IBM Support

Release notes for IBM Content Collector 4.0

Product Readmes


The following release notes are delivered as a PDF file with the product.


IBM Content Collector release notes and readme files

Release notes - IBM Content Collector Version 4.0

IBM Content Collector Version 4.0 is available. These release notes contain the latest information about IBM Content Collector for Email, IBM Content Collector for File Systems, IBM Content Collector for Microsoft SharePoint, and IBM Content Collector for IBM Connections.



IBM Content Collector Version 4.0 is an archiving solution designed for archiving content from various sources:
  • Mailboxes on Lotus® Domino® or Microsoft Exchange servers
  • Email that is received through the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
  • Microsoft Exchange public folders and PST files
  • Lotus Domino applications and local NSF archives
  • Microsoft SharePoint sites
  • IBM Connections sites
  • Documents in NTFS, DFS, and Novell file systems
For a description of the new features in IBM Content Collector Version 4.0, see What's new in IBM Content Collector Version 4.0.

For a list of the APARs that IBM Content Collector Version 4.0 has resolved, see the list of fixes at IBM Content Collector V4.0.


The IBM Content Collector Version 4.0 announcement is available at See the announcement for the following information:
  • Detailed product description, including a description of new function
  • Packaging and ordering details
System requirements

For information about hardware and software compatibility, see the detailed system requirements document at Prerequisites for IBM Content Collector Version 4.0.

Installing IBM Content Collector Version 4.0

For step-by-step installation, migration, or upgrade instructions, see these topics in the information center:
  • Installing Content Collector
  • Migrating to Content Collector
Known problems and limitations

Known problems are also documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.

The following link launches a customized query of the live Support knowledge base:

Known installation problems

At the time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

Installation log files for Content Collector Outlook Extension only partially translated into Chinese

The installation log files for Content Collector Outlook Extension are only partially translated into Chinese because of a current limitation in InstallAnywhere.

For an IBM Content Manager target system, upgrade or first-time installation of IBM Content Collector V4.0 requires using IBM Content Manager administrative user credentials

When you upgrade from IBM Content Collector V2.2 to IBM Content Collector V4.0 or install IBM Content Collector V4.0 for the first time, the IBM Content Manager Connector attempts to create a new item type ICCRepositoryInformation. This item type is used to uniquely identify an IBM Content Manager repository in archive lifecycle operations. However, if the IBM Content Manager user account does not have administrative permissions, creation of this item type fails thus preventing the use of the IBM Content Manager Connector.

When you are upgrading from IBM Content Collector V2.2, complete these steps:
  1. Before installing IBM Content Collector V4.0, change the login credentials for all IBM Content Manager connections defined in IBM Content Collector V2.2 to administrative users.
  2. Install IBM Content Collector V4.0.
  3. Start Configuration Manager and let the upgrade process complete.
  4. Validate each connection that is defined on the CM 8.x Connections tab. This creates the appropriate ICCRepositoryInformation item type.
  5. As soon as all connections are validated, you can change the login credentials for all IBM Content Manager connections to a user with the minimum IBM Content Collector privilege set.

When you are installing IBM Content Collector V4.0 for the first time, complete these steps:
  1. Install IBM Content Collector V4.0.
  2. Start the initial configuration wizard.
  3. Specify IBM Content Manager administrator credentials for all IBM Content Manager credential fields.
  4. Start Configuration Manager.
  5. Validate the IBM Content Manager connection.
  6. As soon as all connections are validated, you can change the login credentials for all IBM Content Manager connections to a user with the minimum IBM Content Collector privilege set.

Mnemonic keys might not be shown properly during the installation of IBM Content Collector packages
If a mnemonic key is available, the underlined character that determines the mnemonic key should be visible in the interface. Some mnemonic keys might not be properly indicated during the installation of IBM Content Collector packages. This is due to a current limitation in InstallAnywhere.

As a workaround, press Alt to see all available mnemonic keys.

Trying to uninstall IBM Content Collector packages from Programs and Features results in an error

If you select an IBM Content Collector package, for example, IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Support from the Programs and Features list and click Uninstall, the following error message is displayed:
An error occurred while trying to uninstall IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search
Services Support. It may have already been uninstalled.
Would you like to remove IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Support from the
Programs and Features list?

Clicking Yes does not remove the package. Instead, you have to remove the folders and files manually from the installation directory.

To avoid this problem, ensure that the language in which you install the following packages always corresponds to the current system locale:

  • IBM Content Collector Server
  • IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Support
  • IBM Content Collector Notes® Client
  • IBM Content Collector OWA Support
Otherwise, these packages cannot be properly uninstalled later.

The IBM Content Collector Text Search Support package might be installed to an invalid default directory
When you upgrade from a previous version or install the IBM Content Collector Text Search Support package for the first time, you might not be able to set the installation directory in the installation wizard. Instead, the default directory for the IBM Content Collector Text Search Support package is used. This default directory is retrieved from the InstallAnywhere registry file when the installation is launched. However, if the installation of the IBM Content Collector Text Search Support package did not complete successfully during an earlier run, for example because it was cancelled towards the end of the process, the default value in the registry file is invalid. It cannot be used when the installation program is run again.

As a workaround, delete the InstallAnywhere registry file .com.zerog.registry.xml manually before you start the installation wizard again. On a Windows system, the file is located at C:\Program Files\Zero G Registry. Note that this is a hidden directory. On UNIX-based systems, the file is in the \var directory.

With all installation programs, the punctuation marks are not properly located in Simplified Chinese environments

When you install any of the IBM Content Collector packages in a Simplified Chinese environment, the placement of the punctuation marks is not correct. This is due to a current limitation in InstallAnywhere.

IBM Content Collector Text Search Support is not installed correctly in silent mode if IBMCMROOT and DB2HOME are not specified
If you install IBM Content Collector Text Search Support in silent mode and you did not specified both of the system environment variables IBMCMROOT and DB2HOME before the installation, IBM Content Collector Text Search Support is not installed correctly although no errors are reported during the installation. In fact, the installation terminates with no errors and no errors are logged.

IBM Content Collector Server installation may cease and result in an unexpected Windows restart when the DB2 10.1 client is colocated on the server
The IBM Content Collector Server installation installs the following two C++ 2010 redistributables:
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (x86) - 10.0.40219.exe
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable (x86) - KB2565063.exe
When the DB2 10.1 client is colocated on the IBM Content Collector server, this might result in an unexpected Windows restart, which prevents the Content Collector Server installation from completing. After either of the redistributables is installed by the Content Collector Server installation, Windows is restarted. After Windows was restarted, the Content Collector Server installation can be continued by running the Content Collector Server installation again.

Installing Content Search Services Support in console mode is not supported for languages other than English
When installing IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Support in console mode on a server with a locale other than English, the constructors.xml file is not configured correctly. Therefore, if you install Content Search Services Support in console mode, ensure that the language is set to English.

Known installation upgrade problems

At the time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

Change collection type in the search mapping file if the CommonStore item type does not contain email of archiving type Bundled

If you configured the Content Collector search mapping file for a collection of type Archived Data Access for Email on a CommonStore item type that does not contain email of archiving type Bundled, you must change the collection type.

Delete the <retrievable> element in the search mapping file and change the collection type from ICC_Exchange_Email_Bundled or ICC_Domino_Email_Bundled to CSX_EMAIL or CSLD_EMAIL.

Known client problems

At the time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

When you specify additional archiving information for more than one email documents sorting does not work properly in non-ASCII environments
Users can select one or more email documents and choose to specify additional archiving information for these documents. In this case, an HTML form is displayed where the selected email documents are listed in a table. Users can sort the table by various email metadata such as the subject. Currently, the sorting does not work properly in non-ASCII environments.

This is a limitation of IBM Content Collector V3.0 and later. Currently, all sorting within the HTML form on the client workstation is performed using JavaScript. JavaScript cannot provide accurate sorting for all languages.

The specify additional archiving information feature does not work for a shared and delegate mailbox

When you drag and drop messages from other folders in the primary mailbox to the folder that is specified for adding additional archiving information, specify additional archiving information form appears automatically. When you drag and drop messages from other folders to a folder that is specified for adding additional archiving information in a shared or delegate mailbox which is opened from the primary mailbox, however, the specify additional archiving information form does not appear as is expected. Instead, you must navigate to this folder in the shared or delegate mailbox and select Specify Additional Archiving Information to collect archiving information.

IBM Content Collector Help cannot be selected using the IBM Notes 9 Browser Plug-in inside Microsoft Internet Explorer
IBM Content Collector Help cannot be selected if you are using the IBM Notes 9 Browser Plug-in inside Microsoft Internet Explorer. You can use other browsers, for example, Mozilla Firefox. This problem was fixed in IBM Notes 9.0.1.

Automatic document retrieval does not work with XenApp in Lotus Notes 8.5 and 8.5.3 standard edition and Lotus Notes 9 standard edition
Although IBM Content Collector Notes Client Extension is installed and the functionality is enabled for client users, automatic document retrieval does not work with XenApp in Lotus Notes 8.5 and 8.5.3 standard edition and IBM Notes 9 standard edition.
Automatic document retrieval only works with XenApp on the following clients:
  • Lotus Notes 8.5.1 standard edition
  • IBM Notes 9 basic edition

If email is stubbed in IBM Notes 9, the client user might not encounter the IBM Connections embedded experience
IBM Connections 4 provides an embedded experience that can be integrated with IBM Notes and iNotes 9.0 clients. In the context of IBM Content Collector email archiving, this means that some email attachments could actually reside in IBM Connections. These attachments in IBM Connections are not archived as part of the IBM Notes email using IBM Content Collector.
If an email is archived using IBM Content Collector but is not stubbed, the email is displayed in IBM Notes as is expected when IBM Connections embedded experience is integrated with Notes. The embedded experience is encountered irrespective of whether the IBM Content Collector Notes Client Extension is installed which enables the automatic and temporary retrieval of the content of a stubbed email document from the archive in the client.

If an email is archived and stubbed, however, the stubbed email is restored but the IBM Connections embedded experience cannot be established even if IBM Content Collector Notes Client Extension is installed and enabled for the client. The standard email is displayed, in other words, the full content of the email without embedded experience.

Modifications to a message in the "Sent" folder cannot be synchronized to an Outlook client if the client is in Cached Exchange Mode

If an IBM Content Collector task route is configured to archive or stub a message in the "Sent" folder of a mailbox automatically, sometimes the new changes to the message, for example, the message state or the message body cannot be synchronized to the Outlook client if the client is in Cached Exchange Mode. This means that a user does not know if the message in the "Sent" folder was archived or stubbed. This problem is not solved even if the client is restarted.

The problem is caused by a broken profile which results in Outlook not being able to synchronize the message modifications on time. As a workaround, delete the current profile and create a new one.

Known Configuration Manager problems

At the time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

In the Task Route Service Configuration window, the entries for the log file and audit log file paths are not validated

The values that you enter in the Log file location and Audit log folder location fields in the Task Route Service Configuration window are not validated. Therefore, no error is shown in the UI when you enter an invalid path. However, the IBM Content Collector Task Routing Engine service detects invalid log file paths and reports an error.

Sorting of Traditional Chinese characters in Configuration Manager might differ from the Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) specification
The Configuration Manager graphical user interface relies on Microsoft controls. Some standard Microsoft controls do not follow the CLDR rules when sorting Traditional Chinese characters. Sorting in IBM Content Collector is consistent with other products that run on Windows.

For bidirectional languages, file extensions are not properly aligned
In a Windows 2008 environment, file extensions are right-aligned for bidirectional languages instead of left-aligned.

For bidirectional languages, the tooltip texts for the Toolbox section are not properly aligned
For bidirectional languages, the tooltip texts for the Toolbox section of the Configuration Manager Task Route Designer are left-aligned instead of right-aligned.

For bidirectional languages, the path information in a tooltip contains a line break
For bidirectional languages, a line break is inserted into the path information in a tooltip, for example:
is displayed as

This behavior is consistent with other products that run on Windows.

For the Korean locale, tooltips are not properly aligned
For the Korean locale, tooltips are aligned very close to the top of the dialog boundary. However, the information is still readable.

Known source connector problems

At the time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

PST archiving can result in high disk I/O against the user’s temporary directory on the IBM Content Collector Server nodes

PST archiving can result in high disk I/O against the user's TEMP directory on the IBM Content Collector Server nodes. To achieve better throughput, the IBM Content Collector administrator might need to change the setting of the user's TEMP and TMP environment variables on each server node to have the variables point to faster storage. After updating the environment variables, restart the IBM Content Collector Server on each node.

Anonymous Microsoft SharePoint web applications
When you configure collection from anonymous web applications, use Site or Web application level collection, rather than Farm level. Using Farm-level can produce unexpected results including errors due to permission differences across web applications.

Exchange 2013 and onwards, require an additional step during setup to enable archiving from public folders
Archiving from public folders on Exchange 2013 requires an additional step during setup because, in contrast to earlier Exchange versions, the public store provider is not automatically added to the Outlook profiles during logon. If you omit this step, archiving fails and the following message is written to the mail connector log file:
AFUM0022E: An error occurred:
The entry ID of the primary message store could
not be found in the message store table.

To enable archiving from public folders on Exchange 2013 using IBM Content Collector, perform the following steps:
  1. Run IBM Content Collector once to generate the profile.
  2. Log on to the IBM Content Collector Server machine with the account that is specified for the IBM Content Collector Email Connector service.
  3. Start Outlook using the profile named AFU_<server>.
  4. Make sure that you can access the public folder tree.
  5. Close Outlook.

After you performed these steps, the public store provider is available in the profile and archiving from public folders is possible after IBM Content Collector is restarted.

Known target connector problems

At the time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

Using IBM Content Manager folder functionality

If you want to work with IBM Content Manager folders when archiving with IBM Content Collector, you must run IBM Content Collector once with IBM Content Manager administrative user credentials. This is required to create the appropriate item type for the folders. Afterwards, you can change the credentials to user credentials with the minimum IBM Content Collector privilege set.
  1. Change the credentials for the IBM Content Manager connection to those of an administrative user.
  2. Start the IBM Content Collector Task Routing Engine service and archive some content from your source system to IBM Content Manager.
  3. Stop the IBM Content Collector Task Routing Engine service.
  4. Change the credentials for the IBM Content Manager connection to those of a user with the minimum IBM Content Collector privilege set.
  5. Start the IBM Content Collector Task Routing Engine service.

You can now work with folders when you archive content to IBM Content Manager.

Archiving using the IBM Content Manager Connector in the Turkish locale requires setting up user names

If using the Turkish locale when archiving using the IBM Content Manager Connector, refer to the following documentation on setting up user names for making a connection to the repository: Although the provided link is specifically for IBM Content Manager 8.4.0, this consideration applies to all versions of the product.

Known indexer for text search problems

At the time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

IBM Content Manager indexer for text search uses a new XSL file for SharePoint document processing

The XSL file that is installed with IBM Content Collector Text Search Support V4.0 and is required and automatically configured for processing item types that contain SharePoint documents is not compatible with the version of the file that is installed with IBM Content Collector Text Search Support V3.0. If you are processing SharePoint item types, the V4.0 indexer for text search automatically checks that the XSL file that is specified in the indexer configuration is a V4.0 file. If it is not, the indexer will stop processing with an error message. In this case, you must change the indexer configuration so that the XmlTransformationXslFile configuration option points to the new XSL file that is installed with V4.0.

Known retention management problems

At the time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

The expiration date cannot be shortened if you are processing email documents

You cannot set the option AllowRetentionPeriodShortening to TRUE when you run the Retention Manager on email documents to calculate the document expiration date. This option is still available in the Retention Manager configuration files but can only be set to TRUE if you are processing file system documents. If you enable this option when processing email documents, a message is displayed stating that this option is not supported for email document processing.

The CheckPendingScheduleChanges configuration option default was changed to OFF
The CheckPendingScheduleChanges configuration option specifies if the Expiration Manager should check if the retention schedules that are associated with documents still have pending changes before deleting the documents. The documentation states that the default is ON which means that the Expiration Manager checks all documents and logs those that have pending schedule changes in the report file. The default was changed to OFF which means that the Expiration Manager does not try to access the Retention Policy Distribution Service to check if there are pending schedule changes.

Existing limitations when processing schedules with pending changes
When you run the Retention Manager, the following limitations exist when processing schedules with pending changes:
  • With Retention Manager for IBM FileNet® P8, only 1000 schedules with pending changes can be processed during one iteration.
  • With Retention Manager for IBM Content Manager, only 500 schedules with pending changes can be processed during one iteration

As a workaround, configure the Retention Manager to run on smaller batches of schedules with pending changes that respect these limitations.

Do not use the IBM Atlas Policy Suite export feature after policy information was syndicated to IBM Content Collector
When you export policy information from IBM Atlas Policy Suite, the IDs which IBM Content Collector uses to reference the data sources (the data source IDs) and the schedules (the schedule IDs) are not exported. This means that if this information is imported into IBM Atlas Policy Suite again, the data sources and the schedules are assigned new IDs. Because of the new IDs, all existing retention information in IBM Content Collector becomes invalid including the declaration rules and the retention information associated with archived documents. For this reason, you should not use the IBM Atlas Policy Suite export feature after policy information was syndicated to IBM Content Collector.

Known Document Viewer problems

At the time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

The Document Viewer does not support the TIFF format on Windows 64-bit systems and on AIX systems

The Document Viewer does not support conversion to the TIFF format on Windows 64-bit systems and on AIX systems. Therefore, do not change the default conversion format to the TIFF format by setting the option defaultConversionFormat to 2 in the docviewer.config file. Instead, select the HTML or PDF format as the default conversion format.

Exporting to PDF on AIX systems
To enable exporting content to PDF on AIX systems, you must set the TRUETYPEFONTDIR environment variable to a directory that contains true type fonts. Arial Unicode MS font is required for non-Latin-1 characters. To ensure that characters from the non-Latin-1 character set are properly converted when they are exported to PDF, ensure that the Arial Unicode MS font is installed. Also, ensure that the MS Mincho font is not installed.

Change Document Viewer configuration for PDF viewing
If the Document Viewer configuration is for PDF viewing, edit the file ...\ContentCollector\AFUWeb\DocViewer\config\PDFImageTemplate.xsl and replace the variable server_name in the following entry with the name of your server:
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
<a href=""https://

Replace the server_name variable in the AttOnlyPDFImageTemplate.xsl file as well.

Known IBM Content Classification problems

At the time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

Processing large documents with IBM Content Classification might cause errors in IBM Content Collector

When processing large files in an IBM Content Collector task route that contains the IBM Content Classification task, the following error message might appear in the Utility Connector log file:
Unable to retrieve results from classification_server.
Error information as follows: End of file or no input: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

This error message indicates that Content Classification cannot handle the large input file. Refer to the IBM Content Classification information center at for information about how to tune the Content Classification server to improve the handling of large input files.

Known monitoring problems

At the time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known:

The IBM Content Collector system dashboard does not increment the error count for the task route when errors occur in non-collector tasks

The number of errors that the task route has experienced is not increased when errors occur in any task other than collector tasks. The error count for the nodes, however, is increased.

Some content might be cut off when you export a performance report from the report viewer in PDF format with the default option Auto
When you export a report from the IBM Content Collector report viewer in PDF format, some content might be cut off if the default option Auto is selected. To export a report in PDF format, click the export button and select Fit to whole page, or append &__format=PDF&__pageoverflow=2 to the URL to the report.

On Windows Server 2008 (32-bit) and 2008 R2 (64-bit), monitoring the IBM Content Collector performance counters might not work as expected
On Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (32-bit) and 2008 R2 (64-bit), you cannot start monitoring the IBM Content Collector performance counters when the Task Routing Engine service is running. To monitor basic performance counters, you must start the IBM Content Collector system dashboard or an external tool like perfmon or typeperf before you start the IBM Content Collector Task Routing Engine service. Tools that are started before the Task Routing Engine service is initiated can monitor most basic performance counters properly. However, the capability of these tools is limited, because not all counters can be monitored.

Some performance counters are created only after the Task Routing Engine service is started. These counters cannot be monitored by the system dashboard or the perfmon tool. However, some of these counters can be manually initialized by using the Windows typeperf tool.

All instances of the performance counters that are specific to a task route cannot be monitored at all. As a result, the IBM Content Collector performance reporting component cannot be used, because it gathers statistical data from task route specific counters.

In some cases, monitoring aggregate counters instead of the counters for a specific task route might be sufficient. To do so, run the Windows typeperf tool on the command line before the Task Routing Engine service is started to manually initialize the counters. For example, to monitor the total number of submitted documents for all active task routes, use the following command:

typeperf.exe "\CTMS Core(_Total)\Submitted Items"
To monitor the values that are represented on the IBM Content Collector system dashboard, use the following commands:
Documents Accessed – Total
typeperf.exe "\CTMS Collector(_Total)\Accessed Entities"
Documents Accessed – Rate
typeperf.exe "\CTMS Collector(_Total)\Accessed Entities/sec"
Documents Created – Total
typeperf.exe "\CTMS Target(_Total)\Documents Created"
Documents Created – Rate
typeperf.exe "\CTMS Target(_Total)\Documents Created/sec"
In general, to monitor a specific counter, invoke the Windows typeperf command before the Task Routing Engine service is started:
typeperf.exe "\performance_object(_Total)\counter_name"
See the topic about Performance counters in the IBM Content Collector documentation for a complete list of all performance counters. Note that counters in the CTMS Instanceless Core performance object do not have specific instances. To monitor these counters with typeperf, remove the (_Total) qualifier in the typeperf command.


The following documentation is available:

Information center and updates to the information center

The product documentation is available on the web at

For product information that is missing or is incorrect in the IBM Content Collector information center, see the technote about updates to the information center for IBM Content Collector V4.0.

IBM Content Collector publication library

For the most important and most frequently used documents, see the technote about the IBM Content Collector V4.0 publication library.

Enabling IBM Content Collector document classes in IBM FileNet P8 for use with eDiscovery Manager
For details on how to prepare document classes to enable discovery with eDiscovery Manager, see the technote about enabling Content Collector document classes in P8 for discovery with eDiscovery Manager.

Configuring the QueryString option to enable selecting documents when running the Set Retention tool
For details on how to configure the search query in the QueryString configuration option including examples, see the technote about configuring the QueryString option to enable selecting documents when running the Set Retention tool.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSAE9L","label":"Content Collector"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"All Content Collector products","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"4.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 December 2019

