IBM Support

IBM Security Guardium: High level upgrade roadmap

Question & Answer


How to upgrade Guardium appliances to the the latest version?


IBM Security® Guardium®: High level upgrade roadmap

This document provides a high level overview of the supported upgrade paths from various releases of Guardium. This document does not replace specific upgrade instructions included in the Release Notes for your specific version.

End of support: Find end of support dates on the IBM Support Lifecycle site.

Source system version
Target system version
Upgrade Path
Install v8.0 - v8.01 upgrade pack
Install v8.01 - v8.2 upgrade pack
v9.5 (32 bit)
1. Install v8.2 - v9.0 upgrade pack
2. Install v9.0p750 GPU patch (32-bit) or later
v9.5 (64 bit)4
1. Create a system backup
2. Rebuild appliance with v9.5 (64 bit) ISO, available from Passport Advantage
3. Install v9.0p750 GPU patch (64-bit) or later
4. Restore system backup from pre-upgrade v8.2 system
1. Create a system backup
2. Rebuild appliance with v9.5 (64 bit) ISO, available from Passport Advantage
3. Install v9.0p750 GPU patch (64-bit) or later
4. Restore system backup from pre-upgrade v8.2 system (For collectors upgrade all corresponding STAPs to latest v9 before proceeding to the next step)
5. Install v9.0 - v10.1.3 upgrade patch followed by the latest v10 GPU and maintenance patches
v9.0 (32 bit)
v9.5 (32 bit)
1. Install v9.0p750 GPU patch (32-bit) or later
v9.0 (32 bit)
v9.5 (64 bit)4
1. Create a system backup
2. Rebuild appliance with v9.5 (64 bit) ISO, available from Passport Advantage
3. Install v9.0p750 GPU patch (64-bit) or later
4. Restore system backup from pre-upgrade v9.0 system
v9.0 (32 bit)
1. For appliances below 9.0p200 - Install v9.0p750 GPU patch (32-bit) or later
(This needs to be propagated to entire environment before proceeding to next step)

* For appliances above 9.0p200 - this step is not essential at this time ( However we do recommend to upgrade to the latest GPUs at your earliest convenience soon after upgrade )
2. Create a system backup
3. Rebuild appliance with the latest v10 ISO, available from Passport Advantage
4. Install latest v10 GPU and maintenance patches
5. Restore system backup from v9.0 system
v9.0 (64 bit)
v9.5 (64 bit)
1. Install v9.0p750 GPU patch (64-bit) or later
v9.0 (64 bit)
Below patch 200
1. Install v9.0p750 GPU patch (64-bit) or later
2. Create system backup
3. Install v9.0 - v10.1.3 upgrade patch
4. Install latest v10 GPU and maintenance patches
v9.0 (64 bit)
Above patch 200
1. Create system backup
2. Install v9.0 - v10.1.3 upgrade patch
3. Install latest v10 GPU and maintenance patches
v10.0 (any patch below 200)
1. Apply latest v10 GPU and maintenance patches
1 SSLv3 must be disabled before upgrading to V10.0. To disable SSLv3 on systems at or above V9 GPU200 but below V9 GPU500, download patches 9501 and 9502 from Fix Central and follow the instructions in the patch release notes or upgrade to V9 GPU500. All Guardium systems in your environment must have SSLv3 disabled before upgrading to V10.0.

2 Aggregation and central management functions for mixed v9 and v10 environment (during the transition period) is only supported for v9 GPU 200 and higher. Recommended GPU is 500 or higher.

3 For transition path using Backup CM functionality customers required to be on v9 GPU 300 + patch 9.0p337 or higher.

4 When transitioning from 32 bit v9 below p50 to v9.5 64 bit OR v8.2 to v9.5 64 bit you are required to upgrade the CM to 32 bit first. For example :-

    - upgrade the CM to the latest v9.5 (32-bit) GPU
    - upgrade any Aggregators to the latest v9.5 (64-bit) GPU
    - upgrade any Collectors to the latest v9.5 (64-bit) GPU
    - Finally upgrade the CM to the latest v9.5 (64-bit) GPU

IBM Guardium Licensed Materials - Property of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2015. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

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[{"Product":{"code":"SSMPHH","label":"IBM Security Guardium"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"10.0;10.0.1;10.1;10.1.2;10.1.3;8.2;9.0;9.1;9.5","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

