.
Administration PI77808 Document steps necessary to integrate Rational DOORS and Jazz Reporting Service.
Server-Side Security PI87114 Database connection lost at the time of opening a module with Server-side security enabled.
Migration PI87309 DXL error "index beyond end of string" at the end of an export.
Link Discovery PI84311 Documentation required for link discovery DXL.
OSLC PI77419 Rich hover display (preview) of a linked artifact is not refreshed.
Migration PI87303 Modules with non-ascii characters in their names and pictures in the data will cause migration to fail.
DXL PI85022 Add the DXL perm getRefreshDelta to the DXL reference manual.
DXL PI84173 DXL manual examples give DXL errors.
OLE PI86733 Blank pictures if OS display configuration is set to 16-bit colors.
Export Excel PI76603 Error using specific data if the option "Preserve rich text formatting" is checked when exporting to Excel
Migration PI84648 Migration - links to/from objects without reqif identifiers are not included in migration packages.
Discussions/Comments PI73530 DOORS 9.6.x poor display of discussion information.
Server-Side Security PI85425 The documentation for server security contains errors.
OSLC PI85383 When back link creation fails due to a locked CQ record DOORS does not report the full reason.
Access Controls PI76831 If the creation of a user is not applied before setting the password, the new password is not applied correctly.
Layout DXL PI77905 Layout refresh interval warning should not appear if setting has not been changed.
Installation PI83536 In the release notes for DOORS states the incorrect Java version that is required.
Filtering PI84865 The filter dialog can no longer be resized.
Installation PI33693 DOORS silent install does not register license server in registry.
OSLC PI84633 Rename the RCR compliance report option.
Export Rational Publishing Engine PI76880 Cancel the Document Generation Advanced Export Settings changes the settings incorrectly.
Manage Locks PI84449 Diagnostic log and DXL errors are given on notification of lock availability.
Export Rational Publishing Engine PI77084 Macro option in advanced dialog for document generation is active when "Use Custom template" is not checked.
Rational DOORS Web Access (DWA)
Component APAR Description
Access Controls PI86218 Receive error CRCRW5074E when expand module views when access right of module and views are not inherit from parent.
Baselines PI86390 Interop crashes when a module contains a deleted baseline.
Smart Card PI83300 Enhance the documentation relating to smart card authentication for DWA.
OSLC PI85100 DWA does not show links from DNG.
Reporting PI85754 Resource shapes for reporting are not correctly encoded.
Installation PI85423 Release notes for DWA should mention that the 64-bit versions of Java should be used.
Fix Pack 9 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Archive/Restore PI75237 An archive of users and groups created in DOORS will be empty and an attempt to restore the archive will throw errors and the resulting user/group list will be empty. When this happens a users.bak folder is created in the $SERVERDATA\users directory, which can be recovered as a workaround.
OSLC PI75446 RCR Review function-generated view is slow to load and scroll.
Manage Locks PI80142 Manage locks may not show exclusive edit locks using a database server running on Linux.
OLE PI70578 Inconsistency regarding removal of database files associated with OLE objects.
OSLC PI61764 Problems applying RCR when mandatory field for apply state not set in RTC.
Installation PI78315 RMF installation guide is missing information about how to configure DWA.
Access Controls PI75081 DWA: Document the permissions required for that user to start the DWA components.
OSLC PI77171 OSLC trace column does not show link details of discovered links from DNG.
Installation PI75084 DWA: Document that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is required.
Administration PI77485 Bad link on the DOORS support page.
OSLC PI73528 Inability to create OSLC links with Change integration enabled without Change Management.
Migration PI76199 Mapping attributes to URI not needed for migiz migration packages.
Export Word PI53951 Word export does not create indent for bullet text with custom style.
Link Discovery PI76144 The link discovery documentation needs to be corrected.
Secure Connections PI74477 Improve the documentation for secure connections.
ReqIF PI77740 ReqIF export to DNG with empty attributes does not update the attribute value in DNG.
ReqIF PI72838 ReqIF merge can fail to create new child objects.
DXL PI74936 Unhandled exception and diagnostic log running DBE placement DXL.
DXL PI77089 Error in the description of the parameters for the DXL perm addLinkset in the DXL reference manual.
History PI73689 DOORS history records cut operation on objects but not restore.
Layout DXL PI75305 Layout DXL columns created for the RCR review feature refreshe too often.
Module Properties PI76418 Diagnostic log when a user right clicks on an object or accesses module properties when the user has no access to parent directory.
Layout DXL PI76082 Applying a filter on a specific layout DXL column produces a diagnostic log.
Filtering PI70589 Filter dialog component not visible when using German language with large fonts.
ReqIF PI74827 ReqIF package from DNG to DOORS does not create link module of correct name.
Module Display PI71746 Scenario where module explorer tooltips appear and then disappear.
OSLC PI70970 Diagnostic message generated by xml4c-depdom_5_8.dll when you run traceability report on linked ETM artifacts.
ReqIF PI74932 Importing migration package in DNG throws "could not parse ReqIF package" error.
Miscellaneous PI73861 Script error when accessing the database properties.
DXL PI73457 Dialog box context initialisation leads to problems with locks and current setting.
Miscellaneous PI74215 The DOORS Database Server Admin (dbsadmin) tool run as non-administrator doesn't show locks.
Performance PI74296 Saving a DOORS module takes much longer after it has been exported in a ReqIF package even if it is no longer in any package.
Archive/Restore PI71333 Performance at the time of restoring archives with baselines has degraded significantly since v9.6.1.3.
Archive/Restore PI61437 DOORS cannot restore archives over 4GB.
Database Server PI71521 Database server process runs out of memory if server-side security is enabled and no interop is running.
Rational DOORS Web Access (DWA)
Component APAR Description
Edit Modes PI53989 Lock related message (CRCRW5112E) does not show username and timestamp, when browser is set to display non English language.
Miscellaneous PI73720 Startup message wrong when JAVA_HOME not set.
Layout DXL PI77008 When you open a view with LayoutDXL that includes displayRichWithColour in baseline generates error in Interop.
Layout DXL PI77013 Changing to Standard view from a view with layout DXL column including displayRichWithColor does not remove the filter.
Layout DXL PI77490 Baseline view filter does not work.
Attributes PI80407 System attributes in module are not editable in DWA when parent folder is set to read only.
OSLC PI81219 Cannot create a link using OSLC, if the first object of module/view is created via Create New requirement option.
Fix Pack 8 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect DOORS
DXL PI74159 DXL issue related to comparisons and referenced parameters can cause incorrect DXL output and issues with spreadsheet imports.
URLs PI74032 Protocol handler doesn't recognize an existing session of the DOORS Client and it doesn't navigate to the item specified in the URL.
Rational DOORS Web Access (DWA)
Component APAR Description
Licenses PI76881 Licenses are not released after logout.
Fix Pack 7 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Welcome Screen PI47507 Welcome screen is not displayed for new users.
Export Word PI48840 DOORS Microsoft Word exporter slower than for DOORS
Partition/Rejoin PI55407 DOORS Read Modify permission can be set for attribute if module is added as read only to partition.
Export Excel PI55836 When text() looks at a layout column containing text() incorrect results are returned: affects Microsoft Excel export.
Linking PI56449 DOORS does not discover links for objects that are not part of a filtered view.
Export Word PI56848 Word export fails with DXL errors.
Export Rational Publishing Engine PI56934 DOORS document generation uses default document template file rather than the custom document template.
Export Rational Publishing Engine PI57907 "Error getting database port and host" when exporting with document generation.
DXL PI58878 PERM getMostRecentBaseline returns a baseline handle on restored modules that do not contain baselines.
Views PI59693 Rational DOORS RCR links not loaded if the user's default view is a filtered view.
Interoperation Server PI60476 Interop Server crashes when you load specific variants of rich text from objects.
Reporting, Rational Insight, ETL PI60954 Full ETL is not required to pick up a new module that has been added to the working set.
OSLC Integration PI61390 Rational DOORS / CM (RTC): Shows blank space in apply RCR dialog for NULL entries.
Archives PI61440 Rational DOORS database server stops when a user attempts a server-side archive.
OSLC Integration PI61611 Unable to validate links for server .
DXL documentation PI61798 Use of indices in place of font point sizes is not documented for DXL font perms.
OSLC Integration PI61917 "Cannot delete Object: no access to source object" error when trying to apply RCR that purges a soft deleted object.
Linking PI62434 Link discovery operation consumes high amount of system RAM and doesn't release it when the module is closed.
Search PI62592 Rational DOORS delegated UI: Searching for a requirement beyond the current displayed requirements, loses already selected requirements.
Modules PI62938 Purging object hierarchy fails with error - cannot delete Object: no access to source object.
OSLC links PI63469 OSLC link creation fails if the title of target artifact contains '[' character.
Export PI63697 HTML export of rich text from DXL column shows windows graphics device interface (GDI) object leak.
Migration PI63727 Migration metrics performance warning.
Security PI63891 Change to folder access rights not applied immediately.
Documentation PI64140 Correction to the registry locations mentioned for Rational DOORS database server in the help documentation.
Addins PI64319 Details on different add-ins command-line switches.
Printing PI64339 Data is truncated when printing large picture in Rational DOORS.
DXL PI64362 Edit DXL Window loses focus.
Baselines PI64517 Baselines not displayed in the correct order.
Integration PI64627 Update HP Quality Center Integration documentation.
DXL PI64764 The setFontSettings() DXL perm needs to limit the acceptable values for font size to a range of 0 to 5.
Linking PI64871 Links not saved to baseline when baseline set is closed.
Module views PI65056 Module view list appears in wrong order.
Migration PI65447 Modules containing OLEs and non-ASCII characters in its name will result in failed migration package exports.
RegIF PI65757 Import of a ReqIF package can fail on elements.
ReqIF PI66027 ReqIF import issue with mathematical fomrula.
Dialog boxes PI66040 DOORS client current dialog window is placed in the background after a child window is cancelled.
Triggers PI66538 Triggers do not run in batch mode unless either the project or module level specifiers are named.
DXL PI66614 Timeout when loading a view containing DXL attribute with OLEs created by converting analysis wizard layout DXL.
Integration PI67761 Rational DOORS to report if Rational DOORS Next Generation objects not in a module are included in ReqIF package.
Images PI68884 Specific png files not displayed in Rational DOORS.
DXL PI68894 DXL handles 64-bit integers. It should not.
Integration PI68971 Module configured for the Rational Change integration cannot be opened if it has links to a target, which the user can't access.
DXL PI69196 Running the getLogicalColourName() perm supplying the value 62 produces a diagnostic log.
User interface PI70795 Sometimes when closing a dialog box an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error occurs.
Rational DOORS Web Access (DWA)
Component APAR Description
Interoperation Server PI35078 DOORS Web Access interop on red hat enterprise linux 6.6 fails with undefined symbol: _xgetrequest
History PI55725 Editing or creating objects via DWA does not record history
Views PI59933 The 'Open Printable View' option (from an open module toolbar) does not load correctly. The module name and column headings display and then the word 'Loading...' is displayed, but the data never loads.
Linking PI69196 When the database property " doesn't allow automatic creation of link modules" is ON, a DOORS client prevents the creation of a link if there is no existing link module.
Columns PI63889 In a module view if you have a Layout DXL Column that shows the text using displayRichWithColor, data is not shown in DOORS Web Access.
Interoperation Server PI64970 Linux interop server crash when you opne a view in specific modules.
Text PI64138 Autocomplete attribute for password field is not disabled in login page of DWA.
Fix Pack 6 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Globalization PI20510 Japanese Unicode characters are displayed as squares when using certain fonts.
OLE PI20558 Data contained inside embedded Microsoft Excel OLE tables gets overlapped when printed to PDF.
RIF PI21513 Rational DOORS RIF documentation state that the second database can select data that it retains lock on and unlock other data.
Reports PI28870 Document generation hangs if OSLC link discovery fails.
Change Management PI31698 An x64 client error is received when saving a module that is set up for Rational DOORS Content Management  (no DDBS installed on the machine).
Export PI32574 Rational DOORS export to Microsoft Word with attribute 'Paragraph Style' doesn't work if text is already bold or italic.
Globalization PI38319 Double-byte characters are displayed differently as compared to original characters when objects are merged.
Columns PI39124 Unable to resize a DOORS module column after extending it to the maximum window size in a module view
OSLC PI44583 When creating an OSLC link in a module configured for requirements change management, backlink is not created.
Application windows PI44988 Some operations can lead Rational DOORS windows to go into the background and bring other application windows to the forefront.
DXL PI45498 Assigning an array to a string in DXL is problematic with the 64-bit client.
Pictures PI46431 Cannot insert jpg or png pictures whose file name has umlaut characters in it.
Links PI47237 Add Linkset Pairing dialog box allows Folder/Project to be specified for target module field.
Database Explorer PI47309 Right-click menu for Rational DOORS Database properties does not show sub-menu for login in certain scenarios.
Export PI47330 "Template.txt" is left in output folder when exporting to Microsoft Word using document generation is cancelled.
Change Management PI47716 It is not possible to provide non-default mappings between Change and Rational DOORS attributes.
Import PI47956 Rational DOORS documentation shall state that RTF tables are not formally supported.
OLE PI48074 OLEs above a given size can't be copied into attribute values
DXL PI49087 DXL allows modification of access rights of certain Rational DOORS system attributes.
DXL PI49162 Using load (baseline) perm in batch mode results in DXL errors.
Dialog Boxes PI49760 The "remember position" code fails when Rational DOORS client is on 0 for either x or y access.
Views PI50637 Rational DOORS order of the "Edit Column" dialog has changed in
Database Explorer PI50770 Projects in left pane of Rational DOORS explorer disappear when you enable or disable show deleted items in project view.
System Variables PI50939 Accessing modules after ICULOCALE has been set results in missing toolbars that have to be manually reset.
Print PI51271 Printing to PDF can result in truncated data.
Export PI51599 Objects in tables are always mapped to "Level 4 object text" style mapping when exporting to Microsoft Word.
OSLC PI52384 Copy paste an object with a discovered OSLC link in it and the copied over link will appear only until the module is reopened.
Links PI52467 Add linkset pairing dialog box allows non-existing module (i.e. you can enter free text in it) to be specified.
DXL PI52730 DXL errors can appear if you attempt to open a module when other clients delete or purge projects.
Links PI53057 Cannot follow links (both in and out) using link indicator.
Links PI53061 Link analysis information is displayed incorrectly.
Change Management PI53123 Exceptions in ntdll.dll when you use Rational DOORS Content Management  Integration.
Java Runtime Environment PI53772 Should mention that Java JRE path can be defined in the registry.
DXL PI53773 Remove broken automation client examples from the DXL reference manual.
Export PI53953 Export to Microsoft Word: size of indentation not honored.
Administration PI55240 Rational DOORS missing certificate error message if started in batch mode.
OLE PI55671 Cannot open OLE in a separate window by double-clicking on them when using Rational DOORS through Citrix on Windows 2008.
DXL PI55939 Rational Publishing Engine export fails with runtime and DXL error.
OSLC PI56449 Rational DOORS doesn't discover links for objects, which are not part of a filtered view.
Favorites PI56450 It is possible to change Favorites so that code injection occurs.
Views PI56947 Rational DOORS sometimes does not display paragraph breaks.
OSLC PI56715 OSLC AM Layout DXL only displays one link of type "satisfies" when multiple exist.
DXL PI57033 Compare Modules Tool returns DXL error when configured to compare "Object Level" attribute.
Export Excel PI58882 RTF not honored in Rational DOORS export to Microsoft Excel.
DXL PI59491 NULL exception being thrown from GUI_win32_win_display.
Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libpng and libxml affect Rational DOORS
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libpng affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-8126, CVE-2015-8472)
Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-3143, CVE-2015-3144, CVE-2015-3145, CVE-2015-3148, CVE-2015-3153, CVE-2015-3236)
Linking PI17348 Update message displayed for error code CRCRW5111I : User doesn't have access to the module containing the other end of the link.
DXL PI18984 HttpRequest perm resends request if the previous response code is 500.
Change Management PI19209 Remove the "Always Get FULL OLE Data" option from the Rational DOORS Web Access requirements change details web page.
Linking PI19472 User should be able to cancel Link by attribute error message.
Linking PI19896 Rational DOORS/Rational DOORS Web Access link indicator pop-up is not displaying Japanese characters correctly for OSLC items.
Change Management PI20671 Rational DOORS Content Management  ActiveX control fails with runtime error "6" on Windows Korean.
Baselines PI21514 Memory management issue with baseline history "load previous".
Linking PI22030 Diagnostic crash log generated when a user tries to delete more than 8000 links.
RIF PI27695 RIF No Locks. Exported data is read-only exports editable data.
Integration - Rational Change PI29520 Rational DOORS and Rational Change integration hits a limit if too many attributes are used in Rational DOORS OSLC process file.
OLE PI29792 Large OLE objects are not getting activated and the message "Create package" is displayed.
Export to Word PI29822 Specific Rational DOORS red-line text not exported to Microsoft Word correctly (when there are several paragraphs).
Export to Excel PI29843 With German formatting, numbers using a comma are corrupted when exporting to Microsoft Excel.
DXL PI30329 Exiting LinkModuleDescriptor loop before it completes will prevent LMD creation for the rest of the session.
Database administration PI30824 Rational DOORS dbadmin dcninfo command incorrectly says server restart.
ReqIF PI36949 Indents are lost after ReqIF export and import.
Modules PI38394 "Replace All" is no longer an option when "Use regular expression" is checked.
Documentation - ReqIF PI39505 Documentation: Revise "Merging ReqIF packages" help section to explain behavior of deleting links.
Modules PI40577 Rational DOORS: Generic message "Error while parsing node data" is shown when you open a module.
Linking PI41108 Rational DOORS OSLC: link discovery displays error when getting unauthorized response from DM.
Views PI41266 "Filtered objects descendants" advanced view setting not saved.
ISO 26262 Safety Kit PI41646 IBM Rational DOORS safety manual should be updated to include a note that a crash on the client can impact data integrity on server-side.
Modules PI41755 Memory is leaked during "find" operation in a module.
Modules PI41776 A process has attached itself to a database file and is preventing a module from being opened.
Change Management PI41827 Apply RCR process fails to create a baseline.
Help PI42228 Script error when accessing system requirements from IBM Rational DOORS client - Help - Welcome Screen page.
Archives PI42331 It is not possible to create archive files, which are larger than 4GB.
Objects PI42560 Object creation cannot be approved when (not configured) attribute is read-only.
Sodius Branch Manager PI42568 Diagnostic error when running Sodius BM.
DXL PI43354 The global predicate mapping UI needs to allow selection of DXL Attributes.
Baselines PI43409 History of soft deleted objects (i.e. objects that have been deleted but not purged) is not displayed after module has been baselined.
Documenation - Linux PI43473 Rational DOORS IBM Knowledge Center needs to be updated regarding user limit on Linux.
Linking PI44059 Delete all external link message is misleading.
Authentication with Rational Directory Server PI44175 When authenticating using RDS in corporate mode, users who have a comma in their corporate DN cannot log in.
Migration PI44393 Migration package fails to export, crashes in general_library.dll.
Documenation - Java PI44466 Rational DOORS documentation to include more detailed information about the Java requirements.
Security PI44524 Cannot change access rights for Object Text attribute.
OLE PI44735 OLE objects are output as static images with "Insert OLEs as static images" set to false when Rational DOORS attribute name is Japanese.
Documentation - Fix List PI45090 Documentation update: Rational DOORS APAR fix list for doesn't have APAR PI11870 listed in it.
Linking PI45203 Creation of link to a requirement collection from other application fails with internal server error.
DXL PI45324 Layout DXL column showing OSLC link information display errors.
ReqIF PI47230 Export ReqIF with an empty definition causes EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION.
Export to Excel PI47666 Microsoft Excel export adds trailing new lines.
Installation PI47728 64-bit version of Rational DOORS client installer does not extract the MSI file that is needed for repairing the installation.
Linking PI48279 Rational Design Manager, Rational DOORS Next Generation links vanish when locking a linked object in shareable edit mode.
Change Proposal System PI49088 Rational DOORS CPS GUI defect in Russian locale.
Memory Management PI49202 Rational DOORS client does not terminate on a memory exhaustion error.
Change Management PI49240 Rational DOOR Change Management users are still able to edit enumerated attribute types.
Error Messages PI50104 Rational DOORS is incorrectly reporting a pragma error message.
Linking PM95056 Rational DOORS Internal Link Preview Window is static. Cannot scroll vertically/horizontally, nor can we select any options in the page.
Rational DOORS Web Access (DWA)
Component APAR Description
Interoperation Server PI07809 DWA Interop is core dumping on Linux when called from Rational Quality Manager Reconcile.
Load Balancing PI21719 Problems with load balanced DWA environment. Logging into DWA from RTC is erratic.
Integrations PI22316 DWA delegated UI creating blank objects when created from Rational Quality Manager with space at the beginning of the text.
Linking PI29058 You cannot edit the object in DWA after the object is linked with a test case from Rational Quality Manager and the back link is created.
Favorites PI40991 DWA 9.5.2.x no delete icon for favorites when using Internet Explorer 8.
Linking PI41271 DWA OSLC: link discovery displays error when getting unauthorized response from Design Manager.
Linking PI45522 Creating "implemented by" link for an object via DWA to an IR in Rational Change. Fails to create back link in IR.
Views PI45556 Unable to open views containing change bar or link indicator columns in DWA.
Linking PI46896 DWA does not supply link label info when responding to a GET request.
Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Help PI11868 When you open help from the Rational DOORS 9.5.2 client, the initial help page is garbled.
Attributes PI14432 If an attribute contains a hyperlink with a tooltip then changes to the attribute will insert a number of "\" characters into the RTF code.
Security PI14764 Rational DOORS: password policy change doesn't always apply.
Reports PI16346 Generating a Rational Publishing Engine report from Rational DOORS reports incorrect failure message.
Integration - CLM PI16585 Cannot add Rational DOORS related associations in Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management products when the Rational DOORS Web Access interoperation server is started in light mode.
Client startup PI19995 Rational DOORS client crashes on startup in specific scenarios.
Links PI20736 Rational DOORS linkset pairings are not copied when a module containing pairings is copied and pasted.
DXL PI23304 Inconsistency in filter DXL when filter saved in view is no longer valid
Export to Word PI25809 Using some unknown font will not be shown correctly when exported to Microsoft Word.
DXL PI26101 Lower() and upper() perms do not work with extended ASCII accented characters.
DXL documentation PI26323 DOCS: DXL "For object in all" needs an update.
Display PI27625 Cannot set custom display schemes as default in Rational DOORS client.
DXL PI27718 DXL error occurs when a user-defined add-ins directory has double-byte characters file names in it.
DXL and OSLC trace views PI29664 DXL errors are seen when you open a module, if the module has OSLC traceability columns in its default view.
Import CSV PI30905 When importing CSV files the codepage setting no longer defaults correctly.
Help, Filters, and Multi-select PI31420 Rational DOORS documentation should include a note about filters and using multi-select.
Export from Word PI31723 Rational DOORS: Problems exporting from Word to Rational DOORS with a drawing containing canvas objects.
Change Management PI32146 Rational DOORS pictures are not saved if module is enabled for Change Management.
DXL triggers PI32635 It's not possible to specify a trigger on a module level attribute, e.g. name.
Integration - Rational Quality Manager PI33467 Unable to create a back link to Rational Quality Manager when using ports 80 or 443.
Integration - Rational Quality Manager, RTC PI33721 Creating new requirement containing double-quotes from Rational Quality Manager or Rational Team Concert results in CRCRW5040E error.
OSLC PI34173 Rational DOORS licenses consumed as part of an OSLC operation are not released when the session timeout occurs.
Change Management PI34380 Buttons overlap in "Send RCR to review" function messages.
OSLC PI34595 Rational DOORS OSLC back-link creation error with module containing certain Japanese characters.
Help, Security PI34618 Help topic 'Configuring compliance for NIST SP 800-131A in the database server and client' should be updated to include registry detail.
Layout DXL PI34636 Layout DXL doesn't show OSLC requirements management "Referenced By" link information.
Logs PI34851 No logging of why Rational DOORS absolute number jumps to 12345678.
Integration - HP Quality Center PI35341 The Rational DOORS/QC interface 3.6 system requirements should indicate support for Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit OS.
Toolbars PI35480 Repositioning a toolbar affects the positioning of other toolbars in a module.
Help, Partitions PI35633 Documentation should clearly state that partitioned data should not be included in a Rational DOORS archive.
Integration - Rational Quality Manager PI35648 Rational Quality Manager Test report in Rational DOORS does not display the verdict if locale is set to non-English setting.
DXL PI35856 DXL error 'Null attribute definition parameter was passed into argument position 1' when editing attribute.
Software Compatibility Report PI35956 Rational DOORS client 9.5.x.x software compatibility report should be updated to reflect bitness support as 64-tolerate.
Integration - CLM PI36095 Extra history entry added for modified attribute when creating OSLC link from Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management to Rational DOORS.
Citrix PI36234 Rational DOORS "CRCRD5215W: You must choose a valid export file path" when using Rational DOORS document generation via Citrix.
Working sets PI36238 If data is part of a working set, client crashes if link information and object text are modified.
Display color PI36349 Background color automatically getting removed as of Rational DOORS V9.5.2.1.
DXL PI36387 DXL error when the user views module properties with the module window open and previous history has been loaded.
Software Compatibility Report PI36584 Rational DOORS 9.6.1 software compatibility report should be updated to reflect Windows 8 as a supported operating system
DXL PI36765 Cannot correct include file problems in DXL attribute converted from layout code.
Error messages PI37150 The buttons "Halt execution" and "Continue" overlap in the Rational DOORS CRCRD7208Q Memory consumed warning message window.
Integration - Rational Quality Manager PI37753 Migration of legacy Rational Quality Manager integration to OSLC integration fails when a view associated with the test plan no longer exists in Rational DOORS.
Display color PI37920 Function to get/set background color of columns needs to be documented.
Installation PI39174 Rational DOORS: The 64-bit client installer does not make all needed registry updates.
OSLC trace PI39781 Work in progress code related to OSLC Trace column is included in GA build.
DXL PI39839 Rational DOORS DXL: sizeOf() perm returns inconsistent results with dynamic arrays .
DXL PI40146 Accented characters in DXL #include directive file name causes "invalid argument" error and halts the DXL execution.
DXL documentation PI40434 DXL Reference Manual: remove references to SSO.
OLE PM86468 Microsoft Drawing OLE is invisible.
Reports RPE PM94742 Document generation from Rational DOORS 9.5 with Rational Publishing Engine 1.2 and does not maintain indentation and bullets.
Rational DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
Views PI23625 DWA 9.6 with Interop in light mode causes error with custom views
Integrations - Rational Quality Manager PI29058 You cannot edit the object in DWA after the object is linked with a test case from Rational Quality Manager and the back link is created.
Licenses PI31100 DWA takes more than 30 seconds to fetch a license when license server is over a WAN.
Help, LQE PI32018 Documentation should be updated to include instructions on flushing and rebuilding Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) indexes when DWA URL changes.
Installation PI32072 DWA 9.6.1 installation fails when there is no Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on the machine.
Baselines PI40425 Option to select baselines not displayed in DWA when 'Show views' is disabled even with 'show baselines' option being enabled.
Modules PI41620 Error "CANNOT_CONVERT_GUID_TO_URN" seen when you open modules in DWA
Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in GSKit affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-0138, CVE-2014-6221)
Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
OLE PI09246 Clipboard contents replaced with Visio OLE content.
Export - Excel PI09659 Bullets are not included in export to Microsoft Excel.
DXL PI14350 Rational DOORS: Stale links created using DXL
OLE PI18874 Png and jpg OLEs fail to open when setOpenOLEInPlace is false.
Analysis wizard PI20564 Unnecessary message appears in analysis wizard.
Views PI21930 Rational DOORS client crash in scenario where view list is locked.
Print - PDF PI24146 Rational DOORS print to Adobe Acrobat pdf is throwing an error.
Tables PI26402 Rational DOORS hangs when deleting the final part of a table, without actually deleting the table.
Export - CSV PI26617 CSV export incorrectly formatted if attribute begins with a dash.
Views filtering PI28169 Cannot filter data when module is opened in read-only mode by copy-pasting filter value from custom attributes.
Collaboration links PI28874 In specific environments, when you add  a collaboration link type in Rational DOORS, gsk_secure_soc_init, 415 error is shown.
Security PI29002 Problem with Rational DOORS database server security in 9.6.
Security PI29026 There could be FIPS non-compliance between Rational DOORS server and client.
Baselines PI29588 In specific scenarios, links in baseline could be lost.
Migration PI29818 Migration - Importing Rational DOORS generated ReqIF into Rational DOORS Next Generation, creates all artifacts of Rational DOORS modules at the top level folder of Rational DOORS Next Generation project.
DXL PI30409 Changing edit mode of a module leads to DXL errors and potentially client crash, if linked QM artifacts are unreachable.
DCN PI30700 Enabling DCNs considerably slows saving performance in Rational DOORS - particularly with large ping times.
Security PI30785 Rational DOORS reset Administrator password is broken in DOORS 9.6.
Archives PI30894 Error "File not found or no Read permission" when trying to archive.
OSLC links PI31265 Creation of backlink in Rational DOORS is slow, when a link is created from another application using OSLC.
DXL PI31538 64-bit versions of DXLIPS.EXE, DXLIPF.EXE and ACTIVEIP.EXE are not supplied.
DXL PI31586 Rational DOORS: DXL library script to link by two foreign keys not working as expected.
OSLC PI31632 Rational DOORS should only supply the module prefix and absno in the OSLC shorttitle field.
Integrations PI32147 When a module/view is linked to a Rational Quality Manager test plan, loading coverage view in Rational Quality Manager UI is extremely slow.
Integrations PI32447 Information of linked requirements in Rational Quality Manager test case list view takes long time to load.
Suspect links PI32743 Suspect link code causes Rational DOORS to crash with an exception.
Attributes PI33399 It is no longer possible to specify custom attribute URIs at the module level.
Deleted data PI35175 Soft deleted data items appear in DB Explorer when "Show Deletions" not selected.
Export PI35188 Closing advanced export settings window when it has been opened more than once leads to assertion failed diagnostic error.
Integrations PM97394 When saving, users are prompted to log in to Rational Quality Manager when a module is opened in Read-only mode and then switched to Edit mode.
Rational DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
Integrations PI33629 DWA timeout scenario associating a Rational Quality Manager project with Rational DOORS database.
Modules PI33631 DWA cannot load modules configured for Rational DOORS Analyst.
Mod Pack 1 (9.6.1)
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Globalization PI08028 Error message is incorrect in Japanese/Korean client when exporting module to HTML to location that does not exist.
Documentation PI08086 DOORS Server Security documentation needs updated.
Modules PI10994 Locks continue to exist on DOORS Modules whenever a back link creation from Rational Quality Manager to DOORS fails to get created.
Globalization PI13655 The Japanese translated version for option "OLEs as static images" in a Japanese localized environment confuses users.
DOORS-RQMI PI16969 When you use "Run test report" menu option, if getTestCaseDetails error is seen, problem details are not included in the message.
Documentation PI17220 Information Center lists Citrix XenApp 5.0 as Supported for DOORS 9.5.X.X though Software Product Compatibility Report does not.
Copy/paste PI17223 DOORS module created using paste special of a copied module does not retain the 'indentation of main column' view setting.
DOORS-CM PI17523 Heading shows unlicensed when right-click - open in a new window from new value section in requirements change details view.
Archive/restore PI18990 Archive operation using "server archive" option fails with connection lost error.
DOORS-CM PI19072 DOORS should not allow you to change enumerated type values when a module is under change management.
DOORS-RQMI PI19594 Rational Quality ManagerI interface to DOORS hangs/takes a long time to return association.
Modules PI19687 Cannot open link module in read-only mode.
Modules PI19699 Cannot change edit mode after you open module in read only mode and double-clicking on any other attribute column than the main column.
OSLC PI20008 Get on DOORS resources fails with error "crcrw5038e an unexpected error occurred during the operation".
Modules PI20309 DOORS scrolling problem when attribute column is larger than module window.
DOORS-CM PI21034 RCR report from Change Management does not show up when the output file is in HTML.
OSLC PI21306 OSLC link label and title are corrupted when the title of the artifact contains angular brackets.
Installation PI21533 64-bit client installer does not register DOORSDXL.TLB.
OSLC PI21755 OSLC link cannot be created from IBM Rational DOORS client to IBM Rational Team Concert 5.0 work item.
Documentation PI21911 DOORS 9.6 and QCI - DOORS/QCI: Web.config file needs to be modified to include 9.6.
Documentation PI22037 "Resolving requirements change request conflicts" has incorrect steps.
Globalization PI22320 E-mail notification for failed login in German contains a grammar/syntax error.
Reporting PI22381 RRDG does not prefill and display the default values defined in dta file in the popup window when exporting.
Documentation PI22597 Project declaration in the DXL reference manual missing.
Columns PI23320 DOORS client resets column width when changing column text/background color properties for heading columns.
Reporting PI23702 DOORS Document Generation. If the view name contains a colon (:) then the generated document will be 0 bytes.
OSLC PI23992 Malformed XML in the OSLC RDF reply provided by DOORS when the prefix has angular brackets in it.
OSLC PI24522 If we hover over the link to DOORS shown in ClearQuest Web, it only displays a blank page.
Database Explorer PI26178 Remember Project Explorer State option remembers redundant information.
Documentation PI26501 Layout DXL refresh delta needs to be documented.
Installation PI27624 DOORS 64-bit client allows multiple installs 9.6 and
Documentation PI28256 Bitness value in product compatibility report for the 64-bit DOORS client needs to be updated.
Licensing PI28712 DOORS 9.6 fails to load when the license environment variable is large (700+ characters).
Links PI29490 Client crashes when deleting a link from one module to another.
Rational DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
Performance PI24774 When DCNs are enabled and DWA is set up, saving multiple module changes can be very time consuming.
Licensing PI27437 DWA Tomcat process crashes due to TRS_DOORS token license checkout.
Fix Pack 6 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect Rational DOORS
Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libpng and libxml affect Rational DOORS
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libpng affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-8126, CVE-2015-8472)
Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-3143, CVE-2015-3144, CVE-2015-3145, CVE-2015-3148, CVE-2015-3153, CVE-2015-3236)
Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in GSKit affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-0138, CVE-2014-6221)
Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security vulnerabilities in Rational DOORS (CVE-2014-3613, CVE-2014-3620, CVE-2014-8730, CVE-2014-9495, CVE-2015-0973)
Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Baseline PM93507 Copy Baseline - copies soft deleted Objects and undeletes them if 'show deletions' is enabled in Default View of the Module.
Baseline PM94235 Users should be able to see who can sign baselines without having to have administrative privileges.
Change Proposal System PI13830 Enabling "reviewer can edit cps" on a project configured for cps doesn't enable reviewers to edit cps.
Copy Objects PI10706 Copying objects with filtered DOORS table to another module, result in blank space between the table cells.
Copy Objects PI15006 Copy objects don't create the default link module if the option 'doesn't allow automatic creation of link modules' is disabled.
Documentation PI06877 DOORS documentation update: Nested Groups that may exist in Corporate LDAP are not supported by DOORS.
Documentation PI15193 DOORS/TFS doesn't support visual studio shell edition.
Documentation PI08086 DOORS Server Security needs various updates.
DOORS Explorer PI06450 Projects names with '_, underscore' and '-,hyphen', listed in different order in left plane and right plane of DOORS Explorer.
DOORS-RQMI PI14156 DOORS RQMI-to-OSLC migration corrupting approval info.
DOORS-RQMI PI17036 Run test report action in DOORS causes all requirements to show as updated in Rational Quality Manager, when you reconcile requirements.
DOORS-RQMI PI17386 Error when user attempts a RQMi migration.
DXL PI11358 getMemoryUsage perm is not documented.
DXL PI13573 Default DXL execution cycle limit differs in batch mode compared with GUI (and difference is becoming more pronounced).
DXL PI13823 DXL execution cycle time-out not mentioned in error when failure occurs in batch mode.
DXL PI14594 DOORS DXL reference manual always shows the doors major version number as its release value.
DXL PI15711 Oleactivate perm returns true even when the perm fails to activate ole.
DXL PI16175 DOORS: formal.dxl file has some errors.
DXL PI18559 Docs: update downgrade perm.
DXL PI19408 In DOORS 9.6 user receives incorrect message that view needs to be saved when data includes layout DXL and is from 9.5 or earlier.
DXL PM95065 fnMiniExplorer function needs documented.
DXL PI11954 Type inconsistency in DXL should be documented.
DXL PM97276 Docs correction: DXL Reference Manual does not document "commentObject" under History > Constants (history type).
Export - Excel PI16877 DOORS module export to Microsoft Excel is interrupted when user clicks on any empty cell in the Microsoft Excel sheet wwhen you export is still in progress.
Export - Excel PI17738 Values consisting only of positive numbers in brackets are not exported to Microsoft Excel correctly.
Export - HTML PI10012 Heading of linked object is displayed only partially if exported to HTML.
Export - Word PI12352 Specific DOORS Symbol not recognized for conversion to Unicode & gets displayed as "j" when exported to Microsoft Word.
Export - Word PI14155 The "Zapf Dingbats" font is not being respected when exporting from Microsoft Word.
Export - Word ‌PI15254 DXL error "unknown object attribute (object heading & text)" when exporting a DOORS module to Microsoft Word.
Find/Replace PI11717 Searching for space character finds OLE objects.
Globalization ‌PI10172 Incorrect Japanese translation about the discussions feature in Knowledge Center.
History ‌PI07571 History Export of 'Read Locked Data' shows "Date" value as year 1969/1970 instead of 'Read Locked Data' as displayed in GUI.
History PI17547 History shown in module properties dialog can be for incorrect module.
Links PI14357 DOORS: 'Delete all links' function causes crash.
Links PI17720 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR (500): CRCRW5031I seen when hovering over a linked DOORS object.
Preferences ‌PI17914 Toolbar preferences are not retained when logging into a DOORS client using a different client version.
Reporting PI16352 Report generation fails with 'CRRPE3095E Output processing could not continue due to an error' in DOORS.
ReqIF ‌PM97595 DOORS ReqIF export fails to complete when a Module contains a DOORS Table as a child of another DOORS Table.
Select ‌PI16771 In specific scenarios, after shift+select of objects, it is not possible to deselect objects.
Strings ‌PM82412 Existing string attribute values can be truncated without option to save.
Wizards ‌PI18200 DOORS analysis wizard does not remember setting for selected custom attributes.
Wizards ‌PI18708 Import attribute wizard shows DXL error in specific scenarios.
Rational DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
DOORS-CM Integration PI15264 Loading RCR view in DOORS Web Access takes a very long time when modules contain large number of attributes in them.
DOORS Web Access PI17519 In specific scenarios the DWA client session hangs when you switch from database view to project view.
Documentation PI17630 DOORS Web Access documentation update: double quotes for the values of dbadmin parameters -dcnbrokeruri and -dcnchannelname should be removed.
DOORS Web Access PI22034 Unhelpful error code returned when user attempts to edit DWA help files from a machine that does not host the DWA Server.
Documentation PI22395 DOORS Web Access 9.6 does not work with Internet Explorer 8.
Initial Release (9.6)
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Access Controls PM84755 None access to attribute definition results in value not being visible in trace columns.
Administration PI09851 Password Restrictions are not honored when Password is changed from Tools -- Manage Users -- Security -- Change Password.
Baseline Sets PI08263 Baseline set definitions containing purged modules result in sets not being closed correctly.
Change Proposal System PI08792 Proposals Module displays proposed value as Default value of attributes even if no proposal is raised for that attribute.
Columns PI09434 Layout columns specifying canvas colors can affect other layout columns.
Documentation PI06543 Help topic for DOORS Change Management needs updated to remove Requirements Implementation related info.
Documentation PI08743 Intelligent Traceability document in 9.3 Information Center not as comprehensive or as easy to follow as old PDF document.
Documentation PI09020 Enabling DCNs has an impact on performance when saving large changes.
Documentation PI09331 Documentation update required to indicate new objects cannot be inserted when a sort is applied on module.
Documentation PI11705 Rational DOORS 9.5 Infocenter provides wrong information on OAuth authentication when integrating with Rational Change.
Documentation PI14418 When you migrate doors 9.x data to later version of 9.x, there is no prompt to migrate data as described in infocenter.
Documentation PM98071 DOORS Help should document that DOORS DB with same ID is not supported.
Documentation PM99235 Procedure to add items to Favorites needs to be changed.
DOORS-CM Integration PI09320 Ability to choose a default form, when you submit an Implementation Request is missing from DOORS 9.5.1.X onwards.
DOORS-CM Integration PI100172 'Artifact Type' list is empty and disabled when creating collaboration links between DOORS and Change.
DOORS-HPQC Integration PI10241 QCI server moving or migrating to a new server needs documented.
DOORS-RQMI PI07194 OSLC Test Report does not work correctly where test cases exist in multiple plans.
DOORS-RQMI PI08527 DOORS report 'dxl halted with runtime error' when running a Rational Quality Manager test report from some doors modules.
DXL PI10871 Running the DXL Library sample 'Convert Symbol characters to Unicode' deletes OLEs present in the Attributes.
DXL PI12272 Arbitrary limit on size of strings that can be compared with the diff perm.
Export - Word PI05963 Module created/appended by exporting Word document to DOORS cannot be closed when Word export to DOORS operation is cancelled.
Export - Word PI06383 DXL time-out error is shown when you export large Word doc with Visio OLEs.
Find/Replace PI13577 Find next functionality is failing when a module is not editable and the text to be found is in a non-heading/text column.
Find/Replace PM94187 For a module with more that 20 attributes in a view, 'Edit -? Replace' response slows down gradually.
Globalization PI10491 German translation for insert and paste is incorrect.
Help System PM97295 DOORS 'help.exe' will consume 100% CPU? if a new DOORS Help session is launched it will show empty screen.
Installation PI10028 When installing the DOORS client and selecting the "Custom" set up option, there is a feature called NewFeature1 that should not be listed.
Licensing PI16719 dwa_review license is consumed during rich hover on a doors link from another application, like RTC
Modules PI15710 In specific scenarios, double-clicking on module opens incorrect module.
OLE PI11656 Metafile OLE icon not visible.
OSLC PI06776 Rich hover for OSLC links should display better message when the response is 403.
Rational Directory Server PI16696 DOORS configured with RDS in stand-alone mode: dxl errors and diagnostic logs when assigning access rights, managing users.
Rational Directory Server PM63112 doors.exe crashes at startup when connected to RDS and the client m/c uses Microsoft IME.
Rational Directory Server PI10826 Specifying an empty filter in groups dialog gives errors when using Rational Directory Server.
Reporting PI15158 ETL initialization inefficiency - all modules in DB are being queried.
Reporting PI16703 ETL job ends up in a loop and doesn't complete when a module is removed from the doors working sets.
Reporting PM97885 PM97886 Incorrect output generated by default book.dta Template if the First Column in a DOORS Module View is the Main Column.
Reporting PM57363 Multi-line bulleted lists can have extra bullets added when exported
ReqIF PI09037 Importing ReqIF files into DOORS or DNG doesn't retain DXL Attribute values.
ReqIF PM95054 Recovering RIF locks doesn't always succeed.
ReqIF PI09744 ReqIF export memory issue.
ReqIF PM97796 ReqIF Export-Import-Attributes remain Locked in AWAY Database even when they shouldn't be.
Symbols PI12352 Specific DOORS Symbol not recognized for conversion to Unicode? gets displayed as 'j' when exported to Microsoft Word.
Symbols PI13346 Symbols that don't have an equivalent unicode symbol are displayed as square boxes in the doors module."
Symbols PM99770 Problem with specific unicode characters.
Tables PI05594 DOORS 9.5.x doesn't allow Table Properties to be accessed in Shareable Edit Mode.
Tables PM65116 DOORS table does not appear correctly when exported.
Rational DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
General PM82790 Users cannot change their password from DWA interface when there are multiple Interop Servers running.
General PM85560 Korean (double byte) characters contained in the path for 'DOORS ID' appear garbled on DWA Requirements Change Details page.
General PM96375 DWA Interop crashes, when you click on 'Associated Requirements' links for an RCR from Rational Change

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Data Integrity PM20773 A defect was introduced in where users working concurrently in shareable edit mode could create objects with the same absolute number. This has been fixed.

Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
Component Defect ID APAR Description
Access controls 30481 The performance problems with the Access Controls dialog box have been fixed.
Access controls 33207 PK95606 You can now add access to a view using DXL.
Access controls 33952 PM08321 Users who have been given edit access to the access controls for attribute values can now edit them.
Attributes 33862 PM06022 You can now import link attributes from one link module to another.
Change proposal system 29857 If you accept a change proposal, the change that is applied is now the same as the proposed value. Previously, there were circumstances when the proposed value was not being applied.
Change proposal system 30539 When the Reviewers can edit CPs' check box on the Change Proposal System window is cleared, You can now use the scroll bar to read the full contents of an object.
Change proposal system 33087 PK94472 When you create a Change proposal system, the Everyone Else group now has read-only access to the items in the Change proposal system folder.
Change proposal system 30263, 32709 PK89500 When you attempt to submit two conflicting change proposals against an object, a warning message is now displayed.
Documentation 33861 PM06024 The information in the Online Help about traceability columns is now correct.
DXL 33577 PM01050 The oleSetHeightandWidth index parameter now functions correctly.
DXL 33846 PM05368 Previously, the toolBarComboAdd perm always added entries to the first drop-down list in a window. This no longer happens, and the perm now adds entries to the correct list.
Exporting 33810 PM04523 When you export a module to RTF, and the module contains a table, the font in the table in the RTF is now correct.
Exporting 33871 PM06280 When you create a link either by right-clicking or using the Link menu, and then export the module to Word, any OLE objects in the resulting Word document are no longer replaced by URLs.
Filtering 33932 PM08531 When you change an object that has been filtered and has descendants enabled, the change is now applied to the object.
Generate Support Request 33780, 33781 PM04293, PM03765 You can now run the Generate Support Request utility without an error when you have a mapped drive.
Importing 21802, 25113 PM02436 Previously, there were certain occasions when a Word document was imported into Rational DOORS with the Capture paragraph styles check box selected, a DXL error was displayed. This has now been fixed.
Links 33852 PM05699 When you create linkset in a link module and the source module is open for editing, a warning message is displayed. Previously, when you cancelled the message, the linkset was created. This has now been fixed.
Managing users and groups 33972 PM09348 When you have more than one Rational DOORS databases using LDAP for user authentication, you can now migrate all the users to an RDS server.
Miscellaneous 33827 PM04512 When there is a drop-down list containing a number of values, and you type a letter on the keyboard, the first entry in the list starting with that letter is highlighted. When you type the same letter again, the second entry beginning with that letter is highlighted, and so on. This functionality now works.
Object properties 34063 PM12724 When you demote or promote an object, all the object numbers in the hierarchy are now updated immediately.
OLE objects 33629 PM01772 Previously, when you updated an Excel spreadsheet that was embedded in a module as an icon, and then you selected another object in the module, the updates to Excel could be lost. This has now been fixed.
Performance 33786, 33918, 33988 PM04427, PM07835, PM04427 When you save a module that contains RTF attributes, there is no longer a lengthy pause before the module is saved.
RIF 33769 Previously, there were rare occasions where empty XHTML content was being exported. This has been fixed.
Scroll bars 33588, 33828 PM04730 When you create a form with a large number of attributes, and the full form is not displayed on the screen, a scroll bar is now available.
Search and replace 34056 PM12635 When you use search and replace, you can choose to search all the attributes in the view. Previously, when you changed the view, the selected attributes did not change to match the attributes in the new view. This has been fixed.
Tables 30803 Previously, when you were working in a table in a module, and you inserted a table containing an enumerated attribute, and then moved the inserted table to a different location, there were problems with continuing to edit the module. This has now been fixed.
Views 33819 PM04587 If you are using RDS, and you have a module with a large number of views, each containing a number of ACLs, there is no longer a performance issue when you open the Manage Views dialog box.

Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
Component Defect ID APAR Description
Archive/Restore 24999 You can now restore an archive that includes empty or invalid Layout DXL without displaying a diagnostic error.
Attributes 25797 When you create or edit an enumeration attribute type you can define the order the values are displayed in. If the value contains a related number, and you assign the values to objects, the objects are no longer sorted according to the related number.
Attributes 30171 Create a new attribute in a module, edit the attribute, clear the Inherit from parent check box on the Access (Value) tab, and then click OK. Select the new attribute and click Edit. Select the Access (Value) tab and select any user or group in the list. The Remove and Edit buttons are now available and the access rights can be edited.
Attributes 30844 If you change the name of an attribute, it is sorted into alphabetical order immediately.
Attributes 30859 When you define an enumeration type and then a multi-valued attribute with this type, you can now set the text color of the attribute.
Attributes 33837 PM04842 If you have a date link attribute that does not have a default value, you can now use the Reset to Default button to apply a blank value.
Baseline compare 33549 PM00690 When you run a baseline compare on a module that was rejoined from partition, baseline compare now includes objects that were modified in the away database.
Change Proposal System 30541 The link between a proposed change and the original object is no longer deleted when you apply a change proposal to an object that has incoming link from a deleted source module.
Change Proposal System 32800 PK90634 If you submit a change proposal against more than one objects, and switch between attributes in the change proposal window, the value for Current now displays an attribute value.
Change Proposal System 33027 PK93622 If a Change Proposal Reviewer selects the Enforce this Attribute check box for an attribute in Change Proposal System that was not changed in original proposal, the attribute value is no longer removed from the Proposed field.
Columns 30657 If a column is displaying the Object Identifier attribute is changed to display a different attribute, and then is changed back, it now displays the correct information.
Cut, copy, and paste 27135 When you copy or move an item from the right hand side of the database explorer into an expanded folder on the left hand side, the folders no longer collapse.
Cut, copy, and paste 33183 PK95954 When you use Paste Special to copy and paste a module, any images that were inserted into the module using the Insert Pictures option are now handled correctly.
Database Integrity 33364 PM02759 The issues with data integrity that resulted from the session number and the absolute number being reset to zero have now been fixed.
Dialog boxes 30877 When you are using a Rational DOORS dialog box, and you use Browse to locate a file, the drop down list of types of file now displays all the available file types.
Dialog boxes 33214 PK95618 If you display a modal dialog using block() as part of the trigger, the cursor no longer appears to be busy when it is placed on the dialog box.
Discussions 30329 If there are unsaved changes to an object in a module, you can now start a new discussion on a different object, and save that discussion.
Documentation 30898 Information about the incompatibility between a 9.x client and a 8.x database server has been added to the Installation Guide.
Documentation 30576 Integration information about Citrix support has been added to the Rational DOORS Installation Guide.
Documentation 30635 Information about the removal of the addins.idx file has been added to the Rational DOORS Installation Guide.
Documentation 33434 PK98731 The Rational DOORS client and the Rational DOORS Interoperation Server are now the same version. This defect no longer applies.
Documentation 33465 PK99268 Information about Solaris patch levels has been updated in the Rational DOORS readme.
Documentation 33472 PK99514 Information about RIF merges and Rational DOORS locks has been updated in the Rational DOORS online help.
Documentation 33600 PM01753 Information about copying a rich text table from a Word document into Rational DOORS has been updated in the Rational DOORS online help.
Documentation 33621 Information about history checking and deleted baselines has been updated in the Rational DOORS online help.
Documentation 33805 Information about absolute numbers in a RIF package has been updated in the Rational DOORS online help.
Documentation 33455 The instruction for the silent installation of the database server have been corrected.
Documentation 33798 PM00758 The RTL_RECIP variable is now included in the Online Help.
DRML 33353 PK97548 When you export text and lists from Rational DOORS using DRML, an extra line is no longer added between the text and the list.
DRML 33617 PM02193 When you export a picture using DRML, the picture is no longer skewed.
DRML 30773 You can now export large OLE objects using DRML.
DRML 30783 You can now export unsupported rich text using DRML.
DRML 33470 PK99416 When you export bulleted lists from Rational DOORS using DRML, there are no longer incorrect values for the bulleted lists.
DXL 10392 The background of Text controls on a Dialog Box Element now reflect the edit mode. The background is white when editable, and grey when read only.
DXL 25670 Converting Layout DXL to Attribute DXL now works correctly.
DXL 27549 The DXL interaction editor now displays UTF-8 files correctly.
DXL 30561 The htmlView control no longer cancels navigation to all http links.
DXL 30869 When you copy a project from one location to another, any layout DXL columns that describe the relationship between the modules in the project have their indices updated so that their content still displays in the new location. Previously, this did not happen with Layout DXL columns that had been converted into DXL attributes. This has been fixed.
DXL 33921 PM08297 When you remove a toolbar from a user-defined dialog box, Rational DOORS no longer generates a diagnostic log, and continues to work normally.
Exporting 30572 When you export a module to Word that contains indented bullets, the bullets are now indented correctly in the Word document.
Exporting 33028 PK93661 When you export a hyperlink that contains accented characters to Word, the accented characters are exported correctly, and the hyperlink now works.
Exporting 33058 Previously, when you exported layout code containing a number in string format, the first character of the number was omitted. This has been fixed.
Exporting 33534 PM00487 Previously, when you exported to Word in table format a module containing a DXL column showing an object ID with a prefix in the format xxxx_ABC, the object ID was truncated. This has been fixed.
Exporting 33854 When you export to Word, rich text formatting (bold, italics, and so on) are now displayed correctly in the Word document.
Filtering 30614 Rational DOORS now displays a warning message if the value of a type included in a filter that is saved in a view has changed.
Importing 25745 Word tables now maintain their column width when they are imported into DOORS.
Importing 24140 Text boxes are now imported into DOORS correctly.
Linking 30612 When you are working in a module, you can use the View menu to determine whether link arrows are displayed. When you are working in a module where link arrows are not being displayed, and an object has been selected to be the link start, the object is now displayed with a pink background.
Linking 24365 Previously, there were issues with the usability of the Only allow check box on the Create Links window. The interface has now been changed to make the window more intuitive.
Linking 33966 PM09325 When you follow a link from a module that has a DXL attribute displayed to a baseline, Rational DOORS no longer crashes.
Localization 33901 PM07477 The Japanese translation of the Views menu is now correct.
Localization 33902 PM07470 The Print dialog box has now been translated fully into Japanese.
Module Comparison wizard 24689 There were rare occasions when Rational DOORS would run out of memory when you ran the Module Comparison wizard on Japanese modules. This has been fixed.
Module Form Generator 33431 PK98653 When you are working with the Form Generator in a module, and you click Next, the cursor is now placed in the first field on the dialog box.
Object properties 27315 If the Object Properties dialog box is too small to allow all the tabs to be displayed, a left and right arrow are displayed to allow you to select the tabs. Previously, the arrows did not work. This has been fixed.
Partition Rejoin 33272 Partition/Rejoin no longer fails if a link module has the same name in both the Home database and the Away database.
Printing 20231 Previously, when you set the values for the margins in the Page Setup window, and then either printed or opened the Print Preview window, when you re-opened the Page Setup window the margins would change. This has been fixed.
RIF 33521 PM00202 Previously, when you set up a RIF definition with Locks for local data set to 'No locks', and then you tried to merge, the RIF definition always maintained its status as Merge Required. This has now been fixed.
RIF 33768 PM03297 RIF XML documents that contain empty XHTML content are now valid when exported from Rational DOORS.
Scroll bars 33776 PM03592 If there are a large number of lines of text in an object, in-place editing the text will make a scroll bar appear. The scroll bar is now in the correct position, allowing you to edit the final lines of text.
Search and replace 29845 Find next now works when highlight matches is disabled
Search and replace 33204 PK95592 Previously, when two words in an object were identical, and you searched for that word, if you changed one of the words and clicked Find Next, the word was changed back to its original value. This has been fixed.
Shortcut keys 32869 PK92266 The CTRL+I shortcut now works correctly.
Traceability analysis 33785 PM04168 When you run a traceability analysis that includes a module to which you do not have access, errors are no longer displayed, and the modules are correctly excluded from the results.
Unicode 25095 The DXL encryptor now works correctly with UTF-8 files.
URLs 30805 If your default open mode is READ_WRITE_SHARED, and you try to use a URL to open a module that you only have Read access to, an inaccurate error message is no longer displayed.
Views 29183 If a view inherits its access rights, and you follow links to objects in that view, the default module view is no longer loaded in error.
Views 33606 PM01425 You can no longer rename a view to Standard View.
Welcome screen 33876 PM07006 When a user from a different locale views the database properties, any changes that have been made to the Welcome screen (for example, renamed links, sections, and so on) are now no longer lost.

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
Component Defect ID APAR Description
Access controls 29875 The Delete option for attributes is no longer available when a user defines a partition.
Cut, copy and paste 26828 When you copy and paste a picture from PowerPoint to a Rational DOORS module, the picture is displayed. Previously, when you changed focus, the picture would disappear. This no longer happens.
Database Server 33100 There were rare occasions when the client would reconnect unnecessarily to the server at the time of writing to a file and the file would become corrupted. This has now been fixed.
Documentation 30156, 30519, 30568, 30667, 32737, 32742, 33065, 33132, 33498, 33514, 33520 PK89995, PK90076, PK95202, PM00202 These documentation defects in the Rational DOORS Online Help have been fixed.
DXL 25561 The setRichClip perm no longer adds a carriage return to the text it places on the clipboard.
DXL 26931 When layout DXL is converted to attribute DXL an extra blank line is no longer added to the final text.
DXL 30789 The isFirstObjectInDXLSet perm and the IsLastObjectInDXLSet perm no longer return incorrect values.
DXL 32784 PK90522 You can now convert layout DXL to attribute DXL using the displayRichWithColor perm.
DXL 32903 PK92960 If you are using the onHTMLBeforeNavigate function in DXL, and you return false, navigation is now cancelled.
DXL 33050 PK93924 When you convert layout DXL to attribute DXL with a deleted object in the view, there are no longer DXL errors.
DXL 33129 PK96289 The call back behavior of the dialog box elements of type toggle() or field() is now correct.
DXL 33322 PK97176 When you use the rich Text(box) perm to create a dialog box, the text in a dialog box element is no longer highlighted.
Exporting 33181 PK95409 Exporting a View with Object Level or Object Number column in to Word in table format no longer generates a DXL error.
Exporting 32884 PK92388 Previously, when you tried to export a module to Microsoft Word in table format, and the module had either the Object Number or Object Level attribute in the view as a column, a DXL error was displayed. This has now been fixed.
Filtering 32681 PK88456 hen you use the any string or text attribute contains filter, Rational DOORS no longer checks for module level DXL attributes.
History 33306 PK98446 Previously, when you chose to switch off history for links, history was still being updated. This has now been fixed.
Importing 33280 PK96439 Previously, you were not able to import from Word when the destination was a module in a Japanese version of Rational DOORS. This has now been fixed.
Installation 30804 Previously, the Example Database always installed to the default location. If you chose to install the Rational DOORS client to a different location, the link to the Example Database in Start > All Programs didn't work. This has now been fixed.
Installation 33330 When you upgraded from 9.2 to, you need to reboot before the dbghelp.dll file would appear. This has been fixed; the file now appears without a reboot.
Linking 32666 PK88586 Previously, if you created a link between two objects, and then closed the target module without saving it, the incomplete out-link persisted in the source module. This has now been fixed.
Linking 32777 PK90347 When a user baselines a module that has out-links to a module in a project to which no access, the links no longer disappear for all users in the current version and the baseline of the module.
Manage Users/Groups 30447 There were rare occasions when users entering an invalid user and password combination received a diagnostic log instead of a message. This has now been fixed.
Manage Users/Groups 30577 When using RDS, a user's system username field is now populated.
Manage Users/Groups 32855 PK94420 Nested groups now work in RDS.
Manage Users/Groups 32956 PK93255 The list of groups displayed when you select Manage Users > Groups is now displayed in alphabetical order
Manage Users/Groups 24158, 33034 PK94744 Previously, there were issues if the naming attribute of a user contained a comma (the naming attribute is used in the distinguishedName (dn) attribute) that caused problems with users and groups. This has now been fixed.
Manage Users/Groups 32835, 33473 PK91542, PK91542 If a user was deleted from the system, and the user was a member of a group, the reference to the user stayed inside the group. If there was a subsequent search of the group, and the deleted user fulfilled the criteria of the search, the search would fail. This has now been fixed.
Module Comparison Wizard 30799 If you do not have Admin access to the parent folder of a module, and if the module has Linkset control specified that does not allow links between the same module, running the Module Comparison wizard to compare baselines no longer results in a DXL error. The correct message is now displayed instead of the DXL error.
Multi-value attributes 29193 When you edited the multi-valued enumerated attribute value for multiple objects, the Add checked values and Remove unchecked values check boxes were not selected by default. This has now been fixed.
OLE 30870 When you open a module read only, and then edit an OLE object in the module, an error message is no longer displayed.
Performance 33414 PK98477 There were occasions when performing actions in modules, such as opening views, and so on, resulted in ""memory exhausted"" errors. This has now been fixed.
Printing 32591 PK86278 The alignment of columns is now preserved when printing in book format.
Rational Directory Server 31962 Previously, there was a problem with the number of entries that are allowed to be searched in a single query when searching RDS. This has now been fixed.
Rational Directory Server 32660 PK88573 Directory objects of type ""Person"" are now handled by RDS.
Rational Directory Server 32942 PK93675 You can now migrate a local Rational DOORS user list (including groups) into a corporate RDS instance.
Rational Directory Server 32999 On rare occasions there were delays to log in when using RDS. This has now been fixed.
Rational Directory Server 33013 PK93782 If a user has been migrated from a previous version of Rational DOORS with a standalone RDS, resetting the password now works.
Rational Directory Server 33021 Computer entries in a corporate directory are no longer displayed as users in Rational DOORS.
Rational Directory Server 33030 PK93673 When using RDS in corporate mode, local groups now appear in Rational DOORS.
Rational Directory Server 33224 PK91986 Previously, when you assigned a group to users in RDS, the group would disappear. This has now been fixed.
Rational Directory Server 33337 PK98382 There are no longer any performance problems because of unnecessary RDS communication in the Manage Views dialog box.
Rational Directory Server 32835 PK91542 When using SunOne, if a user is a member of a group and gets deleted, the reference to the user inside the group now also gets removed.
Rational Directory Server 33034 PK94744 With DOORS setup to use corporate RDS, attempting to change the type of a user (or the powers if they are custom) now succeeds.
Rational Directory Server 33394 ACLs are now retained and group memberships are now listed
Refresh 32684 PK88562 In Windows XP, there were problems with the desktop continually refreshing when you displayed Rational DOORS along with a .Net datagrid control. This has now been fixed.
Rich Text 33188 PK95529 There were occasions when the client would hang if you tried to save a module containing invalid RTF data. This has now been fixed.
URLs 33442 PK99003 There is no longer a problem when you open Rational DOORS by using a URL if it takes a long time to check out a license from the license server (for example, if the license server is in a remote location).
User options 30359 Rational DOORS can now resolve the path to Internet Explorer in Environment Variables and successfully open the program.

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
Component Defect ID APAR Description
Access Controls 28312 The appropriate warning message is now displayed when you try to create a link and you only have read access to the link module.
Access Controls 31657 PK82195 If you follow a Rational DOORS URL to a module that opens in shareable edit mode by default, and to which you only have read access, the module now opens.
Archive/Restore 32294 PK84988 You can now restore an archive containing layout DXL without receiving errors.
Baselines 24706 If you try to add modules to a baseline set, and another user has one or more of the modules locked, a helpful message is now displayed.
Change proposal 30227 In certain situations not all change proposals in a change proposal group were being applied. This has now been fixed.
Change proposal 32131 PK84042 Previously, when a single-value enumerated attribute that had been added to the Change Proposal System was changed to multi-value, a DXL error was displayed when a user tried to review the change proposal. This has now been fixed.
Columns 32178 PK84401 If a view displays 32 columns, and the final column is a layout DXL column, Rational DOORS no longer crashes when you try to move the layout DXL column.
Cut, copy, and paste 31628 PK81903 When you use Paste Special, the object short text is now copied.
Documentation 29975 Some dbadmin command-line options were omitted from the documentation. These have now been included.
Documentation 32687, 32710, 32711 These documentation defects in the Rational DOORS Installation Guide have been fixed.
Documentation 32699/PK89268, 32352/PK85764, 32759/PK90384, 32787/PK90479, 32795/PK90644, 32810/PK90826, 32837/PK91086, 32857/PK91881, 32858/PK92164, 32868/PK92264 PK89268, PK85764, PK90384, PK90479, PK90644, PK90826, PK91086, PK91881 These documentation defects in the Rational DOORS Online Help have been fixed.
Documentation 32915 Information about what history details can be viewed for a purged object has been added to the documentation.
Documentation 33257 PK96083 The View Inheritance Settings and Partitions part of the Limitations section of the Rational DOORS readme was incorrect and has been removed.
Documentation 33258 PK96083 A clearer statement is now in the Rational DOORS readme file about what RDS versions are supported by Rational DOORS.
DXL 29185 Calls to the DXL perm getEmbeddedOle() to retrieve rich text containing an embedded OLE object now run correctly.
DXL 30520 You can now turn off auto-declare.
DXL 30940 PK80406 Previously, you could run a DXL script and undelete a child object of a deleted object without also undeleting the parent object. This has now been fixed.
DXL 31763 PK82349 Previously, the DXL perms getBoundedAttr and getBoundedUnicode only worked on attributes of type text. Now they work for all attribute types.
DXL 32027 PK88005 Using DXL to change a label in the Database Explorer now behaves correctly.
DXL 32642 PK87521 The DXL perm setAttrFromHTML now supports Unicode in the input HTML.
DXL 32663 PK88187 The ability to refresh DXL attributes has been restored to its pre-v8.0 levels.
Exporting 26768 When OpenOffice is installed on a Rational DOORS client, and you export a module to Microsoft Word, the export now completes with no data loss.
Exporting 27209 When you export a module to RTF in table format, the main column title is no longer replaced by the module description.
Exporting 27314 When you export a module with links to HTML, and you do not have access to one or more of the modules that are linked to, a DXL error is no longer displayed and the module is exported.
Exporting 28885, 30487 You can now roundtrip the Wingdings font from Microsoft Word to Rational DOORS and back to Microsoft Word again.
Exporting 30553 The check boxes on the Advanced tab of the Export to Word menu option have been changed, and the problem with table borders no longer applies.
Exporting 30595 Links between table cells containing the same data value are no longer lost when you export to HTML.
History 32641 PK87519 When you restore history, rich text is now handled correctly.
Importing 23740 When you insert an Excel table into an RTF file, and then import it into Rational DOORS, the resulting OLE is now imported correctly.
Importing 24508 When you import a Microsoft Word document to a new copy of a module that has not yet been opened, an error is no longer displayed.
Importing 26424 Previously, when you imported a Microsoft Word document with a large table of contents and page headers that included page numbers and chapter numbers, you received a Visual Basic error. This has now been fixed.
Importing 26916 When you import an RTF document with auto-numbering, Rational DOORS no longer adds a tab space between the Object Number and the Object Heading.
Importing 27476 An issue that prevented importing from Word functioning on Vista has now been fixed.
Importing 29014 Previously, having certain pictures in a Word document triggered the error "Error 5941: The requested member of the collection does not exist". This error no longer occurs.
Importing 32605 The Paragraph Style attribute now has the Generate history option turned on by default after importing from Word.
Importing 32734 PK90079 Reimporting eXchange data no longer causes Rational DOORS to crash.
Installation 28579 When using roaming profiles, the LOCALDATA registry setting is now no longer invalidated.
Linking 24285 When mapping in a link module is one-to-one, and the target module is not specified in the link module, the link is not created. Previously, there was no message to alert the user. A message is now displayed.
Linking 31928 PK83429 When you select multiple objects for linking and choose "Selected Objects", and the selection comprises only leaf objects, and then create links, a link is no longer created to the parent of the first selected object as well.
Linking 32579 PK86091 In some rare circumstances, in-links were visible from objects even after the objects had been purged. This has now been fixed.
Linking 32662 PK88749 Previously, when you deleted a link on the Links tab of the Object Properties dialog box, and then selected a different link, selecting Follow Link caused the wrong link to be followed. This has now been fixed.
Localization 32767 PK90397 You can now open copied and pasted items in the localized Japanese version of Rational DOORS.
Manage locks 32466 PK85492 There were rare occasions when the deletion of a folder would fail with the error Invalid lock request. This has now been fixed.
Manage users/groups 27080 When you turn on LDAP or RDS, any users that have not been mapped are no longer deleted.
Miscellaneous 32689 In versions 9.0 to 9.2, customers who had enabled the LeakTrack feature in UPHclean had problems starting the Rational DOORS client. The problem has been identified and a fix from Microsoft is pending. In the meantime, IBM has developed a workaround to this problem and implemented it in Rational DOORS version
Module Comparison wizard 27636 When using the Module Comparison wizard, table cells were being matched to objects. Changes to the criteria used in the Module Comparison wizard have resulted in this defect being fixed. The check box in question is now called Match all objects with similar contents, instead of Match all similar objects. As a result, matching table cells to objects can be an appropriate match.
Module Comparison wizard 30538 When using the Module Comparison wizard, all objects that contained only OLE objects were being matched, even if the OLE objects were different. This has now been fixed.
Partition/Rejoin 32626 PK87002 If you define a linkset pairing, and the linkset does not contain any links, the pairing is no longer omitted when using Partition/Rejoin.
Performance 32846 PK91850 There are no longer performance problems with the Manage Views dialog.
Pictures 32448 PK85519 32-bit .PNG files are now successfully exported to Microsoft Word, RTF and PowerPoint.
Rich Text 32658 PK88006 Creating a hanging indent in a Word document, and then copying and pasting text that contains the indent results in the text not being displayed properly in Rational DOORS. This has now been fixed.
RIF 33128 PK94841 A Rational DOORS diagnostic log no longer appears when exporting a RIF definition from a project that is already open in another Rational DOORS session.
Sorting 32604 You can now use the sorting functionality in a module that you want to use as the basis of a template.
Tables 32142 You can no longer create a table without a main column.
User logon 32717, 32718 PK89866, PK89866 Roaming profiles and DOORS DICTIONARY registry key and the DOORS LOCALDATA registry key are no longer incompatible.

Initial Release (9.2)
Link Date Released Status

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 12 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libpng affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-8126, CVE-2015-8472)
Fix Pack 11 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-3143, CVE-2015-3144, CVE-2015-3145, CVE-2015-3148, CVE-2015-3153, CVE-2015-3236)
Fix Pack 10 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in GSKit affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-0138, CVE-2014-6221)
Fix Pack 9 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security vulnerabilities in Rational DOORS (CVE-2014-3613, CVE-2014-3620, CVE-2014-8730, CVE-2014-9495, CVE-2015-0973)
Fix Pack 8 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Security -- Review Security Bulletin: GSKit certificate chain vulnerability in Rational DOORS (CVE-2013-6747)

Fix Pack 7 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Certificates PM52597 The tdsclientkey.kdb file cannot be removed from its original location. (client and server change)
Change PM54446 The Select RCR window does not display requirements change requests that do not have a synopsis. (client change)
PM57212 Sending a requirements change request for review results in a DXL error. (client change)
Change Proposal System PM43909 Only the owner of a Change Proposal System (CPS) group can remove a Change Proposal (CP) from the group. This is inconsistent with adding CPS to groups owned by someone else. (client change)
Compact rendering PM32720 Japanese characters displayed at the bottom of the compact rendering window are not displayed correctly. (client change)
Database Manager PM54889 Manually typing in the Location field on the Database Manager window results in an error. (client change)
Documentation PM47551, PM36835, PM43134, PM57746 A number of documentation issues have been resolved.
DXL PM50720 Refreshing a DXL date attribute that assigns an empty or null value results in a diagnostic log. (client change)
PM51978 Streaming invalid contents into a DXL integer causes Rational DOORS to stop working. (client change)
Export PM38640 Rational DOORS stops working and a stack overflow error is displayed when you export to Microsoft Excel. (client change)
PM52460 A Visio OLE from a specific module cannot be exported to Microsoft Word when Visio is installed on the machine. Without Visio installed the OLE exports correctly. (client change)
PM53910 Exporting from Rational DOORS to Rational Quality Manager using the Rational Quality Manager Interface results in a 500 Internal Server error. (client change)
Filtering PM45913 Following a link to an object that is a table cell and is filtered out does not give any error or warning message. (client change)
PM45916 Following links to a filtered module removes the filter if the target object is a table cell. (client change)
PM45990 Filtering on leaf or non-leaf objects in DXL respects the display state of deleted children when you filter in the GUI does not respect the display state. (client change)
Layout DXL PM53085 The getCanvas perm does not draw the actual height of the object when used in a layout DXL column. (client change)
Module Properties PM42782 The URL shown in the module properties window of a baseline is the URL of the current module instead of the baselined version of the module. (client change)
PM54486 Unique IDs with nine digits cause errors when verifying URLs. For example, when you open the Module Properties window, it results in a DXL error message. (client change)
OLE PM32097 An OLE object inserted into a Rational DOORS client running on Windows 7 is not visible in a Rational DOORS client running on XP. (client change)
PM53318 Some OLE objects are not editable and some are not exportable. (client change)
Purge PM54255 Objects that have children purged will have the Last Modified On date set to the time of the purge. (client change)
Security PM54902 Different versions of Rational DOORS clients cannot work with the same database when DXL security is enabled. (client change)
Spellchecker PM37951 A System Memory exhausted message is displayed when running the spellchecker on a large module. (client change)
Translation PM41938 Some attributes of test tracking T3 Test Run are incorrectly translated causing the test run to fail. (client change)
Triggers PM43775 You cannot return or break to exit a trigger loop. (client change)

Fix Pack 6 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Archive PM49772 Archive rate of transfer on Solaris reduces over time
Attributes PM47911, PM47303 The check boxes on the New Attribute dialogue work incorrectly
Change Management PM46016 Change Management is looking for under the utils directory. This fails on Linux as the directory should be Utils
PM47559 Change Management queries that return a large number of Requirements Change Requests causes the HTTP call to timeout and the OSLC request to fail after 5 minutes.
Change Proposal System PM27344 Standard user must not be allowed to review any CPs. The problem was a user with standard role in CPS was allowed to review and approve CPs submitted under a main group.
ClearQuest Integration PM47122 If the values of the state attributes in ClearQuest are defined in Chinese, the query does not work and does not return any results. Queries work properly when the state values are in English.
Documentation PM37651, PM41444, PM48891, PM48954, PM49832, PM44811 A number of documentation issues have been resolved.
DOORS server PM47824 In certain scenarios the Rational DOORS database server was unable to complete saving and renaming the data files .dtc to dtb before attempting to create the new dtc file, which caused module corruption.
DXL documentation PM48952, PM49088 A number of DXL documentation issues have been resolved.
DXL perms PM43719 The DXL perm realColor() when used inside layout code will also affect the text displayed in the column.
PM48952 The DXL perm exportPicture() was leaking memory and throwing an error when exporting a large number of .wmf files
Find PK96975 'Find and replace' replaces all instances of the word in the selected object instead of one at a time.
Formatting PM43955 Strikethrough formatting removed from a Object's Property Dialog continues to persist in the Object's Property dialog.
Word Export PM44737 Export from Word to Rational DOORS doesn't export all the pictures
PM50648 Export from Word to Rational DOORS throws a type mismatch error when using French regional settings
Sorting PM22920 Managing of a large list of Chinese user names is not easy as no ordering or quick find is available.

Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Archive/Restore PM34661 When archiving and restoring across databases that use the same Rational Directory Server, access controls are broken.
PM42417 Data is corrupted after restoring a dma with baselined read-only data.
PM34612 When you restore a project with an empty folder to a Rational DOORS database, any attempt to change the properties of the project results in an Invalid lock Request - Data already locked error.
Change proposals PM41673 Renaming a group can cause issue with status changes to the group.
Copy objects PM46375 The copy objects tool reverses the order of copied objects.
Database server PM41124 The ibm_jre50 component is not included when you install the Rational DOORS database server.
Documentation PM31593, PM40805, PM11820, PM21153, PM22804, PM30123, PM35724, PM37006, PM36997, PM43378 A number of documentation issues have been resolved.
DXL Documentation PM37406, PM37409 A number of updates have been made to the DXL manual.
Drag and drop PM37327 The drag and drop option to create external links from another application does not work when a module is open in shared-edit mode.
Export Rational Publishing Engine PM41816 You cannot use the document generator in read-only modules or baselines.
PM26413 There is a time-out error when you perform an export from Rational DOORS using the Rational Publishing Engine.
Export Word PM17605 There is a change in behavior when you export from Rational DOORS to Word and error conditions are encountered.
PM35579 When you export an enhanced metafile to Word, certain OLE objects are not displayed.
Import RTF PM43467 When you import an RTF, certain OLE objects are not displayed.
Import Word PM04954 When you import certain Word documents, an error is displayed.
PM23914 When you import a Word document, some pictures are imported into the module as two separate objects.
In-place edit PM36986 When you edit the enumerated attributes from a module, pressing Enter no longer activates the edit mode of the attribute in the next object.
Layout DXL PM39261 Height(canvas) does not return correct value when used in a Layout DXL column.
Linking PK91449 Delete all links does not work as expected.
PM14714 Closing a formal module also closes link modules that are currently in use.
PM33295 The text in Link pop-up is corrupted when there is a tab space in the text.
Merge objects PM42879 The DXL error String is not in rich text format is displayed when you choose objects containing only an object heading in the Merge Objects window.
Message of the Day PM42218 Rational DOORS closes if you right-click in the Message of the day field.
Object properties PM39906 A DXL error is displayed when you apply changes to an attribute in selected objects, including soft-deleted objects.
OLE PM43030 The update function of OLE properties does not act as expected.
OSLC PM32719 The compact rendering window continues to display when you link to a Rational Team Concert work item.
PM46681 A link is not created in a Rational Team Concert work item when you create a new Implemented by link and then choose Select artifact.
Performance PM04009, PM40679 Saving a module takes an excessive amount of time.
Pictures PM37045 The Word OLE icon is not displayed after editing.
Rational Directory Server configuration PM30923 You cannot use the Rational DOORS Password Reconfirmation feature in Rational DOORS when you are using the Rational Directory Server.
PK96620 System logins do not work with Rational Directory Server and Active Directory in the default configuration.
Scrolling PM43367 Large attribute values result in poorly placed scroll bars.
Secure connections PM31897 When you connect to Rational DOORS in secure mode, an incorrect error is displayed if you use the wrong port to connect.
Sorting PM42412 When you sort an empty module, a DXL error is displayed, and the Sort dialog box does not close.
Views PK92703 There are inconsistencies in what constitutes a valid view name.
Rational DOORS Change Management PM42663 The wrong message is displayed in the recording report. The current module will close is displayed in error.
PM45633 When you select the default RCR, and it contains a specific type of OLE object, a DXL error is displayed.
PM45685 When you start the interoperation server on Linux along with the Rational DOORS Change Management Integration, DXL errors are displayed.
PM46016 The Rational DOORS Change Management Integration is looking for a file named DOORS/lib/dxl/standard/changemgntstandard/changemgnt/utils/
PM46635 Rational DOORS Change Management fails to apply the RCR when there are a number of many TCRs in the Approved state.

Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Copy/paste PM38506, PM36365 PM36373 Copying a module may result in a "lock request timed out" error message
PM36399 Using copy objects reversed the order of objects in a module
Dialog boxes PM17378 The display state of grayed-out tick boxes will be inline with the real properties they represent.
PM33264 Using tabs in strings can omit subsequent strings from display in message dialogs.
Documentation PM37603 The example for Regular expression usage in the DXL manual is incorrect.
PM37769 DXL documentation has been updated with guidelines about using the runLim pragma.
PK82964 Documentation has been updated to reflect that oleActivate() must be called before oleGetAutoObject()
PK81891 The modify perm has been updated to include mapping information
PK84755 DXL documentation has been updated around user(State)perm
PK93936, PM29773 DXL documentation has been updated to indicate that module handles should not be reused once the module is closed
PK99265 DXL documentation updated to give better examples of attribute usage
PM12813 The DXL manual needs to be updated to change tenths of a point to millimeters.
PM15851 Documentation on checkFolderIntegrity perm is inconsistent.
PM23724 DXL documentation needs updated for oleRtf() and rich Text perms.
PM29727 DOORS 9.3 readme does not mentioned anymore support for Windows 2003 Server 32-bit.
PM29728 Incorrect information in the readme relating to Rational Change
PM29730 The readme has been updated to reflect the correct version of DOORS Analyst supported
PM31234 CAC card logging details are missing from the manual
PM32027 DXL documentation needs updated to reflect expected behavior of get(DBE) for multisets.
PM32074 setLocale perm in DXL documentation is incorrect.
PM34145 Note mentioning - change in attribute name would result in views loosing columns that displayed the attribute - is missing in 9.3
PM34533 Rational Publishing Engine is missing in list of compatible products for DOORS 9.3.x
PM34726 The Discussions example in the DXL manual does not run
PM35137 importRTF perm is incorrectly documented
PM36979 The archiving projects or modules section of the manual has been updated to mention modules opened by analysis wizard
PM36480 DXL documentation needs to be updated to state that the getSelection perm only works across siblings.
DOORS-Change Management PM35623 Create/Import of an enumeration type results in a DXL error
PM32571 Click Cancel button on “New baseline - DOORS” dialog displays DXL error.
PM20897 Rational DOORS Change Interface: Object not found in Module error.
PM30422 Cannot open XML Created from Rational DOORS Change Management Activity Report in Firefox.
PM36873 Rational DOORS change management integration fails to apply on a computer where the module was never opened for edit with the RCR that is being applied.
PM37487 Close using "x" does not save in a formal module configured with Rational Change for DOORS Interface.
DOORS Server PM37565 In rare circumstances, there is potential for a server crash on Linux operating systems due to memory handling issues.
PM38955 Incorrect parameter value displayed by doorsd when performing ps-aef.
DOORS Startup PM38482, PM38483 Launching a client against a Solaris DOORS database intermittently fails at initialisation stage
Exporting PM41795 When Rational DOORS is used alongside RMF, a problem is caused by the shared variable name cMethodActivate.
DXL PM18719 If the close() perm is used in batch mode with the save parameter set to false the save is still carried out.
PM38696 DXL helpOnEx perm does not work with Context numbers 1 to 5
PM39020 DXL API server started with initDXLServer server 5093 gives error in DOORS 9.3. The error is "API error: receiving response from DXL server: Data not ready at TCP/IP socket"
Editing PM21406 Saving a module at the time of scrolling can add spurious characters to the current object.
Export PM09646 DOORS does not export the bulleted list correctly to Word
PM12329 You cannot export embedded OLE objects to PowerPoint 2007 in DOORS as you will get the error "OLE method failed. OLE problem."
Globalisation PM24976 On Russian locale, buttons in Object properties overlap.
PM36975 On computers with a nonEnglish operating system, the Rational DOORS module menus were still shown in English.
Import PM05232 Importing a spreadsheet may result in the error "cannot create an object inside a table ..."
Integrations PM05279, PM34242 DOORS-Rational Quality Manager integration does not work when re-director service is enabled for DWA
PM37212 If a project in Rational Team Concert contains Japanese characters, and you use the Add Services Link Type dialog in the Remote Services tab of the database properties, the project name can become garbled when listed.
Layout DXL PK86235 Underscore characters are not displaying in layout DXL column
Links PM26640 It is possible to create links without valid target
Modules PM39399 In certain circumstances when you use DXL to lock sections in a module, Rational DOORS throws an access violation.
PM41931 Repeatedly changing open mode of module with differing display states using DXL leads to a diagnostic log
OLE PM33731 When running in a Citrix environment, if there are multiple Word exporters running simultaneously, Word exporter can display one or more error message.
PM33940 Occasionally, OLE objects cannot be activated when using Windows 2008
RIF PM11826 Deleting objects at both ends of a RIF modules causes problems when merging if you are using the "Lock Attributes" setting.
PM11918 Exporting a RIF definition fails with an error: Could not export module "xxxxx" - module is currently open or: Could not export open module "xxxxx" This happens if the project that the RIF definition is stored in is not the current project.
RDS PM21905 The password expiry option has been removed from the relevant DOORS dialog as it is not valid when used with RDS.
PM33660 Commas in names can cause a problem when using DOORS with Rational Directory Server
Rich Text PM32624 RTF previously rendered correctly now results in missing text
Search PM34543 The search result window disappears to background on some occasions.
Secure mode PM36497 When running a Rational DOORS database in secure mode using custom certificates, the dbadmin command fails with a The secure connection attempt failed message.
Wizards PM16346 Analysis wizard cannot display module level attributes.
PM17196 When you create an external link and then run the trace wizard, you can select some attributes pertaining to that external link.
PM29774 The module comparison wizard displays an error message if the only allow outgoing links as specified in the above list option is set, and no linkset is specified.

Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Access controls PM24882, PM25907 The administrator is given RMCA access rights on a private view when editing the access rights of a view.
Attributes PM17000 If you have an enumerated attribute configured to be multi-valued with a default value, you will see an increasing amount of white space at the bottom of the dialog when you try to edit the attribute in-line.
PM23711 If you attempt to assign an extremely long enumeration value to an object, Rational DOORS may fail.
PM29718 There is a runtime error when you try to delete an enumerated attribute that is used for coloring another text attribute.
PM19815 If you have a DXL attribute based on an enumerated type, you appear to be able to edit its values using in-place editing.
Baselining PM25614 There can be problems with a module that is set up to use Rational DOORS Analyst Add On after a baseline of the module is copied.
PM01508 When using Rational Directory Server, the Rational DOORS login accepts user names of any case; login is no longer case-sensitive.
CPS PM22011 When you try to edit the first group in a CPS, when that group has been created by a Standard CPS user, you will get an error stating you do not have access to the group object.
Character support PM29321 The DXL manual now includes updated charset information.
Configuration PK97273 When using the utility UPHCLEAN, Rational DOORS may fail to start.
Copy objects PM17240 Copying objects to another object and making them appear at a level below the currently selected object in the target may place the newly copied object in a different position.
Database server PM31236 When there are a large number of users editing a shareable edit module, and the module has a large number of sections, there may be issues saving the module.
Discussions PM21626 If a comment on a closed discussion was made after a baseline was created, you can expand the discussion, but you cannot collapse it.
PK93620 It is not possible to manipulate discussion columns using DXL.
PM20776 If you enter backslashes or curly parentheses in discussions, they are not displayed when you use a Discussion layout DXL column to display them.
Documentation PM25011, PM32520 Various errors have been corrected in the DXL manual.
Drag and drop PM07920 If a user is in the middle of a drag and drop operation, and they receive a lock request message, they are not able to clear it, or exit Rational DOORS.
DRML PM20144 Modules may give a 'blockquote' error when exported using Rational Reporting for Document Generation.
PM29484, PM29904 Modules may give an end-tag error when exported using Rational Reporting for Document Generation. The error is "The element type 'ul' does not match the expected end-tag.
DXL PK90664 The DXL example for the modify perm now works.
PK92837 Information on setAttribute and getAttribute is now included in the DXL manual.
PK99265 Passing variables of type Attr__ across more than one function no longer result in unexpected errors.
PM01050 The perm oleSetHeightandWidth is now documented.
PM15187 When used on very large strings, the findPlainText() perm takes a long time. It has been observed that it could take up to 4-5 seconds using a string of around 500k.
PM24963 Running a particular DXL script from within a Rational DOORS module keeps the module window on top of all other windows.
PM27528 Details of in-links whose source is a soft-deleted module cannot be captured using DXL.
PM20828 Rational DOORS does not prompt the user to save the module when closing after copying a picture using the copyPictureObject() perm.
PM12462 Converting strings into unicode can sometimes cause a diagnostic log.
PM05703 The DXL perms for manipulating Discussions columns are now available.
PM30547 Using sendEmail* DXL perms result in error.
PM27148 Export from Rational DOORS using the Rational Reporting for Document Generation Plugin fails if the Rational DOORS 8.x client was launched before the 9.x client.
PM21337 When you export a module from Rational DOORS to Word that has an attribute for which there are frequently blank values, you may see a noticeable increase in the space between objects in the resulting Word document.
PM25738 During Export to Word, horizontal line separators and blank table cells inherit style from the last attribute that was exported.
PM17580 Duplicate object heading numbers are created and the numbering is not refreshed until module the module is closed and reopened.
PM25504 Module window loses focus when you run the Edit > Find function to find text.
PM29675 Deleting an object that contains a link from a purged module generates diagnostic logs.
PM27560 The Help has been updated to reflect the correct registry path on a Windows 7 64-bit Operating System machine.
PM21632 Headings are lost when you import an RTF Document if there's a page break with Heading style applied that precedes the next heading.
PM21991 If you create a view that contains layout code that first checks the default view for the module, and then opens a baseline, Rational DOORS will fail when loading the view.
PM28075 It is possible to delete a linkset from a link module and have the links remain in the source/target formal modules.
PM01439 OLE objects can disappear when using Windows XP if the object is of type MSPaint.
PM23717 When a picture is replaced, no history entry is created.
PM33627 Occasionally the following may occur: "Unable to create this project: Can't open projects index file for write".
PK93496 Specific rich text markup can prevent all object text being displayed in a module.
PM04060 Merging objects now correctly merges the rich text content of the object.
PM18497 If you have text in Rational DOORS that includes a forced page break (\page), any text after this RTF will not be displayed until you try to in-place edit on the object, or view it on the properties sheet.
RIF PM25609 If an attribute value contains non-standard indents, attempts to export a RIF definition containing it will fail with repeated "memory exhausted" messages.
Shareable edit PM25060 If you attempt to create sections in a module that contains objects you do not have access to, an error is displayed for each object. This can result in a large number of errors.
Spelling PM11217 Sometimes the 'Manage Dictionaries' tool shows you the content of the custom added words and sometimes it doesn't. The results are inconsistent.
PM03362 It is now possible to specify default spelling options for a database.
Suspect links PM27526 DOORS crashes with diagnostic logs when you try to filter on suspect links for out-links if it needs to deal with large data sets.
Views PM25508 Focus is lost in the manage views dialog when you key through or mouse-click through the "Saved views".
Welcome screen PM11001 Modifications to the welcome screen are lost when you upgrade from one version of Rational DOORS to another.
DOORS-Change Management PK89771 Special characters/symbols not represented correctly when using DOORS-Change Integration
PM00984 DOORS module closes without showing warning message when you use DOORS-Change integration
PM30422 Cannot open XML Created from DOORS Change Management Activity Report in Firefox

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Rational Publishing Engine PM17384 Exporting a particular module using Rational Publishing Engine failed with the error - The element type "ul" does not match the expected end-tag "".

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Attributes PM16993 When an enumerated attribute is configured to be multi-valued, and it has a default value, you can attempt to edit in the attributes dialog box when you are in shareable edit mode. The list of options for default value should be grayed out.
PM08039 If you use RDS for authentication, values assigned to attributes can fail to appear, or can fail to be recognized as valid when assigned.
PM25835 Attributes of the Username type cannot have a value other than the currently logged in username when configured with RDS.
Change Proposal System PM28011 Where insertion Change Proposals (CPs) exist within a group, and those CPs suggest values for the same new attribute, a conflict error is reported. Since the attribute values suggested apply to different objects (the new objects) there should be no conflict.
Dialog Boxes PK96101 The database properties window jumps if a user selects it and its tabs when the Rational DOORS client machine has the DPI setting at 120.
PM07477 The Japanese translation of the Views menu is incorrect in two places: the label for the Views menu and the View option that is displayed when you right-click the menu bar of a formal module.
Discussions PM18088 If you are entering a comment, and you change the status of the View Closed Discussions check box, the discussion collapses and you lose any comments that you have entered.
Documentation PM19946, PM15124, PM20392, PM22259, PM16538, PM11000, PM04099, PM15943, PM11075, PM13512, PM10879, PK84450, PK84246, PK95621 These documentation APARs have been addressed in the Rational DOORS online help
DXL PK84551 On rare occasions, modules demonstrate a performance issue where a module with just 7,000 objects takes 90 seconds to save, even when you do not modify the module.
PK97148 When using the draw perm: 1. The Y coordinate is not the baseline (bottom of characters), but the top of characters. 2. When drawing a label, the background is modified (the text appears to have a white background).
PM11682 The DXL security of the Rational DOORS system has been improved to allow only trusted DXL to be incorporated into the system when the corresponding security functionality is enabled.
PM24338 The create() perm appears to succeed when creating types in read-only mode. It should return an error, but it does not.
Word Export PM18324 When a specific template is used to export to Word, the first headings are largely missing (replaced with a solitary letter "r"). Subsequent headings may also be missing, and there may also be other extraneous "r" characters instead of empty object text.
PM11348 Exporting to Word omits numerical characters that are not prefixed by non-numerical characters in Analysis wizard columns.
Filtering PM18334 In the advanced filter definition, when Is Empty or Is Not Empty conditions are set for enumeration type attributes, Rational DOORS displays attribute Is Empty attribute value.
PM09630 When you attempt to add a specific filter (using a combination the mouse and the keyboard), Rational DOORS throws the following DXL error: -R-E- DXL: attribute must be multi valued.
Find/Replace/Goto PM01773 When using Find, if a user edits an object's text, and then clicks Find Next without clicking out of the object, any changes to the text are lost and the user is not informed.
PM04589 Two types of database search have started to fail: - name and description searches involving both the "." character and asterisks as wildcards. - contents searches as above, but also using the Use wildcards option.
Graph wizard PM01658 When you use the graph wizard, choosing the bar chart option, and then choosing the labels option results in no labels being visible.
History PM10223 Making history viewable in redlining mode makes parts of the GUI misleading.
PM15123 A user only needs modify access to a module in order to turn on or off the generation of link history.
Installation PM00175 When Rational DOORS is installed on a UNIX system, the file ownerships are not set correctly. The installation process suggests that you name the user doors. But if you do so, you will find that some files are owned by root and some by user 2010.
Manage Users PM06358 If you are using RDS in corporate mode, a user that contains brackets "(" or ")" in their DN will not be able to log in to Rational DOORS.
OLE PM10976 Running oleActivate on an object with a static DIB image throws an error that says "This picture or object is static and may not be activated." and then the perm returns "true". If the OLE cannot be activated it should print "false".
Partition Rejoin PM22280 When you partition out a module excluding a particular attribute and then create that attribute (same name, type, etc) in the Away database, the rejoin will fail with the error "Rejoin failed: Failed to rejoin partition"
RIF PM19811 When you export a RIF definition in which a module has a layout DXL column that uses DXL to trace changes in a target module, and the 'locks for local data' is set to 'no locks' or 'no locks. exported data is read only', then an error is displayed when you try to export the RIF partition, and it will fail.
PM18310 RIF packages can fail to import with the error "SAX Parsing Fatal Error Failed to import RIF" as a result of bullets.
Suspect Links PM19077 When link suspicion is cleared, an exclusive lock is taken on the link module involved, and is not released until the formal module is closed. This prevents other users from clearing suspect links that use the same link module.
PM23705 With RDS in Corporate Mode, search is indexed for common attributes. However, the search for tdsosntusername is not indexed. This is an invalid call as this attribute is used only in standalone mode. In corporate mode this call should not be made.
Views PM09856 When you already have a module open with the Manage View option window open, and you then open another module (after the alert is displayed that says the lock for the module is available), if you make changes to the second module and try to save it, Rational DOORS throws a DXL error.

Initial Release (9.3)
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Access Controls PK98930 If an attribute has "None" access to "Access (Definition)" and "R" (or above) access to "Access (Value)", such attributes are not included in "Find" operation.
PK90347 When a user creates a baseline for a module that has links coming from a different project that has both the source and link module where they have NO access to the other project, the source links disappear for all users in the current version and baseline of the module.
PM14559 With a database name containing hyphens, it is not possible to preserve specific access rights when you restore to the same database. Instead, the permissions are set back to inherited.
Attributes PK99389 There are circumstances involving a long series of steps around inserting columns and changing such columns to be different attributes, where the following system attributes can be edited: - absolute number - created by - created on - last modified by - last modified on
PM07151 If there is an attribute (module or object) that contains a large amount (hundreds of kb) of xml as its value, certain operations will take considerably longer than previously.
PM09120, PM10061 Selecting an attribute by pressing a letter (under Tools -> Filter -> Define, activating the "Attribute" pull down) no longer moves from attribute to attribute, if those attributes have the same first letter .
PM12881 If you have an attribute that is based on the 'user name' type, removing the user from the database on which values are based will remove the data from display in any baseline.
PM14799 In a module, if there exists a multi-valued attribute that has multiple values assigned for objects within the module, and you remove that multi-valued status, a diagnostic log is displayed.
Cut, Copy, Paste PM13087 When you cut an object that has a deleted child object and then try to save the module, you will be asked if you want to delete or restore objects that are on the clipboard. Choosing 'restore' will undelete the child object.
Database Server PM16734 Long folder names (around about 800 characters, but less than the 980 character limit) can cause Rational DOORS to crash.
PK90667 The following error message can sometimes occur when you try to insert a new object:?-R-E- DXL: creating object: Lock request timed out.
Rational DOORS and Rational Quality Manager integration PK89797 When you try to send object text that contains upper ascii characters from Rational DOORS to Rational Quality Manager, the following error message is displayed, and a test plan is not created. Error message: The command could not be executed.
PK91102, PK98897 When you export requirements from Rational DOORS to Rational Quality Manager, the following error is message is shown: "An error occurred while exporting data to Rational Quality Manager. (500) Internal Server error".
PM13494 When using the Rational Quality Manager Interface for Rational DOORS it is not possible to generate a Trace report when a table is in the module.
PM13499 When using the Rational Quality Manager Interface for Rational DOORS it is not possible to run a test report when requirements are after a table object.
DXL PM18923 The DXL documentation example for setLocale is incorrect.
PK99275 You cannot attach a callback to a field DBE because this function is not called if the user types ENTER when the field has the focus, which is the expected behavior.
PM02209 There are occasions that result in attribute DXL being executed more than once. If you assign either null, or an empty string, or make no assignment, the DXL will be run 3 times (occasionally 4 times) for both string and text type attributes.
PM08545 In the Rational DOORS 'DXL Reference Manual' under 'Operating System Interface > Operating System commands > system' an incorrect example is given to demonstrate use of the system perm to run DOS commands.
PM12860 When you are using the Rational Directory Server, the "for User in userList" and "for Group in groupList" do not work.
PM16375 Add ins locations are not picked up by Rational DOORS when it is running in batch mode. Using exactly the same settings in non-batch mode is successful.
Excel Export PM18401 Exporting large modules to Microsoft Excel performs poorly in 9.2.x compared to 8.3. Specific data can show a decrease in performance up to 800%.
Find/Replace/Goto PM15646 If you do a Find in a module window to search for some text, and then press ESC intending to close the Find window, both the Find window and the formal module close.
HTML Export PM17692 Exporting to HTML when in a Japanese locale fails when there are Rational DOORS tables in the module. A DXL error occurs and the export is halted before completion. DXL error is "Unknown Object attribute (Main column attribute)...".
OLE PK84415, PK84479 Visio 2002 OLE objects cannot be activated upon double-clicking or trying to open them. Sometimes this works randomly and the object is opened for editing. The errors experienced in this situation are "Unable to activate OLE object!" or "static metafile".
PM06684 If you insert a Word 2007 table either through Insert > OLE object or via Edit > Paste Special into a user-defined attribute, and then try to activate it and then deactivate it, the display of the table will disappear.
PM06686 If you have Word 2007 present on your system and you insert a Word 2007 table (either through Edit > Paste Special > MS Word object or through Insert > Object > File) into a user-defined attribute column, the OLE object can be edited only once.
PM10496 If you create an OLE object in an object with no other text in it, subsequently removing it will not purge the deferred data file. This results in orphaned data files within the Rational DOORS database and could potentially lead to problems like backups taking longer than they should do.
PM11092 If you insert an OLE object that is wider than the main column, when you try to in-place edit it, you will not be able to return to Rational DOORS by deactivating it by clicking elsewhere in the module display. When you try to click elsewhere, the menu bars do not return to Rational DOORS. The only way you can get them back is to shut down the Rational DOORS session and start again.
PM14473 Scrolling in a module that contains a large OLE object results in performance degradation. As well as the size of the OLE itself, the size of the column in which it is shown also plays a part. A very small change in column size can make the difference between acceptable scrolling, and slow scrolling performance.
Rational Directory Server PM16147 When users are migrated from Rational DOORS to Rational Directory Server, no attempt is made from the Rational DOORS side to establish and migrate the user first name.
RTF Export PM04519 If you export to RTF, selecting page breaks at level 1, only objects that have non-table child objects will have page breaks after them.
Symbols PM11707 If you insert an em or en dash into object text, they will be converted into hyphen minus characters. An en dash is a small hyphen type character and an em dash is a larger one. Both look different from the standard hyphen-minus which you get on a keyboard.
PM18934 When inserting an 'up-arrow' symbol using Insert -> Symbol from within a Rational DOORS module, the symbol is not inserted.
User Options PM00179 The login_history.txt file uses timestamps from the local client machines time zone. This affects the readability of the file, which may lead to confusion.
PK95417 When the 'Reviewers can edit CPs check box' on the Change Proposal System window is cleared, you cannot use the scroll bar to read the full contents of an object. When you open any link that needs iexplore.exe, the following error is displayed: Failed to start browser. Is your browser configuration correct:%programfiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
Views PM12637 When you try to inherit settings from a view that has custom access (rather than public or private), you will get an exception and DXL error when you try to save the view. The error is: -R-E- DXL: An unexpected error has occurred
Wizards PM14451 The Analysis wizard does not allow end-to-end traceability analysis when a module in the traceability chain has a default view set that shows only those objects with no links.
Word Import PK83601, PK93387, PK95699, PM06053 When exporting data from Word to Rational DOORS that contains OLE objects, there were occasions when OLE objects would be exported twice, one of the instances being a blank OLE.

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 7 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect Rational DOORS
Fix Pack 6 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libpng affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-8126, CVE-2015-8472)
Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-3143, CVE-2015-3144, CVE-2015-3145, CVE-2015-3148, CVE-2015-3153, CVE-2015-3236)
Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in GSKit affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-0138, CVE-2014-6221)
Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security vulnerabilities in Rational DOORS (CVE-2014-3613, CVE-2014-3620, CVE-2014-8730, CVE-2014-9495, CVE-2015-0973)
Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Security -- Review Security Bulletin: GSKit certificate chain vulnerability in Rational DOORS (CVE-2013-6747)

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Change Proposal System PM39752 CPS Reviewer "Can Edit CPs" option changed
Word Import PM41589 After importing a Microsoft Word document, scrolling through objects crashes DOORS
Test tracking toolkit PM47389 Enter Test Run Results always updates the last Test Run View that was created
Word Export PM48001 DOORS table export to Microsoft Word does not preserve borders
DXL Docs PM50101 DXL manual details about button shortcut keys is out of date
DXL Docs PM55089 DXL manual details about getLocksInDatabase perm is not clear
DXL Docs PM64144 DXL manual description of user property functionality is wrong
DXL Docs PM64467 DXL manual perms canCreateAttrDefs and canCreateAttrTypes are defined wrongly
Modules PM49776 Navigating to an object doesn't always set the scroll bar correctly
Modules PM50525 Module cannot be opened in exclusive edit mode anymore as a result of a missing session file
DXL PM55686 Using the getProperties perm with -caching switch leaves an invalid file lock in place
DXL PM62868 DXL Library menu isn't updated when using new DXL home and addins paths
DXL PM63401 Reading from a UTF8 file results in an erroneous first character
DXL PM67440 Intermittent DXL Exception Errors with a DXL custom script.
OLE PM57507, PM59480 On Windows 7 OLE's are displayed as icons and static metafiles cannot be activated.
Attributes PM62188 Cannot reset module level date attribute to blank
Docs PM68763 DOORS 9.4 readme incorrectly lists TAU compatibility
Initial Release (9.4)
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Archive PM24951 The cancel button is inactive during the archive process
RIF PM25571 RIF handling of OLEs doesn't scale well across multiple modules
OSLC PM30357 Trying to Create a Collaboration Link to RTC Work Item in Rational DOORS Web Access Gives error
Links PM33629 The link by attribute does not link objects if the target object is not shown in the default view of the target module.
RIF PM34826 getRifID doesn't return anything
RQMi PM37963 Korean Charecters are corrupted after exporting to Rational Quality Manager from DOORS
Document Generation PM38072 Table of contents doesn't display page numbers when using the Document Generation export option
RDS PM38724 Forename and Surname attributes are not accessible via DXL in DOORS 9.2 and above, when configured with RDS
Module PM42125 When adding a column in a module, DOORS explorer window is pushed back in the display order
OSLC PM43613 Friendsconfig.rdf goes blank at Rational DOORS Web Access startup. that causes an internal error when you navigate a link to RTC from Rational DOORS Web Access
Installation PM43614 Selecting specific components for linux install doesn't isntall those components
RQMi PM43960 DXL error launching DOORS Client with RQMI on Japanese OS
Attribute Import PM45900 Enumeration values are merged if an imported attribute type with the same name already exist
Attribute Import PM45901 Integer type values are overwritten if a imported attribute type with the same name already exist
DXL PM46812 Regular expression change in behavior since v8.3
RQMi PM49043 RQMi: Traceability report contain duplicate entries
DXL PM49696 Using specific() perm on object without access to modify parent produces save error
RTF Import PM50286 Importing RTF documents with links/hyperlink text to DOORS displays the links/hyperlink text preceded with "F"
RQMi PM50380 DOORS Rational Quality Manager Interface does not work with non-admin user previlages on Windows Terminal Server or Citrix
Attribute PM50418 Attribute will not inherit if value is set to the default value
RQMi PM50506 Clearing test plan association fails for a view, if RQMi is configured with a different instance of Rational Quality Manager
Authentication PM50642 DB wide password expiry setting it not used
RIF PM50818 Unable to import the RIF package, in to DOORS, Getting error: "SAX parser error: Invalid Character"
Module PM51364 "cannot delete Object: no access to source object" error when reopening module
Discussions PM51433 DOORS: Discussions column information does not show correct information
Editing PM52180 Problems in showing or setting bold formatting when using non-English formats
Views PM54087 Cannot Modify View Desription from Manage Views
DOORS-CM PM54701 Two Scroll Bars on IR Submit Window
Module PM54706 Crash happens when the DOORS module with baseline is opened in the DOORS client during import from Rhapsody Gateway
DOORS-CM PM54881 Cancel Button in Submit Implementation Request Pop Up window does not work as expected
Test Tracking Toolkit PM55032 Property in Test Definitions dialog is partly hidden in German client.
OLE PM56401 Specific OLE causes DOORS to crash with Assertion Failure message only when accessed via Batch Mode
Export PM56671 DOORS runs out of memory when you export module that's linked to large number of modules
DOORS-CM PM57079 The modification of an object in a DOORS module under the control of an "RCR Assigned" RCR is represented in Change by many ch
Documentation PM57799 DOORS Help is not clear regarding the maintenance of history with respect to links.
QCi PM58122 QCI Scheduled Synch modifying all the requiremensts in QC, even if they are not modified in DOORS
RIF PM59203 Modules configured for use with the change integration can't be exported to RIF

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 7 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect Rational DOORS
Fix Pack 6 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libpng affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-8126, CVE-2015-8472)
Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-3143, CVE-2015-3144, CVE-2015-3145, CVE-2015-3148, CVE-2015-3153, CVE-2015-3236)
Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in GSKit affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-0138, CVE-2014-6221)
Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security vulnerabilities in Rational DOORS (CVE-2014-3613, CVE-2014-3620, CVE-2014-8730, CVE-2014-9495, CVE-2015-0973)
Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Security -- Review Security Bulletin: GSKit certificate chain vulnerability in Rational DOORS (CVE-2013-6747)
DOORS-INSIGHT PI16703 ETL job ends up in a loop and doesn't complete when a module is removed from the doors working sets.

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Administration PM94194 Editable links in welcome screen give javascript errors.
Attributes PI04791 Error when clearing attribute value from object properties.
Attributes PI05135 Using the attribute editor the 'Reset to default' option does not work for all the objects in the view.
Attributes PM94655 Module prompts to save even when there are no modifications made to the module.
Documentation PM07251 Inadequate Documentation on trigger status.
Documentation PM78435 Linux 32-bit libraries required for DOORS are documented.
DXL PM69403 Specific permissions related to Log in Policy and Password tab do not work.
DXL PM79183 'for linkModDesc in fTmpFolder do' is unable to loop through more than 2 link module descriptors.
DXL PM80203 Layout DXL Column truncates Object Attribute's information.
DXL PM81322 DXL script shows wrong results for the if.. else if.. else if statement if you add a comment line (\\) with a preceding space.
DXL PM99549 New definition of trim() using void breaks customer script.
Export PM10334 Error exporting modules using RRDG when DOORS urls are in http format.
Export PM74604 Cursor shows 'hour glass' or 'working' indicator when exporting Module to HTML or Spreadsheet to location that doesn't exist.
Export PM83241 Symbol font is not respected when exporting to Word.
Export PM95975 Hyperlink in DOORS object text, with angular bracket, corrupting the xml created by Rational Publishing Engine or internal Doc Generation.
Filter/Sort/Search PM78676 High increase in memory when doing a find in a largemodule.
History/Audit PM99332 Using the DOORS History - Load Previous option displays incorrect User and Session details.
Import PM98909 Its not possible to remove color from highlighted text.
Import PM82553 Specific access controls can prevent a CSV import.
Installation PM74990 Incorrect DOORS DB Service name displayed in Windows Services Console on Double Byte OS or Locales.
Installation PM08573 DOORS Unix installers - Remove misleading sentence from the Unix installers.
Installation PI08573 DOORS Unix installers - Enable logging for the Database Server installer.
Integrations PM08680 Auto populated info in Creation UI is not retained if the type of artifact is changed.
Integrations PM96543 Modifications made to Module Name are not reflected in Rational Quality Manager.
Integrations PM99740 DOORS Rational Quality Manager OSLC integration throws a signature_invalid error, when Rational Quality Manager public url is set with upper case host name.
Integrations PM08479 The 'Accept' or 'Cancel' options are not fully shown when linking from DOORS to RTC or Rational Quality Manager in a German environment.
Integrations PM74573 The 'Traceability report' links to Rational Quality Manager are not rendered correctly when a saved view is loaded in Rational DOORS Web Access.
Integrations PM10810 Run Test Report fails, when Rational Quality Manager URL contains hostname in upper case.
Integrations PM97733 Run Test Report causes DOORS client to hang.
Integrations PM06449 DOORS-Rational Quality Manager Migration to OSLC-based integration: Migration fails when there are some Views for which Validation has failed.
Licensing PM99343 DOORS popup indicating loss of connection with License Server should also include information to save data before clicking OK.
Links PM96385 Edit button is inactive after you create a link or open an object properties dialog.
Links PM94097 Tooltip for link indicator shows incorrect number of links, if the object has a link to a soft-deleted module.
OLE & Pictures PM90190 Cannot resize static DIB files.
OLE & Pictures PM93411 Inserting a PDF OLE after an image separated by a carriage return doesn't display the OLE Icon on Windows 7 Operating System.
Printing PM97472 Graph wizard charts print incorrectly for Book Page Setups.
RDS PM84416 RDS lets users log in with '*' (wild char) in the username instead of the actual username.
ReqIF PM71257 The DXL function 'exportPackage' fails to work.
ReqIF PM82580 ReqIF cannot handle special characters i.e. umlaute in object heading.
ReqIF PM95054 Recovering ReqIF locks doesn't always succeed.
Server PM10054 Simultaneous logouts by the same user can produce a race condition and block new connections.
Tables PI07801 The final cell in a table row cannot be deleted.
Tables PM95275 Main column in DOORS table properties corrupted.
Tables PM98888 Cannot delete DOORS Tables that have Cells merged to the Right.
Wizards PM90921 Any user-defined object level attribute is available under "External Link Attributes" when you run the Tractability wizard.
Wizards PM79832 In German locale, running Module Compare Wizard results in all the text in Red Strikeout format.
Baselines PI11870 Baseline History: 'Reset' option is grayed out when clicking on 'Cancel' after loading previous history for a given Module.

Mod Pack 2 (9.5.2)
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Access Controls PM85912 Moving folder that contains a partitioned-out module is possible.
Access Controls PM95649 Object heading and text can be edited with only read access.
Baselines PM62720 Column data Truncated in List View.
Change Management integration PM76919 DOORS/Change doesn't record correctly for moving objects.
Change Management integration PM79724 IR link created from RTC to DOORS does not show info in 'IR Attrs view' after you 'sync Implementation Request' from DOORS.
Change Management integration PM95313 Apply operation fails with message - RCR x has already been applied. Applying RCR x cancelled.
Change Management integration PM96685 In specific scenarios, Apply RCR operation fails with disconnection with database or client hang.
Change Management integration PM97322 Display multiple RCRs' option results in DXL Errors in specific scenarios.
Change Management integration PM97380 Selecting default RCR results in DXL Errors.
CPS PM75405 Issue with CPS groups dynamically updating for other clients.
CPS PM97088 CPS corruption if sub folder is moved and converted to project.
Data Integrity PM94385 Corruption made worse if you open a module when the session file is missing.
Documentation PM76249 DOORS documentation not clear on promotion.
Documentation PM81874 Documentation correction: There is no 'Server-Side Security version of DOORS Data base Version' as mentioned in the User guide.
Documentation PM86582 Microsoft Windows user authentication instructions need updated.
Documentation PM87775 DOORS help does not accurately describe what date formats are used.
Documentation PM87993 DOORS DXL Documentation needs the Perm to specify the version of RIF/ReqIF to be used when exporting via DXL.
Documentation PM88854 Correction for HPQCI. Need to list the correct Windows platforms.
Documentation PM90522 System Requirements for Rational DOORS 9.5 does not include Windows Terminal Services.
Documentation PM95657 Inconsistency in error handling of modify() and create() perms.
Documentation PM79786 DOORS Help should not say 'You cannot copy RTF Tables in to DOORS obj attribte' as it allows you to copy.
Documentation PM97397 Information on configuring DOORS to use Citrix XenApp 6.0 and 6.5 should be updated in the documentation.
DXL PM68837 Displaying enumerated Attribute values via DXL doesn't reflect the changes in the order of Attribute values.
DXL PM71011 DOORS 9.4 DRML creates incorrect XML.
DXL PM77962 OleInsert fails to insert an OLE if the path or document name contains double-byte characters in it.
DXL PM85753 Added showServerNameChangesDialog() perm to DXL manual.
DXL PM86528 DXL perm fullHostname () should be added back to DOORS as there is no other equivalent perm for this.
Editing/Display PM69024 Disable pop up message "An EMF picture in this module might not be visible if the module is exported'.
Editing/Display PM88863 Certain words that contain special characters in them (example: Soft Hypen) cannot be removed from DOORS Client Dictionary.
Export PM68294 DOORS Export Doc Generation - Export to HTML takes unusually long time to complete.
Export PM74672 Export to Word adds carriage return after 20 objects.
Export PM77154 DOORS Client doesn't release memory consumed when using inbuilt Document Generation feature to export Modules.
Export PM77233 Exporting DOORS Tables with uneven number of cells to Word, either results in 'OLE method failed' error OR incorrect output.
Export PM82292 Custom Styles/Formatting in Word documents are incorrect in the generated Modules when using “Export to DOORS” feature.
Export PM94490 Error 'Provided file is not a DTA template' when trying to load certain Rational Publishing Engine Templates in DOORS Document Generation.
Export PM95520 Incorrect output generated when using inbuilt "book.dta" Rational Publishing Engine Template via DOORS - Export - Document Generation utility.
Export PM97004 DOORS ReqIF Export - Import doesn't retain alignment of Object Text that contains both Text and OLE(s) in it.
Export PM99273 Text in analysis wizard column not exported to Word.
Import PM69090 Runtime Error 5 is shown when you export a document with Content Controls.
Import PM86509 Importing ReqIF file containing Japanese characters in the node corresponding to Module Description displays it as RTF string.
Import PM99289 CSV import adds extra characters.
Installation PM78695 DOORS 9.5 shortcut icon and Program name show DOORS 9.4.
Integrations PM75861 The Test Case Name is missing when you hoover on a Validated by link to Rational Quality Manager Test Case in DOORS.
Integrations PM79723 QCI is unable to handle page break up when we synch text attributs from DOORS to QC.
Integrations PM84479 Documentation Update: Missing DOORS-Microsoft Team Foundation Server Add On Administrators Guide for 3.0.
Integrations PM92059 Invalid OSLC Response error is shown when you open a module.
Integrations PM93513 HttpRequest perm performs method twice if the operation is HttpPost.
Integrations PM96543 DOORS-Rational Quality Manager point-to-point Integration: Modifications made to Module Name are not reflected in Rational Quality Manager.
Links PM92152 A module lock is not released from the source module when you delete links from the target module.
Links PM92250 Attribute DXL does not auto translate unique IDs for Link Module when you archive/restore the Project.
Links PM95060 Moving a project loses linkset pairings.
Module functions PM69262 Export history does not export any link details.
Module functions PM93560 Copy Baseline does not retain "Show descendants" option in filtered views.
OLE & Pictures PM68790 Changing Visio OLE to icon will not let you make it editable again.
OLE & Pictures PM69729 Exporting a module containing Word OLE object to PowerPoint returns error.
OLE & Pictures PM72173 Linked Excel OLE object starts a visible background Excel session.
OLE & Pictures PM79656 DOORS is unable to display the EMF diagrams when insrted as Image/Picture.
OLE & Pictures PM89894 OLEs of type wav inserted in xp/2003 client can't be activated in Win7 clients.
OSLC PM93629 DOORS - Rich hover failure ends up with a generic GET failed with http code 404.
Performance PM87290 Upon opening a specific module, a DXL error and diagnostic log might cause.
Performance PM87361 First operation on a module in a database with large number of projects is slow.
Server PM98889 Cache rename attempts may take a long time on Unix servers in certain circumstances.
Upgrade PM93268 Error: doors.exe - Entry Point Not Found.
Views PM75010 Erractic behavior when trying to select a View from the Views drop down list in DOORS on Windows 2008 Server R2.
Views PM88224 Enabling DCNs has a large impact on performance when saving large changes.
Wizards PM82124 Documentation correction: You cannot clear suspect link from a baseline.
RIF PM77799 Using RIF between different DOORS versions should be updated in the documentation.
RIF PM79791 DOORS throws DXL Diagnostic error, when you try to merge RIF package after adding new values to the enumerated type at local database.
RIF PM94625 Importing ReqIf package fails - error in reading/writing . Rename failed - access is denied.
QCI PM94857 Documentation update: HPQCI Admin Group Name and Group Name during install.
RQMI PM97733 DOORS/RQMi OSLC Run Test Report causes DOORS client to hang.
Rational DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
Administration PM83644 Value of oauth domain in friendsconfig.rdf is removed for every first login to DWA after startup.
Browser/Webserver PM78095 Hyperlinks with a port or context are not rendered correctly in DWA.
General Usage PM83334 "This OLE object is a static metafile and cannot be activated" error in DOORS client after updating the MS Office OLE object in DWA.
General Usage PM93631 DOORS Rational Quality Manager/RDM OSLC-based Integration: Requirements picker doesn't remember the last module used in the integration.
General Usage PM95180 Filter Tooltip problem.
Other PM91911 Smart card authentication missing details.

Fix Pack 8 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect Rational DOORS
Fix Pack 7 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libpng affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-8126, CVE-2015-8472)
Fix Pack 6 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-3143, CVE-2015-3144, CVE-2015-3145, CVE-2015-3148, CVE-2015-3153, CVE-2015-3236)
Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in GSKit affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-0138, CVE-2014-6221)
Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security vulnerabilities in Rational DOORS (CVE-2014-3613, CVE-2014-3620, CVE-2014-8730, CVE-2014-9495, CVE-2015-0973)
Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Security -- Review Security Bulletin: GSKit certificate chain vulnerability in Rational DOORS (CVE-2013-6747)

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Archive/Restore PM73414 The span disks functionality should be removed. This is a Server-side fix.
Attributes PM62446 The 'Last Modified On' attribute for a Parent Object is affected/changed when its Child is moved. This is a Client-side fix.
Attributes PM73411 Misleading behavior of 'Inherit' option when it's accessed via the Object Properties > Attributes tab. This is a Client-side fix.
Attributes PM88716 Symbols in unsupported RTF tables causing client crashes. This is a Client-side fix.
Data Integrity PM88856 Changes made by another user is not reflected when module are opened, where it was earlier open with display set to false. This is a Client-side fix.
Data Integrity PM91664 Possibility for module corruption after individual locking of cells and rows. This is a Client-side fix.
Database Explorer PM92051 The Korean translation for the English word "New" in DOORS File > New is incorrect. This is a Client-side fix.
Documentation PM52962 Documentation improvement for Triggers section in DXL Reference Manual.
Documentation PM87765 Changing the location of help content is incorrect.
DXL PM52661 DXL errors are shown if you open DOORS on a Korean OS when you are logged in as a user with Korean username. This is a Client-side fix.
DXL PM62623 Tools; DXL Library menu gives users without DXL run powers ability to run custom code. This is a Client-side fix.
DXL PM63573 DXL perms for finding and replacing in RTF don't handle upper ASCII characters. This is a Client-side fix.
DXL PM67345 Specific OLE causes DOORS to crash with Assertion Failure message only when accessed via Batch Mode. This is a Client-side fix.
Editing/Display PM84408 confFileExists perm produces errors when run with ":" or "?" characters. This is a Client-side fix.
Export PM61567 Runtime Error 5941 - Exporting Document with Word AutoShapes. This is a Client-side fix.
Export PM68720 Object with Hyperlink and Bullets corrupted when you export to Word. This is a Client-side fix.
Export PM77539 DOORS 9.4 DRML text creates incorrect XML at the time of exporting to Rational Publishing Engine. This is a Client-side fix.
Export PM84965 DOORS omits the Header and Footer when exported as Table using a Custom Template. This is a Client-side fix.
Export PM88101 Export to word fails to map styles which have any Non-English character in their name in DOORS 9.5 and This is a Client-side fix.
Export PM91188 " module not closed: invalid module..." seen intermittently when exporting a DOORS Module. This is a Client-side fix.
General Usage PM71999 "This discussion includes a comment on modified data..." message appears when you add comments on Discussion in DOORS Web Access. This is a Client-side fix.
General Usage PM92651 Default user credentials for DOORS Example Database version and above don't work.
Import PM74364 Ignore option for CSV import in an ATR file not loaded. This is a Client-side fix.
Import PM89353 Creation of objects slows down as number of objects created is higher affecting import related operations. This is a Client-side fix.
Import PM89657 Importing mapping settings for Framemaker import does not work, the mappings are not applied. This is a Client-side fix.
Installation PM93729 NewFeature1 in custom install options for DOORS client should not be there.
Integrations PM75597 DOORS/OSLC adding invalid root services URI can cause problems. This is a Client-side fix.
Internationalization PM67736 Incorrect Japanese translation of DOORS CPS menu. This is a Client-side fix.
RDS PM84415 Error message: Invalid input message when attempting to start DOORS with RDS 5.x on Linux 64-bit. This is a Client-side fix.
RDS PM88315 DOORS goes into non-responsive mode for almost 6-7 minutes as soon as the user logs in to DOORS client enabled with RDS. This is a Client-side fix.
Links PM67740 Unexpected behavior when removing and adding linkset pairings in a module through DXL. This is a Client-side fix.
Links PM82684 OSLC Links created from DOORS Next Generation to DOORS is shown as Out Link in DOORS Thick Client & as In Link in Rational DOORS Web Access. This is a Client-side fix.
Links PM84349 Window pop-up has error msg if external link is followed. This is a Client-side fix.
OLE & Pictures PM71381 DOORS spell checker throws DXL errors with Visio Drawing OLE. This is a Client-side fix.
OLE & Pictures PM89163 Editing OLE Objects should specify the way activation of Microsoft Excel OLEs behave as compared to other OLEs. This is a Client-side fix.
Printing PM84753 Printing throws exception error in module MSFTEDIT.DLL. This is a Client-side fix.
Users/Groups PM84570 Scenario where users and groups are not restored. This is a Client- side fix.
Views PM64241 Exception_Access_Violation error when switching Edit Modes in DOORS. This is a Client-side fix.
Views PM79491 It is not possible to delete a view in DOORS when the name ends with full stop character.
Views PM71091 Switching Views in DOORS does not bring the focus back to the first column. This is a Client-side fix.
Wizards PM52738 Compare Module Wizard unexpected behavior in Japanese Operating System. This is a Client-side fix.
RIF PM86617 Importing a RIF (xml) file using DOORS Client version 9.5 or above doesn't import OLEs contained in the RIF package. This is a Client-side fix.
Rational DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
Browser/Webserver PM84098 "Open Printable View" in opens a new window with blank contents.
General Usage PM81696 Discussion creation interface is different between DOORS client and DWA. "Comment" Field is mandatory in DWA.
General Usage PM86656 Interop in light server mode shows an error when you open modules.
Other PM82734 DXL attributes not displayed in details panel.

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Security -- Denial of service due to an error in the GSKit during SSL/TLS record layer processing (
Security -- Open SSL CBC-mode information disclosure (

Mod Pack 1 (9.5.1)
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
DXL PM86554 DXL OLE Activate does not activate OLE.
OLE PM85806 Documentation correction: Any PDF OLEs inserted into Rational DOORS with Adobe Reader installed on the system fails to open with in the PDF Reader.
Modules PM85410 Documentation update: Users must have 'Admin' access on the Module for closing, reopening and deleting discussion.
Discussions PM84975 Documentation update: Managing discussions- Database Manager type of user should have 'A' access rights on the module.
Export PM84938 Export to Microsoft Word with custom template issue with font style.
Integrations PM84704 Collaboration link creation/deletion fails if providing application's hostname is in uppercase.
Import PM83125 Letter "F" precedes when you import RTF file
Integrations PM80745 Log in to Rational Team Concert hosted by Websphere Application Server will fail when Rational DOORS module is open in read-only mode when submitting a Requirement Change Request.
Integrations PM79924 Adding Collaboration Link type for Rational Quality Manager or Rational Team Concert fails with 401 signature_invalid.
Integrations PM79043 OSLC changes in Rational DOORS prevent creating a link to Rational Quality Manager by using OSLC.
Integrations PM76919 Rational DOORS/Rational Change integration does not record correctly for moving objects.
Globalization PM75853 Wrong translation to German for function like insert and paste.
OLE PM75588 Corrupt OLEs made into icons can still be activated and cause Rational DOORS to crash.
Partition PM71549 Rational DOORS partition import fails if module has soft-deleted picture.
Release notes PM71422 Readme shall have information on supported locales on UNIX and Linux.
OLE PM70786 Visio OLE in Word export spans beyond margin.
Attributes PM69595 An unjustifiably large amount of memory is required when assigning attribute values.
Integrations PM64937 CP's in a CPS main Group are not applied if the location specified for the log file cannot be written.
Globalization PM56837 Incorrect translation to Korean in Rational DOORS search.
Rational DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
Licensing PM86220 Licensing for OSLC integrations.
Browser PM85407 Documentation correction: System requirements list Interntet Explorer 10 as a supported browser.
Licensing PM84799 Rational DOORS license not kept for complete DWA user session.

Fix Pack 7 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect Rational DOORS
Fix Pack 6 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libpng affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-8126, CVE-2015-8472)
Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in libcurl and cURL affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-3143, CVE-2015-3144, CVE-2015-3145, CVE-2015-3148, CVE-2015-3153, CVE-2015-3236)
Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in GSKit affect Rational DOORS (CVE-2015-0138, CVE-2014-6221)
Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Security -- Security vulnerabilities in Rational DOORS (CVE-2014-3613, CVE-2014-3620, CVE-2014-8730, CVE-2014-9495, CVE-2015-0973)
Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
Component APAR Description
Security -- Review Security Bulletin: GSKit certificate chain vulnerability in Rational DOORS (CVE-2013-6747)

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Archive/restore PM76619, PM81841 Archive/Restore and Attribute DXL error. This is a client-side fix.
Attributes PM60120 Quotes in attribute names result in errors when attributes are referenced in trace columns. This is a client-side fix.
Attributes PM62897 The Attribute features settings shows different behavior when you open a module in Read-only mode and Exclusive Edit mode. This is a client-side fix.
Display PM62053 The number of '<' and '>' keeps increasing automatically, when used to enclose hyperlinks or network paths that have spaces. This is a client-side fix.
Display PM74749 Display font size issue when attribute locale is different. This is a client-side fix.
Documentation PM65358 RIF documentation defect.
Documentation PM65752 The documentation for configuring the redirector is wrong.
Documentation PM81877 Rational DOORS Web Access 1.5 cannot used by Rational DOORS 9.5 for Server-Side Security as mentioned in the documentation.
Document Generation PM73707 URLs generated in Microsoft Word using the Document Generation tool can't be followed. This is a client-side fix.
Document Generation PM47288 Long hyperlinks are broken when exporting to pdf. This is a client-side fix.
DOORS CM Integration PM65534 The RCM check should allow an RCM administrator to delete a child object of a composite object in reference. This is a client-side fix.
DOORS CM Integration PM73664 Rational DOORS/Rational Change Integration should fail gracefully for renamed attributes. This is a client-side fix.
DOORS CM Integration PM75741 The first word from every line on a multi-line edit is stripped. This is a client-side fix.
DOORS CM Integration PM75945 The CR number is not captured for deleted objects. This is a client-side fix.
DXL PM63362 Execution time taken to set access rights to views via set() access DXL perm will not be proportionate to the number of views. This is a client-side fix.
DXL PM76795 DXL - getLinkModuleDescriptorsExclusive function causes Rational DOORS to crash. This is a client-side fix.
Export PM57247 Template Text repeats twice when using a Custom Microsoft Word Template to export Rational DOORS Data to Word. This is a client-side fix.
Export PM60573 Exported data is getting added inside the table cell of the template when exporting to Microsoft Word. This is a client-side fix.
Export PM60877 Hyperlinks originally copied from Microsoft Word do not export correctly. This is a client-side fix.
Export PM71069 A hyperlink with extra text is no longer a hyperlink when exported to Microsoft Word. This is a client-side fix.
Export PM73088 Microsoft Word export as a table when using a custom template prints incorrectly. This is a client-side fix.
Filtering PM71741 Rational DOORS filter on external links problem. This is a client-side fix.
General Usage PM66976 The osUser command-line switch cannot be enabled via Registry. This is a client-side fix.
General Usage PM76605 Rational DOORS database find problem with wildcards. This is a client-side fix.
Globalization PM69905 The results of module comparison are incorrect if ICULOCALE is used. This is a client-side fix.
Import PM55585 Combinations of fonts in object text result in bad font display in the module explorer. This is a client-side fix.
Integrations PM81110 Auto-detect option for OSLC Version in Register Server dialog defaults to 1.0 when you register a Remote Service. This is a client-side fix.
OLE PM63591 Insert Microsoft Word 2007 OLE as Link starts a background Word session. This is a client-side fix.
Partition/Rejoin PM61876 Attribute in a link module is still partitioned out even when partition is returned. This is a client-side fix.
RIF PM70746 Memory consumed by Rational DOORS is not released after completion of importing RIF or ReqIF packages. This is a client-side fix.
RIF PM79181 Japanese characters are not displayed correctly when importing RIF packages. This is a client-side fix.
Views PM62944 Hovering over the view list in the views drop-down menu of a module will cause the selection to jump to the top if the view name is long. This is a client-side fix.
Views PM73698 Unable to delete Rational DOORS module views, which contain umlaut (special characters) in their names. This is a client-side fix.

Initial Release (9.5)
Link Date Released Status
Rational DOORS
Component APAR Description
Access Controls PM72128 Smartcard Authentication fails in some circumstances.
Documentation PM69398 Documentation for OSLC DXL Services provide no information on set up.
Documentation PM69480 Documentation migration links are faulty for v7/v8 and v9 migration
Documentation PM74220 Information in the documentation needs to be updated on the fact that Link Attributes cannot be edited when Module is accessed in Shareable Edit mode.
Documentation PM63512 The Rational DOORS manual shall be updated for modules exported using "no locks" to indicate that merge does nothing in this scenario.
Documentation PM69422 Upgrade instructions are missing the Rational DOORS 9.3 compatibility details.
Documentation PM71049 Infocenter needs to be updated for the DBADMIN command.
Documentation PM73507 Document defect for copying and pasting rich text tables from Microsoft tools into Rational DOORS.
Documentation PM54798 Information provided in the Rational DOORS documentation about running Rational DOORS Server on a mapped drive is contradicting.
Documentation PM55293 Documentation on Rational DOORS Discussions doesn't include information that Discussions would be lost during Partitioning of data.
Documentation PM70939 No documentation is present for the use of the OSLC Rational Quality Manager integration with Rational DOORS.
Document Generation PM70574 Document Generation for PDF cuts off text in Rational DOORS 9.4.
DOORS-CM Integration PM65623 Rational DOORS/Rational DOORS Web Access & Change integration doesn't handle multi-byte characters.
DOORS-CM Integration PM66151 Rational DOORS Change Management Integration issue on Linux/Unix.
DOORS-CM Integration PM67827 If Rational DOORS Requirement has '<' character in it, the text post this character is not considered.
DOORS-RQMI PM65649 RQMI traceability report shows no results if the exported view contains certain characters.
DOORS-TFS Integration PK88669 The DXL error message "Invalid module specification" is displayed in Rational DOORS-Microsoft TFS integration.
DOORS-TFS Integration PK89080 The Microsoft TFS "Description" attribute is not synchronized.
DOORS-TFS Integration PK88679 The error message "Object reference not set to instance of an object" is displayed.
DOORS-TFS Integration PK90011 The Rational DOORS-Microsoft TFS integration fails to synchronize TFS work item attribute "Description".
DOORS-TFS Integration PK90015 A DXL error occurs when synchronizing Rational DOORS with Microsoft TFS.
DXL Documentation PM67636 Rational DOORS DXL Reference Manual: Documentation Update: Currently, it's stated that 'getSelectedCol' perm returns a boolean.
DXL Documentation PM69406 Perms related to the password tab are not documented in the DXL Reference Manual.
DXL Documentation PM69829 DXL function intOf(real) provides incorrect output for values in the range -1.0 < x <= -0.5
DXL Documentation PM61657 DXL Reference Manual information for 'Rational Directory Server' should be updated.
Modules PM71094 Resizing of Visio OLE objects in a Rational DOORS module is not possible.
Performance PM68200 Changing module edit modes consumes too much memory.
Printing PM56875 Text cut off when printing module.
Printing PM68551 Baseline signature information is not displayed correctly in printouts.
ReqIF PM46823 Enumeration attribute displays wrong values after merging.
ReqIF PM65352 Information in the documentation regarding the RIF behavior when links are deleted has been updated.
ReqIF PM75080 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error & Diagnostic log file generated when trying to import certain RIF packages.
ReqIF PM76234 ReqIF-Import into Rational DOORS gives exception error in Rational DOORS.
Test Tracking Toolkit PM55030 German Test Definitions dialog lists attributes in different fields as English client.
Users/Groups PM53516 Renaming a Rational DOORS group having its name as 'ß' character is not possible in one attempt.
Views PM75841 Rational DOORS view window size and position is not remembered.
Microsoft Word Export PM50982 Repeating coverpage when you export a Rational DOORS module to Microsoft Word that uses a custom template.
Microsoft Word Export PM56297 The heading font is not correct after you export a Rational DOORS module into Microsoft Word.
Rational DOORS Web Access
Component APAR Description
User Interface PM65916 Module level attributes created during Partition or Rejoin operations result in errors when you select modules in DWA Database Explorer.
Documentation PM66286 Module level attributes containing significant MB of data can cause performance issues when you navigate in DWA Database Explorer.
User Interface PM71927 The pop-up link indicator menu does not scroll and as such cannot display all of an object's links.
Layout DXL PM75075 Interop Server logs an "Exception Access Violation" error and creates a dump file if you attempt to open a view that contains a Layout DXL column that uses the displayRichWithColor perm.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSKR2T","label":"IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000L3D6AAK","label":"DOORS"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 July 2024

