IBM Support

How to enable TM1Top logging using the tm1top.ini file

Question & Answer


Generating a TM1Top log file is useful to detect lock contention, and provide general information on what processes were being executed on the server at a certain time. This is an example configuration to correctly set up the tm1top.ini before running tm1top.exe.


Running the TM1Top utility can be done either on the TM1 server machine or on any client machine.
Tm1top.exe is in either \bin64 or \bin of your installation directory by default.
The tm1top.ini file located in the same directory must have at minimum the following parameters set:
adminhost= YourAdminHostName
servername= YourTM1ServerName
logfile= C:\<PathOfYourChoice>\tm1top.log
logperiod= 5
refresh= 5
logappend= T
username= YourAdminUserName
password= YourAdminPassword
If Tm1top is to be run for a short time (from a few minutes to a few hours), then reduce logperiod and refresh times to 1 to get as much information as possible:
logperiod= 1
refresh= 1
If certificate version 2 (2048-bit) is used instead of the default one, then these variables have to be set too:
adminsvrsslcertid= tm1adminserver
adminsvrsslcertauthority= C:\Program File\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\ssl\tm1ca_v2.pem

To check whether certificate version "2" is in use, open Cognos Configuration on the TM1 Admin Server machine, go to /Environment / TM1 Admin Server, and verify "TM1 Admin Server Certificate Version".
Once configured, run Tm1Top.exe. While it is running, the log file will continue to capture the status every refresh period.
If you are trying to log the output during a specific issue, first start Tm1Top.exe, reproduce the issue, and then stop Tm1Top.exe and send both tm1top.log and tm1server.log to Support.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSCTEW","label":"IBM Planning Analytics Local"},"Component":"Planning Analytics v2.0 - TM1 Server","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
03 November 2021

