IBM Support WebSphere Application Server Toolkit Version 6.1.1 Fix Pack 7



The IBM WebSphere Application Server Toolkit V6.1.1.7 cumulative Fix Pack contains fixes to V6.1.1.

Download Description

  • Web service deployment tools
    • (PK62769) A new preference called 'Portable Client' will be introduced to the JAX-WS web-service client wizard as well as the JAX-WS web-service workspace preferences. When this option is enabled then the WSDL file will be copied to the client project and the * file that is generated will reference this WSDL file in a relative manner.
    • (PK62853) If the Add or Edit dialog of the 'Manage Policy Set Attachment' is canceled then a NullPointerException is displayed in the workspace .log file.
    • (PK65059) When using Web Service Security Wizard to add signature, encryption, or authorization for a web service/client, the correspondent entry in the xml metadata misses the "name" attribute. This does not comply with the DTD file. As a result, the WebSphere Application Server administrative console cannot be used to edit these security features, once the project is published to the server.

  • Enterprise JavaBeans deployment and mapping tools
    • (PK59387) If the -keep command-line flag is specified for EJBDeploy then it will not delete the working directory upon completion of the code generation. However, if -keep is not specified then it is suppose to delete the working directory but this does not occur as certain files are still locked by the JVM when the deletion occurs, preventing the working directory from being completely cleaned.
    • (PK56178) The 'Open Table Editor' context menu action that was available in Rational Application Developer v6.0 is missing in the v7.0 release of the product. This action was available to jump to a open the selected table for editing.
    • (PK62806) Any converter which maps to an abstract Java class should not be listed in the Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) container-managed persistence (CMP) Mapping editor. If one of these converters is selected then it will cause failuers during EJBDeploy code generation as the underlying query engine will attempt to construct these converters which will cause the compilation of the Java code to fail.
    • (PK58922) When launching the J2EE migration wizard against a J2EE application that contains EJB 1.1 modules and specifying to migrate them to EJB 2.x then the CMP backend folder is not migrated to the 2.x format, but rather is left in the 1.1 format. As a result, running EJBDeploy against this EJB module will cause a new Top-Down produced CMP backend to be created while ignoring any mappings that previously existed.
    • (PK65729) When running RMIC against an EJB Module targeting WebSphere Application Server v6.1 then the RMIC call is done In-JVM. In this scenario any RMIC system properties defined for the EJB module will not be added as a System property for the current running JVM and therefore will not be available for RMIC.
  • Server Tooling
    • (PK61654) The v5.1 WebSphere Test Environment looseconfig.xmi file and deployment.xml file generation have been modified to exclude modules that are not directly part of the Enterprise Application being published to the server. This means they will be added as utility libraries for the current application. The fix for this APAR is currently scheduled for inclusion in the Rational Application Developer v7.0.0.7 fixpack.
    • (PK61864) The syntax for invoking the AdminTask.exportWasprofile or AdminTask.importWasprofile wsadmin tasks has been changed to use the following: AdminTask.exportWasprofile(['-archive','']) and AdminTask.importWasprofile(['-archive',''])
    • (PK61971) If an web application is published to the v5.1 WebSphere Test Environment then any non-MANIFEST.MF binary JAR file references (i.e. Web libraries) will not be visible to the server at runtime. This can lead to ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError errors happening at runtime when referencing classes contained within these JAR files.
    • (PK63377) If an EAR project is constructed with an EAR Content Directory then any JAR files placed outside the EAR Content Directory and configured as a J2EE Module Dependency are not visible to the WebSphere Application Server runtime. This is happening because the looseconfig.xmi entry is not being added as the looseconfig generator was incorrectly assuming that any JAR file in the EAR project is always visible to the WebSphere Application Server runtime.
    • (PK65079) The Installed JRE entries for the various WebSphere Application Server installs are all listed as runtimeJRE. This was caused by the JREs being created before the underlying ResourceBundle was instantiated.
    • (PK64807) If an Eclipse variable which points directly to an individual file is added as a Web Library then it will cause a NullPointerException during looseconfig generation. This is happening because we are looking for the file extension of file file but since it is a variable then there is no file extension.[
    • (PK65017) The Websphere v6.1 Application Client Launcher can only uses the VM arguments and classpath of the default WebSphere runtime (usually the pre-existed runtimes of RAD, or the first added runtime in AST), even if you change the "WebSphere runtime" in the Launcher dialog, or the default runtime isn't valid any more (such as the runtime has been uninstalled, or manually removed from file system). If the users are not able to change the VM arguments and classpath, they can not run the client against the desired run-time. Most importantly, if the default runtime has been removed, the client will be running against invalid VM arguments and classpath. The execution will fail over some runtime errors, or ClassnotfoundException. Manually edit these value in the Launcher dialog is tedious job and error-prone.
    • (PK67448) Nothing happens when selecting the 'Run Administrative script..." action on a WebSphere Application Server.
  • J2EE Ant Tasks
    • (PK66190) While using the workspacePreferenceSet, workspacePreferenceGet, and workspacePreferenceFile J2EE Ant tasks the following error may occur after applying the WebSphere Application Server Toolkit v6.1.1.7 or Rational Application Developer v7.0.0.7 fixpacks: The type doesn't support the "preferencetype" attribute.
  • J2EE Extensions
    • (PK56314) Under certain situations adding a Read-Ahead hint in the deployment descriptor of an EJB will cause an incorrect ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi file to be generated. This will cause the EJB deployment code generation procedure to fail.
    • (PK60325) A NullPointerException will be visible in the workspace .log file when selecting to defined a new EJB mediation handler.
  • zOS Profile Management
    • (PK62715) The BBOCCFS job gets generated with SYSOUT=H instead of SYSOUT=* when using the zPMT tool.
    • (PK55774) The ISPF Customization Dialog currently uses a default expiration date of 2010/12/31 for the certificate expiration date. That date can be modified by the user, if they choose. However, the default date in that field should be increased, to account for the length of the support contract plus extension.


The IBM WebSphere Application Server Toolkit V6.1.1.7 cumulative Fix Pack requires an IBM WebSphere Application Server Toolkit V6.1.1 install on either a Windows® or Linux® operating system.

[{"PRLabel":"6.1.1: Refresh Pack 1 for Linux","PRLang":"English","PRSize":"803970133","PRPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"PRURL":""},{"PRLabel":"6.1.1: Refresh Pack 1 for Windows","PRLang":"English","PRSize":"799813407","PRPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"PRURL":""}]

Installation Instructions

If you have access to the Internet, this Fix Pack is automatically downloaded when you use IBM Rational® Product Updater to search for updates.

The recommended method for installing the Fix Pack is to use Rational Product Updater. However, this Fix Pack is also available to download at the bottom of this document.

To download and install the Fix Pack locally, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the Fix Pack from the Download package section of this document.

  2. Extract the Fix Pack to a temporary directory. For example: c:\temp.

  3. For installation instructions, navigate to the temporary directory and open the update/install_local_6117_fixpack7.html file.

[{"INLabel":"Installation Instructions","INLang":"English","INSize":"8335","INURL":""}]
[{"DNLabel":"6.1.1: Fix Pack 7","DNDate":"22/10/2008","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"986114471","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null}]

Technical Support

Contact 1-800-IBM-SERV (U.S. Only) or visit the WebSphere Application Server Support site on the Web.

When you contact customer support, the support representative needs to know which versions of the products and additional Fix Packs are installed on your system. To determine the versions, complete the following steps:

  1. Start IBM Rational Product Updater.
    • On Windows operating systems, select Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server Toolkit V6.1.1 > Rational Product Updater.

    • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux V3.0 (GNOME desktop environment), open the main menu and select Programming > Rational Product Updater V6.0.1.

    • On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server V9.0 (K Desktop Environment), open the main menu and select IBM Rational > Rational Product Updater V6.0.1.

  2. Select the Installed Products tab.

For frequently asked questions (FAQs), lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the Support page for a listing of Release Notes for the Application Server Toolkit.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Application Server Toolkit (AST)","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Problems (APARS) fixed
PK62769 PK62853 PK65059 PK59387 PK56178 PK62806 PK58922 PK65729 PK61654 PK61864 PK61971 PK63377 PK65079 PK64807 PK65017 PK67448 PK66190 PK56314 PK60325 PK62715 PK55774

Document Information

Modified date:
04 February 2020

