IBM Support

Information on the Oracle 10.7 and DCS Ship upload interface



Information on the Oracle 10.7 and DCS Ship upload interface


COMPONENT: Oracle 10.7 Integration Kit

Information on the Oracle 10.7 and DCS ship upload interface.


Resolving The Problem

Below is information on the 4 parts of the DCS - Oracle Ship Confirmation:

Basically for sake of clarity I broke it into 4-steps:

1. Ship Confirm of the Pickticket
In this step, DCS updates the PICK_TICKET status to '91' (Shipped) and the PICK_TICKET_DTL and ORDER_LINE statuses to Shipped. In one case, the issue occurs when the PICK_TICKET_DTL and ORDER_LINE statuses are not updated to Shipped but the PICK_TICKET status is updated to Shipped. In another case, all of the Ship updates are correct (PICK_TICKET, PICK_TICKET_DTL, and ORDER_LINE are all in a Shipped status).

2. Creation of the INFC_UPLD_TAB_1 records ( intbuxxx )
In this step, DCS creates ship upload records (INTERFACE_TYPE = 'PCKU') in the INFC_UPLD_TAB_1 table. Unprocessed records in this table have a PROCESSED_FLAG = 0.

3. Successful Processing of these records ( PCKU Package call : Bigger Piece-1 )
This step is where the procedures in the SQL script begin. The initial procedures will process the records in the INFC_UPLD_TAB_1 table and set their PROCESSED_FLAG = '2' (Successfully Processed). If the procedures in the SQL script do not successfully process the INFC_UPLD_TAB_1 record, than the PROCESSED_FLAG of the records will be set to '8' (Unsuccessfully Processed).

4. THEN there is a separate PL/SQL procedure call to review all Orders which are "pickslip closed" and marked so in Oracle. ( PCKU Package call : Tail-end Piece-2 ).
It is in this step where we are finding the issues that are occuring in instances like case 27204. The procedures in this part of the SQL script update the order information in Oracle as well as close the Pickslip in DCS. In order to successfully close the order in Oracle and Pickslip in DCS, the procedures look up multiple pieces of information in Oracle for validation and inquiry. We believe that it is in one of these calls to grab or validate the information in Oracle which is causing the orders to not update. It is within these procedures where we will be looking to add better error messages in order to help trouble shoot why the orders are not updating.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

