IBM Support

Kitting Rules Setup/Kit Building Location Setup



Kitting Rules Setup/Kit Building Location Setup


PART: Kitting 5.0.1 SP4 DCS
OS: HP-UX - 10.2
DATABASE: Oracle - 7.3.2
WEB SERVER: <None> - <None>
WEB BROWSER: <None> - <None>


Resolving The Problem

Kitting Rules Setup

This document explains the use of Crt Mvs For Pack Area and Srch PkArea For Shrtg flags and PkArea Rule For Task, PkArea Rule For Shrtg rules.

Components for kits are usually moved in from bulk locations, but the system can be configured so that other areas (called the Pack areas) are considered for component moves before the SKUs in bulk locations are considered.

If the Crt Mvs For Pack Area is set to 'Y' and some set of locations (A) is specified by the rules defined in the PkArea Rule For Task, the system searches for the component in locations (A) for getting components before checking bulk; and will create movement for the components to the VASIN location. If this flag is set to 'N', the system will not create the move, but will reduce the components directly from the location in location set (A), where they are present during Work Order Confirmation.

Set the PkArea Rule For Task to blank to always pick from the bulk location(s).

If the Srch PkArea For Shrtg flag is set to 'Y', then the system will search for components in the area specified by PkArea Rule For Shrtg, without considering whether the components moved to the area belong to the particular work order or not.

Example case: In a situation where there are two work orders with the same BOM, movement for WO1 is made to VASIN, but the WO1 is not confirmed. In addition, movement for WO2 has still not been confirmed. If the Srch PkArea For Shrtg flag is set to 'N', all moves created for WO2 need to be completed before the kit can be made (confirmed) and the material in VASIN cannot be used for WO2. If the flag is set to 'Y', the component(s) for WO1 present in the location specified by PkArea Rule For Shrtg will be used for building (confirming) WO2.

In this case, tracking the moves for a particular work order will not make much sense.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

