How to purchase RDi

How to purchase Rational Developer for i (RDi)

These sections will provide you with information to help you purchase Rational Developer for i:

A Few Key Facts About Purchasing Rational Developer for i

Knowing the following facts will help you when purchasing Rational Developer for i:

  • RDi is sold through two sales channels, and can be fulfilled from two different IBM systems that serve those channels:
    • IBM Software sales representatives and IBM Business Partners affiliated with IBM Software Group, fulfill the product through Passport Advantage (PPA).  Purchasing from the product web page uses PPA as well.
    • IBM Systems sales representatives and IBM Business Partners affiliated with the IBM Systems Group, fulfill the product through Advanced Administration System (AAS)
  • RDi is available as the following editions (for more information, see the product evolution page):
    • RPG and COBOL Tools
    • RPG and COBOL + Modernization Tools Java Edition
  • RDi can be licensed according to multiple license metrics:
    • A perpetual license conforming to the Authorized User metric (available through both PPA and AAS)
    • A perpetual license confirming to the Floating User Single Install metric (available through PPA only)
    • A fixed-term license conforming to the Floating User Single Install metric (available through PPA only)

Ordering process for Rational Developer for i

Rational Developer for i is sold through two sales channels, and can be fulfilled from two different IBM systems that serve those channels:

  • IBM Software sales reps and IBM Business Partners affiliated with IBM Software Group, fulfill the product through Passport Advantage (PPA)
  • IBM Systems sales representatives and IBM Business Partners affiliated with the IBM Systems Group, fulfill the product through Advanced Administration System (AAS)

So depending upon who you purchased your RDi from, there are different process and places you will use to access the product installable images and license activation kits or floating keys:

  • If you purchase from an IBM Software specialty sales rep or an IBM Business Partner affiliated with IBM Software Group:
    • You will find your records of product entitlement and your product installable images in your PPA account. An IBM Customer Number (ICN) is required to access PPA
    • If you use Authorized User licenses for RDi, you will find those as part of the product image you obtain from your PPA account.
    • If you use Floating User licenses for RDi, you will go to the Rational License Key Center (RLKC) to find them (you can also find Authorized User activation kits in the RLKC, as a convenience for those who use both Authorized and Floating licenses, or who own other IBM Rational products that use other license types, and who may have a centralized tools administration person or team). Accessing the RLKC involves a separate credential and login step.
    • If yours is a large and decentralized organization, it may have multiple “Site IDs”, and your product entitlements and license keys that correspond to a particular purchase will be recorded as associated with the Site ID of that part of your organization that made the product purchase.
  • If you purchase from an IBM Systems sales representative or an IBM Business Partner affiliated with the IBM Systems Group:
    • Your records of product entitlement are maintained in the AAS system and visible through a Web portal called Entitled Systems Support (ESS). An IBM Customer Number (ICN) is required to access information through ESS. Note that when you look for entitlement records and product images in ESS, you will see a different formatting of product version numbers than what is typically used for IBM Software products. AAS will show numbers in the form “09.06.00” instead of the more often used “9.6.0”.
    • Every product entitlement record in AAS is associated to the serial number of an IBM i machine, so you must keep track of which machine serial number(s) is associated with your RDi entitlements.
    • You will obtain your RDi installable images via the ESS portal including Authorized User activation kits.

In either case, product Fix Packs, and in some cases product Modification Releases, will be obtained from the IBM “Fix Central” site. For more about PPA and AAS see Overview and comparison of the Passport Advantage (PA) and Advanced Administration (AAS) product fulfillment systems. If you hold entitlements in both PPA and AAS, your accounts might be under different ICNs.

image 9099

Details on the 2 product fulfillment channels for the RDi product

Comparing and Contrasting Passport Advantage and Advanced Administration System


There are a number of differences in how these two infrastructures work based on their origins.  PPA was designed for fulfilling software products, which tend to “evolve in place” over time and are typically sold as perpetual licenses.  AAS was designed for fulfilling hardware, where periodically new models come along that may be purchased to replacing aging machines, such that there is no continuity of ownership of a specific product over the long haul.

These are the key differences that may be of interest to you as you interact with IBM:

Customer and Entitlement Identification:  (If you transact through both PPA and AAS you may have different IBM Customer Number (ICN) for each system)

  • AAS: entitlements in the AAS system are always bound to the serial number of a Power system.  If you have multiple machines, thus multiple serial numbers, subsets of your Rational software entitlements might be bound to each serial number
  • PPA: if your organization is decentralized regarding development tool purchases, you may have multiple Site IDs associated with your enterprise’s entitlements where the Site ID reflects and is associated to purchases made by part of your organization, and possibly a specific purchase event

Available License Metrics and License Fulfillment

§DEFINITION: A license talisman refers to any mechanism that is used to unlock a product for production (i.e. non-evaluation) usage.  Example: “floating keys” are the talismans used to activate products sold by the Floating User metric; “desktop activation kits” are the talismans used to activate desktop products sold by the Authorized User metric.  For more information about license metrics, talismans, and other related issues see the Licensing FAQ

§PPA: PPA has a linkage to the Rational License Key Center (RLKC), which is always used to fulfill talismans (such as floating keys or tokens) that are imprinted with customer identifiers and/or expiration dates and therefore cannot be packaged with product install images.  Thus PPA is able to support the sale of distributed software products with Floating User, Floating User Single Install, and Token license metrics.  PPA also supports the sale of products with metrics such as PVU or Concurrent that do not utilize a talisman.  (NOTE: most multi-product bundles are not offered with Floating options.  No multi-product bundles are offered with Token option).  PPA also supports the sale of products that use “desktop activation kit” talismans corresponding to the Authorized User metric, but in this case is not dependent upon the RLKC for delivery of the talismans because, they are included as part of the product install image so that the RLKC can be bypassed.  Note: Talismans for new product versions become available in RLKC automatically, provided your S&S agreement is current/active.  Desktop activation kits for new product versions will be part of the product install image

§AAS: AAS has no connection to the Rational License Key Center. As a consequence, the only license metrics supported by AAS for distributed software are: Authorized User (for which the talisman, i.e. the AU activation kit, is packaged with the software install image) and metrics that do not involve use of a talisman (such as the Concurrent metric used by the XL compilers for AIX and Linux).  Note: desktop activation kits are shipped with the product install images, which themselves may not be visible to you until you have “purchased” the no-charge upgrade to the new Version

§For RDi in particular: the desktop activation kits for Authorized User licenses are packaged with the product installation image, whether through PPA or AAS.  All Floating license keys must be obtained from the RLKC

Product Maintenance Agreements

· Different terminology is used to refer to maintenance agreements.  For distributed software products the term is “Service and Support” (S&S).  For systems software the term is SoftWare Maintenance Agreement (SWMA).  When a distributed software product such as Rational Developer for i is sold through AAS, the systems terminology i.e. SWMA, tends to prevail in most discussions

·Different terminology is used to refer to reinstatement of lapsed maintenance agreements.  For distributed software products in PPA the term is “reinstatement”.  For systems software the term is “after license”.  When a distributed software product such as Rational Developer for i is sold through AAS, the systems terminology i.e. “after license”, tends to prevail in most discussions

·PPA: S&S renewal reminders are issued automatically starting ~ 90 days prior to the expiration of the current term; only 1 year renewals are offered

·AAS:  no reminders are issued (an AAS system limitation); 1 year and 3 year SWMA agreement and renewals are offered

Product Identifiers and Structures

PPA and AAS both use Product Identifiers (PIDs) as top-level product structure identifiers.  However, the formats of PPA and AAS PIDs are different, and the kinds of underlying structures that they define are also different (see tables below).   


  • PIDs are version-agnostic (i.e. they remain the same for lifetime of the product, at least until such time as the product is re-named in a way that reflects a change of its market positioning)
  • because the PIDs representing your entitlements are “perpetual”, you need take no particular action as new product releases are introduced
  • provides part numbers only for 1-year S&S renewal and reinstatement
  • PIDs that are used to support software license purchases are required to change whenever a new major Version of the product is introduced.  (This refers to “Version” in the framework of IBM’s V.R.M.F version numbering conventions – for more information about this see Understanding IBM Software Product Versioning).   The license purchase PIDs for older versions are removed as those versions reach End of Service (in other words they not removed immediately as new-version PIDs are introduced.  And, as we tend to release new Versions more frequently than the typical 5 year minimum per-Version service lifetime, the number of active and visible AAS license PIDs for the same software product tends to grow over time.  PIDs used for purchasing and renewing SWMA (S&S) are not required to change as the product evolves – they typically span multiple Versions of a product.
  • because PIDs are Version-specific, you must take action to “purchase” a no-charge “upgrade” to evolve your entitlement to the new Version, and thus be able to gain access to the product images and license activation kits for the new Version
  • provides PIDs for both 1-year and 3-year SWMA (S&S) renewal and “after-license” (reinstatements)

This table summarizes the way product structures are defined in PPA and AAS respectively.  The next table will show concrete example using Rational Developer for i v9.x:

General structure where:

9 = a variable numeral, a = a variable alpha character, = a variable alphanumeric character, any other character = that specific character

PPA: 3-level hierarchy

AAS: 2-level hierarchy

9999-a99 (the PID - Version-agnostic)

· 9999999 (Chargeable Component ID (CC) – one or more - a CC corresponds to a product “edition”

· D0□□□□□ (multiple per CC, for new licenses, trade-ups, reinstatements)

· E0□□□□□ (multiple per CC, for renewals, repeat term licenses)

· B□□□□□□ (multiple per CC, for media kits etc.)

9999-aaa (PID for new licenses, trade-ups, and version-to-version upgrades - Version-specific) · One or more sets of Feature Codes, where each set is for purchasing licenses and trade-ups for a product “edition” (which in PPA would be a CC)

5660-aaa (PID for initial 1-year SWMA registration and 1-year SWMA renewals -- version-agnostic) · One or more sets of Feature Codes, where each set is for registering and renewing 1 year SWMA for a product “edition”

5661-aaa  (PID for 1-year SWMA after-license (reinstatement) -- version-agnostic) · One or more sets of Feature Codes, where each set is for reinstating 1 year SWMA for a product “edition”

5662-aaa  (PID for initial 3-year SWMA registrations -- version-agnostic) · One or more sets of Feature Codes, where each set is for registering initial 3 year SWMA for a product “edition”

5663-aaa  (PID for 3-year SWMA renewals -- version-agnostic) · One or more sets of Feature Codes, where each set is for renewing 3 year SWMA for a product “edition”

5664-aaa  (PID for 3-year SWMA after-license (reinstatement) -- version-agnostic) · One or more sets of Feature Codes, where each set is for reinstating 3 year SWMA for a product “edition”

Notes: some exceptions to the normal alphanumeric patterns of PPA PIDs and part numbers may be observed in practice.  PPA PIDs and part numbers are worldwide.

Notes: feature codes differ across three geographic groupings, and the format of those feature codes depends on the geography:

    · US: □□□□     · AP, Canada: □□□□     · EMEA: a0aaa9

Specific Example: Rational Developer for i (RDi)
(AU = Authorized User.  FUSI = Floating User Single Install.  License is perpetual unless described as Fixed-Term)

(Some lesser-used Part Numbers omitted for brevity)

(Showing U.S. Feature Codes Only.  Some U.S. Feature Codes omitted for brevity)

5724-Y99 (RDi)

· CC #1: 0000001 RPG and COBOL Tools

o     D0C5FLL – new AU license

o     D0CFILL – new FUSI license

o     D0LJWLL – new initial Fixed-Term FUSI license

o     D0C5KLL – trade up from AU to FUSI

o     D0C5HLL -  trade up from ADTS to AU license

o     D0C5GLL - reinstate AU

o     D0C5JLL- reinstate FUSI

o     E08DBLL – renew AU

o     E08DCLL – renew FUSI

o     EOCXMLL - subsequent Fixed-Term FUSI license

o      (Etc.)

· CC #2: 0000002 RPG and COBOL + Modernization Tools Java Edition

o     Sets of D and E parts similar to the list for for CC#1

5733-RDW (RDi  purchases and trade-ups)

(Feature Code set #1 – RPG and COBOL Tools)

· 0037 - new AU License of RPG and COBOL Tools 9.x

· 0039 – no-charge upgrade from v7.x of Rational Developer for System i to RDi RPG and COBOL Tools AU 9.x

· 0040 – no-charge upgrade from v7.x of Rational Developer for Power Systems Software RPG and COBOL Development Tools for i AU to RDi RPG and COBOL Tools AU 9.x

· 0038 – no-charge upgrade from v8.x of Rational Developer for Power Systems Software RPG and COBOL Development Tools for i AU to RDi RPG and COBOL Tools AU 9.x

· 0041 – priced trade-up from ADTS 6.1 to RDi RPG and COBOL Tools AU 9.x

· 0042 – priced trade-up from ADTS 7.x to RDi RPG and COBOL Tools AU 9.x

(Feature Code set #2 – RPG and COBOL + Modernization Tools Java Edition)

· 0031 - new AU License of RPG and COBOL + Modernization Tools Java Edition 9.x

· 0032 – no-charge upgrade from v8.x of Rational Developer for Power Systems Software Power Tools for i AU to RDi RPG and COBOL + Modernization Tools Java Edition AU 9.x

· 0035 – priced trade-up from ADTS 6.1 to RDi RPG and COBOL + Modernization Tools Java Edition AU 9.x

· 0036 – priced trade-up from ADTS 7.x to RDi RPG and COBOL + Modernization Tools Java Edition AU 9.x

·  (Etc)

5660-RDW (RDi initial one-year SWMA registration and one-year SWMA renewals)

· 2077 – renewal for RPG and COBOL Tools

· 2078 – no charge reg. for RPG and COBOL Tools

· 1977 – renewal for RPG and COBOL + Modernization Tools Java Edition

· 1978 – no charge reg. for RPG and COBOL + Modernization Tools Java Edition

· (Etc)

5661-RDW (RDi one-year SWMA after-license)

· (Etc. – sets of Feature Codes similar to those for 5660-RDW)

5662-RDW (RDi initial three-year SWMA registrations)

· (Etc. – sets of Feature Codes similar to those for 5660-RDW)

5663-RDW (RDi three-year SWMA renewals)

· (Etc. – sets of Feature Codes similar to those for 5660-RDW)

5664-RDW (RDi three-year SWMA after-license)

· (Etc. – sets of Feature Codes similar to those for 5660-RDW)

How to trade-up to RDi from other products

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