IBM Support

How to create a data source connection for Informix using Informix Client SDK Developer Edition to IBM Cognos 10.2.x and Cognos Analytics?



This technote covered the recommended practices for creating the Informix data source for Cognos 10.2.x and Cognos Analytics using Informix Client SDK Developer Edition


If you receive an error message "QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed" during the Informix data source connection test, you need to install the Informix Client Driver as Informix Client SDK Developer Edition on Cognos Server.

QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed

QE-DEF-0325 The logon failed for the following reason:
RQP-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in: testDataSourceConnection.
UDA-SQL-0432 Unable to locate the gateway "cogudaif"


Informix Client SDK Developer Edition is not installed in the server or (INFORMIXDIR) location is not stored in the operating system and it needs to add in the system environment variables .

Diagnosing The Problem

Test the client/server connectivity on the Cognos Server

Informix client SDK Developer software comes with a simple program called ILogin Demo that can be used to test the connectivity to an Informix Server.

Start ILogin Demo by clicking Start -> All Programs -> IBM Informix Connect 4.10 -> ILogin Demo.
or C:\Program Files (x86)\Informix Client-SDK\bin Click File -> Run.
Enter the connectivity information for the Informix database running on the database server

Server: Name of the Informix instance. For example, informix
Hostname: hostname or IP address of the database server which is hosting the Informix Server instance
Servicename: Name of the service or port number for olsoctcp protocol
Username: Username
Password: password
Stores Database: database name

You will see a another window with no results from the customer table.
If you see errors that the client/server connectivity test was unsuccessful, try the test again after resolving the issues.

Resolving The Problem

Before making the data source connection in IBM Cognos Administration you will need to make sure that you have installed Informix Client SDK Developer Edition for Windows x86, 32bit


A. Install 32-bit Informix client software

It is required to install 32-bit Informix Client software on the machine that is running Cognos BI Server. You can install either Informix Client Software Developer Edition version 4.10, or

Informix Connect (ICONNECT) version 4.10, which is runtime equivalent of CSDE.

B. Configuring Informix client SDK/server connectivity on the Cognos Server
Configure client/server communication between client products (such as Cognos BI) and the Informix Server using a program called Setnet32 on the client machine.

Steps for Configuring SQLHOSTS information on the Cognos Server

1.Start Setnet32 (Start -> All Programs -> IBM Informix Client SDK-Connect 4.10 -> Setnet32).

2.Click Server Information tab
IBM Informix Server: Name of the Informix instance. For example, informix.
Host name: hostname or IP address of the database server which is hosting the Informix Server instance.
Protocolname: olsoctcp.
Servicename: Name of the service or port number for olsoctcp protocol. the Environment tab and set the following environment variables
set CLIENT_LOCALE=en_us.utf8
set DB_LOCALE=en_us.utf8
Click OK, and close Setnet32

4. Test the client/server connectivity on the Cognos Server

C. Create a data source connections

1. IBM Cognos Administration -> Configuration tab -> Data Source Connections

2. New Data source -> specify a name and description-> Type: select IBM Informix Dynamic Server

3. Informix database name: database name
Host name: hostname or IP address of the database server which is hosting the Informix Server instance
server name:Name of the Informix instance. For example, informix
Services: Name of the service or port number for olsoctcp protocol

4. User ID and Password for signon and test it.

5. Succeeded for data source connection.

If you receive an error message "QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed" during the Informix data source connection test after installed Informix Client SDK Developer Edition, please add the system environment variable.

1. Edit the system environment variable from Window menu
2. Click Environment Variables.
3. New from System variables
4. Variable name: INFORMIXDIR
Variable value: C:\Program Files (x86)\Informix Client-SDK\

Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSTSF6","label":"IBM Cognos Analytics"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Administration and Configuration v11x","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"11.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

