IBM Support

IBM Security Guardium Health Check patch Warning: For upgrade to v10 ONLY. Duplicate query names found.



You run the Health Check patch before upgrade from IBM Security Guardium version 9.5 to version 10 and get a Warning like this: WARNING: For upgrade to v10 ONLY. Duplicate query names found. Where is a list of names of queries from your appliance having the issue. This Warning will cause the upgrade to fail. This Technote helps to resolve the problem so the upgrade does not fail for this reason.


Health Check before upgrade to IBM Security Guardium version 10 reports this Warning:

WARNING: For upgrade to v10 ONLY. Duplicate query names found.
<list of query names>

where <list of query names> is a list of one or more query name.
For example:

WARNING: For upgrade to v10 ONLY. Duplicate query names found.
PCI - Cardholder Sensitive Objects


One or more query(queries) with the same same as a new query Guardium version 10 will create , already exist in the appliance. If left this way, the upgrade to version 10 will fail as it will not be able to insert a query with the same name as one that already exists. This will cause the upgrade to fail.


IBM Security Guardium version 9.5

Diagnosing The Problem

1.- Download and install on the appliance the latest Health Check available in the IBM Fix Central website

2.- Review the Health Check log file named health_check.<time_stamp>.log.

For example: health_check.20170314004127.log

In order to view the log file, perform the following actions:

    2.1) Type command fileserver in cli
    2.2) Open the fileserver in web browser
    2.3) Go to Sqlguard logs > diag > current folder and open the log file health_check.<time_stamp>.log

3.- You are in presence of this problem if you see a Warning like:

    WARNING: For upgrade to v10 ONLY. Duplicate query names found.

    followed by a list of one or more query name

Resolving The Problem

To resolve the problem, rename each of the queries listed in the Warning to a different name. The list of queries, one query per line, will appear right after line:

WARNING: For upgrade to v10 ONLY. Duplicate query names found.


    1) Login to the Graphical User Interface (GUI).

    2) Navigate to Report Building ( Tools > Report Building ).

    3) On the left panel where the Query Domains are listed, click on the Domain for the query.

    4) From the Query Name drop-down menu, select the query from the list of queries and click Search. The Query Definition will open.

    5) Click the Clone option.

    6) Give a name to the new query and Save it.

    7) From the Query Name drop-down menu, select the original query (same you opened on step 4) from the list of queries and click Search. The Query Definition will open.

    8) click Delete to delete this Query.

    Note: If the Query is being used by other objects (such as a Report, or a Correlation Alert), you will get a Warning:

    This query cannot be deleted. It is used by:

    <list of objects using this query>

    In this case, you must first modify each of the listed objects to use the new query you created on step 6 which resulted from cloning this query to a different name.

    If you receive an error indicating you can not delete the query because it is an internal Guardium query, contact Guardium Support Team for assistance to rename the query as root..

Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSMPHH","label":"IBM Security Guardium"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Guardium Appliances","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"9.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

