IBM Support

IAMB: IBM App Connect Enterprise Solution for SWIFT FIN Messaging (DFDL Edition)



This SupportPac is a Category One (fee based) services offering for IBM App Connect Enterprise, enabling processing and validation of SWIFT FIN MT messages in IBM App Connect Enterprise.

Download Description

This SupportPac enables the processing and validation of SWIFT FIN MT messages inside IBM integration brokers. This significantly speeds up the development of integration interfaces that require SWIFT FIN MT message processing.
Enabling IBM App Connect Enterprise to process and validate SWIFT FIN MT messages opens the way for implementation of integration interfaces for handling messages from the SWIFT network, other SWIFT processing systems, legacy systems and other non-SWIFT systems. Legacy and other systems may be those that process messages according to older versions of the SWIFT standard, or those using other formats such as fixed-length COBOL, XML, etcetera.
By leveraging IBM integration broker features, services built within the integration broker can be made available to consumers outside of the integration broker through available protocols such as HTTP.  This allows clients to centralize SWIFT integration capability while enjoying leverage beyond the immediate integration broker infrastructure.
Key Features and Components
  • DFDL Schema Projects: Pre-packaged metadata definitions for SWIFT FIN MT messages.
  • Semantic Validation: Rules based validation solution implementing a set of validation rules equivalent to SWIFT FIN MT Network Validation, delivered as Java plug-in nodes.
  • Message model implemented using Data Format Description Language (DFDL*) annotations for SWIFT published MT-XML schemas (* DFDL is an open standard of the Open Grid Forum).
  • Delivers logical data structures consistent with SWIFT MyStandards and MyStandards Base Libraries (MBL) content.
  • Recognisable logical data structures with additional DFDL annotations describing the native (non-XML) format characteristics required to support message parsing and serialization.
  • Implements IBAN check digit validation in line with specification EBS 204 V3.2 (2003).
Typically the metadata and validation components support the current (live), previous and next SWIFT FIN MT Standards Releases.

Possible Uses
  • Transformation between SWIFT FIN MT message formats and other formats for integration between the SWIFT network, SWIFT message processing applications and other applications.
  • Abstraction of legacy systems bound to older versions of the SWIFT FIN MT standards.
  • Cost reduction through complete validation of SWIFT FIN MT message traffic before transmission on the SWIFT network.
  • Exposure of integration broker based SWIFT processing functionality and validation as a service to other systems and applications.
New in this Release
Support for SWIFT FIN MT Standards Release 2024.
Skill Level Required

The service offering is provided by appropriately skilled personnel from the IBM Ireland Development Laboratory. Client personnel who will be responsible for providing ongoing support should be familiar with IBM App Connect Enterprise and the SWIFT FIN MT standards.

Author: IBM Ireland Development Laboratory, Commercial Payments Expert Lab Services
Category: 1 (fee based)
Last Updated: 26-JUN-2024

To view the complete portfolio of IBM MQ SupportPacs please visit the IBM MQ SupportPacs homepage.


This SupportPac requires one of the following products:
• IBM App Connect Enterprise v12.0
• IBM App Connect Enterprise v11.0
• IBM Integration Bus 10.1

Installation Instructions

Comprehensive installation instructions are provided with the solution documentation.

This Service Offering is available from the IBM Ireland Development Laboratory. Please contact your local IBM representative or contact the laboratory directly by e-mail to Dublin Adapters Support.

Download Package

The document linked below gives further information.

[{"DNLabel":"SupportPac IAMB Overview","DNDate":"02 May 2024","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"192 KB","DNPlat":{"label":"Platform Independent","code":"PF025"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null}]

Technical Support

Support will be provided by IBM Ireland Development Laboratory and will be similar to that offered for IBM products, including problem management, support responsibilities, severity levels and response times.

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSDR5J","label":"IBM App Connect Enterprise"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000brDHAAY","label":"ACE"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions","Type":"MASTER"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
28 June 2024

