IBM Support

Fixes that are included in IBM Case Manager, Version 5.3.3

Release Notes


Cumulative list of fixes that are included in IBM Case Manager Version 5.3.3, which is the case feature in IBM Business Automation Workflow V18.0.


This release introduces IBM Business Automation Workflow V18.0, which combines IBM Business Process Manager (IBM BPM) (process feature) and IBM Case Manager (case feature) into one workflow offering. For information about the process feature fixes included in this release, see Fix list for the IBM Business Process Manager Version 8.6 products.

IBM Case Manager cumulative fix list (APARs)

The cumulative fix list contains all APARs that were fixed since the generally available release of Version 5.3.0 of IBM Case Manager.

Important: For some APARs, such as security-related APARs, information about that APAR is not made available to customers to avoid compromising customer and product security. If an APAR is listed in the fix list but no information is available, the APAR might be a security APAR.

Table 1. Fix list for IBM Case Manager Version 5.3.3

PJ45116GetNext is not working properly in Case Client with inbasket filters.
PJ45126Horizontal scroll bar for the Case List widget is lost after the widget is resized.
PJ45129The response header does not contain content-type when invoking REST api to create a new case.
PJ45137Remove from case button does not hide after the selected document is removed from the case.
PJ45205Receive hash is not correct error when trying to to import a solution manifest where ICM is configured with VCS.
PJ45206Error indicating existence of filesystem path when importing solution manifest in administration client.
PJ45213Clicking complete button in Work Details page does not check for annotation changes on the document.
PJ45251Deployment using administration client fails with FNRAM9041 IPv6 error.

The following issues are fixed in, and will require IBM Content Navigator Version Limited Availability Interim Fix 002 Fixes ( or IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.4:
  • IO26070 - Accessibility user unable to remove and delete any values in multi-value choice list input table.

Table 2. Fix list for IBM Case Manager Version

PJ44977When using Internet Explorer 11 the horizontal scroll bar is displayed on a tabbed layout container when user with only view case permission.
PJ45089Using the up and down arrow keys to select In-basket items results with incorrect items selected.
PJ45091Clicking the Move Forward and Move Backward buttons from Case Visualizer does not move the corresponding Case History Objects.
PJ45100User selection dialog for task workgroup field does not work in browse mode for Internet Explorer 11.
PJ45107Callback function is not being executed for Actio.PerformAction function
PJ45195Business objects are displayed at runtime even when configured as hidden via Case Builder.
PJ45196Adding calendar subscription to a case may result in error.
PJ45201Content list widget showing all versions of a particular version series with display documents (ReceivedDocumentIds) event.
PJ45202When reassigning a work item, unable to scroll roles in 'select a user' pane if there is a large list of roles.
PJ45203Receive NullPointerException when saving solution if reused business objects are reordered.
PJ45204Unable to upgrade solution template from versions 5.3.0 and 5.3.1.

The following issues are fixed in, and will require IBM Content Navigator Version Limited Availability Interim Fix 001 Fixes (
  • PJ45195 - Business Objects are displayed at runtime even when configured as hidden via Case Builder.

Table 3. Fix list for IBM Case Manager Version 5.3.2

PJ44794The last column in the In-basket widget is not displayed in full size.
PJ44891Adding a user group to the Project Area security via the administration client does not behave correctly with several use cases.
PJ44892User roles created from Case Builder containing embedded period (.) in the role name does not display correct custom pages at run time.
PJ44925The property values for a new case, after adding it from the solution Work page, is not saved in the newly created case.
PJ44967Resizing browser window after logging into case client can result in the following error: "Uncaught TypeError:Cannot read property 'w' of undefined“.
PJ44989A hidden script adaptor's widget wiring will be orphaned on a page with Free Form layout, when the page is edited through IE.
PJ44992In the event that page caching fails and a deployment.inprogress file is orphaned in the network share directory, the pages for a solution where there are no cached pages will not load and the client will see an xhrFailed error.
PJ44993Applying a security configuration fails with FNRPA0087E An unexpected error occurred.
PJ44994Using a cross-repository search with mapped criteria from 2 object stores or user defined properties, the Search with Values incoming event for the Content List widget does not return the correct results.
PJ44995Adding a widget onto the page with Free Form layout does not save changes with certain use cases.
PJ45018After logging into the administration client desktop, it takes a long time to display the list of object stores in the domain.
PJ45027Configure Case Management Object Store fails with FNRCE0066E: E_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION if there are corrupt or invalid object stores in the Content Platform Engine domain
PJ45038Property settings in a collapsed section in a custom view might be lost if saving and closing the view before it completes lazy loading.
PJ45043History events from the Case Information widget appear in jumbled order when there are more than 200 events.
PJ45046ICM_Operations createCase methods are not compatible with legacy multi-value property format returned by getCasePropertyValues().
PJ45050In-basket widget refresh does not work when it is called from a broadcast event against icm.Refresh.
PJ45069An unexpected login window is seen while editing or adding a solution in Case Builder.
PJ45071Opening a second document with the ICN Viewer in a separate window does not put focus on the Viewer window.
PJ45072The wrong Work Details page can be used for next work item via GetNext function within the same case type.
PJ45073Time default value for datetime property mismatch between Case Builder and Case Client
PJ45074Short name is changed to display name unexpectedly when editing security configuration via the administration client.
PJ45075Case client user without sufficient permission can click to start or disable "Ready" task via the Case Information widget.
PJ45076Sorting the list of work items after applying a filter can result in an error.
PJ45078When working with external documents returned from a XT search template or ICN saved search that searches cross repositories, 'Add a copy of the document' option is disabled in the Add document from repository
PJ45080Copying a page with a Free Form layout can result with a page that is unusable.
PJ45083Upgrade the Apache Commons FileUpload in eForms
PJ45086Spring MVC framework update to 4.1.8.

The following issues are fixed in, and will require, IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.2 or higher:

  • PJ44794 - The last column in the In-basket widget is not displayed in full size.
  • PJ44925 - The property values for a new case, after adding it from the solution Work page, is not saved in the newly created case.

Table 4. Fix list for IBM Case Manager Version

PJ44806Case Detail page is not marked as dirty after EDS updates property on the page.
PJ44809Document properties are not displayed for external documents if there are no native repository documents in the same case.
PJ44828The value of a custom document property associated with a choice list for an external document will be displayed incorrectly.
PJ44868Properties in a titledLayout section do not display when uncollapsed immediately after opening a custom view in Case Builder.
PJ44895Unable to save task workflow in step designer when trying to set a value containing a double quote in a property step.
PJ44898Adding a box collaboration folder may fail with error code 400.
PJ44905The "Remove" button from the in-basket ui filter behaves incorrectly after clicking on "Reset" for the in-basket ui filter.
PJ44949'Payload is undefined' error when accessing payload on properties widget > fieldUpdated event after upgrading to v5.3.1.
PJ44956Calling icm.refreshToDoTaskList for todo list widget may error w/ "TypeError: cannot read property 'getCaseType' of undefined".
PJ44960CDEWG3401 error is shown when opening a solution in Case Client for the first time if there are multiple views in a page.
PJ44962Update CMIS, which includes updated Spring Framework libraries, for IBM Case Manager REST protocol.
PJ44965Work detail page with Form widget and multi value property in property table saves only one value at a time.

Table 5. Fix list for IBM Case Manager Version 5.3.1

PJ44619Incorrect French text is observed in Case History after adding a comment to the case.
PJ44756"CmAcmCaseTypeXSD exceeds the maximum permitted length" error is thrown when deploying a large solution.
PJ44784User selection dialog for a workflow group field is slow to display when solution roles have a lot of users/groups.
PJ44785After logout of Case Client, while an IBM Form is displayed in the Form widget, browser will display popup logon prompt.
PJ44787Adding 'Import document using entry template' action to the menu of Case Information Widget > documents does not get displayed.
PJ44788Using getCasePropertyValues() for a separate case type results in an exception "FNRPA0742E the property was not found..."
PJ44789Update CMIS, which includes updated spring framework libraries, for IBM Case Manager REST protocol.
PJ44790ICM javascript API does not enforce verification of discretionary tasks to its defined case type.
PJ44791User with no manage roles permissions can see all roles in reassign work item dialog.
PJ44792A TypeError is displayed to the user when trying to open a case from a different solution via javascript icm.OpenCase event.
PJ44793Double clicking or pressing enter multiple times on links might make a page display duplicate properties widgets.
PJ44795Get next does not return the correct work item if work list is resorted during runtime changing the pre-defined order.
PJ44796If running configmgr_cl to apply solution/audit manifest fails, a failed return code for the application is not set correctly.
PJ44797Unexpected FNRPA0026E might be logged in SystemOut.log when importing a solution and deploying it on a new environment.
PJ44798If user applying security manifest is different than admin configured in the manifest, configmgr_cl will not return.
PJ44799"Show display name instead of login name" option does not work after upgrading to ICM
PJ44801Executing a saved search from a script adapter may sometimes result in "too much recursion" error.
PJ44802When editing text on a multi-value property mouse clicks are not recognized within the field.
PJ44803"Advanced search from Case List widget with match criteria set to any does not return correct result set.
PJ44804The UI filter allows user to enter values greater than maximum limit by the property resulting in error when filter is applied.
PJ44805Choice list choice items do not display properly when the property is used in multiple solutions.
PJ44808Attempting to change roles after completing work item results in FNRPA0667 error.
PJ44810Simple search with datetime user property and current date as criteria may not return all matching cases.
PJ44811Repeatable subtasks are not displayed in visualizer with correct indentation under container task on subsequent task instances.
PJ44813GetNext does not open the immediate next work item in the list of work items from the Work page.
PJ44814Repeatable task may be launched repeatedly when precondition is changed and condition is met.
PJ44815Validation error in Step Designer when a string choicelist value is assigned to a property for a property step in Case Builder.
PJ44816Work item reassign dialog displays an incorrect column to the user when there are 200+ workitems.
PJ44817After clicking on the scroll bar for a Form widget displaying an IBM Form the mouse will be always tied to the scroll action.
PJ44818Search widget does not follow order defined in case search view configuration on case type.
PJ44819Solutions configured with Website Viewer widget and URL value containing equal (=) do not export URL value.
PJ44820Case Builder will repeatedly add backslashes to the description of a property if the description contains a ("") mark.
PJ44822The list of recent searches are sometimes displayed with its ID instead of name.
PJ44823Running configmgr_cl results in "the password was null or empty" error after keying in correct password at the prompt.
PJ44824Opening a newly deployed solution might cause the message "Error creating temp deployment folder" to be logged in systemout.
PJ44825Solution artifacts with multi-byte characters might be garbled when saved with Case Builder.
PJ44826Warning message "The value is required" shown on top left on browser (Internet Explorer 9 and Firebox).
PJ44836Reassign / return buttons are disabled when Work Details page is opened from link in email notification
PJ44845History tab in the Case Information widget does not display all of the history events for the case.
PJ44847Double click an item from Case List widget might result in duplicate properties and hasOwnProperty undefined error when closing.
PJ44848Multi-select documents in Case Info then using the remove from Case Action only removes a single document.
PJ44851Running configuration tool task changes the plug-in setting for the default ICM desktop
PJ44852Unable to edit a solution after setting an in-basket filter name to include special characters with Process Designer

[{"Product":{"code":"SSCTJ4","label":"IBM Case Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"5.3.3","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

