IBM Support

OMP10079: ConfirmShipment Error OverShipmentPercentage



OMP10079: ConfirmShipment Error OverShipmentPercentage


PART: API-DM 5.5 Platform
PRODUCT: Distributed Order Management
COMPONENT: confirmShipment

We are getting this error at the Time of doing a Confirm Shipment.
ErrorCode="OMP10079" ErrorDescription="Quantity greater than the allowed over shipment percentage limit"

The error doesnt seem appropriate since this is a Order/Shipment with just 1 qty which is to be shipped.
and we are shipping 1 qty.

The confirm Shipment XML we are using is straightforward.

<Shipment Action="Create" BuyerOrganizationCode="DEFAULT" Currency="" ActualDeliveryDate="20040205" ActualShipmentDate="20040205" EnterpriseCode="DEFAULT" SellerOrganizationCode="SRG" SCAC="" ShipNode="TECH3" ShipmentKey="" ShipmentNo="25266_ship003">
<ShipmentLines Replace="Y">
<ShipmentLine Action="" ItemID="100" OrderNo="Y100000096" PrimeLineNo="1" Quantity="1" ReleaseNo=" " ShipmentKey="" ShipmentLineKey="" ShipmentLineNo="1" SubLineNo="1" UnitOfMeasure="EACH"/>

<Error ErrorCode="OMP10079"<br> ErrorDescription="Quantity greater than the allowed over shipment percentage limit" ErrorRelatedMoreInfo="">
<Attribute Name="ErrorCode" Value="OMP10079"/>
<Attribute Name="ErrorDescription" Value="Quantity greater than the allowed over shipment percentage limit"/>
<Attribute Name="ErrorRelatedMoreInfo" Value=""/>
<Attribute Name="BuyerOrganizationCode" Value="DEFAULT"/>
<Attribute Name="ShippedQuantity" Value="1.0"/>
<Attribute Name="EnterpriseCode" Value="DEFAULT"/>
<Attribute Name="SellerOrganizationCode" Value="SRG"/>
<Attribute Name="Allowed OverShipment Percentage" Value="0.0"/>
<Attribute Name="DocumentType" Value="0001"/>
<Attribute Name="ItemID" Value="100"/>
<Attribute Name="OrderLineKey" Value="2004012812464419659"/>
<Stack>com.yantra.yfc.util.YFCException at agePercentage(


Resolving The Problem

This error message is actually caused by improper Pipeline Configuration.
When an Order is being ShipConfirmed it basically is transitioning from its Current Status to a Shipped Status via the ShipOrder transaction.
For this to happen correctly, this flow has to exist in the relevant pipeline.

Whenever you encounter this error please check the Status of the Order/OrderLine in question and check the pipeline to see if that Status feeds into the ShipOrder txn.

Note In case of ChainedOrders, you might need to look at the parent Order's pipeline too to figure this out.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

