IBM Support

How to bypass a form with mandatory fields using mobileConsoleOverrides.xml

Question & Answer


How to bypass a form with mandatory fields using mobileConsoleOverrides.xml


I am trying to bypass the frmCountInventoryAttributesEntry form used in the RF based count process. I am trying to do this using the mobileConsoleOverrides.xml file. The contents of this file as I am trying to use it follows. Basically I have an onloadaction="F3" defined for that form and I also declared the values of the default fields in that form. Though when that form loads the application just closes. I have tried a number of different ways to do this. If I don't include the defaultvalues of the fields and declare validate="always" I get an "Inventory Status is Mandatory" error. Can you please try this and see if you can get it to work with the mobileConsoleOverrids.xml file?

<ResourceOverride ResourceId="rfcount">
<FormOverride name="frmCountInventoryAttributesEntry" onloadaction="F3" >
<Field name="txtInvStatus" defaultvalue="RFI" validate="always" />
<Field name="txtProClass" defaultvalue="Supply" validate="always" />
<FormOverride name="frmCountSKUQtyEntry">
<Field name="txtCountQty" executeaction="F3"/>
<FormOverride name="frmCountSKUSerialScan">
<Field name="txtSerialNo" defaultbinding="xml:/TagAttributes/@LotNumber" validate="always" />


It is NOT possible to bypass the frmCountInventoryAttributesEntry screen through mobile overrides because the screen design and mobile override restrictions. The frmCountInventoryAttributesEntry screen has two fields i.e product class and inventory status that are mandatory for count to happen. The provision of onloadaction is to bypass a screen provided there is no mandatory data that needs to captured. As inventory status and product class are mandatory, the onloadaction will NOT be applicable in this context.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

