IBM Support

Maximo Automation Script Editor



The Automation script editor is a new and enhanced experience when you need to edit your automation script (i.g. Jython, Python, or JavaScript).


The Automation script editor is a new and enhanced experience for those when you need to edit your automation script (i.g. Jython, Python, or JavaScript).

It is NOT a plug-in. Follow these instructions to install this tool.

Step 1: Download the compressed file

Download the compressed file containing the Automation Script Editor compressed file here.

Automation Script Editor V Build 2018-08-23-1130

Step 2: Extract the file:

Confirm your MAXIMO_HOME directory and then, extract and merge the content of the compressed file.

Step 3: Install the application:

In a terminal from your operational system, navigate to

Ensure the runscriptfile.bat and scripts are present.

Choose the appropriate script for your operational system. Here's the usage of the runscriptfile script.

Usage: -c<;input directory name> -f<;script file name> -h<;help> -x<;debug mode>

Into the <MAXIMO_HOME>/tools/maximo/internal/, run the script file as follows (i.e. In this example we are running the example under a iOS system)
    ./ -caceed -fV1000_01
If the script succeeds, you will see the following message:
    Log file: MXServer_RUNSCRIPT_ACEED.log
    RunScript complete: Successful
    Checking for columns missing from E-Audit tables.
    Found no columns missing.

Step 4: Start the Maximo server.

Start your instance of Maximo and log in with an administrative permissions user (i.e. MAXADMIN user).

Step 5: Import the autoscript presentation.

Once you are logged in, access the presentation import tool available at the following URL http://localhost:7001/maximo/webclient/utility/import.jsp

Note: The localhost should be replaced by the IP address of your Maximo instance if necessary.

You should see the following interface:


Click 'Choose File' and find under <MAXIMO_HOME>/resources/presentations/ path, the autoscript.xml presentation.
Once you have the file selected, click the Import button.

Note: Before starting the entire procedure, please ensure that you have all the pre-requirements. 

Click  'Loadapp autoscript' link to load the application.

Ensure that Automation Script Editor is there.

Final considerations:

Run a test under a development environment, proceed with the right process to generate the EAR or WAR files necessary to install the Maximo framework in your Application Server.

Note: Make sure about the process to install it.  Avoid generating an issue against Maximo's infrastructure. Files and folders can be replaced or removed if the wrong actions taken. 

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 March 2022

