IBM Support

Error Messages:  WH0987: Invalid Instruction Type, WH3991: Order Instruction Record Already Exists



Error Messages:  WH0987: Invalid Instruction Type, WH3991: Order Instruction Record Already Exists


PART: Interface 6.0 SP1 DCS
OS: <None> - <None>
DATABASE: <None> - <None>
WEB SERVER: <None> - <None>
WEB BROWSER: <None> - <None>

Error codes WH0987 and WH3991 in alert log during order download; certain records not processed.


Resolving The Problem

--Ascertain whether any changes have been made to order-related record types (ORDHDR, etc.). If field lengths are modified in one, the same modifications need to be made in all related record types.

--Determine the record type at fault from the WMS alert log.

Sample log:

WH01 |246839 |13 |WH0987 |0 |0 |3 |5144465 /001- ^^ORDINS^5144465 00
1^47 | |whs_err_code.c |869 |WH0987:Invalid instruction type . |3 |2001020210565
8 |yantra |BU083

In this example, the record type is ORDINS

--Check the record type ORDINS (or the setup in function ID 07002); the infc_dnld_tab_1 data is not being parsed correctly. The key is order_no, order_rel_no, order_prime_line, order_sub_line, so this combination should always be unique. Determine what is being parsed based on the setup in function ID 07002 (for starting positions and field lengths) from the table.

The following query will also display the relevant information:

Select substr(interface_data,6,6),
substr(interface_data,14,13) order_no,
substr(interface_data,27,3) order_line,
substr(interface_data,30,5) prime
from infc_dnld_tab_1
where whse = '&whse'
and interface_type = 'ORDD'
and interface_data like '%<order_no>%'

The field which is not being read correclty must be corrected for starting position and/or length using function ID 07002.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

