MA1O Provides a REXX Application Trigger Monitor for TSO, which is ready to be used as-is after installation and customization of the queue manager name and the initiation queue name.
Download Description
The SupportPac provides a Batch Application Trigger Monitor for z/OS, written in REXX, which can be used as-is.
The SupportPac consists of a job and several modules written in REXX.
This job starts the Trigger Monitor, and connects to the queue manager and the initiation queue. You need to customize it to match your environment definitions.
This REXX program calls the monitor program MQTILITY
This REXX program serves as an IBM MQ function tool for REXX applications. The program contains all required basic functions for IBM MQ messaging: MqInit, MqOpen, MqPut, MqGet, MqDisc, MqTerm, and special function MqMonitor. By calling MQTILITY, each REXX program can write a record into a queue, and read a record from a queue, without you needing any knowledge of IBM MQ data processing.
This REXX program determines the first level qualifier of the mandatory library named &HOME.UTILTY, and performs various data set allocations.
This REXX program logs the start and end of any program started by a trigger definition for the monitored initiation queue. The program uses batch pipes to handle the log data set. MQTILITY is delivered using SAVE2LOG, which can easily be replaced by LOG2SAVE if necessary.
This REXX program logs the start and end of any program started by a trigger definition for the monitored initiation queue. It is a clone of SAVE2LOG, and uses EXECIO instead of batch pipes to handle the log data set.
Possible Uses
This SupportPac can be used as-is as an IBM MQ application trigger monitor, and allows you to start batch jobs through an IBM MQ trigger message. The posted REXX source might help you to implement your own variations of triggering. It also shows that application trigger monitors are just IBM MQ applications.
Authors: Alfred Frischmann, GBS CBS Frontend Development, Willi Jorg, GBS Enterprise Solutions Architecture & Technology
Category: 2
Released: 25Mar09
Current SupportPac Version: 1.0
»Please note that the version number shown in the right pane is the version of the IBM MQ product that this SupportPac applies to. The date is the last web page refresh.
To view the complete portfolio of IBM MQ SupportPacs, visit the IBM MQ SupportPacs home page.
The SupportPac consists of a job and several modules written in REXX.
This job starts the Trigger Monitor, and connects to the queue manager and the initiation queue. You need to customize it to match your environment definitions.
This REXX program calls the monitor program MQTILITY
This REXX program serves as an IBM MQ function tool for REXX applications. The program contains all required basic functions for IBM MQ messaging: MqInit, MqOpen, MqPut, MqGet, MqDisc, MqTerm, and special function MqMonitor. By calling MQTILITY, each REXX program can write a record into a queue, and read a record from a queue, without you needing any knowledge of IBM MQ data processing.
This REXX program determines the first level qualifier of the mandatory library named &HOME.UTILTY, and performs various data set allocations.
This REXX program logs the start and end of any program started by a trigger definition for the monitored initiation queue. The program uses batch pipes to handle the log data set. MQTILITY is delivered using SAVE2LOG, which can easily be replaced by LOG2SAVE if necessary.
This REXX program logs the start and end of any program started by a trigger definition for the monitored initiation queue. It is a clone of SAVE2LOG, and uses EXECIO instead of batch pipes to handle the log data set.
Possible Uses
This SupportPac can be used as-is as an IBM MQ application trigger monitor, and allows you to start batch jobs through an IBM MQ trigger message. The posted REXX source might help you to implement your own variations of triggering. It also shows that application trigger monitors are just IBM MQ applications.
Authors: Alfred Frischmann, GBS CBS Frontend Development, Willi Jorg, GBS Enterprise Solutions Architecture & Technology
Category: 2
Released: 25Mar09
Current SupportPac Version: 1.0
»Please note that the version number shown in the right pane is the version of the IBM MQ product that this SupportPac applies to. The date is the last web page refresh.
To view the complete portfolio of IBM MQ SupportPacs, visit the IBM MQ SupportPacs home page.
IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS.
SupportPac MA95 – A REXX Interface to IBM MQ
SupportPac MA95 – A REXX Interface to IBM MQ
[{"PRLabel":"SupportPac MA95","PRLang":"US English","PRSize":"1236306 B","PRPlat":{"label":"z/OS","code":"PF035"},"PRURL":""}]
Installation Instructions
1. Copy to a temporary directory
2. Uncompress using InfoZip's UnZip tool
3. This creates the required library file.
Follow the instructions in the readme file to transfer the files to TSO, and to install the programs.
2. Uncompress using InfoZip's UnZip tool
3. This creates the required library file.
Follow the instructions in the readme file to transfer the files to TSO, and to install the programs.
[{"INLabel":"ma1o_readme.txt","INLang":"US English","INSize":"5635 B","INURL":" "},{"INLabel":"ma1o.pdf","INLang":"US English","INSize":"104224 B","INURL":""}]
[{"DNLabel":"","DNDate":" ","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"178909 B","DNPlat":{"label":"z/OS","code":"PF035"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null}]
Technical Support
Category 2 SupportPacs are provided in good faith and AS-IS. There is no warranty or further service implied or committed and any supplied sample code is not supported through IBM product service channels.
You can submit a question and return email address using the 'rate this page' below, but a response is not guaranteed.
Please read the license information contained within the ZIP file of this SupportPac, to determine if you want to use it.
You can submit a question and return email address using the 'rate this page' below, but a response is not guaranteed.
Please read the license information contained within the ZIP file of this SupportPac, to determine if you want to use it.
[{"Product":{"code":"SSFKSJ","label":"WebSphere MQ"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"SupportPac","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]
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Document Information
Modified date:
09 August 2024