IBM Support

Turning on zero suppression inside the Planning Analytics TI process results in the data being ordered by when the element was added to the dimension, instead of the subset order, or the default dimension order.



This technote documents the current limitation of TM1 Server related to turning on Zero suppression inside the Planning Analytics TI process, which results in the data being ordered by when the element was added to the dimension, instead of the subset order, or the default dimension order.
When the TI process is created with the parameter pSuppressZero = 0 (suppress zero is turned off), it shows data for the dimension in descending alphabetical order, as expected.

When the TI process is created with the parameter pSuppressZero = 1 (suppress zero is turned on),  it shows data for the dimension in the order the elements were added to the dimension.
This is an as-designed limitation based on the different types of cube data iteration associated with the suppress zeroes property on the view.  When suppression is off, TM1 performs an "expanse iteration" of the base cube data that visit all possible locations implied by the metadata -- this can be prohibitively slow.  When suppression is on, TM1 instead performs a "population iteration" that is driven by where actual data reside -- this can be much much faster.

But, the expanse iteration works by using element sorting indexes, while the population iteration uses element data coordinate indexes (of necessity since that is how the data are stored.)
When a new element is added, the sorting indexes of the elements will be reassigned to implement (in this case) alphabetical ordering based on the element name.  But the new element must also be assigned a new data coordinate index. This index will be above the existing range of data indexes that are already established at that time.  This is the main reason for the difference in behavior.

This problem seems to be resolved after performing the TM1 server restart. After the server restart, the dimension will be freshly loaded into memory, at which time the sorting indexes and data coordinate indexes will match. If you try this you'll see that both flavors of TI return data in the expected order.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSCTEW","label":"IBM Planning Analytics Local"},"Component":"Planning Analytics TM1 Server","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 March 2023

