IBM Support

Creating return on Sales Order leads to ErrorCode YFS10003



Attempts to create an return for Sales Order having related Purchase Order as purged thrown the error ErrorCode="YFS10003" ErrorDescription="YFS:Invalid Order" in RCP SOM.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a Sales Order.

  2. Create a Purchase Order associated to this order.

  3. Purge Purchase Order , then Purge Sales Order.

  4. Go to SOM and search for Sales Order and go to the order summary screen.
    This restores the Sales Order to live table from history table. Purchase Order still remains in history as it is not restored.

  5. Try to create return on this Sales Order.

It gives error that order can not be found for the related Purchase Order while trying to create the return


restoreOrder API restores the related Return/Exchange/Master orders only and doesn't seem to restore POs

Resolving The Problem

If you are not using Containers - you can override the default OOB output template for getOrderLinesWithTransactionQuantity API call and remove the <Containers/> element.

Changes to be made to the template is as follows:
  1. Goto resources.jar to edit the output template (getOrderLinesWithTransactionQuantity_output.xml) of getOrderLinesWithTransactionQuantity API.

    Path => INSTALLED_FOLDER\external_deployments\smcfs.ear\resources.jar\template\com.yantra.pca.ycd.rcp\com.yantra.pca.ycd.rcp.tasks.returnEntry.screens.YCDReturnLineSelection\namespaces\

  2. Edit the output template (getOrderLinesWithTransactionQuantity_output.xml) to remove the <Containers/> element from it.

    The element structure to be removed is as follows:
        <ShipmentLine >  
         <Shipment />

  3. After removal of above element, save the getOrderLinesWithTransactionQuantity_output.xml.

  4. Rebuild resource.jar and smcfs.ear file.

  5. Deploy the smcfs.ear

[template\com.yantra.pca.ycd.rcp\com.yantra.pca.ycd.rcp.tasks.returnEntry.screens.YCDReturnLineSelection\namespaces\getOrderLinesWithTransactionQuantity_output.xml ] helps create return even if the Sales Order and Purchase Order are purged.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.3","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

