IBM Support

How can we avoid the Shipping discount from being dropped from the order on line cancellation when BypassPricing is set to Y?



Consider a scenario where a pricing rule has been created for ship total -100% of shipping charge is waived off if the order total is greater than 150 In case an order line is cancelled and the order total drops below 150, the pricing rule should not be applied on the order at that point and the discount should be retained on the order.


This is due to the configuration of the Financial rules

Diagnosing The Problem

Here are the complete steps to understand the scenario-
1. Create a Ship Order Total Pricing Rule in SBC such that the Shipping Charge is waived off completely if Order Total is greater than or equal to $150
2. Log in to Web Call Center application and create an order with 2 order lines
a. OrderLine1(OL1) has 1 quantity of the item "Item" whose price is $100
b. OrderLine2(OL2) has 1 quantity of the item "Item2" whose price is $60

2. Now apply a Shipping Charge of $10 to the Order

3. Pricing Rule from step 1 gets applied automatically and a discount of $10 is applied. Order Total now is $100+$60+$10(Shipping Charge)-$10(Discount from pricing rule)=$160

4. Now, complete the flow to create the order in Web Call Center

5. Now in foundation console, schedule the order such that OL1 is scheduled and OL2 get backordered. Order status is "Partially Scheduled"

6. Release and ship the order. Invoice OL1. Invoice is created for 110$ (100$ for OL1 and 10$ for Shipping charge)

7. Now cancel OL2 using the following input to changeOrder with BypassPricing set to Y-
<Order Action="MODIFY" OrderHeaderKey="2016122111224519357 " OrderName="" OrderNo="Y100000101" BypassPricing="Y">
<OrderLine Action="CANCEL" OrderLineKey="2016122111230119359" OrderedQty="1" />

8. OL2 is now cancelled. Review the charge details on the order.

The Shipping discount is dropped. The order total is now 110 (100$ for OL1+ 10$ for shipping). the discount from the pricing rule is revoked even though BypassPricing is set to Y

Resolving The Problem

In order to ensure that the pricing rule is not called in addition to setting BypassPricing to Y, Enable the flag Invoice Open Header Charges/Taxes On Invoice Complete. This is available in SBC at System Setup -> Order -> Financial Rules. Enabling this flag ensures that open header charges and taxes will be invoiced only when an order is moved to the Invoice Complete status.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"9.2.1;9.3;9.4;9.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

