IBM Support

Product readme for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition, Version

Product Readmes


IBM WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition, Version readme file.


- Readme file update history
- Description
- Compatibility
- System requirements
- Installing WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
- Limitations and known problems
- List of fixes included in Version
- Useful links
- Copyright and trademark information


22 Aug 2016 - readme published online


This readme file for IBM WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Version
details updates, fixes, limitations, and known problems.

For the very latest version of this readme file always refer to:

You can install Version over a previous version of WebSphere MQ File
Transfer Edition. If you have an Early Design Program driver on your system,
you must uninstall it before installing Version

Before installing Version, back up any previous versions of WebSphere
MQ File Transfer Edition that are installed on your system, by copying the
installation directory for the previous version to a new directory.

If you have already installed a version of WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
earlier than, you can choose to reuse your existing product
configuration so you will not be asked to enter any configuration information
during the installation. Alternatively, you can select a different
installation directory from the one you used to install the existing version of
WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition to allow both versions of the product to
coexist on the same machine.

The prerequisites and corequisites for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition for
all platforms are listed at the following website:

You can find the installers (either install.bin, install.exe, or install) in
the following directories:


HP-UX on Itanium:


Linux on System x:

Linux on System p:

Linux on System z:

Solaris on SPARC:

Solaris on System x:


IBM i:

WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition components
There are three possible Version components that you can install:
Server, Client, or Remote Tools and Documentation. The following topics
describe how to install each component onto distributed platforms.

You cannot install Remote Tools and Documentation natively on an IBM i platform
or on z/OS. However, you can install and use Remote Tools and Documentation on
other supported platforms, such as Windows, to monitor file transfers involving
agents that are running remotely on IBM i platforms or z/OS. For example, you
can use the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition plug-in for WebSphere MQ Explorer
on Windows to start a transfer of save files between agents running on IBM i



Remote Tools and Documentation:


Changes to the JEE Database Logger with tables updated to show correct annotations

Changes made for APAR IT07693 affect users of the WebSphere MQ File Transfer
Edition JEE Database Logger who persist, to an Oracle database, information published
as XML log messages to the SYSTEM.FTE topic on the coordination queue manager.

If any of the columns defined for a table created in an Oracle database are of type
CLOB (e.g., NCLOB), the Java class defined using Java Persistence Architecture to
represent that particular table should annotate the class member-variables
representing the column of type CLOB with "@Lob". If not, the column type is
assumed to be of type "VARCHAR" by the Java Persistence Architecture implementation.

Before APAR IT07693, which is first included in Fix Pack this annotation was
not included in the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Java
classes where appropriate. Therefore, when the Java Persistence Architecture
implementation tried to match the member field representing a column in a database
table with the actual column in the database table, the difference was detected and
reported as a warning by Java Persistence Architecture implementation.

The WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition JEE Database Logger classes representing
the database tables have been updated with the required annotations.

Columns with the names "SOURCE_BRIDGE_URL" and "DESTINATION_BRIDGE_URL" in the table
"FTELOG"."TRANSFER_EVENT" should be defined with the column length 2083.

Users of WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition using DB2 database may have to update these
columns' lengths manually after applying this APAR, if the length of these columns has
been defined as 1024. Otherwise if data longer than 1024 bytes is written then the data
will be truncated and no warning may be given by DB2.

Change to default value of commandMessagePriority
As part of the changes made for APAR IT06213 the default value for
"commandMessagePriority" has changed to 8.

This means that, if the WebSphere MQ queue attribute DEFPRTY (Default priority)
on an agent command queue is less than or equal to 7, then internal negotiation
messages will be prioritised ahead of new transfer requests. If the value of the
DEFPRTY attribute is set to either 8 or 9, then either DEFPRTY or the
"commandMessagePriority" property will need to be changed to maintain the
effectiveness of "commandMessagePriority".

The commandMessagePriority property can be configured by editing the file.

Change to the version of Apache Ant
The version of Apache Ant shipped with WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
has been upgraded from v1.7.0 to v1.9.2.

Any files in the "ant" sub-directory of the product installation have either
been replaced with the later version from the Apache Ant v1.9.2 binaries or, in
the case where the file no longer exists in the later version of Apache Ant, the
files have been overwritten with appropriate informational content, instructing
the reader to ignore the file.

The exception to the above is the Apache Ant "docs" sub-directory. This has not
been updated or changed and will continue to contain the Apache Ant v1.7.0
documentation in HTML format.

Restrictions of the Connect:Direct bridge
The Connect:Direct bridge has a number of restrictions. For more information,

Using SMS parameters in a transfer to a z/OS Connect:Direct node
If you are transferring to a data set on a z/OS Connect:Direct node, and you
specify any SMS-specific parameters for the data set, the transfer might fail
with a Connect:Direct error message. This issue only occurs if your
Connect:Direct bridge agent is on Windows, and is because of a limitation of
Connect:Direct. To work around the issue, you can submit a user-defined
Connect:Direct process and specify any required SMS-specific parameters within
the SYSOPTS parameter.

For a list of the SMS-specific parameters supported by Connect:Direct, see
the Connect:Direct Process Language Reference Guide.

For more information about submitting a user-defined Connect:Direct process
from a file transfer request, see

Transfers using the Connect:Direct bridge to a z/OS destination node
If you issue a transfer that resolves to a destination file with a parenthesis
in its name, the following error is produced: "A member name was specified for
non-PDS file". To work around this, either rename the source file and remove
the parentheses, or specify a destination file without the parentheses.

If you are transferring from a z/OS agent where you only specify the directory
and not the individual member names, the following error is produced: "A member
name was specified for non-PDS file". To work around this, specify each member,
for example 'A.B.C(aaa)'.

Text transfers from Connect:Direct to a V7.0.3 destination agent
If you are using the Connect:Direct bridge to transfer a text file from a
Connect:Direct node to a WMQFTE V7.0.3 or earlier destination agent, and either
you have requested a destination encoding of UTF-8 or the default encoding of
the destination platform is UTF-8, the end-of-line characters will not be
converted from those in the original file. This problem will be particularly
noticeable if the source Connect:Direct node is on a Windows system and the
destination WMQFTE agent is on a Linux system. This problem will not occur if
the destination agent is a WMQFTE V7.0.4, or later agent.

Deploying the Web Gateway application and JEE database logger
The Web Gateway application cannot be deployed to a WebSphere Application
Server cluster. You can only deploy the Web Gateway application to a single
application server instance. This limitation also applies when you are
deploying the Java(TM) Platform, Enterprise Edition (JEE) database logger.

Running the stand-alone database logger as a background task
On all platforms, the stand-alone database logger provided with V7.0.4.6 does
not currently run as a background task. To use the database logger, start the
database logger in the foreground using the -F parameter or start it as a
Windows service.

Using the database logger with an Oracle database
If you use the stand-alone database logger provided with V7.0.4.6 with an
Oracle database, be aware that some of the database fields might not be
populated. This has been observed to happen to the START_ID, COMPLETE_ID, and
SCHED_ID fields in the TRANSFER table.

Running a console installation on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 from a
DOS shell
If you run a console installation from a DOS shell on Windows XP or Windows
Server 2003, be aware that the install.exe command immediately returns to the
command prompt and does not wait for the installation to complete.

Installing Version silently
If you want to install Version silently, perform a console installation
of Version first to create a response file as described in the
following topic:
Then use the newly-created V7.0.4.6 response file to install silently.

You cannot use a response file that you previously created from an earlier
release to install V7.0.4.6 silently.

An example response file is provided in the following location in V7.0.4.6:

Installing Remote Tools and Documentation silently
The Remote Tools and Documentation silent install now appends a '/tools'
subdirectory at the end of the install file path. There is no need to specify
this in a silent install properties file. It is possible that if you generate a
response file using the Remote Tools and Documentation console install, there
might be a '/tools' subdirectory at the end. If this subdirectory exists, you
should remove it from the response file.

Interoperation with Early Design Program drivers
There is no interoperation support for agents running any level of Early Design
Program code. If you have previously installed an Early Design Program driver
for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition, you must uninstall the driver before
installing V7.0.4.6. You must also remove any configuration associated with the

For information about how to uninstall and remove an Early Design Program
driver, see:

Upgrading the WebSphere MQ Explorer plug-in from V7.0.0 to a newer version
If you have previously installed the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition plug-in
for WebSphere MQ Explorer 7.0.0, you might experience errors when upgrading to
a more recent version of the plug-in. The errors occur when WebSphere MQ
Explorer starts and they refer to being missing.

To fix this error, run one of the following commands:
strmqcfg -i


strmqcfg -c

The command with the -i parameter does not start WebSphere MQ Explorer, but
this command parameter does resolve the problem for the next start of WebSphere
MQ Explorer.

The command with the -c parameter resolves the problem and also starts
WebSphere MQ Explorer. You should only need to run strmqcfg with the -i or
-c option once to permanently resolve this issue.

These errors do not appear if you have not previously installed the plug-in for
WebSphere MQ Explorer that was provided with WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
Version 7.0.0 on the system: it is an issue with upgrading only.

Installing into an existing empty configuration directory
The installer does not write configuration information directly into an
existing directory. This affects you if you do not accept the default
installation location and instead manually create a directory before

For example, if you create a "/var/fte_config" directory on a UNIX system and
then enter this directory as the configuration directory in the installer, the
installer treats this empty directory as an existing complete configuration.
The installer will prompt you to reuse "/var/fte_config", and will not write
any new configuration.

Work around this by manually creating a "/var/fte" directory and then entering
"/var/fte/config" as the configuration directory in the installer. The result
is the directory "config" is created in the existing "/var/fte" directory,
with the correct contents.

Installation locations
You must ensure that you have write permission for the directory that you want
to install WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition into.

The silent installer will appear to allow you to install into a location that
you do not have permission to install into. The silent installer does not warn
you that you do not have write permission on the directory.

You are also recommended to use different locations for the installation
directory and configuration directory.

On the IBM i platform the installation location and the config location are
fixed. The product binaries are installed in the /QIBM/ProdData/WMQFTE/V7
directory and the data directory is /QIBM/UserData/WMQFTE/V7/config.

Installing on Security-Enhanced Linux
If you are running Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux), install WebSphere MQ File
Transfer Edition using the following steps, which depend on the on Linux
distribution you are using:
1. If you are using SuSE Linux, set the SELinux mode to permissive.

If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux, enable the following
option for your SELinux policy:
"Allow all unconfined executables to use libraries requiring text
relocation that are not labeled textrel_shlib_t"

2. For both SuSE Linux and Red Hat Linux: install WebSphere MQ File Transfer

3. If you are using SuSE Linux, re-enable the SELinux policy.

4 For both SuSE Linux and Red Hat Linux, run the following command:
chcon -R -t texrel_shlib_t WMQFTE_INSTALL_DIR/jre

Installing the Remote Tools and Documentation CD on platforms other than
Windows or Linux
If you install the Remote Tools and Documentation CD on any platform apart
from Windows or Linux, you cannot use either the WebSphere MQ Explorer plug-in
or the information center. You can only use the remote command line tools,
Ant and database logger parts of the installation, even though you might have
selected to install the WebSphere MQ Explorer plug-in and the information center.

Missing file after a Remote Tools and Documentation
During an installation of Remote Tools and Documentation, if you choose to
"Use existing" configuration or "Skip configuration", no sample file is created. For information about what this
file needs to contain and how to configure it, see:

Uninstalling on Windows platforms
When you uninstall WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition from Windows, the jre
directory that is located in the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
installation directory might not be deleted if it is in use. To complete the
uninstall, restart the system and the directory will automatically be removed.

Retaining transfer log message information
The transfer log information generated by WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition,
is sent to the coordination queue manager where the information is published
to any subscribers. If there are no subscribers, the message will not be
delivered to any parties and will not be retained. To ensure that transfer
log messages are retained, you are strongly recommended to take one of several
actions before submitting the first file transfer to WebSphere MQ File Transfer
Edition. For more information, see

Running the commands on z/OS
When you use the WMQFTE commands on z/OS, the commands need to know where the
WebSphere MQ Java Native libraries are located. The commands are not able to
get this information on z/OS systems because there is no default location.

To successfully use the WMQFTE commands on your z/OS system, set the system
environment variable "LIBPATH" to the directory location of your WebSphere
MQ Java Native libraries. For example:

export LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:<WMQ Java Native Library Location>

This variable is not set by default and causes the commands to fail.

z/OS coordination queue managers and SYSTEM.QPUBSUB.QUEUE.NAMELIST namelist
If you are using a z/OS queue manager as a coordination queue manager and you
make any changes to the SYSTEM.QPUBSUB.QUEUE.NAMELIST namelist, you must
restart the coordination queue manager's channel initiator (CHINIT) to pick
up the namelist changes.

Sandboxing IBM i save files
Standard sandboxing does not work for IBM i save file transfers. Do not set the
sandboxRoot property if you plan to transfer save files, otherwise the agent
might crash. However, you can use the new user authority checking to sandbox
agent actions without problems.

JVM file encoding and EBCDIC data on IBM i Systems
Users must use ASCII file encoding to create or configure WebSphere MQ File
Transfer Edition agents on IBM i systems. ASCII is the default file encoding
for the JSE 5.0 32-bit JVM that WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition requires.
Users who have created a file in their /home/<user>
directory with a file.encoding record that specifies an EBCDIC encoding must
change the file.encoding record to specify an ASCII encoding and then start a
new QShell session for creating or configuring agents on IBM i systems.

Special considerations are needed when transferring files containing EBCDIC
data. In these cases users who start the agent must set their JVM file encoding
to an EBCDIC encoding so that data conversion during text mode transfers work
correctly. For more information, see

Pending transfers in WebSphere MQ Explorer
When viewing Pending Transfers in the WebSphere MQ Explorer, the information in
the Name column is unique only for the source agent handling the pending
transfer. Because the Explorer can show pending transfers from multiple agents,
the Name can appear to be duplicated. The unique reference for a pending
transfers consists of the Source column and Name column.

Documentation for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
You can find the most current WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition product
documentation here:

The information center that you can install from the WebSphere MQ File Transfer
Edition Remote Tools and Documentation DVD is supported on Windows and Linux on
x86 platforms only.

You can find the list of fixes included in Version here:

In addition to this readme.txt file, you can find more information on the
WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition website here:

The SupportPac Web page is here:

For current information on known problems and available fixes, see the Support
page of the WebSphere MQ website:

The latest version of the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
product documentation is here:



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For more information, see

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFKSJ","label":"WebSphere MQ"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"WMQ File Transfer Edition","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

