IBM Support

Daeja fix integration with ECM client products



Background Daeja viewers are used with several ECM client products. These include Workplace (Application Engine), WorkplaceXT, IBM Content Navigator, Image Services Resource Adaptor and IDM Open Client. This document describes how Daeja fixes can be obtained for these products. Daeja products Daeja releases 3 products: 1) Daeja ViewOne Standard 2) Daeja ViewOne Professional 3) Daeja Virtual Daeja ViewOne Standard and Professional are JavaScript based products. The viewer is installed on the host server (i.e. ICN server) and downloaded to the client browser when the viewer is invoked. All viewer operations are performed on the client. These are known as applet viewers. Daeja Virtual is a Java based product. The viewer is installed and runs on the host server (i.e. ICN server). The viewer is not downloaded to the browser, all viewer operations are performed on the server and sent via HTML 5 to the client browser. This viewer has a ‘zero footprint’ on the client. This is known as a HTML viewer. Daeja licenses There are 2 types of Daeja licenses: 1) Embedded - Several IBM products contain the Daeja viewer. This type of license entitles use of the Daeja viewer only within the embedding “host product” (i.e. ICN, Workplace, WorkplaceXT). The Daeja viewer cannot be used outside of the host product. In this case a Daeja viewer license is not explicitly purchased, rather the “host product” comes with the viewer already embedded. 2) Standalone - The Daeja license is explicitly purchased by the customer and allows the customer to use the viewer independent of any ECM host product. Customers often purchase this type of license to integrate with other 3rd party products. Daeja viewers are packaged (with an embedded license) in the following IBM “Host Products”: - ICN 2.0.3 - embeds both Daeja ViewOne Professional (See Note 2 below) and Virtual (customers have the choice of using either viewer product). - ICN 2.0.2 - embeds Daeja ViewOne Professional (See Note 2 below). Daeja ViewOne Virtual is NOT supported. - Datacap Navigator which is implemented as an ICN 2.0.3 plugin, utilizes the Daeja ViewOne Virtual viewer packaged with ICN. Datacap Navigator users that require Daeja fixes should follow the guidance described below under Obtaining Daeja fixes – Embedded license. The host product in this case is ICN so the Daeja fix will be released through ICN. - ISRA - embeds Daeja ViewOne Standard and will support ViewOne Virtual (This is as of ISRA 3.4 FP8 IF1. See Note 3 below). Daeja ViewOne Professional is NOT supported. - IDM Open Client – embeds Daeja ViewOne Standard. Daeja ViewOne Professional and Daeja ViewOne Virtual are NOT supported. - Workplace - embeds Daeja ViewOne Standard and will support ViewOne Professional (See Note 1 below). Daeja ViewOne Virtual is NOT supported. - WorkplaceXT - embeds Daeja ViewOne Standard and will support ViewOne Professional (See Note 1 below). Daeja ViewOne Virtual is NOT supported. Note 1: Customers who have purchased a Daeja ViewOne Professional standalone license can upgrade the Daeja viewer embedded in Workplace and WorkplaceXT, so long as they are not using the redaction or streaming capabilities in Dajea ViewOne Professional. These capabilities are not supported in this scenario. Note 2: The Daeja ViewOne Professional embedded in ICN does not include a license to use the Redaction or MS Office modules. These must be purchased separately through a Daeja standalone license. Note 3: The Daeja Virtual viewer must be purchased through a separate standalone license. Obtaining Daeja fixes 1) Embedded license – Host product customers with a business justified need for a Daeja fix (a test fix or LA fix) will obtain it from the host product, through the host product Support Team, by following the IBM Support Process (a PMR to L2). The host product team will work with the Daeja team to acquire, integrate and test the Daeja fix within their host product and provide appropriate installation instructions. The embedded license does not entitle host product customers to access Daeja fixes directly on Fix Central. A standalone license is required for this. 2) Standalone license – Customers with Daeja standalone licenses will request and obtain fixes from the Daeja team following the IBM Support Process (a PMR to L2). Fixes will be available on Fix Central for direct download. The Daeja team will have tested the Daeja fix for the appropriate host products and will provide appropriate installation instructions. Daeja fix philosophy Daeja follows a continuous build philosophy. As a result, Daeja generally provides fixes on their latest (n) or previous (n-1) releases. This might require customers to upgrade their host product (i.e. ICN, WP, WPXT), in order for it to be compatible with the Daeja fix. Daeja will identify this requirement when they provide the fix.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSTTN8","label":"IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"4.1.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
28 January 2021

