IBM Support

Collect MustGather data for IBM API Connect Developer Portal



Gather the following MustGather information for IBM Support to use in troubleshooting problems with IBM API Connect Developer Portal.

Resolving The Problem

The following information describes the basic documentation needed by IBM Support to investigate questions or problems when using IBM API Connect Developer Portal.

Please DO NOT send any confidential information from your company.

If not yet done, please provide the information requested in the General MustGather to help IBM Support to collect all the data necessary to troubleshoot your problem. This will expedite problem resolution.

General MustGather
Gathering general problem description information

In addition, please provide the information requested below, when applicable to your issue, to complete the data collection necessary to troubleshoot your problem.

Developer Portal version information
To obtain the version, log on to the command line and enter the following command:


Developer Portal log files
To generate log files, log on to any Advanced Portal server using the command line Interface (CLI) and enter the following command:


From version 506 onwards, this command will also gather logs from other cluster members that can be contacted, so it might not be necessary to run on all servers.

Developer Portal list sites information
To obtain the list of the Portal sites installed, log on to the command line Interface (CLI) and enter the following command:

     list_sites -p

Developer Portal list platform information
To obtain the list of the platforms that are associated with your nodes, log on to the command line Interface (CLI) and enter the following command:


Developer Portal status information
To obtain the status of the system, log on to the command line Interface (CLI) and enter the following command:


Backup and Restore Developer Portal issue
For Backup and Restore Developer Portal issues send this information in addition to the above:

  • Provide the "output" from the command line of where backup and restore commands are being run.
  • Provide the backup file which is being used for the restore.

Install/Upgrade Developer Portal issue
For Install/Upgrade Developer Portal issues send this information in addition to the above:

  • Are you using VMware, XEN or physical appliance?
  • Provide the version of the hosting environment that you are using

Additional Management server logs
In addition to the above logs, certain issues with the Developer Portal (particularly user creation, login, and missing APIs/Products) might involve interactions with the Management server, such as:

  • Security issue
    What is the security topology being used?
    If not using Portal Delegated User Registry (PDUR), please include the API Connect PostMortem logs from all Management servers collected from CMC console.
  • Sync/WebHooks issue
    Include the API Connect PostMortem logs from all Management servers collected from CMC console in addition to the developer portal logs.

How to submit diagnostic data to IBM Support

After you have collected the preceding information, and the PMR is opened, you can exchanging information with IBM Technical Support for problem determination.

For more details see submit diagnostic data to IBM (ECuRep) and Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep) secure upload.

If you are using Service Request (SR), update the PMR to indicate that data has been sent.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSMNED","label":"IBM API Connect"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"5.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

