IBM Support

IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact V6.1.0 Fix Pack 4(6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004)



This FP address problems found in Netcool/Impact V6.1.0

Download Description

Notice: IBM will withdraw support for the selected Netcool product versions licensed under the IBM International Program License Agreement.

Readme file for: IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact
Product/Component Release: 6.1.0
Update name: Fixpack 4
Fix ID: 6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004
IBM Corp.
Publication date: July 15, 2016
Last modified date: July 6, 2016
Online version of the readme file:

Publish date is subject to change at any time without notices

Attention: You can always find the most current version of the readme file online.


1.0 Files included in this Fix Pack
2.0 Hardware and software requirements
3.0 Installation information
3.1 Dependencies
3.2 Prerequisites
3.3 Special considerations
3.4 Superceded Fixes
3.5 Extracting Fix Pack files
3.6 Installation in Cluster Environment
3.7 Installation of the Fix Pack
3.8 Uninstalling the Fix Pack
3.9 Recovering from a failed Fix Pack installation
3.10 Policies overwritten by this Fix Pack
4.0 Additional information
5.0 List of APARs
5.1 Fixes (APARs) Included In this Fix Pack.
6.0 New support and features
6.1 Additional Browser Support
6.2 Certified against IBM DB2 10.5
6.3 eWAS Fixes and Upgrades
7.0 Known issues
7.1 Syntax checker does not work correctly for Java Script importClass
and importPackage functions
7.2 Selecting Operator Views may, at times, give 'Undefined' pop-up error message.
7.3 AppsCan "RC4 cipher suites were detected" and
"Logjam (Diffie-Hellman key exchange downgrade)" issues
7.4 Internet Explorer and Compatibility View mode
7.5 Migration from 5.1.1 to 6.1.0 FP
8.0 Copyright and trademark information

1.0 Files included in this Fix Pack

Fix Pack 4 addresses the problems that have been reported in IBM Tivoli
Netcool/Impact version 6.1.0. The following table contains a list of
files included in this Fix Pack and operating systems associated with
these files:

Platform File
AIX * 6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004-aix.tar
Linux * 6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004-linux.tar
Solaris * 6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004-solaris.tar
Windows *
Linux for * 6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004-zLinux.tar
System z

all platforms * 6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004.README

Note: The installer works for both 32 and 64 architectures

Note: Whenever <ARCH> is used in the text of this readme, as part of the
filename of the Fix Pack package, it refers to, and can be
substituted for one of the following operating systems:
* Linux
* Solaris
* zLinux

2.0 Hardware and software requirements

Refer to the Prerequisites for Tivoli Netcool Impact 6.1 page on the Netcool
Impact wiki for a full description of all the hardware and software
requirements of the product: Netcool Impact/page/Prerequisites for Tivoli Netcool Impact 6.1


Tivoli Netcool/Impact 6.1.0

Installation Instructions

3.0 Installation information

3.1 Dependencies

IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact version 6.1.0

This Fix Pack is applied to Tivoli Netcool/Impact 6.1.0 Server and 6.1.0 GUI

This Fix Pack can also be installed on top of Fix Pack 1, 2 or 3.

3.2 Prerequisites

Tivoli Integrated Portal (TIP FP or higher certified
versions of TIP must be installed after installing this fix pack.

If the Impact server and GUI server are installed on different systems,
the TIP FP needs to be installed only on the GUI server.

If TIP FP is installed on the GUI Server which is on a separate
system, the eWAS on the Impact Server system must be upgraded to eWAS
7.0 Fix Pack 39. The instructions to apply the eWAS Fix Pack are in
section 6.3 below.

Please note that eWAS AppServer and eWAS SDK 7.0 Fix Pack 39 addresses
various security related issues.

If the Impact Server and TIP are on the same system, the TIP Server
and the Impact server must be stopped prior to installing the TIP FP.

To download TIP FP go to:

3.3 Special considerations

To apply this Fix Pack you will need 1700 Mb of free disk space.

1. Backup the current server using the command:
nci_export <serverInstanceName> <absolute path directory>

For example:
Non-Windows Operating System:
$NCHOME/impact/bin/nci_export NCI /tmp/exports/NCI_exports

Windows Operating System:
%NCHOME%\impact\bin\nci_export NCI C:\tmp\exports\NCI_exports

2. Backup the current jar file:
Non-Windows Operating System:
cp $NCHOME/impact/lib/nci<date><current-buildlevel>.jar $NCHOME/impact/tmp/

Windows Operating System:
copy %NCHOME%\impact\lib\nci<date><current-buildlevel>.jar %NCHOME%\impact\tmp\

3. Server Name
If the Impact instance name contains a dash ("-"), then the upgrade will
fail to upgrade Impact 6.1.0 to FP4. For example: If the instance name is
"NCI-1", then the upgrade will fail. If the instance name is "NCI_1", then
the upgrade will succeed.

4. You will be prompted during the installation to specify a backup
directory name. The installer backs up DE at this location.

NOTE: Please ensure this backup directory exists with write permission before launching the installer.

5. This Fix Pack does not back up the entire Impact application. It only
backs up the files that it has updated or replaced. A backup copy of the
original files is located at [InstallDirectory]/tipv2/logs/impact/maintenance/backup/

3.4 Superceded Fixes

6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0003 is superceded by this Fix Pack.
6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0002 is superceded by this Fix Pack.
6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0001 is superceded by this Fix Pack.

3.5 Extracting Fix Pack files

NOTE: Do not extract the files to a directory name containing
embedded spaces

3.5.1 Extracting on Linux, Solaris, and AIX platforms
1. Copy the 6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004-<ARCH>.tar file to your system.
2. Unpack the file using this command:
* tar -xvf 6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004-<ARCH>.tar

3.5.2 Extracting on Windows platforms to your system
1. Copy the
2. Extract the contents of the file to a selected directory.

3.5.3 Fix pack directories

When you extract the file, this directory is created:

Impact Impact Server and GUI server updates

3.6 Installation in Cluster Environment
Please follow the instructions in the Netcool/Impact 6.1.0 administration guide
for setting up a server cluster.

3.7 Installation of the Fix Pack

[Fix Pack] Refers to the directory where you extracted the fix pack
files from the zip/tar file.

Attention: Install the fix pack with the same user that was used to
install Impact 6.1.0 GA

NOTE: If using the DE BACKUP default option, this Fix Pack installation
package needs to be on temporary directory does not contain
embedded spaces on its name. However; the DE Backup itself can
contain embedded spaces on its directory name.

Installing without a backup:

If you prefer to backup DE with your own procedures, you can
run the install with the following parameter:


If you choose this method, you must backup DE
before you install. Restore the original system using
your backup or restore procedures or utilities.

The DE Database and its programs are located under the user's home
directory under ".acsi*" on Unix and under the following directory
on Windows: "C:\Program Files\ibm\Common\acsi"

Follow this procedure to install the fix pack:
1. Before installing the fix pack all Impact processes must be running.
2. Change to the [Fix Pack]/Impact directory where the you
extracted the files.
3. Run the installation using one the following commands:
* setupwin.exe - Windows.
* setup<ARCH>.bin - other operating systems.

Installation command options:

GUI mode
No options, for example:

Windows: setupwin.exe


Unix: ./setup<ARCH>.bin

Console mode
Use the -i console option. For example:

Windows: setupwin.exe -i console


Unix: ./setup<ARCH>.bin -i console

Silent Mode
a. Copy installSilent_responseFP.txt from the Impact directory of the
extracted fix pack file to a location it can be edited (/tmp).
b. Update the file to match your environment
c. Run:

UNIX: setup<ARCH>.bin -f /tmp/installSilent_responseFP.txt


Windows: setupwin.exe -f C:\tmp\installSilent_responseFP.txt
Note: The response file needs to have a fully qualified path.
Note: before you do the upgrade, please backup impact data

3.8 Uninstalling the Fix Pack

Before uninstalling the fix pack all Impact processes must be

Attention: Uninstall the fix pack with the same user that was used to
install Impact 6.1.0 GA.

Follow this procedure to uninstall the fix pack:
1. Change to the directory:
2. Run the uninstallation using one the following commands:
* uninstall.exe - Windows.
* uninstall - other operating systems.

Uninstallation command options:

GUI mode
No options, for example:

Windows: uninstall.exe


Unix: ./uninstall

Console mode
Use the -i console option. For example:

Windows: uninstall.exe -i console


Unix: ./uninstall -i console

Silent Mode
a. If silent mode was used for the installation, the
uninstallation defaults to a silent uninstallation and
you must supply a response file or the uninstallation
b. Locate the uninstallSilent_responseFP.txt
file is located under the following directory:


c. Update the file uninstallSilent_responseFP.txt to match
your environment
d. Run:
UNIX: ./uninstall -f uninstallSilent_responseFP.txt
Windows: uninstall.exe -f uninstallSilent_responseFP.txt

3.9 Recovering from a failed fix pack installation

If the installation fails, attempt an uninstallion in which case, it reverts to the
previous version. If there is no uninstallation file in the _uninst/Impact_FP4 directory,
nothing is installed and you can delete the Impact_FP4 directory and

3.10 Policies overwritten by this Fix Pack

When applying Test Fixes and Interim Fixes/Fix Packs to an existing system, the policies
provided by IBM may be overwritten with newer versions to fix issues. If these policies
contain custom changes, you will need to update these newer files with the custom changes.

In this Fix Pack, the following policies have been overwritten:

Backups of the original files can be found under

Additional information

Please refer to Tivoli Netcool/Impact 6.1.0 Documentation for additional information

There is no new additional information with this Fix Pack

[{"DNLabel":"6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004-aix.tar","DNDate":"19 Jul 2016","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"378583040","DNPlat":{"label":"AIX","code":"PF002"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004-linux.tar","DNDate":"19 Jul 2016","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"369541120","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004-solaris.tar","DNDate":"19 Jul 2016","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"369080320","DNPlat":{"label":"Solaris","code":"PF027"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":" ","DNDate":"19 Jul 2016","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"377641268","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0004-zlinux.tar ","DNDate":"19 Jul 2016","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"369141760","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null}]
[{"Product":{"code":"SSSHYH","label":"Tivoli Netcool\/Impact"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"}],"Version":"6.1","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Problems (APARS) fixed
IV53717 IV59920 IV61084 IV61956 IV68163 IV70712 IV73620 IV78197 IV80613 IV80747 IV83836;IV60062 IV47748 IV50058 IV50329 IV52828 IV56381 IV59481 IV63535 IV65055 IV65179 IV66337 IV68383 IV68934 IV70836 IV70962 IV72561 IV72673 IV73098 IV74421 IV75913 ;IV08840 IV12282 IV18060 IV18130 IV18154 IV18554 IV19026 IV19497 IV19818 IV20165 IV20367 IV20695 IV20781 IV21219 IV21503 IV21706 IV21712 IV21717 IV21736 IV22560 IV22741 IV23315 IV23428 IV24702 IV25055 IV25350 IV25663 IV25900 IV26409 IV26951 IV27869 IV28414 IV28902 IV29713 IV29936 IV29981 IV30041 IV30383 IV30479 IV31225 IV31226 IV31554 IV31702 IV33973 IV34503 IV35827 IV35885 IV35940 IV36405 IV36503 IV37040 IV37369 IV37717 IV37759 IV38045 IV38458 IV38585 IV38961 IV39368 IV40158 IV41888 IV42312 IV42715 IV43030 IV43034 IV43123 IV43751 IV45569 IV45838 IV46099 IV46493 IV46696 IV46799 IV46851 IV47799 IV51062 IV53320 IV56541 IV37369 IV20165 IV22206 IV24980 IV24983 IV28413 IV29164 IV31216 IV32524 IV36498 IV36889 IV37817 IV38458 IV38585 IV38616 IV40160 IV40179 IV43157 IV44875 IV44969 IV45569 IV46185 IV46512 IV46696 IV47057 IV48113 IV50673 IV51376 IV52651 IV54739 IV41888 IY99985 IY99987 IV00394 IV02161 IV02207 IV02634 IV03338 IV07669 IV08013 IV08031 IV08407 IV08752 IV08755 IV08883 IV09043 IV09056 IV09210 IV10388 IV10783 IV10944 IV11127 IV11728 IV11902 IV12265 IV12281 IV12589 IV12778 IV12950 IV13297 IV14290 IV14459 IV14946 IV16077 IV17284 IV19046

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

